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Thread: Anyone else here have regular zombie dreams/nightmares?

  1. #16
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    I have them now and of the worst involved me being cornered by by a horde, I was sort of hanging from a few wooden beams...they couldn't get me, but I couldn't get away...I kept wanting to try and make a break for it but kept bottling it. Another bad thing about it was that one of them was a woman who was more of a witch than a zed, she kept mocking me.
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  2. #17
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Nope, i only ever get good dreams, once i had a nightmare when i was little and being a stand alone event it really stuck with me. I was in a mall called the octagon center, i didnt know it well then, but later i did since it was the mall across the road from my college, and it had a big octagon shaped atrium with a 2nd floor that had in the middle a big gold and glass elevator. it wasnt lifted by cables, it was a pole type piston jobbie and i distinctly remember in the dream i was small, being about 6 or 7 at the time, looking up at my grandma who took me and my brother into the lift during some christmas shopping and the lift shut with my shoelace in it and they didnt notice that the elevator started to move up but i was being pulled down and my legs where being crushed.
    My mom said she ran in hearing my scream in the night like i never have before or since and still thinking about it makes me shiver, probably where i got a fear of heights from growing up. Funnily enough the elevator in question never bugged me and according to a guy who works there its actually never had a fault in the 25 years its been running, even once, just goes to show the weird stuff the brian makes up when your not at the helm.

    -though now that i think about it i remember something after watching 28 days later when i had a fever, but that was more a running, action movie dream than actually scary.
    Last edited by Danny; 08-Apr-2010 at 03:53 PM.

  3. #18
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Haven't had a nightmare in quite some time. The last zombie nightmare involved me running into an apartment complex to find a drunken Romero complaining that it's all his fault. Then he was eaten and I ran away. Frightening, isn't it?

  4. #19
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Haven't had a nightmare in quite some time. The last zombie nightmare involved me running into an apartment complex to find a drunken Romero complaining that it's all his fault. Then he was eaten and I ran away. Frightening, isn't it?
    That's actually a fairly entertaining dream. It makes you wonder if Romero has a zombie "back-up plan" in case it actually happened on what he would do if the dead walked (surely the godfather of zombies has a good plan mapped out, you would think?).

    I wonder if Romero ever has zombie nightmares...

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  5. #20
    Twitching BillyRay's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    I wonder if Romero ever has zombie nightmares...
    If he does, I bet they have to do with him wanting to do other stories besides zombies, being forced to crank out another zombie film, then being panned by the press and the fans because he didn't create another masterpiece....
    Those aren't real problems, Sam.

  6. #21
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    I have dreams about fighting zombies, and sometimes they're really realistic and scary, but to call them nightmares implies they are not super cool. Mine are totally fun, scary, and intense. And sometimes I survive - sometimes I don't. They always get the blood pumping.

    So one time I was thrashing around in my sleep and my wife decided to wake me up. I was having a zombie dream all right. I woke up and said, "What'd you do that for? I was winning!!" I was really pissed that she woke me up.
    Just look at my face. You can tell I post at HPOTD.

  7. #22
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    I have dreams about fighting zombies, and sometimes they're really realistic and scary, but to call them nightmares implies they are not super cool.
    Someone meme this pronto!

    Hellsing?! Mo?!

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  8. #23
    Dying Ghost Of War's Avatar

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    I dream about werewolves more than zombies. This thread reminded me of a dream I had when I was young, I think I'd watched that werewolf film with Oliver Reed in, and that night I had a dream about a werewolf that was on the TV, but it was on every channel, freaked me the fuck out. Had loads of dreams about werewolves. I even had one where there was a team of werewolves playing basketball against a team of zombies in my back garden.

    This thread also reminded me of a zombie dream I had recently. I was in a building which was kind of like my secondary school, but it had all these secret passages, and zombies had taken over. We still had to go to classes, but had to use the secret passages to get there, and while we were in class there were zombies trying to get into the classroom. Next thing I'm in a massive field with zombies either side of me, but they were behind a wire fence. I had to ride a motorbike past them, but it kept breaking down. I think I woke up and went for a piss then. Dreams are freaky.
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  9. #24
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost Of War View Post
    Had loads of dreams about werewolves. I even had one where there was a team of werewolves playing basketball against a team of zombies in my back garden.
    I've got $20 on the werewolves...

    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

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  10. #25
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Someone meme this pronto!

    Hellsing?! Mo?!


  11. #26

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    Other than the obviously implied reasons, I wonder why hyper-vivid frightening predation/being hunted-type dreams are so common?

