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Thread: the senate has rejected gay marriage ban amendment...

  1. #16
    Dying AssassinFromHell's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    The "Christians" are the main reason the US is as screwed up as it is.
    Gangsters, Murderers, Rapists, Con Artists, Terrorists, and Liberals are Christians? Last I checked, when the U.S. actually had morals, all was going good. Now look at it, when you have ever tight ass religion complaining about the Pledge of Allegiance (as if they have to say it), and the coins having a small phrase nobody ever notices. We're corrupt because people have TOO MANY rights. The U.S. was founded on Christianity. Then we get seperation of church and state. Give it time, we'll go to Satanism next.

    America's favorite natural resource: Ignorance

    But then again, Christians think they own the world. Well, just the crazy extremists who go insane when something isn't kissing god's left butt check. The band Collective Soul has a new logo, which features an upside down star inside a CS. Some christian had the nerve to start a movement against the band calling them satanic because of an upside down star. Oh, and what about how they complain about the horror film industry.

    I'm done ranting. America sucks. Earth sucks.

  2. #17
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssassinFromHell
    Gangsters, Murderers, Rapists, Con Artists, Terrorists, and Liberals are Christians?
    Soooo... What's so bad about Liberals? I like to consider myself liberal, and I assume you have some kind of argument to back that up with.

  3. #18
    Dying AssassinFromHell's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed
    Soooo... What's so bad about Liberals? I like to consider myself liberal, and I assume you have some kind of argument to back that up with.
    Just trying to add a touch of humor. I have nothing against liberals in general. Just the ones who go overboard and feel like waving signs while clogging traffic will contribute to bettering a cause.

  4. #19
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssassinFromHell
    Just trying to add a touch of humor. I have nothing against liberals in general. Just the ones who go overboard and feel like waving signs while clogging traffic will contribute to bettering a cause.
    Oh, sorry. Yeah, I agree there. Republicans generally aren't bad, but the radicals are. Liberals generally aren't bad, but the radicals are, etc. etc.

  5. #20
    Dead Marie's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by scipio70
    the issue of an amendment is dead for now - thankfully.
    You aren't paying attention. The amendment was smoke and mirrors anyway, What President Bush probably DID do sucessfully is reenergize the right wing voters and therefore stop any "Protest Vote" against the party in the next couple of elections.

    Politics is a dirty game.


    [QUOTE=I'm done ranting. America sucks. Earth sucks. [/QUOTE]

    Yea, but just try to buy real estate off planet.....

    Last edited by Marie; 10-Jun-2006 at 07:06 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  6. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by AssassinFromHell
    We're corrupt because people have TOO MANY rights.
    We don't have too many rights. There's just too many people who think it is necessary to use these rights whenever they get the chance. I have a real problem with people who hide behind the first amendment while at the same time use it as a weapon. Sure there are extremists on both sides of the fence and I think that is where a big part of the problem is, but I think there are even more rational people out there who see this.

  7. #22
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by BLUNT
    I have no problem with gays either

    BUT <----(yes a but)

    The united states was founded under christian ways and last time I checked its a sin to be gay "one nation, under god, indivisable for liberty and justice" something along those lines

    im not preeching god but im pointing out an issue here
    Yes, and at the time witches were burned at the stake... Somethings get out of date. Religous nonsense and prejudice is a fine example...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  8. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil
    Yes, and at the time witches were burned at the stake... Somethings get out of date. Religous nonsense and prejudice is a fine example...
    last time I checked the country was founded after the witchburning fiasco. Besides, sometimes Christianity shares a lot with simple common sense and for some reason people tend to confuse the two.

  9. #24
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by zombie04
    last time I checked the country was founded after the witchburning fiasco. Besides, sometimes Christianity shares a lot with simple common sense and for some reason people tend to confuse the two.
    This country was already "founded" long beofre the Christians started their burning "fiasco". Hell, in some ways they still "burn" - only these days they bomb abortion clinics and murder doctors that perform abortions.
    All the Christians I've ever met are about Control. They are right and everybody else is wrong. They are one sided and ignorant. They preach peace, yet, practice hateful, egotistical control of those around them. (Again, they're are the ones I've encountered....and haven't met any that are not like this.)
    They need to learn that "their way" is NOT the right way.

  10. #25
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Just because a country was founded under one thing, doesn't mean it has to enforce those values on EVERYBODY for eternity. Times change, people and cultures change. Gays are people too, it is their human right to be treated equal to straight folk. All too often the human rights 'thing' is used the wrong way - like giving KFC to a criminal on a roof (this week in the UK), rather than finding that so-called equality we're currently living in.

    I thought religion was supposed to preach unity and loving thy neighbour and how to be a good person.

    "My Name Is Earl" should be shown in schools and at functions to teach people how to be nice and treat others with respect I say.

  11. #26

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    They need to learn that "their way" is NOT the right way.
    And can you prove that you're right and they're wrong? I know this could go either way but I'm just saying.

  12. #27
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by zombie04
    And can you prove that you're right and they're wrong? I know this could go either way but I'm just saying.
    No, but I can prove that we all have a right to opinion and I understand that there is no ONE right way.

  13. #28

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    No, but I can prove that we all have a right to opinion and I understand that there is no ONE right way.
    Did I say nobody had a right to an opinion? Don't think so. I think this is a very good example of why politics should not be discussed on this board. People insult other people's beliefs, those people do their best to retaliate in some way, and it just never ends (kind of like that Israel/Palestine thing). I just try to stay away from these things.

  14. #29
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by zombie04
    Did I say nobody had a right to an opinion? Don't think so. I think this is a very good example of why politics should not be discussed on this board. People insult other people's beliefs, those people do their best to retaliate in some way, and it just never ends (kind of like that Israel/Palestine thing). I just try to stay away from these things.
    Calm down there, Spitfire! I wasn't trying to be an ass there. Just answering your question.

  15. #30

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    Calm down there, Spitfire! I wasn't trying to be an ass there. Just answering your question.
    No need to tell me to calm down. If you heard me speak for the last two years you'd realize I've become monotone because I've become so indifferent to everything. Yup, life is just so exciting for me


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