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Thread: Human Centipede II banned in the UK

  1. #31
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    While I can understand exactly why it got banned - and wasn't in the least bit surprised by a ban after reading the BBFC's detailed response to it - do I agree with banning films? No - if something's crap, it should be allowed to fail on it's own lack of merit, and a ban instantly creates a yearning to see what's been denied to you - it makes it more attractive - and in the age of the internet, it's incredibly easy to just go and find it anyway - so if anything you're inspiring more people to see it, than would have probably bothered watching it if it just came out normally.

    When it comes to cutting stuff - I get uneasy about that, but again I can understand why some content gets cut, and other stuff doesn't ... but yeah, it makes me uneasy as a general concept.

    As for The Human Centipede, here's what I thought of the first movie:
    The Human Centipede (First Sequence):
    Trading entirely on the inventively grim title (indeed it constitutes the entire plot), Tom Six's stylish but surprisingly empty shocker isn't quite the ... *sigh* ... "torture porn" flick that you might be expecting. The idea of three people being connected mouth-to-butt by a mad doctor (who used to be the world's number one corrective surgeon for conjoined twins) is gruesome enough on its own, and as such it's mostly left up to your imagination. The really gruesome elements are inferred, rather than shown, or indeed they're hidden behind bandages.

    Speaking of the demented surgeon, Dieter Laser's performance (as Dr. Heiter) is clearly the high point of the movie - it's a wonderfully disturbing projection - so it's a shame that the rest of the film doesn't match in quality or intrigue. Particularly in the third act, there were some really dumb scripting moments, and you can't help but feel that the high concept was the real attraction. The look of the film is impressively artistic, and the pace is generally quite good, but the mad doctor is lacking enough motivation, and the two girls (two thirds of the sequence) are nothing but vapid and annoying party girls.

    So it's nowhere near as gross as the pitch suggests, visually at least, and while Laser's crazy surgeon makes for a genuinely arresting screen presence, the rest of the movie is sadly a bit lacking. See it for the intrigue, see it for Laser's performance, but don't expect any lasting investment.
    Indeed, I'd go further now to say that beyond the aesthetic and Dieter Laser, the film is damn-near forgettable. All mouth, no trousers.

    I'd read somewhere (on the Melon Farmer's website, I believe), that THC2 is all in black and white ... not that colour or black and white changes whether your characters have any purpose beyond being objects or any of the other apparent reasons why it was banned.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 24-Jun-2011 at 10:08 AM.

  2. #32
    Chasing Prey

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    Yeah the new one doesn't have Dieter Laser - which is the reason I'd never bother making an effort to see it.

    Dieter Laser that movie. What a scary guy....they should have built upon his character - this sequel should have been a prequel about his involvement in some evil government experiments or something. He was so spot on.

    Anyway, read the link MZ posted about Tom Six's response. Calling his movies "art" is a bit of a stretch! I still support the BBFC on this one - those who want to see it, will find it anyway as has been said - so the hardcore amongst us won't lose out anyway.
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  3. #33
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  4. #34
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Well they'll certainly be exploiting the BBFC decision to the ends of the earth, then!

    Not a shred of footage in there though ... I wouldn't be at all surprised if the film is utter cobblers. The first was stylish, but empty and generally "meh" (aside from Dieter Lazer as the mad doctor) ... so I'm beginning to sense 'all hype' with this one. I had little interest in seeing the first, and even less in the second, but the BBFC have certainly handed them an excellent promotional tool.

  5. #35
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    The world premiere of The Human Centipede 2 [Full Sequence] was held at Fantastic Fest earlier tonight, and the reactions are far from positive. Following the after-screening Tweets from many critics and movie writers, the general consensus seems to be that the film is vile and disgusting, but serves little to no purpose outside of shock value. The fact of the matter is, however, that people who want to see how gross the movie is are going to go see the film regardless of the reaction. In celebration of tonight's world premiere, SlashFilm has posted the first poster for the Tom Six movie which you can check out below.

