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Thread: Yet Another 3-D NIGHT Rip-off

  1. #31
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Joe Pilato, Danielle Harris, Mos Def, and Bill Mosley? Even though I'm pretty much against this thing....I've got to admit that the cast is pretty badass.
    i was about to ask who the fuck is danielle harris but now i remember she played the little kid in the later halloween movies. pfft on her. she's done a bunch of shit tv shows and mostly crap ass movies - scratch that, they all look like shit.

    as for this movie, i'm not interested. it sounds like garbage whipped up to "cash in" on the whole 3D shite fad. though i don't know how much cashing in they makers of this flick will do, since about only 23 people will see it.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  2. #32
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    One thing I've been wondering about... why's it called Origins? It doesn't sound like a prequel by any stretch of the imagination. This means it's probably either going to concentrate on the origins of the plague (sounds like a needless distraction from the essential human drama of the story), or it's just a meaningless snappy suffix they slapped on the end to sound important and vaguely artistic, you know the sort of thing: "requiem", "gaiden", "vengeance", "x", etc.

    Either that or it's one of those bastard offspring that seem to be popping up everywhere this past ten years or so: "the first in a planned trilogy".

    I know I come across as pretty negative here, but I DO want this film to be good, if for no other reason than I think most of that cast are awesome but unlucky one-or-two hit wonders who deserve another big break to boost their batting averages in the fickle eyes of the Hollywood machine.

    I have high hopes for the movie, but NOT high expectations. The two don't always go hand in hand unfortunately.


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