They can't have phasers and photon torpedoes or replicators so they came up with phase cannons, photonic missiles and protein resequencers. They are so ****ing clever when it comes to the cosmetics!

It's not really that which would turn fans off though, it's the formulaic stories weve seen before and done better in TNG/DS9/VOY and the fact producers Berman and Braga say they haven't seen much of TOS.

That Borg one was good but when the writer says "It answers the question of why the Borg were coming in TNG Q Who!" it makes me think he's a idiot, the Borg have already been in UFP space prior to Q Who, they were there in 'The Neutral zone', Voyager shown they have assimilated humans further back then that and probably found them unremarkable until they encountered the Enterprise.