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Thread: TWD 3x02 "Sick" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #16
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    awesome to see rick doing what had to be done about the problematic leader of the prisoners...kinda harsh about the dude who ran, but it was his own fault, in my opinion. very glad to see that hershel fought it out, he's a vital part of the group....and since somebody brought dale up, i am very grateful that he was written out of this show...he'd be beside himself over the turn of events with the prisoners and how all that turned out.

    odd that they didn't even check in on andrea and her new buddy during this entire episode. not complaining, really, as andrea is probably my least favorite character these days. i'm sure we'll see plenty of her next week, however. and we should get our first good look at woodbury and how they've managed to get along...and man did that choppper crash from the previews look intense or what?

  2. #17

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    I absolutely loved that Rick has FINALLY evolved into a leader capable of keeping people alive in a zombie apocalypse,
    He's now got the best of Shane's cold-blooded calculating capacity for premeditated murder and sheer ruthlessness, but his sense of duty to the group's survival keeps him from going over the edge into deranged territory. And for the record, if a guy took a swipe at my head from my blindspot with a Walker-blood spattered blunt instrument, then TOSSED A ZOMBIE ON ME and is just like "Shit happens man" he's dead if it's in my power to make it happen. No ifs, ands or buts. Dead a thousand times dead. As for the guy Rick locked out with the Walkers, his kneejerk reaction was to come at Rick when Tomas was taken out. That bought him his trip to the Walkers decayed digestive tracts IMO. Actions speak louder than words, and after that there was no way Rick could let him live. I was glad he let the other two inmates live though...killing them lacked sound justification and life still has a LITTLE sanctity in even a zombie apocalypse.

    The Rick/Lori relationship thing needs to come to a head, quick-like. This whole awkward Lori talking about emotional stuff and Rick dodging the marital/emotional issues by using his efforts as group leader is already getting old. I DO think it's poetic justice for Lori though. She goes from having two friends at each others' throats over her to essentially being unwanted by the one still standing. Which probably also has a good bit to do with her murderously accusatory glare and jerking away from Rick when he confessed to killing Shane. It's not that there isn't plenty of fodder for problems between them, it's that having Andrew Lincoln do his Vulcan impression around Lori all the time just leaves (well, at least me) feeling like no progress is being made no matter how often they interact.

    Maggie was a bit surprising, how ready she was and accepting of her father's seemingly imminent demise. It was a really emotional scene, with a lot of different layers, that benefited from her sister stubbornly refusing to accept it as contrast.

    On the Herschel near-death note, for a guy so emotionally cut off as Rick currently seems to be, it was very in tune and sensible of him to advise Glen to stick close and be there if and when Herschel died. It's like it was demonstrating he's still aware of all the emotional nuance going on around him, but is looking on as an uninvolved outsider so far as emotions go.

    I'm glad they let Herschel pull through, but the whole Carol experimenting on the badly decomposed female Walker for the purposes of learning by experience how to perform a c-section just seemed crazy to me, and it's like the show as much as said that Glen felt the same way cuz he kept saying over and over how sane he thought her idea was. I was like "Who u trying to convince there son, yourself? Yea, yourself."

    I mean seriously, even if the female corpse was in PRISTINE condition, the differences in a woman's abdomen between not-pregnant and ready-to-deliver are so vast that I don't think the most surgically talented but unschooled person on the planet could learn to perform even the crudest c-section even if they had a hundred non-pregnant female cadavers to practice cutting into. The uterine wall characteristics and placement are COMPLETELY different, a decayed body won't have enough detail left in the smaller blood vessels in the various layers of tissue to teach one much that would be useful so far as cutting into a pregnant woman is concerned.

    Plus, its creepy as hell. Which was maybe the point after all. That Carol's desperate and just has so few ideas about what to do to help Lori when labor hits, knowing Lori had Carl by c-section, that even this crazy ass Ms. Frankenstein routine seems like a viable notion. Am a bit curious how someone could be stealthily spying from beyond the prison boundaries on Carol without having Walkers crawling up their ass, but it was a well done bit of stalker foreshadowing of things to come.

    Lastly, Carl has really come into his own...and it's interesting to see how Rick really sees that but Lori refuses to accept it. They needed those medical supplies BAD, and I was ready to cheer for the little guy he took it on himself to pull his weight like that. Really got the sense that Carl wasn't being reckless and had things under control, which was why it infuriated him so much when Lori came down on him so hard. Good stuff.

