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Thread: Xbox 360 and Playstation 3....GRIPES!

  1. #16
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post

    that being said, I'm ABSOLUTELY a PC fanboy. Consoles will never compare to a pc, but they're trying to get close.
    How so? I can understand this argument if your talking from a purely multimedia perspective, seeing as you can do a lot more with a PC than a console. When it comes to gaming though, no way are consoles lagging behind PCs.

    Way more developers are looking at consoles, rather than PCs for their main efforts. Having hardware that is the same for everybody helps the development process, seeing as they don't have to tweak their engines to fit everybody's different setups. Quality PC releases are very sporadic throughout the year, maybe 1 or 2 killer apps, and thats it. Consoles on the other hand have at least one great game a month, if not more.

    I enjoy PC gaming as much as the next guy, but besides Company of Heroes and Crysis, I see nothing on the horizon that interests me. Not to mention, like Bunker said, its a lot more comfortable sitting on a couch in front of a TV. Unified friends lists, downloadable content, voice chat for everybody (actually, this is pretty iffy..some people shouldn't have access to a mic), the ability to play multiplayer by simply plugging in another controller, and a lot less cheating are things console developers have learned from PCs, and taken them to the next level.

  2. #17
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker65 View Post
    Not that hellsing needs anyone to defend him, but you guys are fanboys of a type yourselves . You are PC gaming fanboys. It's evident in your posts. You are always posting how much better PC gaming is & so on.

    That's your preference & more power to you for it . But to call hellsing on it when you do it to a degree yourselves is, in my opinion, a bit hypocritical.

    No one is right or wrong in what they prefer. It's just that, a preference. I have stated in the past that I prefer console gaming since I can sit in my recliner & play my games on my widescreen HDTV with my surround sound system. That's my preference. It doesn't make me right or wrong or a "console fanboy" .

    Now I guess I could be called a fanboy in the choice of consoles I choose. Just look at my posts & you'll know I was never a fan of the Playstation brand & have always gone in the other direction with my console purchases. Since the "console wars" have really heated up I've gone with the Dreamcast, Xbox & Xbox 360. If you want to call me a fanboy for that, feel free . It doesn't make a bit of a difference to me .
    i wouldn't class myself as a fanboy.. i enjoy playing on my pc.. yes.. i enjoy playing on my cube too.. but i dont post every chance i get about how much this sucks or how much this owns.. you get what im saying? basically i wouldn't class myself as a fanboy of anything.

  3. #18
    Dying Bunker65's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Whoa, wait a sec Bunker, I was defending hellsing. I just told Andy 'welcome to the world of console fans' - meaning, that's what should be expected. People like what they like, and they can feel free to bash everything else. Doens't make 'em right, but I was defending hellsing in that post - sorry if it came off any different.

    that being said, I'm ABSOLUTELY a PC fanboy. Consoles will never compare to a pc, but they're trying to get close.

    About the Wii - I didn't consider the price, so you may very well be right about that.

    The war continues to be fought, and I continue to sit with my keyboard in hand grinning from ear to ear.

    Sorry if that seemed a bit harsh. It wasn't meant to come across as that. All I was saying is that no matter what, most, I won't say all, but most of us are fanboys to some extent . I know from your prior posts that you are a PC gamer all the way & again I say, more power to you . Whatever you enjoy . Also, you have never been one to bash anyone else for what they like. Again, if I made it seem like that I apologize.

    Game on on whatever platform you choose .

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    i wouldn't class myself as a fanboy.. i enjoy playing on my pc.. yes.. i enjoy playing on my cube too.. but i dont post every chance i get about how much this sucks or how much this owns.. you get what im saying? basically i wouldn't class myself as a fanboy of anything.
    Point taken . I too play on multiple platforms as well. I do play some PC games. I play GameCube games. Mostly though, I play games on my 360. I believe if you look at his history hellsing plays those platforms as well.

    While I don't bash Sony as much as the next guy, I have given them my fair share of criticism in the past. Maybe hellsing had a bad experiance with a Playstation & that is his basis for his point of view.

    I have a friend who had a miserable time with multiple Playstations when they first came out & now he won't go near Sony for consoles & he bashes them whenever he has a chance. Maybe that's something that happened with hellsing. Of course it's just speculation on my part. Just playing Devil's Advocate .

    Again, from my earlier post, I didn't mean to come off confrontational. My entire point is that we all play what we are comfortable with. Doesn't make me right & you wrong or visa versa. If just our personal preferences. That's what makes it all so interesting .

  4. #19
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CoinReturn View Post
    How so? I can understand this argument if your talking from a purely multimedia perspective, seeing as you can do a lot more with a PC than a console. When it comes to gaming though, no way are consoles lagging behind PCs.
    I'm talking from a performance perspective. The games on a PC, both performance and graphics quality wise are far ahead of consoles, even the nextgen systems. Show me a game on a console that can compare to Company of Heroes or Crysis. Hell, show me a game that compares to Quake 4, Unreal Tournament 2004, Battlefield 2, Halo... the list goes on. I'm personally a FPS player for the most part, and on a console, trying to play a FPS game - aiming with an analog stick or buttons - is laughable.

    Now, i'm sure there are some games that are more playable and enjoyable on a console than a PC, but I haven't found very many. Then again, I don't play tons of games on my consoles either, so I'm not an expert, I just speak from personal experience.

