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Thread: George Romero Comments on Dawn '04

  1. #16
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post

    Land was far from perfect, but I'd hardly call Dawn 04 "evolved". It was shallow and it's only real merit was some of its action (most of the first 15 minutes was pretty good).

    Personally I'd rather have less action and more plot and character than psychic ninja zombies that somehow know when to be quiet etc...

    ps: Regarding the first 15 mins of Dawn 04... It of couse had a sex scene, which typically IMHO is an indication of poor writing. Oh look these characters really love each other cos they shag - Very weak!
    LOL We agree on Land being far form perfect, far far faaaaaar. But Dawn is "evolved" in terms of contemporary themes and pacing. Land belongs in art school in the 70s when people were still callng the government "the man" which is basically what GAR is stuck in. The 60s/70's.

    And I dont recall a SINGLE psychic ninja zombie in Dawn maybe you can point me to it.

    I do recall however years old zombies working together as the good guys to defeat the evil humans in the mind puke that Land was.

    And whats wrong with Sex scenes? Would you prefer that they spent 20 minutes explaining the 2 characters relationship? maybe if GAR showed more action and had less boring preaching about politics in his film it wouldnt have flopped.

  2. #17
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post

    Yes it does matter, just because you dont want it to is irrelevant. GAR wont say anyhting nice about Dawn 04 because its a horror movie that performs better than his latest film which was garbage. 2nd Dawn 04 was successful, deal with it. 4th Land was a flop, in essence is failed. Deal with it. Come to grips.
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  3. #18
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coma View Post
    Someone asked his OPINION and he answered it. GAR can't give his Opinion? You seem to have no problem doing so and no one remade YOUR classic.

    Its not like he said 'Its sucked". He said Zach did a pretty good job, but it lost its meaning and it's not his cup of tea. I wouldn't call it slagging.
    And because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they are a fanboy. Honestly, you're the one doing the fanboy ranting here."If you don't agree with me, you must live in your mom's basement and drink jolt all day". C'mon, dude.

    The political references were heavy handed, but if your surprised at an artist being a humanist, you don't know too many.

    Btw, I almost forgot,
    Thanks for the post. would love to see more!

    Can you please show me where I said that if you disagree with me youre a fan boy, likewise please show me where I said GAR wasnt entitled to his opinion? I simply stated that his opinion seems a little absurd considering his own film. He wants to somehow say that Dawn wasnt horror, which is rubbish. GAR is just being a bit egocentric in that sense because someone elses zombie film did better than his. So I said that if that film was a video game then GARs wasnt horror either, its a boring political ad. You cant have it both ways.

    And I dont blame an artist for being anything. But if GAR wants to disparage other peoples work because they wont follow HIS rules then he should at least attempt to make a decent horror film 1st, then worry about finding his themes. The guy made a movie around his politics. The movie flopped. Case closed.

    Quote Originally Posted by CapnSpaulding View Post
    You took the words right out of my mouth Coma.
    Who am I a fanboy of? I am not the one proclaming that GAR is the end all and be all of Zombie horror. I am his fan sure, but I wont turn a blind eye to his numerous mistakes.

    Quote Originally Posted by DoomOnYou View Post
    backstreet boys, yeah, we'll see if they're considered gods 40 years from now...

    it's all about making something great from nothing...
    I got called a fanboy, yet I am not the one who considers GAR a "god". How ironic.
    Last edited by Khardis; 27-Oct-2006 at 06:18 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  4. #19
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Bravo, Georgie boy!

  5. #20
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome View Post
    Land, I'll admit, I enjoyed because I am a GAR fan.....but,
    I thought you said youre not a fanboy? I went ot see the film because I am a GAR fan, but I couldnt bring myself to like it because it simply sucked. That makes me a fan... liking a movie only because its made by someone and not on the films merit reeks of fanboydom.

  6. #21
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Okay, Land was a flop. Well, so was Day of the Dead. In fact, many hated that flick upon release. I admit, I like Dawn 04, I went in not expecting much cause the original is my Favorite movie of all time. However, I did find it entertaining and so did many others, that's why it was a success. I hate running zombies and that dumbass screetch for moaning, but it was a mindless action flick that is fun to watch, but it aint my cup of tea.

    Land of the Dead is missing so much that i loved from GAR films but it still is not a horrible movie like some say it is.

    So yeah, I agree with GAR's comments 100%
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  7. #22
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    I thought you said youre not a fanboy? I went ot see the film because I am a GAR fan, but I couldnt bring myself to like it because it simply sucked. That makes me a fan... liking a movie only because its made by someone and not on the films merit reeks of fanboydom.
    Ok, listen,....(or read)....Fan and "fanboy" are two different things.
    Next,.....shhhh, go bore me.

  8. #23
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Okay, Land was a flop. Well, so was Day of the Dead. In fact, many hated that flick upon release. I admit, I like Dawn 04, I went in not expecting much cause the original is my Favorite movie of all time. However, I did find it entertaining and so did many others, that's why it was a success. I hate running zombies and that dumbass screetch for moaning, but it was a mindless action flick that is fun to watch, but it aint my cup of tea.

    Land of the Dead is missing so much that i loved from GAR films but it still is not a horrible movie like some say it is.

    So yeah, I agree with GAR's comments 100%
    Day was a flop sorta, this is true. But dont forget it wasnt backed by a major studio either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome View Post
    Ok, listen,....(or read)....Fan and "fanboy" are two different things.
    Next,.....shhhh, go bore me.
    Yes I know...

    Fan = someone who can appreciate the work AND be critical of it.