  3. #18
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    awesome to see rick doing what had to be done about the problematic leader of the prisoners...kinda harsh about the dude who ran, but it was his own fault, in my opinion. very glad to see that hershel fought it out, he's a vital part of the group....and since somebody brought dale up, i am very grateful that he was written out of this show...he'd be beside himself over the turn of events with the prisoners and how all that turned out.

    odd that they didn't even check in on andrea and her new buddy during this entire episode. not complaining, really, as andrea is probably my least favorite character these days. i'm sure we'll see plenty of her next week, however. and we should get our first good look at woodbury and how they've managed to get along...and man did that choppper crash from the previews look intense or what?
    Don't know if you watche the preview of next weeks episode on the talking dead. But Andrea is reacquainted with an old pal. I don't much care for Andrea but I wanna see Michonne's story.

    Obviously Rick has elevated his awareness and elevated his game. Shane is dead and gone but how much quicker would he have killed the prisoners? I couldn't even see Shane agree to take the block with the prisoners armed with deadly weapons.

  4. #19
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    nope, don't watch the talking dead as i find the host annoying, most of the guests unrelated to the show a waste of time (the napoleon dynamite kid, dave navarro, etc), and i don't want to spoil anything....i do have a hunch as to who will be returning next week, however.

  5. #20

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    I've seen people mention a few times about Lori jerking away from Rick after he told her he killed Shane, but that's not actually what happened. She didn't jerk away from him and give him that look until he told her that Carl put walker Shane down. That's what she was upset about. Not because Shane was killed.

  6. #21
    Dying Ragnarr's Avatar

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    I think the critical point that changed Rick's stew was when he killed Shane. Yeah he was messed up finding out about Lord & Shane, but not like he was after killing Shane. Next came the "this isn't a democracy" statement and all the other changes to his shit that shows he's way different than the Rick prior to Shane's death.

    @babomb: I'll have to go back to that scene again, but I'm pretty sure she jerked away when Rick reached out towards her affectionately while talking about what happened, and the Carl shooting Shane comment was at the campfire the night before. You may be right though.

    Rick chasing that little prisoner dude alone into the unexplored/yet-to-be-cleared cell block was totally not in character. I think it weird for Rick to go off aimlessly running down dark hallways by himself just to "get 'em". Otherwise, it was a good episode overall.
    Last edited by Ragnarr; 22-Oct-2012 at 07:15 AM. Reason: ed
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  7. #22

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    Pretty good episode, overall. Not as strong as the opener, but it kept up the tension pretty well.

    That one prisoner was rustling my jimmies, glad Rick killed him early. He wasn't that believable as a badass, maybe poor acting? He kinda looked like the Governors son. (The comic version of the governor, I mean.) Axel was one of my favorite characters from the comic, but it doesn't seem right for him to be a mousey dude. He should be a Hells Angel meets Jerry Garcia, just like in the comic.

    I figured they were gonna keep all the prisoners around for a while, actually, but they're really moving FAST with the prison arc. The plot has moved faster and borrowed more plot elements from the comic in 2 episodes than it has in all of Season 2. I assume this is because they have many new fresh ideas for the prison, and want to start the season by hitting HUGE points from the comic, but its kinda bullshit they took their time with the farm and now they've ramped up the speed of everything times 100 when we finally reached the prison. IN FACT, I found it really strange they found the prison, like, 10 minutes into the premiere. Thought that was strange, considering how long they pussyfooted on the farm, it would've been wise to BUILD UP them finding the prison. It would have worked more if, say, the last two or three episodes of Season 2 were them traveling.

    Comic plot elements already reused:

    (Allen / Dales leg bite + Rick as an amputee expert = Hershel getting bit and Rick chopping his leg)
    (Dr from Woodbury in comic bringing in Walker to do tests on = Carol bring in Walker to practice C-section cuts on)
    (Rick quelling a prisoner uprising = Rick smashing that guys head in with a machete)
    (Black dude from comic getting set loose = Rick chasing black dude out of the prison, locking him out)
    (Finding the riot gear / infirmary after prison uprising = Finding the riot gear before uprising and noting melted flesh had rendered said gear unwearable)
    (Cooler full of feces = Cooler full of feces)

    Not to mention the glimpse into next weeks episode, they're ALREADY AT WOODBURY and getting questioned about where Rick is? The helicopter has already crashed? C'mon! That didn't happen in the comics two days after they found the prison! So much happened between when they first found the prison and when that helicopter crashed. They had been at the prison for weeks, maybe months in the comic. Again, seems like they're moving TOO FAST, especially considering how slow they were with the farm storyline.

