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Thread: Season 3 Various News Discussion Thread (Interviews, Trailers, etc)

  1. #31
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    An interview with Danai Gurira (Michonne):

    Can you tell us about the audition process? Did you know much about Michonne before auditioning for the role?

    Danai Gurira: Even as I was preparing to audition for the role, I didn’t know a lot about the character. I went with what I knew of the world from watching the first season. I really approached it as creating and building a character. A lot of it was really clear on the page when I auditioned, so I kind of built it from that. As you know about the show, they don’t do exactly what’s on the comic book page. There is something about her arc that’s true to the comic book, but still new.

    Did you feel any pressure because Michonne is such a popular character with fans of the comic book series?

    Danai Gurira: I feel like there is pressure in anything you embody. If it’s something you embody from scratch, you have to try to make it something that pops and people appreciate. If you embody something that has already existed, you want people be happy with it. At the end of the day, you have to kind of let that go or you can’t be creative. What’s great is that Michonne is so not a people pleaser, so I kind of go with her lead.

    What has it been like to play this character, when many of the other actors have been around for the last two years?

    Danai Gurira: They’ve been amazing and embraced “the newbies” from the get go. I was overwhelmingly embraced by them, starting when I was first cast. Working together has been taking it scene by scene, engulfing myself in this world that they have so amazingly created. Of course, I come in here humbly and with a great deal of respect, because they have so beautifully built this genre. It has taken everyone’s sweat, determination, and a pursuit of excellence. They’ve set a tone and it’s a tone that you want to be a part of.

    Would you say any of this experience has been overwhelming?

    Danai Gurira: It’s been intense, which is good. I’m an intense chick and like challenges. Even when I don’t, I do, because then you don’t feel like you’re utilizing everything that you can bring.

    Can you tell me about your sword training? Is it something you still work on regularly when filming?

    Danai Gurira: We always work on it, but it’s situation by situation. Initially, it was all about just working with the trainer. My first trainer was in LA and I’ve worked with a couple of trainers here. It was extremely intense in the beginning and I did not know some of these muscles were in the body [laughs]. I work out, but this was a whole other thing. The katana will just break you and I love it for that.

    I was more comfortable with it by the time we started shooting and I was actually able to contribute to how we put together a scene of killing zombies. It’s very enjoyable and exhilarating, but there is so much to learn all the time. I’ve watched a lot of movies to see how others handle it. The katana is such a big part of Michonne and I really want it to work.

    Do you keep up with the comic book series?

    Danai Gurira: Kind of, but not really [laughs]. Glen [Mazzara] told me I could read them or not, but I’m a researcher, so I wanted to know some of the stories on the page. I haven’t read comic books since I was a kid, so it was interesting to read something with such dire stakes. It’s amazing how some moments are illustrated and really stick with you. They gave me up to book 7 and a few that came after that, so I’m maybe 15-20 behind, but I’m told if anything major happens.

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    An interview with Gale Anne Hurd:

    First of all, I wanted to say congratulations on receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

    Gale Anne Hurd: It was a lot of fun. I’m still glowing.

    I had a chance to see the first episode and I can’t wait for our readers to check it out. More so than with the second season, the Season 3 premiere feels like it was created as a big TV event. This certainly has more of a movie quality feel and pacing to it.

    Gale Anne Hurd: We felt like that when we were shooting it. It was really impressive and I give full credit to Glen Mazzara and director Ernest Dickerson.

    It seems like everyone stepped up their game for this season. As an executive producer, what challenges did more episodes and a more ambitious season present?

    Gale Anne Hurd: It’s truly a blessing and a curse. The blessing is that we get to tell more stories with sixteen episodes. We also have standing sets that are air conditioned, which is a big change for us. At the same time, there is a greater scope and more intensity, which is a lot more work for the cast and crew. We started shooting a month earlier, so they got a much shorter break and had to work a longer season.

    The incredible thing is that we have a cast and crew that are so dedicated, and they didn’t look at this as a problem. They embraced it as a terrific opportunity to tell more and bigger stories.

