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Thread: Leatherface jokes about Face Transplant Lady?

  1. #31
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slickwilly13 View Post

    Btw, to answer his question. There is a diffrence between fiction and reality. I have no problem with graphic violence in movies, because it is fake. But I see no humor in someone on the receiving end of a shotgun blast to the face, unless I feel they deserve it.
    ditto. i don't care nor mind even ultra violent movies because, as you've said, it's fake.

    but i don't want to see real people seriously hurt or killed. there is a simple reason for that - because there but for the grace of the 'verse (firefly reference) go i.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  2. #32
    Just been bitten Crappingbear's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkWisdom View Post
    It had just occurred to me that you can probably mine a whole slew of Leatherface jokes regarding the recent Face Transplant case in the news, but I'll be damned if I can think of one! Please! If you got one let's hear it!

    BTW. First Post. Hello everyone. I assume the proverbial "same page" we're all on here is titled Zombies, yes? Well I love 'em! Here's my list of zombie novels that I own. Please feel free to add suggestions!

    The Zombie Survival Guide
    World War Z
    Day by Day Armageddon
    The Book of the Dead
    The Book of the Dead 2
    The Living Dead Anthology
    Dying to Live
    The Rising
    City of the Dead
    Fears Unnamed
    The Walking Dead Comics (up to #9)
    One Rainy Night
    Marvel Zombies
    Here are a few more you need to get.

    The Dead by Mark E. Rogers. Put a dose of religion into the genre making it literally hell on Earth with the dead coming back.

    Dead in the West by Joe Lansdale. Dawn of the Dead meets Outlaw Josey Wales.

    Wet Work by Philip Nutman. Hitman becomes zombie and wants revenge on those who did him wrong in a zombie world.

    Jailbait Zombies by Mario Acevedo. Book 4 in his Felix Gomez series. Gomez is a vampire P.I. whose latest case is an outbreak of zombies.

    Long Horn, Big Shaggy by Steve Vernon. Another western zombie with mondo wierdness. Non traditional for sure.

  3. #33
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkWisdom View Post
    Actually I've never been to this site before. Never heard of it. Found it in a random search for zombie info. Thought I'd join and see what others may have to say about zombies and horror in general. Boy was I wrong! This is nothing more than "The View" with zombies! very liberal. Very touchy feely! Obviously you people are waaaay too serious and politically correct for my tastes. And are unable to distinguish between a personal attack and a generalization to boot! Quick to condemn. Slow to understand. Knee-jerk reactionaries the lot! Enjoy your gossip of puppies and butterflies. You needn't worry of me "offending" anyone else here.

    So since this is my last sentence ever typed on this site, do I win the bet? Don't bother answering. It's rhetorical and I'll never be back to read your response anyway.

    Dude, welcome to the boards. Now hear this: If you cannot at least see how your very first post was in very bad taste and that your follow up posts have been combative and unecessarily so, then I am saying that maybe you need to check yourself.

    I have made some bad jokes in the past which inadvertently casused offense -inadvertently being the operative term here - so I am not without my own share of past transgressions. But to react in the manner which you did to people who did take offense (which, giving you the benefit of doubt I assume was not your intention) is the mark of someone who needs to step back and give some thought to why you are here in the first place.

    Did you come to start shit and make enemies, or did you truly come here because you wanted to hang with folks with similar interests? Along those lines, are you man enough to admit when you have stepped over the line, inadvertently or otherwise, and take the criticisim which you so profoundly begged for and caused to come down on you?

    The members of this forum are good people. I think that maybe we all started off on the wrong foot, so please don't go swinging your fist around at us as if you did not have your part in making all this happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Aiii-yaaaa....another one of THESE? Really?!?!? Can we post a sign as you enter the site:

    "You are not a precious & delicate snowflake. Your opinion doesn't count for shit. Neither does anyone else's, in the grand scheme of things. People are going to disagree with you from time to time. That's life. Get used to it."
    Very appropriate. How can someone have such a thin skin AND be a zombie fan?
    Last edited by Yojimbo; 08-May-2009 at 02:22 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  4. #34
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    This thread seems like the perfect opportunity to share with you all my evil dream that will never happen. It is the real reason I am going to hell.

    I envision one day putting on a Passion Play, with a cast composed entirely of mentally retarded folk.

    Oh yes. . . it is so wrong on so many levels that it is just the perfect storm of poor taste!!! I could go into the details, but I don't know if many people here could take it.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  5. #35
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    making fun of religions doesn't bother me at all, since i claim no religious affiliation nor do i buy into any of it...personal attacks on someone over something that is beyond their control is another matter....but really, what would inspire someone to make a first post along those lines is a beyond me.

    so anyway, let's hear some of it, clanglee..