    As far as performance, I'll gladly put my machine up against any console gaming system - even the next gens - and I can guarantee you it will out perform any of them, any day of the week in every aspect. Like I said before, consoles are getting close, but PC technology makes leaps and bounds on a daily basis. With consoles, this is not so. Bring your Xbox360, PS3 or Wii to me in 2 years and we'll see who outperforms who.... again. I'm not trying to be a dick, nor am I trying to be a fanboy of the PC - i'm just speaking the truth. I play consoles, although not as much as everyone here, and it's not that I don't like them, but I like the cutting edge of technology, and that's where the PC lies for me.

    Way more developers are looking at consoles, rather than PCs for their main efforts. Having hardware that is the same for everybody helps the development process, seeing as they don't have to tweak their engines to fit everybody's different setups. Quality PC releases are very sporadic throughout the year, maybe 1 or 2 killer apps, and thats it. Consoles on the other hand have at least one great game a month, if not more.
    Agreed about the sporadic releases for PC. I do find that PC games engage me more than console games though, but that's just personal preference. I agree with what you're saying. There are LOTS of consoles sold, so it makes sense game developers aim 'twards that demographic. It certainly doesn't mean that the PC is being left behind in the gaming world, but development for consoles is increasing. Who knows what might happen in the future. We shall see.

    Keep in mind, I also own a PS2, an Xbox, a Game Cube, an Atari 2600, Sega Genesis with SegaCD.. hell, I still have a Sears pong machine! I've been through it all.

    Bunker - it's all good my man! I didn't take your response wrong, I just didn't want you to think I was bashing hellsing. We all like what we like. For me, I'm just a PC addict. Someone plug me in!!
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 08-Nov-2006 at 02:19 AM.

  5. #20
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    what the hell did i do?

    but now now folks regardless of what ya may think andy everyone is a fanboy for something i put the ps3 down just becuase i think its a bad console i aint never had a bad experience with sony i regularly play on my ps2 i just would rather buy a wii than a ps3 just becuase it reminds me a little of the old days on the dreamcast blasting zombies on house 2, now that was back when gameing was just fun, not a graphics competition.

    but i would consider myself a ninty fanboy before xbox anyday

    "One of the most obnoxious forms of the fanboy. The Sega/Nintendo Fanboy has fooled himself into thinking all games made in the last ten years suck and you should only play 16-bit systems.

    These people are retards who will spend their entire lives playing games they beat 15 years ago and putting up half-assed defintions on urban dictionary to defend their point of view."
    Last edited by Danny; 08-Nov-2006 at 07:46 AM.

  6. #21
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Ah, so that's how Nintendo is going to get ya. By getting you to buy a bunch of add-on controllers? Interesting.. PS3 and Xbox are just nailing you up-front for the cost, Wii gets it on the back end with accessories.
    Eh, not really as the remote and nunchuck attachment will actually be the same price together as one single PS3 or Xbox 360 controller ($30 for the remote and $20 for the nunchuck attachment = $50 which is the cost of both the PS3 and the 360 controllers). The SNES style attachment is only $20 and is really only used for the virtual console games. Some will require it, but the virtual console titles are not a necessity to enjoy the Wii (although they are pretty damn cool).

    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    I don't think PS3 will be able to compete, and I know for almost a fact that there's no way in hell the Wii will sell more units than the X360. I'll gladly eat my words in front of all of the HPotD members if i'm wrong about the Wii. We'll see.....
    The Xbox360 has only sold a little over 6 million units as of last month. If the Wii sells out of it's launch window units (4 million by the end of the year and a total of 6 million by March), it will not be very far behind the 360 in terms of units sold. So, while I agree with you that it probably won't win this round of the console war, I do not completely disgregard that it is possible.

    Oh, and if it does happen I am holding you to that offer.
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  7. #22
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadJonas190 View Post
    The Xbox360 has only sold a little over 6 million units as of last month. If the Wii sells out of it's launch window units (4 million by the end of the year and a total of 6 million by March), it will not be very far behind the 360 in terms of units sold. So, while I agree with you that it probably won't win this round of the console war, I do not completely disgregard that it is possible.

    Oh, and if it does happen I am holding you to that offer.
    Agreed - ya never know which way this stuff is going to swing. I'm just looking at nintendo as a whole and where they sit in the marketplace of home consoles at the moment. They were removed from the race quite a bit ago, but here's to hoping they make a strong come back with the Wii.

    As a matter of fact, I would be DELIGHTED to see Nintendo friggin' SQUASH sony & microsoft. That would make me happier than a pig in the mud just 'cause it would be nice to see them come from behind and leave the other two in the dust! One can hope.

    Oh, and DeadJonas - make sure you bring some butter and salt when it's time. I have a feeling those will be some bitter words to swallow.

  8. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    I just don't see the Wii catching on like X360 & PS3. Nintendo has been out of the console race for quite a while.
    I'm afraid there's truth to that comment. I have only just pre-ordered a Wii from my local Virgin Megastore and they still have more units for launch date collection. That kinda says it all as both the 360 and P$3 sold out WAY before launch. I want the Wii to succeed, it's definitely more innovative than the others but I think a lot of the casual gamers out there will ignore it because of the 'family' thing. It'll definitely do well in Japan no matter what happens.

  9. #24
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Dang I still cant preorder from anywhere near me....
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

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