    As someone who was around from the beginning and familiar with Robert Kirkman’s work, how did it feel for you to get to some of the more iconic storylines and characters from the comic book?

    Gale Anne Hurd: From the very beginning, with Frank, Robert, and myself, this is something we were so eager to get to. Knowing in the third season we would be able to tell these stories, we were thinking about how to bring them to life with the scale of a TV production. Thankfully, we had two seasons to prepare for this. We also had the fantastic opportunity to audition and cast for these roles. Because of the success and critical acclaim of the TV show and Robert’s comic book series, we were able to get really fine actors to bring these characters to life.

    What about David Morrissey made you know he’d be perfect for the role of The Governor? Can you give our readers a little tease of what they can expect from him?

    Gale Anne Hurd: David is one of the finest actors in the UK, nominated for a BAFTA award, and is known for a nuanced performance. It is important that we have a villain that is not just a cardboard character, but someone you believe people can follow. His charisma and vision needs to command the respect of the citizens of Woodbury and he to be seen as a formidable threat to Rick Grimes and the other survivors.

    As a fan of the comic book series, I’ve enjoyed how the TV series will follow the main elements, but make enough changes to keep me surprised and guessing. Is that something that continues in Season 3?

    Gale Anne Hurd: What’s important is to let the TV series remain true to characters and stories that have come before. At the same time, we take inspiration from the comic. There will continue to be iconic moments from the comic book, but always with a twist which will keep people off balance. It’s not just to keep people guessing, but evolves from the storytelling.

    Can you tell me about how working with a bigger budget this season has helped improve the walker effects we’ll see?

    Gale Anne Hurd: Every year, during the off season, Greg Nicotero and his fantastic team at KNB EFX are developing new techniques and refining techniques. There’s a whole new world that we’re able to put on screen with the addition of animatronic walkers.

    Glen Mazzara has said that he’d like to have seven seasons. Given the success of the show so far, are you already planning things that far out?

    Gale Anne Hurd: I think much bigger and maybe it’s my feature film background. Seven isn’t nearly enough…

    So you’d like to see the series continue indefinitely and cover all of Robert’s story arcs?

    Gale Anne Hurd: There is so much rich material to draw from and so many fantastic characters. There are so many different situations and characters to join our survivors, as well as [characters] to be pitted against them… I think there is no limit. There is certainly no limit to the comic book series and Robert has probably 250 [issues] figured out.

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    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  4. #34
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    Interview with Sarah Wayne Callies (Lori):

    What has been the most challenging part of playing Lori this season?

    Sarah Wayne Callies: I think the pregnancy has got to be up there. Without getting into too many details, there are some physical logistics that are getting more complicated and it’s a little harder for me to cool down. Atlanta has not been as hot this summer, but that’s like saying hell cooled down three degrees.

    One of the biggest challenges, personally, was doing the show without Jeffrey DeMunn and Jon Bernthal. It was really hard without them and I miss them a lot.

    Glen Mazzara previously mentioned that this season’s pacing feels like a freight train. With so many new characters and stories being introduced, is Shane’s passing something that still really affects Lori, Carl, and Rick, or have they moved past that?

    Sarah Wayne Callies: I don’t know if they’ll ever get past that, but it’s also not necessarily something we’re talking about. Lori and Rick and not talking about a lot these days…

    Shane’s death was like a bomb that detonated in their marriage. It wasn’t just because he died and it was more or less inevitable. In some ways it was a success story: Woman sees danger to her husband, woman warns husband, husband takes warning, and husband saves his own life. That’s a good story and at the end of it, you have the husband admit that he wanted to kill Shane. The wife is worried that in the act of defending himself, the husband has turned into the monster she tried to save him from.

    That’s a really difficult thing to come back from, partly because Rick and Lori have so much self hatred, guilt, and shame. In one sense, I think Shane haunts them like a ghost, but he’s not a constant subject of conversation.

    In Season 2, you spent most of the time in an actual house and now Season 3 is taking place on this massive prison set. What has your experience been like filming in this new location and which do you prefer?

