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Thread: What would you do if dead starts to walk

  1. #31
    Dead general tbag's Avatar

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    that why population density is a big thing wooley, people will be able to go so far in a car. it a fact not everyone would make it out.

  2. #32
    Dying Dommm's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wooley
    Anyone whose plan involves looting a store is likely to get shot/stabbed/beaten/arrested by the store owner/other panic buyers/looters/law enforcement/military troops.


    Any type of emergency event sees everyone and their mother run down to the store to stock up and it always turns into a Chinese fire drill as shelves are stripped bare, people get ugly, and the situation just deteriorates. Watch any footage shot during the lead up to a hurricane.

    Anyone whose plan involves tossing a bunch of stuff into their car and heading for the woods, is likely to find themselves stuff in the parking lot the freeway became when everyone else had the same plan.


    Watch the other staple of hurricane newsfootage of massive freeway parking lots, people out of gas, broken down cars, and everything else that went with the "I gotta be somewhere else than here" panic mentality of people.

    If by some miracle you get to the woods, you'll be sure to find them a lot more crowded as the people from the freeway parking lots carry what few supplies they had to start with and hump it into the woods. Good luck with that "Daniel Boone live off the land fantasy".

    The woods will be stripped bare of game, the lakes and streams stripped of fish, and fouled as people with no clue about sanitation dump waste in tothem for the peopel downstream to become infected with, and I'm sure more than a few campfires will get away, causing really impressive forest fires that will really thin out the hordes of human 'survivors' living there.

    Within a few weeks, the crime and fire problem in the woods will be as bad it was in the cities the refugees had fled.
    hmmm... never thought of that have to agree ahhh welll back to my underground bunker plan

  3. #33
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Ninja swords? What are you gonna do with those, stab two or three zombies and then watch as your fantasy sword goes to pieces?

    If you want to play swordmaster, you need to get something of european steel, which is much tougher. Germans were some of the best swordsmiths in the whole world, but I'm pretty sure spanish were good too.

    You'd need a long reachsword and a short reach sword. A claymore would be devestating for humans, and could probably cut a zombie in two with ease if you're good with it. But it's so much simpler to just take a bat and hit him in the head with it. Short swords, again, you need something for cutting. Like a falcata, which is bended and designed to cause maximum amount of slashing damage! Machete works with the same principle, and is easier to get ahold off.

    Forget about thrusting, which is the most effective way against humans. A gladius may be good for cutting down looters, but a zombie just won't give a damn if he recieves a stab to the gut.

    In all actuality... Swords were good for fighting other people. But for zombies, you want something blunt and durable. Like a basebal bat. Or several.

    Uhm... So back to my survival scenario.

    I wouldn't be that bad off. I live in sweden, suburbia. 16,000 in my little town. Population density is so low in Sweden, that the zombie plague would probably be the least of our problems. It'd be devestating for the big cities at first (and I use the term big cities loosely, since our largest city has around 1 mil, and the second largest 500,000). But after that there wouldn't be much for the zombies to actually do except stumble around and be knocked dead by the citizens who've figured out that striking them to the head would be lethal. It's another thing in, say New York, where's there's almost an endless supply of people and chaos would ensure everyone would want out of the city. But none of Swedens cities are simply that big! It'd take almost a miracle for the zombies to actually win the fight! And us being somewhat of a lonely peninsula, there's no risk of zombies wandering in from more populated areas, like Germany. Zombies wouldn't ever bother crossing the water.

    No, the biggest problem would be food supply. Alot of major countries will far, that's for sure. And all of our food imports would cease. There would be heavy hoarding of food from many people, and it would generally be in short supply. So in order to survive you'd have to A) Grow your own food or B) Hunt your own food. I don't really know how to do either, so that'd be a problem for me.

  4. #34
    Dying Dommm's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed
    Ninja swords? What are you gonna do with those, stab two or three zombies and then watch as your fantasy sword goes to pieces?

