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Thread: time magazine call the ps3 a flop

  1. #16
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    The 360 is by far my fav of the 3 and I own all of them. As for graphics, the 360 is the best right now since software companies had over a year to play with it. But then again graphics are not everything. Look how the orignal GameBoy did against Sega GameGear & Nomand, Atari Lynx, and Turbo Duo. The only way to settle this is to see how all 3 are doing a year to a year and a half from now.

  2. #17
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    Nothing on PS3 comes close to Gears of War, graphically or gameplay-wise. Resistance is a great game, but what else is there? Ports that run worse than their 360 counterparts? 360 has WAY more exclusives at this point. Virtua Fighter 5 is a huge loss for Sony, and with rumors of Metal Gear Solid 4 getting the 360 treatment as well, what else is there? Final Fantasy XIII and Devil May Cry 4? Where are the new IPs Sony? Mass Effect looks more epic and fun than anything on the horizon for PS3.
    I'm sure Sony are going to have great surprises in store for next year. But right now, if your buying a system to play games, then you can't do any better than 360.

  3. #18
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    I have to agree Gears does have better graphics than Fall of Man. That was the first thing I noticed after playing both games.

  4. #19
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    The PS3 is the future of console gaming. The xbox 360 has GWAR and the Halo series. Nothing else is exclusive. Sony hasn't even started to crank out exclusives for the PS3 yet, and there will be plenty.
    They haven't cranked out any exclusives besides Resistance and that's why they will sit on store shelves while the other 2 systems sell out. At my work, the Friday before Christmas we got in 3 PS3 consoles. They did not sell until the day after Christmas and that is with us telling people we had them in stock. Pretty sad if you ask me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    Basically, it comes down to content. Free online vs. xbox live (which I love, by the way), but Sony's is free. One point Sony.
    Free crappy online service. They need a unified system to make it even come close to Xbox Live. $50 a year and incredible features is much better than free and having to search for your friends with lame features... wow I can download a Playstation game onto my PSP! Isn't that what the PSP is already, a system with a bunch of Playstation 1 games on it. Sony -1

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    Secondly, 1080p blu-ray. Play Full Auto 2: Battlelines and then play that silly little Burnout game on the 360. Again, one point Sony.
    Blu-Ray is not even close to being what Sony claims it is. They can not reach the disk capacity for Blu-Ray and are having major problems with the format as it is. Until they can actually produce the numbers they are claiming its capable of then it is not any type of advantage. Not to mention they are forcing blu-ray down gamers throats, which increased the cost of the system $200. Good move there. Sony -10

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post

    Third, Resistance: Fall of Man. Hands down, the best FPS ever developed for a console. This has all the makings of Halo killer. But until that order is delivered, we'll have to see a couple sequels. One point, Sony.
    A Halo killer? Nah, not really. From what I have been told it is a very fun game, but not even close to being a Halo killer. Remember when Sony said Dark Cloud was going to be the Zelda killer... yeah we all know how that went. No points lost for trying.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post

    One more before I go. My PS3 plays computer games too. While everyone else waits for FEAR, i've been playing it since Friday. Sony's open source approach towards the PS3 is THE FUTURE of console gaming and will continue to blur the line between console and PC. For YD linux 5.0, Sony TWO points.

    See what I mean? At the end of the day, all the xbox fans are just holding on to a year old, aged system. All talk and no cock, baby.

    But I still say, "Hey D! Hit the lights."
    A non-upgradable console will never replace the PC as a gaming machine. The PS3 isn't the future of gaming. No gaming machine should be marketed on what it will be capable of in the distant future as what matters is the games that are here now and are they fun to play. The PS3 will have some great games on it in the future (Army of Two looks amazing), but I will wait until they fix all the bugs (in which there are many) and actually put out enough good games to make the system worth the purchase. Oh yeah, I have much better things I could spend $600 on such as an Xbox 360 with 3 games and an extra controler or 12 games for my Wii (since they actually have more than 2 good games), but for now I would rather save that money and go on vacation in a couple months.

    Also, I find it funny that you rate the Wii on 1 hour of game play. I took mine to a New Years Eve party and it became the star of the party, with one attendee telling me he is going to try to sell his PS3 to get one... all because of Wii Sports. That makes me laugh.

    Oh yeah, I played the PS3 at Target. It worked for about 15 minutes and then froze up on me. The guy at the electronics counter told me that it freezes up all the time and it is a huge hassle because of that. I would like to have played it a bit longer, but then again, I had better things to do than wait for it to work again. It's a typical Sony product.
    Last edited by DeadJonas190; 04-Jan-2007 at 07:26 AM.
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  5. #20

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    David Manning had nothing but good things to say about PS3, he said it and the PSP are the perfect video game systems which are value for money and that games like Ratchet and Clank, Primal and Gran Turismo are must have games for any serious gamers collections.
    Just look him up on wikipedia to find out more about this guy.

  6. #21
    For all those not in the know and can't be arsed to type it up.

  7. #22
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    David Manning was a fictitious film critic, created by a marketing executive working for Sony Corporation around July 2000 to give consistently good reviews for releases from Sony subsidiary Columbia Pictures. Several blurbs posted under the name "David Manning" were written for the medieval action/drama A Knight's Tale (citing Heath Ledger as "this year's hottest new star!") and Rob Schneider's comedy The Animal ("Another winner!"), [1] the latter of which generally received very poor reviews by real critics.
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

    There is no target consumer! Only targets. Targets that will tremble as their new master hands down edicts in my glorious booming voice!

  8. #23
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I never knew about this David Manning "person". How low will Sony go?

