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Thread: possibly the worst stephen king adaption yet?

  1. #16
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    I can't believe you, Lou, of all people listed Needful Things as a bad King adaption/film. That was a great film I loved it. Even Night Flier for how low budget and cheesy it was caught my eye, but I agree with you on everything else in the bad category.
    Dj, have you READ Needful Things? If you had (and by your statement, I know you haven't ) you would know how much was left out of the film that was imporant to the story. I think the guy who played Leland Gaunt (Max von Sydow) was fantastic, as well as Ed Harris as Sheriff Pangborn, but as far as novel-to-screen adaptation, it fell short.

    Rose Red is iffy, sure, but it's better than 90% of what's on the "bad" list now isn't it?

    You have to remember, i've been reading his novels for 22 years. While I realize it's hard as hell to turn a novel into a movie, I think when King is involved, he does a better job since he is the one who wrote the books and he knows best what's pertient to put in the movie and what's considered "throw-away" material in the book.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 03-May-2007 at 02:58 PM.

  2. #17

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    Ok, I guess you win

    the opinion war. Yours' is (are) the only valid opinion(s).

  3. #18
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I haven't seen you mention "The Dark Half", Lou. I know Romero wrote the screenplay, but being that he and King are buddies, I think King probably had his fair share of input.

    I've heard many people say they didn't like the film, but I found it to be quite good...

  4. #19
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    I own it on DVD, so I dig The Dark half, but the book is 100% better.
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  5. #20
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    i didnt care for the dark half myself, i just couldnt get the strange case of dr. jeckyl and mr hyde out of my head when i watched it.

    my favourite king adaptions would be.

    The shining
    The Stand
    Pet cemetrey
    and the longoliers.

    Running man sucked balls, id much rather see ,out of all the bachman books (which im currently reading between posting right now ) the long walk get adapted, rage was good but hell, get a few props and enough people and any student with enough people could probably make a film based on that one.

    in fact, adn a few people on here may like to hear about this, King has this "dollar baby" thign going were, for the sum of one us dollar, which is like a pound-fifty he grants students permission to adapt his short stories into student films, and honestly ive been temtped by this myself, if i had to do one, the easyiest for me would probably be riding the bullet but id probably like to do somethign i bit different, maybe the road virus heads north that one seems more suited to my crappy, shakey directing style.

  6. #21
    My favourite King book was Salems Lot... the film wasn't as scary (except for when the Glick boy comes back) but it was ok. I think the best King film conversion has to be Carrie, hands down.

  7. #22
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Geophyrd View Post
    the opinion war. Yours' is (are) the only valid opinion(s).

    Oh for the love of...

    I wasn't trying to "win" anything. There is no winning when it comes to opinions. I just stated that IN MY OPINION, that's how I see it, and I backed it up with some film titles unlike yourself.

    I did this because cannot understand how anyone can say King being involved in his own book-to-screen adaptations make them worse when if you take a look at the list of these adaptations, it speaks volumes to this subject, and to me, it's pretty self-evident. You see it differently, and that's totally cool, but don't bitch just because someone doesn't agree with you. If you really think that King being involved in his own film adaptations makes it worse, how about backing up your opinion with some examples like I did? If you do then all of us could discuss them. Then maybe I can post that you've won the opinion war.

    Relax. It's just a message board, and I think we all know this is just my opinion and I never ever claimed to know everything. Actually, I don't know jack sh*t, I just know what I like and having been reading Stephen King novels since I was about 14, not to mention watching all of the movies that are adaptations to those stories. Can I at least claim I have some experience and knowledge on the subject?

    Look how passionate the people here on this message board are about all things GAR. That's me and my Stephen King. It's passion for something you love.

    So, compile that list of what you consider to be crappy King adaptions he's involved in, then we can get a discussion going - isn't that what message boards are about?

    *takes a deep breath*

    moving on...

    Y'know what bassman? You're right, I didn't mention the Dark Half. To be honest, I didn't because it's been YEARS since i've seen it, and although I remember the book like I read it yesterday I don't remember the details of the film or even if I liked/hated it. That must mean I was indifferent. It's been a long while, and my brain ain't what it used to be. The short-term memory loss has caught up with me. I'll have to go back and re-watch that one. Dj liked the book, and I have to agree, it was a great read.

    hellsing - i can't agree more. Running Man sucked horribly. Thanks, i'll add that to my 'all knowing opinion' list Yes, The Long Walk would be a great one for someone to take on. Oh, and I completely forgot the Langoliers. I liked it, but the ending when they came and were destroying the planet - the cgi was a bit corny, but I did kinda like the movie. That's on my so-so list.

    Capn - are you referring to the original Salems Lot? Did you by any chance see the series they did of that a few years ago? How about the series they did of Carrie?
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 03-May-2007 at 05:37 PM.

  8. #23
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    I never ever claimed to know everything.

    I do and I live a richer existence because of it.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  9. #24
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    I do and I live a richer existence because of it.

    Then he should be bitching at you.

    Ok, that's it, I'll say it: I AM THE GOD OF ALL THINGS STEPHEN KING! BOW DOWN TO ME AND... ummm... i dunno, TIE MY SHOES!

    or something.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 03-May-2007 at 05:38 PM.


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