    -- -------- Post added at 12:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 PM ----------

    Oh! And on AICN...

    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  6. #36
    Ipsissimus Kaos's Avatar
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    Yeah, I saw the AICN graphic this morning. My wife was aghast.

  7. #37
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    So anybody managed to see this movie yet?

  8. #38
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    So anybody managed to see this movie yet?

    If I was going to see it, I'd prefer to see it uncut (so as to at least see what the fuss was about) ... however I have a low level of interest (if any) in even seeing this flick - and I'd certainly not be bothered enough to go to the hassle of finding it in its uncut form. So it's a big old "meh" from me personally.

  9. #39
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    If you dont want your 9 year old kid watching it, dont leave a copy lying around your house. Parents should take more responsibility and stop looking to the government for ultimate blame.

    While im not a fan of the human centipede by any means (it was a mediocre film at best) i am totally and 100% against banning ANY movie. There is nothing that qualifies somebody to tell another fully grown adult what they can and cannot watch in their own home.
    fuckin' hear hear! the nail has been hit on the head. i hate the "oh but the children" argument for banning anything. it is a parent's job to protect/take an interest in their child and what they are watching/getting into. not the govt's.

    i'm a 41 year old adult. if i want to watch something in the privacy of my home, then no one and i mean no one, not even god himself (if he existed) has any right to tell me what i can and cannot look at. the same goes for books, art, music or any form of human artistry.

    censorship is one of those hot button things for me. i bristle just at hearing the very word. people who prattle about censorship all remind me of that Whitehouse bitch in britian back in the day who ran campaigns to ban everything from doctor who (how ridiculous is that to even say out loud) to "til death do us part."

    of course, at the heart of all folks who are for banning these sorts of things is the complete and total perversity known as "christian morality."
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  10. #40
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I've seen it. I'll say this; If one is in the business of actually banning films for their indecency, I can see no better candidate for a ban than this film. It is really, truly disgusting on several accounts. Tormented and twisted. Gore, blood and shit.

    Spoiler ahead but just to illustrate on what level we're talking here;

    A pregnant woman is fleeing from the madman "protagonist"(?) and goes into labour while running. Leaving a trail of blood behind her, she jumps into a car to escape. Before she manages to start the car, she actually gives birth to the baby, and the baby slides under the gas pedal. The fleeing woman doesn't seem to care and presses down the gas pedal, crushing the baby's head in a graphic close-up.

    So yeah... That was kind of a shock.

  11. #41
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    So yeah... That was kind of a shock.

    Good lord...that's vile.

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  12. #42
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    A pregnant woman is fleeing from the madman "protagonist"(?) and goes into labour while running. Leaving a trail of blood behind her, she jumps into a car to escape. Before she manages to start the car, she actually gives birth to the baby, and the baby slides under the gas pedal. The fleeing woman doesn't seem to care and presses down the gas pedal, crushing the baby's head in a graphic close-up.

    So yeah... That was kind of a shock.
    Waitaminute... Tom Six wouldn't be a pseudonym for Lloyd Kaufman would it?

  13. #43
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Yeah i managed to catch this at a friends house and it was really disappointing, im kinda drawn to shock horror and any kind of film like that usually gets my attention and boy did this movie have the reputation but to actually see it, tom six is just trying too hard to shock and disgust his audience and theres very little else to this, the first human centipede movie was ok, i wouldnt say anything special but it had a few things going for it. The sequel pretty much has nothing though! you can almost hear tom's inner voice going "right.. ive gone this far, what else can i do that would get a reaction from people?" and thats pretty much all these is to this movie.

    Movies with reputations such as this inevitably draw me as im sure they will some of you guys, like a moth to a lightbulb.. But this one really really isnt worth the watch in my opinion, your not gonna come out of it feeling any better than you went in.

    The scene where the neighbour is playing his music loud and martins mum bangs her broom on the ceiling then you hear him come downstairs, and she lets him in and tells him it was martin that banged on the ceiling did make me laugh and was probably the highlight of the whole movie.


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