    If you want to play swordmaster, you need to get something of european steel, which is much tougher. Germans were some of the best swordsmiths in the whole world, but I'm pretty sure spanish were good too.

    You'd need a long reachsword and a short reach sword. A claymore would be devestating for humans, and could probably cut a zombie in two with ease if you're good with it. But it's so much simpler to just take a bat and hit him in the head with it. Short swords, again, you need something for cutting. Like a falcata, which is bended and designed to cause maximum amount of slashing damage! Machete works with the same principle, and is easier to get ahold off.

    Forget about thrusting, which is the most effective way against humans. A gladius may be good for cutting down looters, but a zombie just won't give a damn if he recieves a stab to the gut.

    In all actuality... Swords were good for fighting other people. But for zombies, you want something blunt and durable. Like a basebal bat. Or several.

    Uhm... So back to my survival scenario.

    I wouldn't be that bad off. I live in sweden, suburbia. 16,000 in my little town. Population density is so low in Sweden, that the zombie plague would probably be the least of our problems. It'd be devestating for the big cities at first (and I use the term big cities loosely, since our largest city has around 1 mil, and the second largest 500,000). But after that there wouldn't be much for the zombies to actually do except stumble around and be knocked dead by the citizens who've figured out that striking them to the head would be lethal. It's another thing in, say New York, where's there's almost an endless supply of people and chaos would ensure everyone would want out of the city. But none of Swedens cities are simply that big! It'd take almost a miracle for the zombies to actually win the fight! And us being somewhat of a lonely peninsula, there's no risk of zombies wandering in from more populated areas, like Germany. Zombies wouldn't ever bother crossing the water.

    No, the biggest problem would be food supply. Alot of major countries will far, that's for sure. And all of our food imports would cease. There would be heavy hoarding of food from many people, and it would generally be in short supply. So in order to survive you'd have to A) Grow your own food or B) Hunt your own food. I don't really know how to do either, so that'd be a problem for me.
    very eurocentric

    samurai swords actully the toughest if you know how to use them, yes they will go to pieces if used wrong as they have extreamly weak points but if used in the correct manner they can cut through wood. We arn't talking about the weak ripoffs that you get from most shops but the real folded steal jobs. also the technology is far more advanced in the manufacturing of these most European swordsmiths of the time had no idea on how to develop these. Much as in gunpowder, the dying of cloth, the proper use of hemp fibres, etc...

  5. #35
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dommm
    very eurocentric

    samurai swords actully the toughest if you know how to use them, yes they will go to pieces if used wrong as they have extreamly weak points but if used in the correct manner they can cut through wood. We arn't talking about the weak ripoffs that you get from most shops but the real folded steal jobs. also the technology is far more advanced in the manufacturing of these most European swordsmiths of the time had no idea on how to develop these. Much as in gunpowder, the dying of cloth, the proper use of hemp fibres, etc...
    Samurai swords were sharp, yes. But sharp swords break easily. I know a great deal about swords and I've even trained with katanas so don't think I'm some ignorant jerk who hates the japanese. Please. But fact is that european steal was much tougher, and as a result their swords were as well. You know why they folded their steel for the katanas? To make it tougher. Europeans didn't need to do this, because their steel was tough as it was.

    And what do you mean "actually the toughest if you know how to use them"? I'd like you to explain this part to me, because I've trained with them, know how to use them yet... I don't know what you mean. I'm just wondering what makes you think that samurai swords were superior to all other swords.

    As soon as I say anything negative about samurai, I'm always labelled as eurocentric. Well, in that case, you're very japanocentric. Stop believing all the myths you hear sorrounding samurai and katanas. I bet you believe knights were huge, hulking beasts with no agility or finesse as well.

    Oh, and another thing... Are machetes from Europe?

  6. #36
    Dead general tbag's Avatar

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    Talking uhf

    fine ill get a conan the librarian sword so i can chop them in half.

    "Don't you know the Dewey Decimal System?" — Conan the Librarian

    Last edited by general tbag; 25-Aug-2006 at 11:45 AM.