    Rick and Lori need to settle their shit, I agree with whoever said that. It's already kind of annoying to see Rick give her the cold shoulder.

    Oh, and I'm liking the direction of T-Dog - he's becoming pretty badass. Who knows, maybe he'll be a worthy fill-in for Tyrese, in due time, with more development and believable feats piled on. He's still a bit like Coach from Left 4 Dead, but there's definitely potential.

    Carl is way less annoying as well, and was almost spot-on to his character in the comics. (Remember, Carl is pretty aggressive in the comics, he's kind of a brat.)
    Last edited by JonOfTheShred; 22-Oct-2012 at 09:05 AM. Reason: ,.

  8. #23
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Another great episode. Good to see Rick get tough on dodgy people, although that Latino guy had dodgy written all over him. It was obvious that something was going to go down the second he opened his mouth.

    I agree with whomever said it above, that locking the gate on the runaway guy was out of character for Rick and didn't seem to fit. But it was still a good scene. However, the guy was just scared and ran after he saw Rick bury a blade into Mr Latino cliche's skull and doubly so after having to fight off a horde of flesh eating ghouls. I probably would have run myself. Remember, the prisoners have only just met Rick and co a few minutes earlier. We know he reaching a dark point in his character arc, but the lads in the prision would probably reckon him as a complete nutter.

    The Lori Rick cold shoulder thing is sorta strange. It can't be blamed on the "Shane intervention" as he's known about that for ages, so it's odd that he's so aloof now. Perhaps as the bump gets bigger, the realisation is getting bigger too. But, knowing what happens to Lori in the comics leads me to think that the writers have something in mind.

    And yes...Woodbury is racing down the track waaayy too fast. They've only just got to the prison and Woodbury is already on the cards. Maybe Andrea and Michonne's story arc will exist in tandem with Rick and co for a while.

    Either way, very happy with the show so far.
    Last edited by shootemindehead; 22-Oct-2012 at 10:47 AM. Reason: madness
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  9. #24
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    I have to say two good Episodes back to back (E1 and E2)

    Massive switch in Ricks behavior, but I will live with it, ina world without laws and guidance it is every man forhimself, and I think he knows this and is coming to grips with the fact the old world will no longer exist.

    Great Scare on the Lori/Herschel CPR scene. I expected it... but it still got me. Great time, just the right amount of suspense before the Boogie woogie woogie.

    Rick handling Mr. Latino... Glad that was taken care of, that guy would have gotten on my last nerve if he stuck around. Nice DAWN reference.

    Definitely getting a Day of the Dead vibe from this season so far... I dig it.

    As far as an Andrea/Michonne free episode... THANK YOU. I used to like Andrea, but she got on my nerves as of late... Michonne, never cared for the character.

    Yes the Huey crash preview was definitely something I am looking forward to checking out Next Monday Morning at 4am when I wake up. (Can't stay up on Sunday to watch the 1st run... drive to far to work and have to be up early.)

    Lori/Rick, I also hope they move this along quickly. If they are going to be like this the entire season, it is going to get old quick, like the 7 Episode search for Sophia.
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  10. #25
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Lori and Rick will likely reconcile when the baby is born. That's pretty much how it was in the comics, anyway. So that should be any episode now, although i'm thinking it will likely be the mid season finale. They have to put aside their differences for certain events to have the correct impact on the characters. I'm going to be seriously disappointed if they've greatly changed those events....

    I aldo don't see Rick's behavior as being out of character. Perhaps knowing the comics has something to do with my acceptance of it, but it was also explained well in the show. Rick has now been living in this world for roughly a year. Seven months between S2 & S3, where we saw the entire group really learned to survive. He also began his transition with Shane's murder and "This is isn't a democracy anymore....". So for me, it doesn't seem out of place at all that Rick is now the colder, calculated survivor that he is in the comics. It's been set up over the course of the last year.
    Last edited by bassman; 22-Oct-2012 at 11:59 AM. Reason: .

  11. #26
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    I like the Rictatorship
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  12. #27
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    My little debrief of the episode...

    * Bear McReary's music has taken a step up. It was always good, but the intense dramatic moments of these first two episodes have born witness to heart-pounding, driving pieces on the soundtrack.

