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Thread: 360 price drop?

  1. #16
    Just been bitten

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    I don't think you will see a price cut this holiday season. What you will see are good bundle deals and individual retailers using a price cut to get people buying in their store. Honestly, I expect some damn nice sales right around Black Friday.

    But I wouldn't expect a price cut.

  2. #17
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    I read an article a few weeks back where they talked to one of the Suits from Microsoft. He said there will not be a price drop anytime soon as the 360 won't be a profitable system until somtime in 2008... so from that I would guess sometime in 2008 they might drop the price, but unless Sony drops the price I don't see them doing so until it becomes a necessary move.

    When I get my 360 I plan on buying it at Costco (it's like Sams Club if you don't know what they are) as they have a bundle for $470 that includes an extra controler, the play and charge kit, a game and the remote. Sure its pretty damn expensive at first, but in the long run it saves a nice chunk of money.
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  3. #18
    Just been bitten

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    Except you really want to buy it at a store that offers an extended warrantee. The 360 comes with a 3month and according to the media break a lot. I know 2 people whos boxes died. Mine is doing fine (but then I went with extra ventilation).

    I hate buying extended protection, but in this case it’s worth it.

  4. #19
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    i think we'll see a price drop when the ps3 is launched, especially since halo 3's now held back till '07.

  5. #20
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    I don't see Microsoft dropping the price until early/mid next year. And Halo 3 was always an '07 release.

  6. #21
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    Based on the fact that it's currently $399 US with only a 90 day hardware warranty, I'd wait and get a PS3 instead.

    Way too many reports of overheating problems with the early XBOX 360 machines with games using all 3 CPU's. Already rumors of a class action lawsuit against Microsoft because people have to pay $129 for a refurbished replacement XBOX 360. Some folks are sending their core in two or three times before it's fixed with a later revision machine.

  7. #22
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoinReturn View Post
    I don't see Microsoft dropping the price until early/mid next year. And Halo 3 was always an '07 release.
    in almost every videogames mag there was whent on about how gates said he was holding it back till the ps3 launch to cope with the competition.

  8. #23
    Dying Bunker65's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSiN View Post
    Except you really want to buy it at a store that offers an extended warrantee. The 360 comes with a 3month and according to the media break a lot. I know 2 people whos boxes died. Mine is doing fine (but then I went with extra ventilation).

    I hate buying extended protection, but in this case it’s worth it.
    You can get an extended warranty directly through Microsoft so you don't really need get it in a store that offers an extended warranty. I got my warranty through MS & feel very secure with it .

    Quote Originally Posted by Eyebiter View Post
    Based on the fact that it's currently $399 US with only a 90 day hardware warranty, I'd wait and get a PS3 instead.

    Way too many reports of overheating problems with the early XBOX 360 machines with games using all 3 CPU's. Already rumors of a class action lawsuit against Microsoft because people have to pay $129 for a refurbished replacement XBOX 360. Some folks are sending their core in two or three times before it's fixed with a later revision machine.
    You can wait & get a PS3 if you like but if you think the PS3 won't have their fair share of problems you would be wrong. If you recall, the PS2 had MANY, MANY problems during their launch & beyond. If you didn't have an extended warranty through a retailer with the PS2 your were SOL (s#@t out of luck) because Sony didn't replace them. At least MS offers a basic 90 day warranty & if you bitch & moan (as I've read on Xbox forums) to them they will more then likely repair any problems for free even after the 90 day warranty expires.

    If you are concerned with overheating you can get an intercooler or some other fan. I purchased an intercooler & it's done wonders for the heating issues with my 360. Even after playing hours straight the box is hardly even warm.

    Every electronic device launch is going to have their share of problems. It's the nature of the beast & something we, as consumers, have to deal with.

    Again, you can wait & spend $200.00 more on a PS3, I'll be content with saving that $200.00 & putting to towards games & accessories (as I've done already).

    This is, of course, my opinion. You & anyone else can do whatever you like . I just had to throw my 2 cents worth into the mix .

  9. #24
    Dead general tbag's Avatar

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    im sorry bunker that horrible when you have to buy all that crap to insure a product works. i shouldnt have to buy a electronic device and worry about it for years. 90 days is a joke and buying a extended warranty is even funnier. that like tellin customers youll be lucky if it works a year or so.

    and yes the ps3 wil have alot of issues, if one core goes so does the whole chip as i understand it. multi core procssors like the ps3 and 360 seems cool on paper, but until recently with the new duo2 cores the power and adavntage of multicore chip are just being realized.

    btw nintendo launch products seldom have issues.
    Last edited by general tbag; 01-Sep-2006 at 01:12 PM.

  10. #25
    Dying Bunker65's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by general tbag View Post
    im sorry bunker that horrible when you have to buy all that crap to insure a product works. i shouldnt have to buy a electronic device and worry about it for years. 90 days is a joke and buying a extended warranty is even funnier. that like tellin customers youll be lucky if it works a year or so.
    I'm not saying you have to buy anything. If you have the ability to get an extended warranty then it's just a "peace of mind" thing to have. Just as the intercooler is a peace of mind thing for me. If I can get get an extra year or 2 out of my 360 by keeping it cooler then it's $20.00 well spent. Again, it's for my peace of mind that I do these things. More power to you if you have peace of mind without them .

    I've been lucky in that pretty much anything I've owned I've had good luck with. I've never had many problems. The biggest problems I've had were with a Sharp VHS player years ago & a Pioneer LaserDisc player. With everything else I've been lucky .

    I'm just trying to point out that in the case of electronic devices in particular there are going to be issues with launches . That Nintendo has rarely had issues says alot for them as a company. That's why I've always owned any console that Nintendo has released .

  11. #26
    Dead general tbag's Avatar

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    i really believe the 360 chip revision is due to the multi core rumour , and over heating myself . idk bout you , but i had alot of xbox live friends have there 360 take a dump.

    btw bunker if you sense any hostility , it not towards to you but microsoft.

  12. #27
    Dying Bunker65's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by general tbag View Post
    i really believe the 360 chip revision is due to the multi core rumour , and over heating myself . idk bout you , but i had alot of xbox live friends have there 360 take a dump.

    btw bunker if you sense any hostility , it not towards to you but microsoft.
    It's all good . I didn't feel any sense of hostility at all . I apologize if my post's made it seem like I was feeling any hostility .

    I agree with you. If MS is shi#ting the bed they should be called on it just like any company should. We, as consumers, pay hard earned money for our products & shouldn't have to worry when we purchase them. Sadly, most big companies don't seem to care about the little guys .


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