    Sarah Wayne Callies: The prison is brilliantly designed. There was a day toward last season, where Andy and I were sitting on rocking chairs on the porch of Hershel’s house when the sun was setting. There were moments on that farm that took your breath away because of its beauty. You’re telling this heartbreaking story of loss and grief, and I remember Andy and I turning to each other and saying “next year, we’re going to jail”.

    The farm had really not only a character, but something that sustained us. We took massive losses last season and that land and that beauty helped us nurture ourselves back together. It was a big transition to the prison. On the one hand, there are luxuries, because it’s air conditioned and out of the sun. This season is physically easier on everyone in part due to the prison, but it’s very a different feel and I miss the farm. I really do love that farm.

    With losses at the end of Season 2 and new characters being introduced in Season 3, how has this changed Lori’s relationship with those in the group?

    Sarah Wayne Callies: I think that you get a sense of who has stepped up for her. When you’re so close together, it’s not particularly easy to keep secrets, so Shane dying isn’t going to be news for long… and probably why he died. Don’t forget that the Greene family are profoundly Christian and we’re talking about a woman that had an extramarital affair and her husband killed the guy.

    I think there is a big question in Lori’s mind about how this family will respond to that. Some people move away from her and some move closer. It’s a little surprising the way that the relationships are developing.

    It seems like there is a lot more action in this season. With Lori being pregnant, is that action and stunt work still something you’re a part of?

    Sarah Wayne Callies: I think it’s ironic that in a season which I’m pregnant, I have also racked up more kills than in the rest of the seasons combined. She is a tough mother.

    It’s a balance and the show has always been this way. You’ll go through episodes where you talk with people and really connect with them, and then you go through episodes where you don’t stop running. You go home every night, take your Advil, count your bruises next morning and go back out. I love that balance in this show.

    I remember when we shot those episode last year with Carl almost dying, Andy turned to me and said “Give me a gun, give me a pile of walkers, and let me go to work….”

    It’s just fun. Put a revolver in my hand and let me shoot something dead in the face… I’m all for it. I started going to the gun range because I wanted to look like what I knew what I was doing. I ended up buying a revolver of my own and it was great.

    Clearly there are some fans who are crying for more of one or the other. I think if you really got down to it with either group, you’ll find that they like the balance too. If you don’t care about who people are, you don’t care about if they die.

    The Walking Dead Season 3 received a larger episode order than the past seasons. How has this helped with the storytelling and adapting these major stories from the comic book series?

    Sarah Wayne Callies: For a lot of Season 3, there are really two stories being told. There’s Rick and his group of the survivors, and then The Governor and his people. They serve as really great counterpoints, and just at the point where you’re really familiar with Rick and his group, you get this other sense from The Governor of how it could have been otherwise. You get a sense of what have been the costs and benefits of the decisions that both of them have made.

    I’d say don’t expect The Governor to be like the guy from the comic book. There are a lot of really interesting departures and a lot of horrifying things. I’d read the script and say, “Seriously… you’re doing that… that’s way too much!” I’ve said that so many times and it ends up working brilliantly.

  5. #35
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    Interview with Chandler Riggs (Carl):

    Last season, Carl got himself into a lot of trouble. How does that carry into this season?

    Chandler Riggs: I think he’s reflecting back on that and knows not to do that ever again. He knows to carry on and look more to the present than the past. He wants to try to be more a part of the group and become more of an adult.

    Is his father letting him become more of an adult?

    Chandler Riggs: Sometimes. Other times, with supervision, but he’s letting Carl do a lot more.

    Will Carl still be feeling the effects of Shane’s passing?

    Chandler Riggs: I think he’s moved past that, so I don’t think he’ll be looking at that much.

    Are you excited that you get to take more action in this season?

    Chandler Riggs: Yeah, I get to do a lot more this season and it has been a lot of fun.

    With all of these talented actors around you, what do learn from them and how has it helped make you a better actor?

    Chandler Riggs: I learned how to prepare for a scene and how to become a better actor. The actors on set have taught me so much and I’m just honored to have this job. I’m just the luckiest kid on the earth.

