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Thread: Ahhh...Battlefield Vietnam...

  1. #31
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Yeah, that's what I didn't like about some of the "desert" maps in BF1942 - sometimes you'd spawn and run around for 20 minutes before even running into anyone to fight! Then if you got picked off quickly, it'd be another 20 minutes 'till you found someone else!

    That's why I like those close right-in-your-face maps that force everyone to go one on one with their sidearms or a machine gun - hell, sometimes I even get into a knife fight!

    Stalingrad is still one of my favorite maps in the original BF1942. There's one box of ammo right in front of the train tracks that I like to sit next to and spam grenades across the tracks at the flag right across the way. It also helps when tanks start coming your way and you're not anti-tank..

    Speaking of killing people with knives, y'know what's funny? I used to have a friend of mine that was INCREDIBLE at FPS games - I mean, this dude used to play in Quake 3 & 4 national ladder tournaments for money and has actually won a few of 'em! Anyway, he used to be so good at quake that he would sometimes enter a room with the name "flashlightkilla" and would not use a single weapon, only his flashlight to beat the sh*t outta people - and get this, 99% of the time he'd win the matches!!

  2. #32
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Bloody hell, a beatin' from a flashlight ... now that is the definition of "pwnage".

    You'll be pleased to see there is an updated version of the Stalingrad map, I played it last night, a bit different obviously, but 60 years will do that to a region I guess.

    BF2 city maps get reet chaotic sometimes, I've switched to the knife a few times in close battles after exhausting all other clips. It's rather satisfying to stab an MEC soldier in the head. Notice how when you stay still your guy will play with the knife and balance the blade by it's tip on his finger? I'd never seen that before, damn cool - also, if sprinting somewhere and you don't need a gun to hand, switch to the knife and you'll run faster for a little bit longer, just a tip if you hadn't already tried it.

    There's also an updated version of Hastings, I owned on that one last night, everyone else was flying around each other and I took all the flags single handed and finally reached the last one and managed to capture it (but it too AGES), had to keep crawling behind the flag base to help avoid the gunfire of circling jets and helicopters, all the while looking out for the bad guys spawning...

  3. #33
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    yup, I noticed that 'run faster with different weapons' stuff in FarCry at first. With the pistol you ran pretty quick, but pick up a heavy machine gun or rocket launcher and you slowed down to a crawl.

    I've seen the dude in BF fiddle with his knife and weapons if you just sit there. I love that kinda stuff they throw in games - adds to the realism. Ya get bored, and just start messin' with your weapon. It'd be neat if like once out of every 10 times you did that he'd drop the knife and it would stick in his foot!

    Are you playing BF2 online with other live players or with all computer players, MZ?


  4. #34
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ah sadly I just play with myself on BF2 , my gaming machine is strictly for "offline use", I never connect it to the internet and anything that has been downloaded goes through the protection fortress that is my laptop.

    Also, the internet connection is downstairs at the front of the house, my gaming machine is upstairs at the back of the house, so it's a no-go. When (or if) my folks finally get a new family desktop then I'll be able to play games online again, but until then (at their rate, it could be a while) I'll be stuck fiddling with myself against an onslaught of AI...

  5. #35
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Well, in that case, you need to explain to me how in BF2 to play a game with just yourself and the rest of the players on your team and the computers team all being AI. For some reason, if I start a BF2 game offline, it's always JUST me on the map. I know BF1942 had a single-player co-op (which filled out all the players on both teams that weren't "real people" with AI players) but I could never figure that out in BF2. I always just played it online - not that I care too much for BF2 online. Too many spawnkillers and too many base campers willing to kill you for that helicopter you were runnin' for.


  6. #36
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    What on earth are you doing to it to make it just you in the map?!

    I just click on the single player button at the top of the screen and then it comes up with the list of levels, I then load one up and bosh - me and a bunch of AI chaps.

    Man I was kicking ass earlier today, taking names and handing out toe tags. Starting to master the Assault man's grenade launcher too...

  7. #37
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    That's a good question, I have no friggin' idea what I did.. I only tried it once or twice, then got in on the MP thing with a friend and never went back to single player.. but I distinctly remember it being just me on a map with no one else, and I could not for the life of me figure out how to fill up the rest with AI..

    The assult's grenade launcher is sweet as all hell, but I have a hard time landing them exactly where I want to. I guess I just haven't used it enough. That's it, I need some practice. I'm outta here..

    Oh, and the sniper is still my favorite.