  7. #37
    Dying Dommm's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by general tbag
    fine ill get a conan the librarian sword so i can chop them in half.

    "Don't you know the Dewey Decimal System?" — Conan the Librarian

    How would you lift that thing

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed
    Samurai swords were sharp, yes. But sharp swords break easily. I know a great deal about swords and I've even trained with katanas so don't think I'm some ignorant jerk who hates the japanese. Please. But fact is that european steal was much tougher, and as a result their swords were as well. You know why they folded their steel for the katanas? To make it tougher. Europeans didn't need to do this, because their steel was tough as it was.

    And what do you mean "actually the toughest if you know how to use them"? I'd like you to explain this part to me, because I've trained with them, know how to use them yet... I don't know what you mean. I'm just wondering what makes you think that samurai swords were superior to all other swords.

    As soon as I say anything negative about samurai, I'm always labelled as eurocentric. Well, in that case, you're very japanocentric. Stop believing all the myths you hear sorrounding samurai and katanas. I bet you believe knights were huge, hulking beasts with no agility or finesse as well.

    Oh, and another thing... Are machetes from Europe?
    lol point taken There are many myths surrounding the blades are true for one thing you can not do is cut down a tree using one, I would love to see someone try. I also do not believe that the knights were all muscle and no finesse, as they had to have many skills ingrained into them not just power, but endurance, balance, anyone that hefts any type of weapon without a strong sense of centring will probably end up falling on the damn thing. And to top that everyone thinks of the japenese and chinese when they think of martial arts (many of these martial arts where developed using yoga breathing techniques to develop popwer and endurance and orignated north of india), martial arts is actully an system of close quarters combat which can be attributed to the knights, and is in brazil, Korea, etc.... etc....

    I also am not totally untrained as I have trained i Tae-Kwon-do, Ju-Jitsu, archery, and used the shortsword and the foil. Though I claim no great level of proficancy in any of these I have some understanding in all the above. As far as labeling you Eurocentric my apologies maybe a harsh term but I enjoy playing devils advocate and see the arguments that people return with.

    oops almost missed your asking my humblest opionion on how to use it, well if you go in there swinging it like a steroid mad punk yep it will definatly end up being a very weak weapon and more then likley end up snapping in half as the tensile stregnth is not very high on these blades as you noted these are sharp cutting tools and have to be used as such hack and slash as shown i many games and movies just would not work. the strongest part of the blade is at the keen edge and this part only should be used in any form of attack, it is very much an art form. A rather macabre art form but none the less an art form.

    No idea were the machete orignated from please do advise me
    Last edited by Dommm; 25-Aug-2006 at 01:11 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  8. #38
    Just been bitten Brubaker's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wooley
    Anyone whose plan involves looting a store is likely to get shot/stabbed/beaten/arrested by the store owner/other panic buyers/looters/law enforcement/military troops.


    Any type of emergency event sees everyone and their mother run down to the store to stock up and it always turns into a Chinese fire drill as shelves are stripped bare, people get ugly, and the situation just deteriorates. Watch any footage shot during the lead up to a hurricane.

    Anyone whose plan involves tossing a bunch of stuff into their car and heading for the woods, is likely to find themselves stuff in the parking lot the freeway became when everyone else had the same plan.


    Watch the other staple of hurricane newsfootage of massive freeway parking lots, people out of gas, broken down cars, and everything else that went with the "I gotta be somewhere else than here" panic mentality of people.

    If by some miracle you get to the woods, you'll be sure to find them a lot more crowded as the people from the freeway parking lots carry what few supplies they had to start with and hump it into the woods. Good luck with that "Daniel Boone live off the land fantasy".

    The woods will be stripped bare of game, the lakes and streams stripped of fish, and fouled as people with no clue about sanitation dump waste in tothem for the peopel downstream to become infected with, and I'm sure more than a few campfires will get away, causing really impressive forest fires that will really thin out the hordes of human 'survivors' living there.

