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Thread: So, Season 4 is on next month :)

  1. #16
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Love Breaking Bad, love The Walking Dead. I'm a horror guy at heart so of course I'm fucking excited for the return of TWD!
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  2. #17
    Just been bitten Morto Vivente's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Im still confused why people feel the need to compare TWD with BB. Apart from being on the same network and occasionally interchanging directors, they share no other common trait. IMHO its somehow become cool to slate TWD and hold up BB as some saviour of scripted drama, especially online. Just enjoy each one for what it is.
    Couldn't agree more. Both shows are great IMO.
    Come on Robin, to the Bat Cave! There's not a moment to lose!

  3. #18
    Fresh Meat

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    Can't wait want to have a premier party

  4. #19
    Just been bitten zomtom's Avatar

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    Hi Zombi-oni!!! Welcome to the site. I hope you will enjoy it here. It was great meeting you this Summer!! As for me, I just spent the last two weeks watching all three seasons on Blu-ray and my ass is ready for October 13th!!!

  5. #20
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I've re-watched seasons 1 and 2, and I'm just waiting for season 3 to be released on our shores - I'll crack that out prior to the premiere. It'll be nice to see it according to my own schedule over a compressed time period, rather than two batches of eight week-to-week episodes.

    There's been a lot of entertainment to distract me during the wait, but now it's getting very close I'm getting more and more excited.

  6. #21
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I'm just waiting for season 3 to be released on our shores - I'll crack that out prior to the premiere. It'll be nice to see it according to my own schedule over a compressed time period, rather than two batches of eight week-to-week episodes.
    I just finished doing that a few days ago. While I expected it may flow better while seeing them back-to-back, it didn't. The pacing issues and time spent between the two camps still feels like a negative mark on the season, imo. Not to mention The Governor's crazy "evolution". It's so uneven and back and forth it gave me whiplash. I like the idea of showing his transformation to the evil Governor, but the execution of that idea leaves much to be desired. Especially when they can't decide what direction to take it.

  7. #22

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    I only watch BB intermittently,
    However, holding it up as a dramatic tour de force is a bit laughable IMO.
    Just cast your mind back to the scene when Hank's wife (her name escapes me at the moment) comes to confront Skyler over Walt's activities, and keeps asking obvious questions about when she (Skyler) knew what about Walt...and then her "OMG, you won't talk to Hank because you think Walt's going to get away with it" elicited nothing but rolled eyes from me. The scene was wooden, predictable, down to the "I'm nutty enough to grab another woman's baby and try to take it against the mother's will *for the baby's good*" action.

    I'm NOT saying BB doesnt have some absolutely BRILLIANT story and deep, DARK characterization. Just that it has as many warts as TWD EASILY. The one thing BB escaped was a completely lackluster Back 9 like TWD's Season 3 2nd half. Which is honestly the root of the aforementioned trend about bashing TWD and holding BB up as the Holy of Holies.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 28-Sep-2013 at 10:40 AM.

  8. #23
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    With the above in mind, I officially announce the start of season 4 of HPotD's Walking Dead shenanigans!

    I will pitch in, as well: all last season was Shane's fault!

    Let the games begin!

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  9. #24
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    With the above in mind, I officially announce the start of season 4 of HPotD's Walking Dead shenanigans!

    I will pitch in, as well: all last season was Shane's fault!

    Let the games begin!
    Don't be was Milton's.

  10. #25
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    A lot of flack gets tossed at the back-half of season 3, but as I've said, the back half also contained some of the best episodes of the season (3x12 and 3x15). The finale was pretty good too, although it did subvert expectations in a big old way (it was unfair of the show to lead the audience to expect one thing, and deliver something rather different). 3x09 and 3x10 were also quite good.

    The big bugger up was 3x14 "Prey" which, while having enjoyable moments, was total filler ... 3x13 (where Rick and The Guv have a face-to-face) was pretty good, the only issue with it was it's part in the overall pacing ... hence this meme being popular:

    The pace slackened (decidedly so at some points) - no doubt about that - but to write off the entire back half? No.


    Speaking of Shane, I recently re-watched seasons 1 and 2, and it reminded me of how much I liked what they did with Shane's arc. Far more satisfying than in the comic, Bernthal played it perfectly, and the pay-off packed the expected punch. Sometimes I think of seasons 1 and 2 as 'the Shane era'.

  11. #26

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    All I wanna know is if there's gonna be another season of Comic book Men!!?? God I hope so! I've been anticipating it since last season.

  12. #27
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babomb View Post
    All I wanna know is if there's gonna be another season of Comic book Men!!?? God I hope so! I've been anticipating it since last season.
    As a matter of fact there is. Midnight following the encore presentation of TWD.

    I know you're being sarcastic, but I'm pleased - I enjoy the show, particularly as I'm a big fan of the Tell 'Em Steve-Dave podcast.

  13. #28

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    I disagree with the positive assessment of the Season 3 Back 9,
    Whatever I thought of the annoying hopping from Woodbury to the prison, Andrea's blind naiivety (sp?), or general pacing, I was utterly disgusted with the Governor's snatching Andrea, and pretty much everything that came of that. Then, the utterly unbelievable "A-Team like" casualty-free shooting by Glenn, Maggie and Daryl (who again, were the 3 characters with the sharpest axes to grind vs the Gov and Co.) during the Woodbury attack of the prison, followed by the Governor simply slaughtering all his troops honestly brought me within a hair of simply turning the TV off.

    Were there great elements to Season 3? Absolutely, "Clear" springs right to mind, among other plot points. However, the less interesting material, coupled together with some disgustingly unbelievable events/character decisions, and the general pacing problems through the latter half of Season 3 created a sub-par overall effect IMO. Which is all that is, my opinion. Certainly not The Authoritative Jihadi-Like Obsessive Objective Declaration of Truth.

    I could even pick out one single event that drove me so nuts it alone was capable of lowering the "letter grade" of Season 3's back half on an A+ to F- scale by a full letter. Andrea yapping and yapping at a dying Milton, and stopping all escape efforts each time she opened her mouth. Say what you want about the out-of-story Why's of it, the scene was HORRIBLY DONE, and an insult to TWD in general. Whoever wrote that bit of tripe, and whoever greenlighted it after they saw it once editing was finished deserve a solid backhand slap and a "WTF were you thinking!"

    Even the note the Season ended on, with Rick & Co. taking in all the ex-Woodbury folks that the Governor deemed unfit to serve as combatants creates logistical problems for the main characters that all-but-necessitate another breach of the prison and Walker Chow-Down to dramatically thin the ranks of the ex-Woodburyites.

    Finally, for me it's as simple as this: The MAJOR plot points that went wrong, whether it be a little wrong or horribly disastrously wrong, simply outweighed the enjoyable stuff for me in the 2nd half of last season.

  14. #29
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    i've decided to just sit this season out during the initial airings, and set the dvr and save the episodes for a rainy day. i feel virtually not even the slightest trace of interest with the season opener only 2 days away. the characters aren't interesting, the writers have dumbed the show down to pander to the masses, and it seems too predictable plot-wise right now.

    perhaps i'll discover later that i was wrong here, but right now i couldn't care less about the whole thing. it just seems that after looking back upon the series, there have been like maybe a half-dozen really good episodes, a handful that were almost awful, and the rest are mediocre. watching this show by the week just sounds as fun as waiting in line to get a flu shot.

  15. #30
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    And after a painful wait, The Walking Dead has returned. Life can now progress


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