    I mean if you believe some of the pundits here, we're separated by an insurmountable gulf of time from the thoughts, reactions and feelings of our primitive ancestors, and it certainly isn't anything most of us actually experience in reality...

    Is the "genetic memory" of being prey/competing with fellow predators really so strong that we relive it some nights? If so, what determines whether or not a dream will be hazy/abstract, hyper-vivid/realistic, or lucid "Oh I know I'm dreaming"?

    One of my most frightening dreams was vaguely similar to the beginning of Resident Evil 2. I dream I wake up in a basement, the smell of vomit, piss and old sweat gaggingly thick in the air. My head has a golfball sized knot on the back of it, and I find myself going up the basement stairs and out into a commercial building-type lobby to get some fresh air, but the place looks like WW-III was fought inside it. I find a dead security guard with his pistol still in its holster and immediately liberate the entire belt and cinch it around my waist, then check the magazine of the 9mm. Finding it full, I pick up the Maglite lying next to his body (dunno why, there's bright light shining in every window), and cautiously slip out the front door.

    The street in front of the building I woke up in looks like a snapshot of the LA riots. Overturned & crashed vehicles, including multi-car pileups and many vehicles just abandoned with doors open and some of these with streaks of blood on the windshield or driver's side windows. Small fires are smoldering here and there, and the air reeks of burnt tire and burning oil/unidentified car fluids. The buildings looks relatively untouched, but here and there there's a vehicle crashed through a large store window, or a broken glass door.

    So at this point I normally focus obsessively on the near-total lack of noise. Other than the odd pop or hiss from a smoldering fire, or the rare fragment of glass falling out of broken windows/doors once in a great while there's NOTHING. No vehicle sounds, no voices, no machinery...notta. Not even a damned dog barking or pigeon cooing. No sign of any either, which I ALWAYS find nearly inconceivable (as anyone who's ever lived in a large city would. Pigeons are as endemic as flies on shit)

    Then the dream usually shifts up-tempo a bit. I hear something moving somewhere deep inside one or two of the buildings whose open yawning doors I pass, but instead of thinking something like "Hey, maybe I should call out. Could be someone who can tell me WTH IS GOING ON", or "Maybe I should go try and find who's making that noise?" I don't so much have a concrete thought so much as an overwhelming feeling, screaming at me that I do NOT WANT TO BE NOTICED. The rustling, crunch of broken glass, squeak of doors moving gets more common as I pick up the pace and pass more buildings, but still don't see anything. I reach a large intersection full of mangled cars and long lines of abandoned cars stretching off into the distance down each of the 4 streets meeting. Always end up going straight ahead, and slightly uphill (no clue why)...

    After an indeterminate amount of walking I'm passing a large motionless/abandoned vehicle (sometimes a van, sometimes a commercial truck, sometimes a big rig.) Basically anything you'd have to make an effort to look in and see the entire interior. Inevitably there's a strange-ass sound from inside. Strange enough I'm always completely confused/baffled as to what/who is making the sound. Sometimes its a sort of gurgling hiss, sometimes a mewling congested noise, sometimes a low growl or even a quiet whimper + sobbing-like noise.

    Of course I crane my head to look inside, more curious than on edge. The sound is just so damned strange I'm like "What the HELL is making that noise?" The windows are always rolled most of the way up, with just about an inch/inch and a half at the top open. That's when the fucked up, bulging-eyed, fish-belly white with tear-like streaks of dried blood at the corners of the eyes, ears, nose and mouth face smacks itself against the glass, pressing up against it like a kid pressing their face against glass to look inside somewhere. For some reason the slightly familiar motion and slightly mashed pressed-against-the-glass face freaks me out more than how screwed up the face is. I just stand there like an idiot for a couple of seconds. Until the "screwed up guy" starts smacking his head against the glass, over and over and over until it starts to crack. No grasping pounding or clawing hands, no major body movements, just the side of the head hitting the glass with a solid meaty kind of thud almost in a rough beat.

    That's when I always notice "the guy" is buckled in his seatbelt, and is flailing and kicking uselessly, unable to figure out how to free him/itself. That's when I start hearing a major chorus of similar sounds. Several dozen heads hitting windshields and side windows. Many mewling, gagging, hacking and wheezing noises all mixed together. I of course bolt, but always remember passing a plump black woman sawing her neck back and forth on the broken glass of the driver's side windows. Her skin's chalky and the huge uneven gashes in her neck and chin aren't bleeding. That's usually when I hit a dead run.