    Within a few weeks, the crime and fire problem in the woods will be as bad it was in the cities the refugees had fled.
    There would be a good number of "dead" in the woods. Scenes throughout the four movies confirm this.

    The lot of you will make good zombies, though, once you get the hang of it

  9. #39
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dommm
    Lots of text
    That's alright, I'm glad we can keep this civil. I am sorry for anything I said that might have offended you. I'm also happy to meet a fellow martial artist, but I'm not really a master either. I've trained Tae-Kwon-Do and Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (which has alot of swordplay in it). I didn't really like any of them, but I trained Bujinkan for a few years still. Next up I'm looking for something completly different and that involves more sparring and actual fighting rather than just techniques. Currently I'm a bit disabled, tho, since I have this medical operation wound that needs to heal before I can go on, tho...

    Anyway. Martial Arts, like the modern asian arts, existed back in Europe as well. Only difference is that people went all out guns in Europe, and the only traces we have left of the swordplay and such are writings and some military instruction books from the middle ages. Knights were trained from childbirth, and would regularly train in their armor. So they were both strong and nimble and of course, master swordsmen (well, not all of them of course... Some probably sucked ass).

    Infact the first recorded martial art, Pankration, comes from Greece. It included stances and different breathing methods/techniques to enhance your inner strength, much like chi in chinese martial arts today. One theory is that Pankration was the influence for Indian martial arts, which would then influence chinese and japanese martial arts. While I find it likely that Pankration influenced indian martial arts, I don't agree with those who say that it's the sole reason for their existance...

    Pankration was not like any traditional martial art we have today, however, as duels were regular part of the training and it involved alot of practical experience. During the olympic games of Pankration, it was not unusual for the loser to die yet this was accepted.

    Uhm... So back to zombies and swords.

    I'm certain that swords in general would be very ineffective against zombies. Because against a human, you can stab him anywhere and he will react to that pain. But a zombie won't, making swordplay against a zombie very tricky. That's why a bat would be better, I think. It's much more durable for headknocking. A sword is hard to find and can break easily if mishandled or overused.

    Machetes are from all over the place, really. South America primarily I believe. That's one "sword" I think might be useful against zombies because you can easily deliver maiming cuts with it. Chopping off a zombie arm to get yourself out of stick situations might be a useful tactic.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 25-Aug-2006 at 07:52 PM.

  10. #40
    Just been bitten ngm231's Avatar

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    if theliving dead attacked id be ****ed because
    1. my family is lazy as hell
    2. the best weaponn we have is a cleaver

    but if i were to leave i would go to the local gun store get a light handgun as much ammo as i could carry. then i would go to the store get some food and pop. and go to sam goody get a boom box, batteries, and some quiet riot cds. then go hold up on a tall building and wait for the whole thing to end.

  11. #41
    Dying radiokill's Avatar

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    Martin, LA (the sticks). I'm writing a zombie script to be filmed in this area with cheap DVs!
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    I'd have to grab my glock (.40) and ride my truck up to the barn and get all of our seeds and the old hand plow. I'd get out that huge ford cabbed tractor and bind as many rolls of barbed wire and t-posts as I could to the hay-fork and wherever else they'll sit. Hopefully, someone would be there to cover me with the AR-15 while I threw whatever wood and 55-gallon drums I could get my hands on into the truck. We'd run the truck back to the house and get the 12-gauge, 16-gauge, .32, .22 pistol, .22 rifle, saturday night special, 30-30, 30-06,
    .270, even the benjamin pump air rifle (it's got scope and would definitely send a pellet through an eyeball), ammo (only have 30 rounds per weapon, though) all canned goods, canning supplies, clothes, coffee filters, knives, machetes, forks, spoons, pots, pans, cooking oil, propane cooker, fishing poles, reels, and tackle, axes, mauls, shovels, post-hole diggers, hammers, nails, rope, chains, tool kits, cheap-ass walkie talkies, matches, lighters, batteries, soap, and everything in the medicine cabinet. I'd hop on the 4-wheeler and run down to the pond and grab hold of the john boat and drag it back to the house and throw it in the truck, tie everything down, grab my loved ones and head down to the lake bottom riding side by side with that massive tractor. We'd get down there and fasten the wood to the barrels to make a raft and load it down. We'd hop in the boat and float it and the raft for about a day's float down the bay' and make it to a 10-acre island just north of here (not huge but big enough for a garden. We'd build a fence to cover as much of the island as we could and dig pits on the opposite banks. We'd eat what we could until it's time to plant again. In the mean time, we might make a trip back to the house every now and then to kill a cow. Maybe we could figure out how to make jerky without a dehydrator. I think if we got word quick enough we could accomplish this. Sorry for rambling like a child, but I'm in child-like fantasy mode!
    I Corinthians 1:18-31 18For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 19For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. 20Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 21For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. 22For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: 23But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; 24But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. 25Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 26For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: 27But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 28And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: 29That no flesh should glory in his presence. 30But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: 31That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.

