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Thread: Has a game ever made you feel bad for playing them?

  1. #16
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slickwilly13 View Post
    The only game that made me feel kind of bad was when Aeris on Final Fantasy 7 dies. She was my main healer in the game. I bummed out, because I used her a lot. Yeah, I know. I did not use spoilers, but if you do not know who this character is and what happened in FF 7, then you are not a true gamer, poser.

    Btw, I shot up the airport in CoD. No mercy.
    i cant believe theres folks who dont know aerith dies. how do you could like 15 years and not hear that?

  2. #17
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slickwilly13 View Post
    The only game that made me feel kind of bad was when Aeris on Final Fantasy 7 dies. She was my main healer in the game. I bummed out, because I used her a lot. Yeah, I know. I did not use spoilers, but if you do not know who this character is and what happened in FF 7, then you are not a true gamer, poser.

    Btw, I shot up the airport in CoD. No mercy.
    Then I'm one of them. I'm very anti FF. FF sucks my ass.

  3. #18
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Then I'm one of them. I'm very anti FF. FF sucks my ass.
    Go play FFVI, heathen! The past 10 years have sucked balls for FF, but there are a few gems in the series.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CoinReturn View Post
    Go play FFVI, heathen! The past 10 years have sucked balls for FF, but there are a few gems in the series.
    Final Fantasy VI was overrated. There, I said it.

    There were a couple of missions on the "evil" side of Infamous that made me feel slightly uncomfortable. There's one mission where you have a choice to save a police station or sit there and let the officers be butchered by a bunch of thugs with shotguns. Since I was going for the evil trophies, I chose to let them die. It was an odd experience.

  5. #20
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchified View Post
    Final Fantasy VI was overrated. There, I said it.
    not as much as final fantasy 7 is.

  6. #21
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    not as much as final fantasy 7 is.

    that game gave me hell for an entire summer

  7. #22
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    that game gave me hell for an entire summer
    was it due to the fact that the writers got bored by mid disk two and threw the story out the window?

  8. #23
    Fresh Meat UndeadChicken's Avatar

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    One game that really bothers me is The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. It was one of the few Zelda games where you actually killed human enemies, and these humans were more like victims than typical evil badguys. You see in this game some evil wizard took over Hyrule Castle and put a spell on all the knights turning them into his mindless slaves, and the hero Link was forced to fight and kill all of them. Even though in the end of the game it was implied that everything returned to normal and all the knights you killed were brought back to life, there's just something about the fact that I was actually killing innocent people under mind control that kept me from ever wanting to play the game again. I guess that's why Link to the Past is the only Zelda game I don't like even though it's kind of a fun game.

    I also feel bad when I'm playing games where you're forced to kill soldiers or guards working for an evil king or whatever. I'm one of those deep-minded thinkers who believes that not every enemy soldier working for a corrupt leader is a bad person, and many of them in real life would have families back home who love them and they're just trying to support. Imagine how sad these families would be to learn that your character, the supposed "hero", took the people they loved away from them?

  9. #24
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    was it due to the fact that the writers got bored by mid disk two and threw the story out the window?

    that and the chocobos.......

  10. #25
    Dead Rancid Carcass's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by UndeadChicken View Post
    I also feel bad when I'm playing games where you're forced to kill soldiers or guards working for an evil king or whatever. Imagine how sad these families would be to learn that your character, the supposed "hero", took the people they loved away from them?
    Yeah, I never forgave Austin Powers for that either!

    I have this weird thing about hijacking cars in Just Cause 2, if I jump on the roof and there's woman driving I can't quite bring myself to throw 'em out - have to find one with man in. Don't have this issue in other games though... very odd...

  11. #26
    Fresh Meat UndeadChicken's Avatar

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    I also have this issue in Fallout 3 with killing the security guards in Vault 101. It feels awkard killing them because your character grew up in Vault 101 and knew these people since he or she was a kid, plus you do have the option to escape the vault without killing a single guard so I always try to do that. I don't have a problem killing the other human enemies like the Raiders and Enclave though, because they're more evil then the security guards in Vault 101 who are only attacking you because their crazy Overseer has ordered them to.
    Last edited by UndeadChicken; 15-May-2011 at 01:30 PM. Reason: I made a typo

  12. #27
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by UndeadChicken View Post
    Even though in the end of the game it was implied that everything returned to normal and all the knights you killed were brought back to life, there's just something about the fact that I was actually killing innocent people under mind control that kept me from ever wanting to play the game again. I guess that's why Link to the Past is the only Zelda game I don't like even though it's kind of a fun game.
    Am I the only one who thinks this is kind of bizarre? They're just colorful sprites, man!

  13. #28
    Fresh Meat UndeadChicken's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CoinReturn View Post
    Am I the only one who thinks this is kind of bizarre? They're just colorful sprites, man!
    I'm aware that games aren't real, but just like with books and movies I tend to get so wrapped up in the story when I'm playing that I almost see the characters as real people, no matter how bad or dated the graphics are.

  14. #29
    Dead Exatreides's Avatar

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    I think Morality in games is a very interesting insight in Morality.

    I think I've read a study somewhere that most people play through a game as the good side the first time through. Then on a second play through play Evil or evil(er)

    If a game makes me care about characters I'm a lot less likely to randomly shoot them in the face. I think games in Grand theft auto and shooters do a good job at dehumanizing emotional connections between the player and crowds of people. You don't know em, you don't care.

    That and there really arn't any consequences for this besides police coming and an exciting shooting happening. Killing the red guy in the shirt walking down the street isn't going to have a significant effect on the story.

    I personally play a game through good first, then as a asshole the second time. Sometimes it's hard to play as the evil darkside. Fall out 3 was challenging, but an interesting ending when you're a total douche.

    In Oblivion for instance. I really tried my hardest to keep those retarded city guards alive during battles with the evil hellspawn and felt like I failed sometimes when they died. It was an odd emotional connection, but I think it's because I personally had to go in and close the gates to unlock them. So it felt like not only did this person die, but MY person died.

    Right now I'm playing through fall out new vegas, and Trying to play it for the NCR. I just really have a hard time playing that side when I'm told to go wipe out the Brotherhood of steel. Why? Because I like the brotherhood of Steel, I invested a lot of time in fall out 3 and don't really just want to walk in and wipe out a bunch of "Good guys" for the "good guys."
    "if wishs were fishes we'd all cast nets" - Gurney Hallack

  15. #30
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    to be fair the brotherhood of steel in fallout 3 are a splinter group from the main brotherhood that are excommunicated for being too nice to locals. the outcasts in fallout 3 are closer to the proper brotherhood of steels motives and treatment of people in the wasteland.


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