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Thread: Gta Iv

  1. #31
    I had a PS3 a while back and I just don't like the machine. It's not that I hate Sony or that I'm a 360 fanboy 'cos I still love a bit of PS2 action. The reason why I dislike it so much is because it's a heavy, clunky, disc-chewing bastard with no decent titles and s**ty live options.

    The Dreamcast sold 15 million and was discontinued yet the PS3 struggles to sell 2 million and still chugs along like an old banger at the demolition derby track.

    I'm still bitter about that Dreamcast s**t, can you tell?

  2. #32
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    I wouldn't exactly call the final fantasy games decent...or even remotely good hellsing. Not exactly a good series to propel a system foreword.

    I just don't like them plain and simple tbh, nothing remotely demeaning about them whatsoever. Plus the fangirls are annoying as hell. OMG CLOUD I LOVE JOO! <3


  3. #33
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    I wouldn't exactly call the final fantasy games decent...or even remotely good hellsing. Not exactly a good series to propel a system foreword.

    80 million units sold begs to differ.

  4. #34
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    ummmm and?

    just because it makes alot of money doesn't mean it's an exciting or fun game. Hell, plenty of ****ty movies do great at the box office, doesn't stop the fact that they are ****.

    but hey whatever. I hate them. I see nothing reedeemable about them whatsoever. They are the same game rehashed over and over in an overly complicated story line that is just plain boring (although this can be said for most game series). My main gripe are the fanboys/girls who always say LOL IT R KNEW PHYNAL PHANTASIE IT DA BEST GAEM EVAR!!1. Goddamn I hate this series and I really wish it would just disappear.

    I'll take my Half life 2, Baldurs Gate, Bioshock, Gears of War, and Halo 3 over it any day thank you very much.

  5. #35
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    By the sounds of your gaming preferences, FF isn't designed to be your cup of tea...and might I join you, cos it's not my cup o' the English past-time either.

    I like fast cars, excessive violence, swearing, gore and sex in my videogames!

  6. #36
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I like fast cars, excessive violence, swearing, gore and sex in my videogames!
    YEAH! I like that....*ahem* my....umm...videogames....
    Last edited by bassman; 28-Jan-2008 at 07:54 PM.

  7. #37
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    Hells, be sure to check out Lost Odyssey when it hits next month, its basically Final Fantasy under a different name. Mistwalker, Hironobu Sakaguchi's development team, is handling it. He produced the first few Final Fantasy games, and was forced to leave Squaresoft, as he was their scapegoat for the Final Fantasy movie. Mistwalker also did Blue Dragon, which I think is really underrated.

  8. #38
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    aye , that and squenix's latest offering, infinite undiscovery.

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I like fast cars, excessive violence, swearing, gore and sex in my videogames!
    As do 90% of gamers, which makes me chuckle in a Regan from Exorcist kind of way.

    Sony are praying that the Final Fantasy series will save their console and put them back up to player status. One game? Ain't gonna happen. Okay, the kids might jerk off in a circle about it in Japan but I fail to see how it's going to 'dominate' Western territories. Sure, it has it's fans but a lot of folks have already moved on from the series.

    These games are for bespectacled, pimply-faced geeks who wanna waste 1000 hours of their lives playing characters that have been rehashed time and time again with the same old storylines. How many battles can you guys take until you get bored of this s**t? "Oooh, my ice goddess attack just shaved 500 hit points off that dragon...", BIG DEAL! Kids, quit the D&D and lose your virginities, it's much more interesting: "Oooh, my cum blast attack has just obliterated this chick's face, cool!"

    Now, I'm joshing here of course. I don't mind the odd RPG/strategy game but we all know what the numero uno title is going to be this year, don't we? That's right, GTA IV, which brings the topic back on course. When you think of it that way, Sony's FF world domination plans have already failed.
    Last edited by capncnut; 29-Jan-2008 at 06:58 AM.

  10. #40
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    There have been almost as many GTA games as Final Fantasy games, and they're all the same, too.

    Every "series" is the same thing from one game to the next.

    What needs to happen is a new series of games that are good. Not just the same old FPS crap, either. We need something totally new to emerge.

  11. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    There have been almost as many GTA games as Final Fantasy games, and they're all the same, too.

    What needs to happen is a new series of games that are good.
    Quite agree but mowing down old grannies and rumping prostitutes in secluded spots (not to mention twatting them after and stealing their cash ) is way cooler than killing dragons with big-eyed Japanese characters. Also, GTA only has six 'official' titles where FF is on it's thirteenth title. Not to mention all the FF Tactics and Chocobo Racing games.

    But I agree, things need to change, as gamers we're buying the same old s**t and loving it.

  12. #42
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Indeed, GTA4 is gonna be a monster seller - but it doesn't help the PS3 anywhere near as much as it might have, because it's no longer exclusive. So there's already 12 million odd 369 players who are a potential market for the game.

    PS3 owners will most likely pick up the game in droves too, but whether it'll sell a bunch of consoles, I just don't know - it comes down to the over all amount of games you have to play, and the PS3 doesn't have a lot at the moment to be honest.

    Also - don't forget Alan Wake, which isn't going anywhere near the PS3 at the moment. Wake will sell bucket loads too I bet, that game just looks ball-drainingly awesome. I simply cannot wait for it to come out, apparently there are going to be announcements regarding it soon.

  13. #43
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    im guessing your on about the news from earlier in the week that alan wakes going to be shown at the games developers confrence on the 12th of february.

  14. #44
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Final fantasy 7 is the only one ive played all the way through,and i loved it!the story & sub stories were all pretty good & there was so much to do!i was 16 years old then though & had time to play it,ten years later theres no way i could spend that amount of time on a game

  15. #45
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Only just saw your response hellsing, yeah I was on about that announcement - although apparently it was all bunkum from some jerk who blogged a fake interview.

    So I still don't know when I can finally get my hands on Sir Alan of Wake! GAH!


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