    * I forgot to mention last time, but the new opening sequence is great. Covering key images from the second season (such as the Cherokee Rose flower, Hershel's watch, the farmhouse and more), and looking forward to what's to come.

    * T-Dog might have a bit of a naff weapon (a fire poker), but he sure knows how to wield it effectively.

    * Hershel, in the intervening months, has taught Carol a thing or two about medicine.

    * Rick's competitive side is unleashed. It's survival of the fittest now, and Rick is willing to stand his ground for the good of his group. He barters a trade with the five inmates - half their food in exchange for assisting them in clearing out another cellblock for them to live in separately.

    * To the near-starved group, the prison kitchen is like Christmas come early.

    * "I'm a shitty wife and I'm not going to win any mother of the year awards" - Lori lays herself bare to criticism in a speech that seems to confront the complainers and fun-poking meme-makers in equal measure. "Do whatever you have to do to keep this group safe, and do it with a clear conscience" - Lori knows what's at stake, especially with potentially problematic prisoners thrown into the mix. The gravity of the situation isn't taken lightly, but the harsh realities of this world must be considered.

    * Lauren Cohan brought her A-Game. In a highly emotional scene between Maggie and her unconscious father, she thanks him for everything she's done for her, and tells her that it's okay for him to pass on. An exceptionally emotionally charged scene that brought a tear to the eye. Seeing as this is only episode two of the season, you have to wonder what they've got in store for us in future episodes.

    * Zombie Killing 101 - our gang teach the inmates how to take on the undead threat. Darkly humorous at first, it takes a dark and sinister turn as Big Tiny is taken out by Tomas after taking a hit from the handcuffed geek.

    * Where's Carl? Going it alone is arguably foolish, but with the big guns of the group preoccupied, a more mature and ready-to-act-for-the-greater-good Carl sought out medical supplies on his own - he even killed two walkers single handedly, revealing as-such in a manner that illustrates just how accustomed our group has come to taking down the undead.

    * A very sane thought in an insane world - Carol needs to figure out how to possibly carry out a C-Section - a female walker provides such a possibility. However, with eyes watching from afar, it's exactly the sort of spectacle that can easily go misunderstood.

    * Shit happens - Tomas refuses to follow orders, unleashes a corridor of zombies upon the laundry room, and takes a swing at Rick. Big mistake. You might have expected him to become the key antogonist inside the prison, but one of the biggest shocks of the episode comes when Rick swings his machete into his attacker's head and extinguishes the very real human threat.

    * Axel and Oscar seem to be the good ones out of the inmate bunch - but we never see Andrew get chomped by walkers, so could Rick's brutal decision to feed him to the geeks come back to haunt him? Maybe, but perhaps not considering the look on Rick's face and the resultant silence. At the very least, this is another step towards the erosion of Rick Grimes in this hideous new world.

    * Lori's a life saver - in the second big shock/scare of the episode, Hershel comes back from the dead - fortunately Lori gave him CPR just in time and the old man's ticker is still going.

    * In one of the most haunting images from this episode, we see the in D Block, every prisoner was zip-tied and executed. The Walking Dead is excellent at giving you a glimpse of the aftermath of a terrible event, another touch of shading that suggests the madness of the wider world and of past events.

    Handcuffs aren't much cop against a walker, as proven when Big Tiny faces off with more than one on his own. Amongst the geeks that he takes on, one is handcuffed, but soon pulls an arm free - by ripping off its own decaying hand in the process, and using the resultant bloody bone stump as a weapon.

    A human threat within the prison was clearer from the get-go in the comics, but with Rick dispatching the obvious threat - the one guy you would expect to be the big bad behind bars - the tension of the unknown has been unleashed upon the viewer. Who can you trust?

    This was a more character-centric episode, dealing mostly with the deep emotional issues that have either been bubbling under the surface all winter within the group, or which have arisen as a result of the previous episode. In the closing scene, Rick and Lori assess the state of their marriage, which hangs in the balance. Seemingly on the brink of the abyss, Rick places an appreciative hand on Lori's shoulder and utters "We're awful thankful for what you did". The emotional release is restrained, yet evident, on both their faces.

