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Thread: Season 4 officially confirmed - but Glen Mazzara won't be the showrunner...

  1. #16
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    interesting theory, bassman. i could actually get behind a move like that. it would make a lot of sense, too.

  2. #17
    Dead Craig's Avatar

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    This is why we can't have nice things...

    Executives and money-men messing around (unlikely for the good) with another of my much loved things - I'm only 21 and I'm starting to find this sort of news physically tiring.
    At least this series has been fantastic so far.
    Last edited by Craig; 23-Dec-2012 at 10:03 AM. Reason: Forgot something.

  3. #18
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    It's like we TWD fans aren't allowed to just sit back and relax as we watch our show unfold. No, we have to have these behind-the-scenes stresses that get us fans all hopped up in a worry - I want the drama on the screen, not behind it.

    Nicotero as a possible showrunner - interesting - although with the FX, producing, and directing certain episodes on his plate, I don't know if that'd be a bit too much in one go. Hmmm...

    Perhaps Kirkman could take over as showrunner? Then again, he's got on-going comic books to write every month as well as various other duties. Yeah, it should definitely be someone 'on the inside' as they already know the vibe of the show both on and off screen. I just dearly hope whoever lands the job is as attentive and observant as Mazzara. When I listen to him/read what he has said when he approaches the writing of the show, it's impressive. He knows/knew how to freshen up established ideas as well as manipulate and pace the drama.

  4. #19
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Have to say, I've not been overly impressed with Nicotero's directing. Anyone else?
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  5. #20
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    I don't think that Kirkman taking over as showrunner is realistic. He's got two monthly comicbooks to write (The Walking Dead and Invincible) and he's been promoted to replace Jim Lee in the Image Comics founders hierarchy...the dude has a full plate as it is, without taking on another full-time job. There's only so many hours in a day, you know?

    If AMC has a say in Mazzara's replacement, it will most likely be someone of their choosing, someone who will work for whatever price they offer, as well as being subservient to the network; thats just how the business world is run.

  6. #21
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Have to say, I've not been overly impressed with Nicotero's directing. Anyone else?
    The only real area that needs to be improved is the staging certain of certain scenes/events, as well as an attention to detail - and in the case of 3x05, making sure the script isn't too long before you shoot, thus ending up with having to make extensive trims to fit it into the running time, thus causing narrative plot holes/general gaps.

    Apart from that he's solid.

    Ernest Dickerson (3x01) though, I'd say he's the best TWD director out of them all.

  7. #22
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Yeah, next to Darabont's pilot, Dickerson has directed the best episodes.

  8. #23

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    Kurt Sutter is the frickin' man. Not only do I love "Sons of Anarchy," but I respect the hell out of his tenacity. Kurt Sutter speaks his mind, and just doesn't give a fuck.

    Notice how Kurt differentiates from Paul W. S. Anderson? One is a good writer, the other sucks. Namely, notice how different they treat their wives. Paul W. S. Anderson makes his wife Mila Jovovich the fucking Terminator, the Mary Sue to end all Mary Sues, effectively ruining any chance of Resident Evil being a good movie series. On the other hand, Kurt Sutter treats Gemma on Sons of Anarchy like shit - she isn't always 100% fault-free. She might even be the most vile, manipulative character on the show. And the says great deals about each writers integrity. Namely, that Kurt Sutter is way more bad-ass and far more talented, while Paul W. S. is just giving his wife unnecessary pats on the back.

    Mad Mens greed really is killing the Walking Dead. I'm still pissed off about the Season 2 premier that Darabont had planned getting canned. I get the feeling that Darabonts intention with that canned episode was to completely blow the pilot out of the water.

  9. #24
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post
    Mad Mens greed really is killing the Walking Dead. I'm still pissed off about the Season 2 premier that Darabont had planned getting canned. I get the feeling that Darabonts intention with that canned episode was to completely blow the pilot out of the water.
    It can't possibly blow the pilot out of the water, but those deleted scenes are available on the season two dvd/bluray set(youube, as well). What's surprising is that those "unwatchable" scenes have been met with positive reaction...
    Last edited by bassman; 24-Dec-2012 at 01:22 AM. Reason: .