  6. #36
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    making fun of religions doesn't bother me at all, since i claim no religious affiliation nor do i buy into any of it...personal attacks on someone over something that is beyond their control is another matter....but really, what would inspire someone to make a first post along those lines is a beyond me.

    so anyway, let's hear some of it, clanglee..
    yeah, i'm right there with you - religion is an open season sort of thing. just because you "believe" something doesn't make it true and it doesn't mean that i have to tip toe around you. but a persons physical defects shouldn't be subject for mockery.
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  7. #37
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    making fun of religions doesn't bother me at all, since i claim no religious affiliation nor do i buy into any of it...personal attacks on someone over something that is beyond their control is another matter....but really, what would inspire someone to make a first post along those lines is a beyond me.

    so anyway, let's hear some of it, clanglee..
    Well seeing as how much of the evil in my dream project lies in the "making fun of defects" department. . . not sure if I should share much. . .

    Besides. . not everyone is as cool about the whole religion thing.

    Unfortunately.. I find both religion and the special olympics very funny.

    But I realise that not everyone else thinks like I do. My wife is almost afraid to stand next to me for fear of an impending thunderbolt.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  8. #38
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    guess i forgot about the part where your entire cast would be handicapped in some fashion...could still be funny, i suppose...

    but yeah, i need an invite to the evil atheists conspiracy club...

  9. #39
    Just been bitten Crappingbear's Avatar

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    I am of a particular religious persuasion but it doesn't bother me when someone goes counter. I guess thats what faith means, not going postal when doubted.

  10. #40
    Dead LoSTBoY's Avatar

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    Oh well, you give a guy a chance and he turns into a douche, nvm.

    Incidently, I recall a thread about Jade Goody dying of cancer which had people posting jokes and saying they were glad she is dead. No tut-tuts were posted there.

  11. #41
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoSTBoY View Post
    Oh well, you give a guy a chance and he turns into a douche, nvm.

    Incidently, I recall a thread about Jade Goody dying of cancer which had people posting jokes and saying they were glad she is dead. No tut-tuts were posted there.

    maybe because she was a relentlessly self-promoting harpy who was dumb as a box of hand rubbed rocks and not someone who got her face blown off by a psycho.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  12. #42
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoSTBoY View Post
    Oh well, you give a guy a chance and he turns into a douche, nvm.

    Incidently, I recall a thread about Jade Goody dying of cancer which had people posting jokes and saying they were glad she is dead. No tut-tuts were posted there.

    Oh, I know what you mean, LB. A lot of us--myself included--have made a few off color remarks (if not here, then somewhere else) in our time. It's kind of an ignorant way to say hello to a new batch of people, though. I think the derision was a bit unwarranted, but it certainly seemed to serve a purpose, as it uncovered the fact that the guy is a drama queen.

    As far as religion as a focal point for jest at the expense of a person's faith...well, I have my own take on it. I try not to go for it, with the exceptions for when it's applied to really narrow lines of thinking, people who are unquestioning in a literal interpretation or those who fall into any of the following classifications of Faith:

    1) Recently Made up Religions (Scientology). Yeah, they're all made up, but at least tradition lends gravitas and a cultural point of reference for them.

    2) 'Re-discovered' Brands of Religion ("I will pray to Thor, god of thunder, as my Aryan forefathers did before me )

    3) Attention-seeking Faiths (AKA, Angry-at-my-parents religion). Yeah, you're a what?

    4) Dogmatic Atheists...just as much a faith as anything else in my list. You'd think people might see that believing there might not be a god because there's no fundamental basis for, or proof to support, such a belief is clearly different than thinking you know there is no such a thing as a god and telling people it's a fact. Yes, we all like to think we know what's what, but when it comes to the reason why we're here and whether something as amorphous as a 'god' , a 'way to the universe' or a reason for our being here exists, to me, the best answer is "I don't know" or "I don't know but this is what my gut tells me."

    I guess it usually comes down to whether someone is choosing to reasonably believing in something, as opposed to feeling they "know" and pushing their belief...or more to the point...the consequences of their beliefs on others.
    Last edited by AcesandEights; 08-May-2009 at 03:56 PM.

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  13. #43
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    I think the derision was a bit unwarranted, but it certainly seemed to serve a purpose, as it uncovered the fact that the guy is a drama queen.
    this is one i'll be saving for future reference/use:

    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  14. #44
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Incidently, I recall a thread about Jade Goody dying of cancer which had people posting jokes and saying they were glad she is dead. No tut-tuts were posted there.
    That's the "Perverted Joke of the Day" in the Lounge, a thread specifically made for tasteless jokes that don't break the rules, for those that want to enjoy a tasteless joke - if you don't want to, you don't have to read that particular thread, which hasn't had a new post in it for a few weeks now.

    I think it all comes down to a time and a place for everything.

  15. #45
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    oh no, he doesn't like us. however will we be able to carry on? darth, pass me a box of tissues because the tears are welling up, man, they are welling up.

    4 posts and this yahoo is an expert on us. wow. hopefully, he does stick around, maybe we can all get a free analysis from him.

    Quilted or regular?

    See. now THAT'S sarcasm peeps !!

    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    No, you are right of course. The reaction was a bit . . . um. . . .over the top. The internet really seems to do that to people though. It makes people say things they would not normally say because of the lack of social filter.

    We normally just call those people "internet gangsters"

    I wouldn't say anything to someone over the internet that I wouldn't say to their face. I know most of us here are like that as well. Apperently we're in the minority on that one.


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