    Fanboy = someone who sees all criticism of said artists work as offensive to them personally, and that said artist is perfect and can make no real big mistakes and if people do not like his work, its because they do not understand it to the same scope that the fanboy does.

    Which one sounds like you and which one sounds like me?

    For boredom you should watch Dawn 04 and give it a chance, while not perfect it is a very fun film to watch. I wouldnt suggest land though you may fall asleep, I have a number of times when watching it. Although I must admit it was mostly later at night so that may have been a factor.
    Last edited by Khardis; 27-Oct-2006 at 06:32 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  9. #24
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post

    For boredom you should watch Dawn 04 and give it a chance, while not perfect it is a very fun film to watch. I wouldnt suggest land though you may fall asleep, I have a number of times when watching it. Although I must admit it was mostly later at night so that may have been a factor.
    Dude, I am a Manos: Hands of Fate (non MST3K) owner - oh, and may I mention, a KILLDOZER owner!!!!
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    Funny thing, I LOVE theam all. I hate no movie.

    EDIT: I tried to change the word "them" 5 times. Deal with it!

  10. #25
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    Can you please show me where I said that if you disagree with me youre a fan boy, likewise please show me where I said GAR wasnt entitled to his opinion? I simply stated that his opinion seems a little absurd considering his own film. He wants to somehow say that Dawn wasnt horror, which is rubbish. GAR is just being a bit egocentric in that sense because someone elses zombie film did better than his. So I said that if that film was a video game then GARs wasnt horror either, its a boring political ad. You cant have it both ways.

    And I dont blame an artist for being anything. But if GAR wants to disparage other peoples work because they wont follow HIS rules then he should at least attempt to make a decent horror film 1st, then worry about finding his themes. The guy made a movie around his politics. The movie flopped. Case closed.

    Who am I a fanboy of? I am not the one proclaming that GAR is the end all and be all of Zombie horror. I am his fan sure, but I wont turn a blind eye to his numerous mistakes.

    I got called a fanboy, yet I am not the one who considers GAR a "god". How ironic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    Shaun of the dead was a comedy. not a horror film. and Dawn 04 was successful and probably one of the reasons why he was able to garner enough interest in doing more projects of his own.

    And like I said if Dawn 04 was an action/video game then Land was a trite and pretentious political ad for the Democrats. Boooooring, I guess thats why it failed. Why is it so hard for fanboys to see this?
    If I believe that Dawn04 was a shallow Action Film ( I do) and Not a Shill for the Democratic party (I dont) I (nad others) are fanboys. I see that in the context of "if you cannot see this, you are a mouthbreathing fanboy spaz". All right, I paraphrased . It seemed that was was you were saying, and on rereading, it still does.

    I dont think Land flopped. It just wasn't a hit. I dont care if the whole world hated it. I liked it, flaws and all. I love Day and NOBODY saw it. I saw it twice in its original run and there was a total of 20 other people in both showings, but it wasnt promoted either. Neither was NOTLD 90, which I wasnt aware of in its release (damn!).

    He didnt disparage the film. He just said that it wasn't his taste. You cant get any milder than that.

    I've been watching his films for about 35 years. If he makes a mistep here and there I'm not going to say he blows. Anybody who makes films that I can see 80-90 times is not a God, but superior to most as far as my TASTE and OPINION are concerned. People cant hate Land all they want, in doesn't change my opionion or lessen my enjoyment of it. I, as mentioned, didnt lkike the hamhanded popltical commenteary either. Or Big Daddy. I guess that takes me out of fanboy territory, but merely a drooling geek
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

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  11. #26
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    Shaun of the dead was a comedy. not a horror film.
    The interesting thing is, I found some of SotD darker and more thought provoking than Dawn04. Dawn04, was a good film, but just a little too shallow for me.
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  12. #27
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    The interesting thing is, I found some of SotD darker and more thought provoking than Dawn04. Dawn04, was a good film, but just a little too shallow for me.
    I agree. Particularly in that I really didn't want them to die. I actualy felt bad when Ed got bit. I thought the ending was pretty intense for that reason. The characterisation was broad and subtle at the same time. Not easy.
    Those are some talented guys, I think they could make any kind of film well.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

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    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
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  13. #28
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by coma View Post
    I agree. Particularly in that I really didn't want them to die. I actualy felt bad when Ed got bit. I thought the ending was pretty intense for that reason. The characterisation was broad and subtle at the same time. Not easy.
    Those are some talented guys, I think they could make any kind of film well.
    The scene where Shaun had to shoot his!...intense!!!

  14. #29
    Fresh Meat TwoGunBob's Avatar

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    Interesting opines to be sure. Really both films suffered from paper thin characters and plot holes you could drive an armored bus or converted Landmaster from Damnation Alley through.
    Yes, Dawn of the Dead was a shallow action fest with little concern for characterization.
    Yes, Land of the Dead had such heavy handed symbolism you felt like Romero himself was sitting behind you in the theater hitting you in the back of the head with a hammer.
    Both films could have been much, much better but they could have been far worse as well.
    Well, I think Land is truly the bottom of Romero's bucket and proof positive the guy doesn't work well with big studios but that's just me.

  15. #30
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    it's like a bunch of siblings fighting for approval from their father in this thread.

    GAR has his take on things, if they are not in line with what you think the world isn't going to end....and it doesn't make him evil or wrong or stupid.

    In fact the Dead series in the end was partly about tolerance and acceptance of different people and being rational in the face of irrationality. CALM....RATIONAL...things the internet needs help with.


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