    Normally the dream sort of fast forwards here a bit. Not enough to break the sense of it being real. Just a vague impression of running a long time down the road, chorus of freaky noises and being afraid. Then I find myself on the fringes of a conflict between what looks like a few gangbangers + cops + 1-2 guys in army fatigues and several dozen/a hundred zombies of all shapes/ages/sizes.

    The carnage is awful. I always gag, sometimes so vividly I wake up sort of heaving. If I don't wake up though I find several of the zombies start staggering towards me, and an overweight white or latino cop shouts at me to get my ass over to them and help. I crash into a couple of zombies, feel my balls try to crawl up into my body cavity as I can FEEL clammy slimy cold hands grasping at me, with one or two getting a half-assed grip momentum carries me out of, until finally I get to the wooden sawhorses they're using to create a crude perimeter, put one hand on the top and vault it like the chain-link fences we use to jump in my old neighborhood all the time (everyone's back and most of the front yards were surrounded by them).

    The battle isn't cool, it isn't fun, can feel the heavy cue-ball in my stomach. Have to keep wiping my hands on my shirt so I don't drop my gun, and almost have a heart attack from my heart trying to beat its way out of my chest the first time shaking hands have to change to a fresh clip.

    Sometimes (rarely) at that point I realize I'm dreaming. If so I sorta have a sick sort of fun with whats happening until I'm inevitably confronted with what would be a fatal endgame and wake just before I'd get killed. More often I don't and this desperate, frantic-ass battle in which I'm being sustained by my furious frustration with the idiot gangbanger shooting their pistols sideways, and the cops insisting on pumping round after round into the oncoming zombies torsos, despite me and the 1-2 military guys yelling at them to shoot them in the head, and demonstrating only headshots drop them.

    Finally we're almost completely surrounded, my bullets are more than half-gone, all the gangbangers and half the cops have been dragged over the barricade and the zombies begin fighting over the still-alive victims who are screaming/begging/crying for help...which switches to begging for us to kill them in a few seconds.

    One of the military guys generally yells at me and the handful of other survivors to run for the Pawn Shop a bit down the street. He wedges a grenade next to a car's gastank by the flap over the nozzle-entry and pulls the pin, then runs like hell to catch up with us. The car explodes, the guy goes down, (not sure if its the force of the explosion or cuz something hit him fragment-wise or something)...but he gets dogpiled before he can get to his feet. The other military guy wants to go back for him, but the couple of cops hold him back. Between the zombies swarming the bodies at the barricade, those holding their arms up as if protecting their faces from the flames of the car and backing off from it, and the few on our side of the burning car being occupied eating the military guy, we manage to get into the pawn shop without just "busting a window" like one of the cops suggest, then lock it up behind us.

    Normally the dream ends here, if not it goes on and on in this vein. Or it switches to me trying to get home, no matter how insane that is.

    So thats my hyper-vivid zombie dream.

  12. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    That's actually a fairly entertaining dream. It makes you wonder if Romero has a zombie "back-up plan" in case it actually happened on what he would do if the dead walked (surely the godfather of zombies has a good plan mapped out, you would think?).
    Easy. Since he wrote the rulebook on zombies, he just included a rule that says "zombies do not like the taste of George Romeros" and didn't tell us about it.
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  13. #28
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    This thread reminds me of another one we had on here where a member told a very vivid military-inspired dream about his roof top insertion into a building during a zombie outbreak and it later came out on the boards that this member was not actually in the military (long story) and I always wondered if dream was a lie, as well.

    Anyway, I did a quick search and found these threads about the topic, in case anyone wanted to read more zombie dreams ('cause let's face it, this is a cool topic) or reminisce:

    The Thread I was thinking about

    Rightwing401's "Craziest Zombie Dream"

    Philly_Swat's "Dawn Inspired Dream" (MissJacksonCA and a few other add in some of their dreams, as well)

    sgrosses' Atlanta Zombie dream

    An MZ zombie Dream (also Hellsing discussing the 28DL themed dream he mentioned in his post earlier in this thread)

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  14. #29
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    An MZ zombie Dream (also Hellsing discussing the 28DL themed dream he mentioned in his post earlier in this thread)
    Which gets swiftly derailed by me and cap talkin' about darleks.

  15. #30
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    I have zombie nightmares. Just look at my face. You can tell I have terrible zombie nightmares.
    Just look at my face. You can tell I post at HPOTD.


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