    In the comic book series, we see Carl take a darker turn. Are we going to see some of that in Season 3?

    Chandler Riggs: It hits him every now and then, but he doesn’t go completely dark yet. You get to see a bit of it…

    You mentioned that you read the comic book series. Have you kept up with the most recent issues?

    Chandler Riggs: I read until I knew I would live after being shot in the face. I knew I would be shot in the eye, but I haven’t read anything since around 89.

    Are you looking forward to having your own action figure?

    Chandler Riggs: Yeah, they scanned me for an action figure. It was really exciting to see how it’s done. I figured they made them by just watching what’s on TV, but it’s really cool how they do that.

    We saw Carl pick using a gun at the end of Season 2. Will we see more of that in Season 3 and in the prison?

    Chandler Riggs: You’re definitely going to see more of that. Of course, in the teaser you see me putting down a zombie. Carl has definitely come a long way [from Season 2] and it’s a lot easier now. You’ll see a lot more of that…

    Now that Carl will be carrying a gun more often, have you had any weapon training?

    Chandler Riggs: I fired a gun for the first time [recently] and that was cool and I had to get some combat training. I believe this weapon right here [shows weapon] is a real gun [laughs], but [it was modified]. I can’t touch a real gun on set until I’m 14, which is a really dumb rule. I can fire a rocket launcher when I’m 8, but I can’t touch a gun until I’m 14.

    Can you tell us about your zombie interaction from season 1 to season 3?

    Chandler Riggs: In Season 1, when the camp got attacked, I was screaming and crying. In Season 2, I was still crying [laughs], because every time Carl saw a zombie, someone would die.

    In Season 3, it is different because time has passed and I think he has definitely learned to grow up. Season 3 will show what else he can do.
    - - - Updated - - -

    The Nerdist Podcast featuring everyone's favourite farmer's daughter Lauren "Maggie" Cohan!
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 12-Oct-2012 at 10:02 AM.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Interview with Chandler Riggs (Carl):

    - - - Updated - - -

    The Nerdist Podcast featuring everyone's favourite farmer's daughter Lauren "Maggie" Cohan!
    You're really buzzing for this season aren't you MZ.
    Read today that they were seriously considering a 2 hour season finale.

    Good business/management article on Mazzara and TWD.
    Last edited by kidgloves; 12-Oct-2012 at 08:06 PM. Reason: url
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    You're really buzzing for this season aren't you MZ.
    What makes you say that?


    Interview with Norman Reedus over yonder:

    Toward the end of Season 2, Daryl seems to have really stepped up his role in the group. Where is he at the start of Season 3?

    Norman Reedus: He’s tighter with the group and he doesn’t feel like such an outsider. People are relying on him and he’s finding comfort in that. He’s much tighter with Rick, and Rick has sort of become the brother that Merle wasn’t. He’s become an integrated part of the group and would do anything to keep people alive.

    Daryl and Carol’s relationship grew over the course of Season 2. Is that relationship stronger by the start of Season 3? What has your experience been like working so much with Melissa McBride?

    Norman Reedus: I think all of the relationships between characters are stronger at this point. Daryl and Carol have a lot of similarities, not just because they are more country than the other characters, but because of the abuse. They have more history than other characters and I’ve been fortunate to do a lot of scenes with Melissa. She’s such a good actress and one of the strongest actresses I’ve ever worked with. She says a lot with her face and I really like those subtleties. They say volumes and she’s really good at playing those little beats. I got lucky because she makes you look so good when you work with her.

    With Michael Rooker returning for Season 3, will Daryl be tempted to get back to his past ways?

    Norman Reedus: There was a scene last year where it was written that Daryl went into the woods, took Merle’s drugs, and zoned out. I kind of had a problem doing that because I didn’t want to be that guy. I don’t like people that take drugs because I grew up with people taking drugs and it sucked. I don’t want to say racist things because it’s embarrassing and I still have people in my family who are ignorant like that. All of those things are what make Merle such an unlikable guy.