    Now onto you fine folks...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cykotic View Post
    What the hell is going on with Lori and Rick? Is that it? They separated? They just being total assholes to each other? Whats the deal and why does their storyline feel like something from a bad daytime drama?
    They joked about separating, but clearly there was an emotional reconnection - albeit modest in size, and early in the pacing of the season - but when Rick reached out and held Lori's shoulder and thanked her (on behalf of everyone, admittedly), there was clearly a spark. It was written on her face, and because Rick didn't look at her, it was clear that he was allowing himself to break the first stone off the wall that he's built around Lori in his own mind - but that first step is still an early one for him and he has to really push himself to make that first step. They've really pulled apart in the intervening months, so this is a big step forward for them.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Hell yes. That's the Rick i've been waiting on. Two episodes in for S3 and they're great so far.
    A meaty part for Andrew Lincoln, clearly - that look after he locked Andrew out was quite something.

    Quote Originally Posted by sandrock74 View Post
    When the other guy bolted, Rick and company couldn't just let him go free, unsupervised.
    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    It was a little harsh and I personally may have shot the guy. But once that gate shut no way I open a gate to a man who just tried to kill me.
    A theory of mine is that possibly Andrew isn't dead, and that he'll come back as a headache for our group. Perhaps not, but we didn't see him die ... although that could easily be a stylistic choice. The important part of that dramatic moment is Rick's face, not another gut muching. My theory is still a possibility, mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    awesome to see rick doing what had to be done about the problematic leader of the prisoners...kinda harsh about the dude who ran, but it was his own fault, in my opinion. very glad to see that hershel fought it out, he's a vital part of the group....and since somebody brought dale up, i am very grateful that he was written out of this show...he'd be beside himself over the turn of events with the prisoners and how all that turned out.

    odd that they didn't even check in on andrea and her new buddy during this entire episode. not complaining, really, as andrea is probably my least favorite character these days. i'm sure we'll see plenty of her next week, however. and we should get our first good look at woodbury and how they've managed to get along...and man did that choppper crash from the previews look intense or what?
    Andrew did go for Rick after he said goodbye to the creep (Tomas), but Axel and Oscar didn't, so it was a legitimate threat that had to be hunted down in this extreme circumstance. Axel here seems to be keen enough to keep things cool, but I'm unsure about Oscar. He was rather cool under pressure when Rick interrogated him, but on the other hand his face was an entirely different picture when he and Axel were shown into D Block.

    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    And yes...Woodbury is racing down the track waaayy too fast. They've only just got to the prison and Woodbury is already on the cards. Maybe Andrea and Michonne's story arc will exist in tandem with Rick and co for a while.
    It's shaping up to be that way, yes. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see anything prison-wise in episode 3. There's a lot to cover in 3x03 - Andrea and Michonne on the road, the intro of The Governor, the re-introduction of Merle, and the arrival at Woodbury. That's a lot to chew on, and Mazzara has said that there will be episodes which won't feature each group at times. Makes sense anyway - now that the prison group have food and medicine and are safely ensconsed in their respective blocks, there would be a chance for sitting still - not very dramatic - meanwhile lots of drama is going on elsewhere, so that's where the focus would naturally shift.

    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    I like the Rictatorship
    Me too!

    I don't know about you other folks here, but I would totally be on-side with Rick throughout all of this stuff. I'm loving the brotherhood between him and Daryl too - that moment where Daryl saved Rick and helped him up was a good touch.

  13. #28
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Daryl seems to be Rick's right hand man now. Also, T-Dogg or is it just "T" now?, is a badass with that fire poker and shield combo. Loving that.
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  14. #29
    Just been bitten

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    Andrew swung at Rick with a baseball bat. Under the current rules regarding the use of deadly force Rick is completely justified by responding with deadly force.
    292-4 days is now the minimum official time line for the show. So few problems with canned/dried foods, batteries and bottled water. Soft drinks and chips are stale while Gas/Fuels need to be stabilized but is siphoning is still a viable way to scavenge.
    Rick still had to get psychological permission from Lori to kill the prisoners if necessary. She still pulls his strings.......
    Beth verbally pimp slapping Carl for yelling at Lori. I see a father / son trend.
    Where is Carl? Is this kid ever going to stay put?

  15. #30
    Fresh Meat bungi43's Avatar

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    So, who do we think was creeping on Carol when she was outside? I initially thought Merle because I wasn't sure he would be part of the Governor's group, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

    Also...I could be wrong, but I thought I read somewhere that this season and part of next season would take place at the prison. If so, man they have to slow down or they have a whole bunch more than the comic to add to the prison.


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