  10. #25
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    It can't possibly blow the pilot out of the water, but those deleted scenes are available on the season two dvd/bluray set(youube, as well). What's surprising is that those "unwatchable" scenes have been met with positive reaction...
    I know, that really confused me - the deleted scenes were good - although not everything was included, rather annoyingly.

  11. #26
    Being Attacked

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    This makes me sad to hear this! Mazzara really brought some brightness to the show but now i am in a mess how would it be without Mazzara

  12. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    It can't possibly blow the pilot out of the water, but those deleted scenes are available on the season two dvd/bluray set(youube, as well). What's surprising is that those "unwatchable" scenes have been met with positive reaction...
    Really? They have deleted scenes from the "Man in the tank with the grenade fighting through the initial outbreak" abandoned storyline?!

  13. #28
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post
    Really? They have deleted scenes from the "Man in the tank with the grenade fighting through the initial outbreak" abandoned storyline?!
    Oh, I thought you meant the half episode that was lost when they combined episodes 201 and 202. No, Darabont's "black hawk down with zombies" was never written, let alone filmed. It was a nifty idea, but I doubt it would have ever happened anyway. The actor that leaked that concept probably just took a passing idea from Darabont a bit too seriously. Darabont was still the showrunner at the time season two began filming, so he obviously didn't intend on making the tank story be the season premiere.

  14. #29

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Oh, I thought you meant the half episode that was lost when they combined episodes 201 and 202. No, Darabont's "black hawk down with zombies" was never written, let alone filmed. It was a nifty idea, but I doubt it would have ever happened anyway. The actor that leaked that concept probably just took a passing idea from Darabont a bit too seriously. Darabont was still the showrunner at the time season two began filming, so he obviously didn't intend on making the tank story be the season premiere.
    I hope they eventually do a Walking Dead prequel movie, the "Black Hawk Down with zombies" premise. Set in the outbreak, have the tension build throughout, end with a huge 'action' set piece, but really play up the horror and dread of initially discovering the outbreak. Robert Kirkman said something along the lines of "We've seen to many STHF movies in the genre" and I couldn't disagree more. No movie focuses 100% of its effort in the 'SHTF' moments. Dawn of the Dead definitely shows a huge chunk of that, with the look into the news station (such a brilliant idea to start the movie, especially when it's followed by the apartment sequence) but it settles down to post-apocalyptic for the majority of its run-time. Same thing with the remake, which had like 5 minutes of the initial apocalypse then the rest was post-apocalyptic. Shaun of the Dead seems to be the only recent movie where you get to see the initial outbreak, and they do it so clever and understated, slowly ramping up the tension throughout the movie. I want to see more of THAT. Hell, I wish Simon Pegg and Nick Frost would make a full Shaun trilogy, all based in the zombie genre. (No Vampires, no werewolves...they clearly love zombies, more of that would be great.)

    Frank Darabont should even direct the movie, give his concept justice. But AMC appear to be very stingy with the Walking Dead, and that's a shame, because when a show is THIS successful it should be given free-reign to do anything, be given a charitable increase to its budget, and the makers of the TV should feel encouraged by the network to push the limits of TV in all areas.
    Last edited by JonOfTheShred; 06-Jan-2013 at 09:08 AM. Reason: agtejdgfds

  15. #30

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    Although this season has been really good so far, and I don't really expect that to change with the next half. There are some aspects of it that are concerning. Which could have alot to do with this.
    For 1, they're packing too much into each episode, and putting too much emphasis on certain aspects that have little to do with the overall story or concept of the series. Like the Andrea/Governor story arc, that takes up far too much screen time and will never come together in a way that justifies that much screen time.
    My point is that this could be a sign of too much meddling by AMC, too much focus on appealing to the daytime drama crowd. There's a real good possibility that the direction that AMC wants the show to go in is too much of a compromise for some people involved. That seems to already be going on to some degree.

    I see a push for reduced violence in media coming. It's being talked about alot. Not that it's a bad thing in theory, but the application of such a theory is another story. It's like the difference in watching the edited version of a film as opposed to the unedited. I've seen a couple news stories on violence in media, and TWD was mentioned in 1 of them, even showed a clip.


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