    There’s been some time now where Daryl has been finding out who he is. It’s ok for him to have friends and he doesn’t want to let go of that. People rely on him, this is his family now, and he’ll do anything to protect them.

    Having a successful acting career prior to this show, are you still keeping an eye out for new projects to take on or is this where all of your focus is?

    Norman Reedus: I’m really happy with this job and it’s 24/7. Even if you have a day off, you’re just recuperating from the day before [laughs]. I really don’t want to jump into any projects. Sometimes I’ll do something between seasons, but I want to put 100% into this. There just isn’t time or energy to go do anything else.

    It’s weird, because when you’re on a show that’s kind of a hit, people tell you that it’s your chance and to do everything that comes your way, but I said “no”. I just want to stay in the woods and focus on this character and this job. It wouldn’t be fair to the writers, producers, and other actors if I spread myself all over the place. This is where my heart is and what I love working on.

    Have you been keeping up with the comic book series?

    Norman Reedus: Robert has given us an amazing world to work with. I’m not really caught up with the comics right now, but I started reading them when I first got the job. It might be different if my character was in the comics, but Andy Lincoln is Rick Grimes to me and I don’t want to see another version. I don’t really want to know what happens because the show is kind of its own animal now.

    Would you like to see your character appear in the comic book series?

    Norman Reedus: I’ve done everything short of sleeping with Robert to get me in the comic book. If he’s not going to do it now, he’s never going to do it. It might be a rights issue with AMC and who owns the rights to the character. I sort of gave up. I offered to sleep with him, he turned me down, and we’ll see what happens… [laughs]

    Our readers were excited after hearing that Daryl and Merle will the focus of an upcoming first person shooter set in the days before The Walking Dead Season 1 started. Will you be lending your voice to the game? Will any of the story tie into what we see in The Walking Dead Season 3?

    Norman Reedus: I’m excited to do the voice for sure, because I’ve never been in a big video game before. I have a 12 year old son, so this video game better be great or he’ll kill me. I won’t be the cool dad anymore… [laughs]

    I don’t know the story for the video game yet. It’s still in the works while they are working on the graphics first. Once it’s a little further along, I will be creatively involved in working on the storyline. It takes place before we get to the camp [in Season 1], but a little of that backstory may show up in Season 3. I’m excited to play the game and get myself killed in it as much as possible.

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    Nerdist podcast with Andrew Lincoln (no season 3 spoilers, but plenty for season 2):

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    An infographic for season 1 & 2 weapon and kill count stats.

  10. #40
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    I love that they look kinda like Mii's on the Wii.....

    I'm sorry, but who is Summer? Is that Morgan's wife or are they including the "Torn Apart" webisodes and it's the bicycle girl?

    Interesting chart, though. Thanks, MZ.

  11. #41
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    **Spoiler tagged - news regarding a new cast member** - MZ

    Tyrese. Yeah baby

    Last edited by MinionZombie; 16-Nov-2012 at 10:03 AM.
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  12. #42
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    Was just on my way to post that. He's been on set recently and it looks like he'll be around toward the end of the season.

    Last edited by MinionZombie; 16-Nov-2012 at 09:57 AM.

  13. #43
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    In future, it might be best to put that sort of info into spoiler tags - fortunately it's not some specific plot reveal or whatever, but some might have wanted to be surprised by that casting news.

    To be fair, it's perhaps not entirely clear what the boundaries are for this thread - I'll probably rename it - it's kind of a place to post various bits of info like interviews and trailers. News such as that just posted can be put in here, but spoiler tags would be the best way forward with such content.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 16-Nov-2012 at 10:03 AM.

  14. #44
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    It's from April 2012, so it's not a new Q&A, but it's one I've not seen before - Lauren Cohan and Steven Yeun - it's absolutely hilarious. They make quite a team on-stage. Definitely worth checking out.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Was just on my way to post that. He's been on set recently and it looks like he'll be around toward the end of the season.

    Footage. Do not click if you want to be spoiled. I've put it as a link rather than a preview video because its slightly spoilerish.!
    Last edited by kidgloves; 28-Nov-2012 at 09:49 PM. Reason: removed video preview
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