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Thread: NO NEWS?? is diary dead?

  1. #16
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Don't forget the cameo by Big "Jar Jar Binks" Daddy. All in mind blowing CGI!
    y'know i was watchind dawn '04 on channel 4 the other day and i saw the credits for the first time, yes after land i could sit through all of this (down fanboys ) and for those who havent been able to the credits are intermitten shots of a home video camcorder of the guys who escape on the boat, they run out the fuel for the boat and are adrift, they find a dock ,and miraculously land at it and walk onto the shore, they see zombies ,cus the director thought he'd be witty like shamalan and i swear the first zombie you see for a second IS big daddy.

    now i guarantee, at least one person is gonna run and watch the dvd and check every frame during the credits to prove me wrong, even though its not too plausible to begin with.

  2. #17
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    y'know i was watchind dawn '04 on channel 4 the other day and i saw the credits for the first time, yes after land i could sit through all of this (down fanboys ) and for those who havent been able to the credits are intermitten shots of a home video camcorder of the guys who escape on the boat, they run out the fuel for the boat and are adrift, they find a dock ,and miraculously land at it and walk onto the shore, they see zombies ,cus the director thought he'd be witty like shamalan and i swear the first zombie you see for a second IS big daddy,

    now i guarantee, at least one person is gonna run and watch the dvd and check every frame during the credits to prove me wrong, even though its not too plausible to begin with.
    LOL I actually drove my hubby nuts at the theater standing there watching the credits to see who did make up and etc...then saw all that stuff too, I actually made hubby mad cause he said I ruined the ending for him cause he just figured they went off into the sunset safe!! I rolled my eyes and said ya right in a zombie movie like thats gonna happen!! LOL It pays to watch the credits doesnt it?
    BTW: now I have to go look at it again to see if I see "Big Daddy" well to see the guy that resembles him anyway!LOL

  3. #18
    Just been bitten Mikey's Avatar

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    Coming soon to DVD near your basement.

    Give up the hope, fellas. DIARY will be direct to video, probably via anchor bay.
    "Totally Togepi!"

  4. #19
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    "Give up hope". It's nice to know there are still positive fans out there. Besides....I don't think there's really anyone here that would get upset about it being straight to video, anyway. It's still a new Romero flick and will most likely bring in a decent amount of cash to help the ol timer out.

    I mean, all three of the first dead films were small, independent productions that had a theatrical run. Romero made "Land" with a studio and now that he's going back to the small productions again it means that it's going straight to video?

  5. #20
    I can't see Diary going straight to dvd, I'd be sorely disappointed if it did.

  6. #21
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    I can't see Diary going straight to dvd, I'd be sorely disappointed if it did.
    Why dude? I think people around here have started to forget that we had to wait twenty years for another Romero Dead flick. I'll take another one no matter how I get it. Just because it goes straight to video doesn't mean that it will be any less of a film. AND if it does go straight to video, we don't have to wait for the unrated cut. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see another Romero flick on the big screen(especially an independent film), but we need to count our blessings that the master is still giving us what we want.

  7. #22
    It wouldn't really brutalise me if Diary did go straight to dvd, it's just that I would like to see it at the theater first and not on some widescreen tv.

  8. #23
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    Personally I think it will make it on the big screen big time because have you noticed how many zombie movies being made right now example: " The Invasion" with Nicole Kidman?
    This just might be a very good year for zombie movies?!
    We can only hope...bring us more and more I just hate to see what Hollywood does to them tho!
    I am full of hope!!! Afterall, we are talking zombie movies and there are never enough zombie movies are there???
    See, I am full of hope!! LOL

  9. #24
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    Except "The Invasion" is not zombies, it is a remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and is about an alien invasion.

    Hopefully this remake doesn't suck like most others.

    As for Diary, I would love to see it in a theater, but if it goes straight to DVD thats fine with me. It's another Romero zombie movie and we didn't have to wait years for it.
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