Quote Originally Posted by Deadverse
Man, I am glad someone made a thread about this excuse for a movie. My friend (McKye) and I went to Blockbuster one day in search of the original Day of the Dead. We were planning on having a Dead marathon and it was the only Dead movie missing from our collection. We could not find Day of the Dead so we instead rented Day of the Dead 2: Contagium. McKye told me this movie was bad, real bad! He told me that he saw the first ten minutes of it on the Scream channel and then had to change it because it was so bad. I assumed that he was exaggerating a bit and after some persuasion, we rented it. We went through all of Romero's Dead movies pretty quick but when it came to Day of the Dead 2: Contagium, we had to stop watching 20 minutes in, it was absolutely horrible. We instead pulled out the DVD and decided to watch the remake of Night of the Living Dead.

I made a copy of Day of the Dead 2: Contagium despite what my friends were telling me about how it would be a complete waste of a perfectly good DVD-R. A couple of weeks later I decided to watch the movie by myself with no disturbances and no interruptions. I promised myself to sit through the entire movie, no matter how bad it got. I sat through the entire movie and the bonus features and I am surprised that I held out that long. It was absolutely the worst movie I have ever seen. It makes no sense whatsoever, people who get infected but fight off their zombie urges? Zombies with mutant growths on them? The movie reeked of crap! I found it funny how the two <insert insult here> that directed the movie were able to stay positive and confident during the interview segments in the bonus features. If I were them, I would have shot myself in the head for making such craptacular crap! Whatever you do, steer very far away from Day of the Dead 2: Contagium. As an open-minded movie watcher I can personally tell you, it is absolute crap! Stay away!
Deadverse, I feel your pain. I really do.