  12. #42
    Dying Dommm's Avatar

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    [QUOTE=EvilNed;32118]That's alright, I'm glad we can keep this civil. I am sorry for anything I said that might have offended you. I'm also happy to meet a fellow martial artist, but I'm not really a master either. I've trained Tae-Kwon-Do and Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (which has alot of swordplay in it). I didn't really like any of them, but I trained Bujinkan for a few years still. Next up I'm looking for something completly different and that involves more sparring and actual fighting rather than just techniques. Currently I'm a bit disabled, tho, since I have this medical operation wound that needs to heal before I can go on, tho...

    Anyway. Martial Arts, like the modern asian arts, existed back in Europe as well. Only difference is that people went all out guns in Europe, and the only traces we have left of the swordplay and such are writings and some military instruction books from the middle ages. Knights were trained from childbirth, and would regularly train in their armor. So they were both strong and nimble and of course, master swordsmen (well, not all of them of course... Some probably sucked ass).

    What came first the chicken or the egg....

    many arguments come down to the fact that eurocentric books claim almost all things were discovered by the west, asiocentric (for want of a better word) claim all creations were theres first...

    Who do you beleive, I think that this comes down to what you want to beleive. Mother of all languages is genrally accepted as sanscript (think thats the right spelling) though many argue it was latin, though if you trace it back more likly that sanscript was developed firt and helped to create latin which then created english german french etc.. And these texts allowed the formation of meditation with teachings being passed around in written form, meditation was the beginnings of breath control and chi energy which was then developed into martial arts so thoretically this is the beginning of the martial arts, but again this depends on your personal view and what books you read.

    Now the real question is Jesus Christ black or white or chinese

  13. #43
    Being Attacked CivilDefense's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by radiokill View Post
    Maybe we could figure out how to make jerky without a dehydrator.
    Fiberglass furnace filters and a box fan, set the box horizontal, slice the meat thinly, then lay the meat onto the filters in the ridges provided, then put on another clean filter, load, and repeat, bungie cord the filters to the fan and just let it run till its dry.. I would not recommend jerky created from the living dead..

    And I am already in Canada, where the hell am I supposed to flee to?

    PEI I suppose.

  14. #44

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    I, for one,

    would be very very surprised.

  15. #45
    Just been bitten TheWalkingDude's Avatar

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    Well first of all find a big truck. One with a plow on it lol. Then throw in guns and ammo and food and water. Then drive to the country. Go to all the farm houses and pick up more supplies...gas, hose to take gas out of other cars, ammo, weapons, women, maybe a few more men to help shoot lol. Then try and make it to a slightly bigger town that might have the National Guard. See if anyone is alive or if there are better weapons to pick up. Then start driving all over the zombies clearing out a town. Keep repeating and rinse lol.

    Bend over and kiss my Butt goodbye lmao
    Last edited by TheWalkingDude; 08-Sep-2006 at 05:57 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    Member of the Pittsburgh Pimp Squad....... Playersssssssss Pimpin Aint Easyyyyyyyy


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