  9. #24

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    This isn't unknown though, many review mags are quick to point out movie posters having statements or scores that they never done. It's a sad fact that some mags claim they are threatened to be cut off from free copies of movies, games or books if they don't give them praise reviews.

  10. #25
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    We're at an obvious stand still. You'll never convince me of un-buying my PS3 and I sincerely doubt that most of you can afford one. So we'll just agree to disagree and see what happens in the next year or two.

    But I still say, "Hey D! Hit the Lights."

    Quote Originally Posted by CoinReturn View Post
    Nothing on PS3 comes close to Gears of War, graphically or gameplay-wise. Resistance is a great game, but what else is there? Ports that run worse than their 360 counterparts? 360 has WAY more exclusives at this point. Virtua Fighter 5 is a huge loss for Sony, and with rumors of Metal Gear Solid 4 getting the 360 treatment as well, what else is there? Final Fantasy XIII and Devil May Cry 4? Where are the new IPs Sony? Mass Effect looks more epic and fun than anything on the horizon for PS3.
    I'm sure Sony are going to have great surprises in store for next year. But right now, if your buying a system to play games, then you can't do any better than 360.
    You lie like a dog. Resistance isn't AS good graphically, but comes close. Don't even say GWAR completely blows R: FOM out of the water. That's a total lie. I do OWN and play GWAR and also have R:FOM and play RELIGIOUSLY.

    Besides, Resistance has GWAR beat on multiplayer play. Why play GWAR with 8 players when you can enter a 40 player slobberknocker on Resistance?
    Anyone here that TRULY has both systems will definitely side with me about the multiplayer game. 40 player free-for-all definitely owns 4 on 4. I don't care what these BOX BOYS say...

    The bottom line is, Sony's launch titles were ALMOST, not quite, but ALMOST as graphically sound as GWAR, a second gen title for 360. That's just a fact. Now if Sony's launch titles were that good, imagine their second gen titles. There you have it.

    Besides, i've been playing FEAR and Doom 3 on the ps3. Let's see these Box Boys play PC games on their 360. The final verdict is: The 360 is good gaming on a budget, but will never live up to everything the PS3 offers its owners.
    Last edited by Chaos; 04-Jan-2007 at 07:01 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  11. #26
    Dead Exatreides's Avatar

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    Well, I have a PS2, and played it till last June when I got a 360. Did I get the 360 when it first came out? No because buying any piece of console equipment is a bad idea when it first comes out. 360 over heating problems, to wii straps. It's jsut not a good idea.

    I just recruited my friend Matt into the national guard about a month ago. So I get a nice fat G rap check for one thousand dollars on the 15th of this month.

    Am I going to buy a PS3, and experience the future of gaming?

    Naaaaa, I'm going to get me a low to mid level sourround sound(only being here till july then I ship off), Another 360 contoller, Gears of War, Get a wireless router, a wireless network adaptor for my 360, and a years subscribtion to xbox live.

    I might even get me a new graphics card for my 999 mhz 16 meg tnt2 beast that i'm on right now.

    the rest of the money? Eh, pizza and vodka quite possibly.

    until Sony can fix the bugs of a PS3, pump out some good qaulity games and make the PS3 worth the money. It's going to continue earning + points for dust collection on store shelves.
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  12. #27
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    We're at an obvious stand still. You'll never convince me of un-buying my PS3 and I sincerely doubt that most of you can afford one. So we'll just agree to disagree and see what happens in the next year or two.

    But I still say, "Hey D! Hit the Lights."

    You lie like a dog. Resistance isn't AS good graphically, but comes close. Don't even say GWAR completely blows R: FOM out of the water. That's a total lie. I do OWN and play GWAR and also have R:FOM and play RELIGIOUSLY.

    Besides, Resistance has GWAR beat on multiplayer play. Why play GWAR with 8 players when you can enter a 40 player slobberknocker on Resistance?
    Anyone here that TRULY has both systems will definitely side with me about the multiplayer game. 40 player free-for-all definitely owns 4 on 4. I don't care what these BOX BOYS say...

    The bottom line is, Sony's launch titles were ALMOST, not quite, but ALMOST as graphically sound as GWAR, a second gen title for 360. That's just a fact. Now if Sony's launch titles were that good, imagine their second gen titles. There you have it.

    bloody hell, chill out this is a thread about a games console not you, jesus your taking this personally, no ones trying to make you un buy a console, just because people dont have the same perspective as you does not mean that you can say they are "lying like a dog".
    this thread is about the playstation 3 not its owners, not its price, and especially NOT YOU.
    grow up you egomaniac.

  13. #28
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Current mid range PC's still wipe the floor with anything those consoles can put out,if i have to put money in gates' pockets il do it by upgrading to directX 10 later this year

  14. #29
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    *sighs* god damn i hate my pc, black and white and warcraft 3 are the most advanced games it can play

    when i get a job again im just gonna drag my I.T help desk freind around pc world with some cash ,cus let me tell you all that cards/ drivers stuff is gibberish to me

  15. #30
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    Just a little update. We have a 60gig PS3 at my work that has been sitting on the shelf collecting dust since we got it in on Tuesday. If it sells this weekend I'll let you know.

    Chaos, I could go out and buy that PS3 at my work if I wanted one, the fact is I don't want one. Don't try to call people "poor" in a round about way just because they don't like the PS3. I am glad that you like your PS3, at least somebody is getting enjoyment out of it. I honestly hope you don't have any problems with it as defective consoles seem to be Sony's greatest achievment in gaming.
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