  8. #38
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Must be an option you've not got set right, a number at 0 instead of 16 or 32 or something like that, it seems very strange that you don't have any AI when playing single player, maybe Google holds the answer?

    Was rocking the house last night again, I'm gonna have a full afternoon though - I've got South Park, Lost and three Two & A Half Men's to watch, so it's gonna be crowded, but I simply must have a razzle dazzle on the streets of Torkre (a mod map I downloaded), gotta love that city combat.

    Was on Last Stand after dinner yesterday and man alive, it was a toughy this time around, I never quite managed to get all flags to myself, there was always one. I almost managed it, but a flag down a backstreet proved a step too far and I was killed by a baddy and they damn well got their asses back in the game - SOOOOOO close.

    Another map I got called The River was great, you cross a river and there's basically a hill you have to take. A winding road leads you past all the flags and you take one at a time, an infantry based map, the last flag was a toughy and I died a few times trying to get there but I damn well got there when we all made a last push to take them out - glory to the victors, my arms were in the air like Rocky Balboa, haha!

    As for the map where I was killed just as I tried to keep that last flag to us before the enemy got back in the game ... I screamed out "ach! you f*cking bastard!!!" a bit too loudly. Other strings of obscenities were littered throughout, often circling around the likes of "you f*cking wanker, f*ck off ya bastard!" and so on...when I had a one-on-one knife battle earlier in the game (at the same flag) and I finally stabbed the git in the head I jumped in my chair for joy and stabbed the corpse a few times to show him who was boss ... needless to say "wrapped up" is a mild description.

  9. #39
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Turns out, I must've been doing something wrong, 'cause last night I fired up the single player and was immersed into combat not seen by these eyes in a few months...

    I hadn't loaded up any of the newly downloaded maps, but I played a few of the BF2 staples, and OMG was it fun.

    I started off as assult and played the first map BF2 defaulted to (can't remember the name) and decided to have some fun.

    There's one thing I miss about BF1942 that BF2 doesn't do. Do you remember in BF1942 where you could jump into a tank, and if the AI was already driving you would hop up on top to the machine gun position? Then you could repeatedly press '1' and eventually the AI would jump out of the tank and you'd gain control as the driver? Well, in BF2 it wouldn't let me do that (damn them for fixing that bug - out of all the bugs in BF!) so I said "screw this" and decided to venture out on my own.

    Four flags total on the map, and I managed to capture 3 (with no help from my bozo AI bretheren in the game!!) before they started a hard push back. We ended up back down to 1 flag, then I managed to make it 2 and 2. Then it became a battle of wits, and I'll be golly damned if I didn't have more wits than the computer players!

    It's been a while, and man it took some getting used to. I have been so immersed in this Company of Heroes game (Real time strategy, not a FPS game) that jumping back into BF was a bit of an adjustment, but nothing I couldn't handle.

    Did ya never noticed there's never a medic around when you need one in BF2?

    One of the nice things about playing with a friend is something we used to do when I played with my friend Steve. One of us would be an assult or sniper, the other would be a medic and we'd stick close together. Worked pretty well most of the time, but it would be even better if you could get 3-4 people on one team. A medic, sniper, assult, and engineer - that would be the ultimate 4-player team.

    There's one thing I looooooove in BF2 that isn't an option in BF1942 - when you're part of a squad and have a commander, if you die, you can spawn near your commander instead of picking a flag/spawn point to spawn at. Now THAT was a nice feature.


  10. #40
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Add a heavy weapons guy to that "support" I believe it's called - cos he has the bag of ammo for refills, which is rather necessary these days as they don't do health or ammo boxes, not even at a base...hmmm.

    As for changing positions in vehicles, you can still do that, you just use the F keys (F1, F2 etc) to change position. More often that not you'll hop in and take over as pilot/driver, but sometimes not, kinda 50/50 I guess, depends where you are around the vehicle.

    Those fast jeeps (both sides) are awesome, I love them, put some good old MZ style driving into effect, skidding around corners and going all Carmageddon on the MEC.

    Tried being a commander once, but didn't really "get" it, my men just stuck to their spawn points - ordering in ammo drops and airstrikes were good though. Also, the way you do commands is better in BF2, occasionally fiddly, but easier than before with more options.

    Maybe you were click "multiplayer" instead of "singleplayer" or something? Hmmm...I was looking at the options today and couldn't find anything that said about how many bots to set your configuration I'm baffled...hmmm...anyway, good game good game ... to quote a gameshow host from the UK, that you won't understand...

  11. #41
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Meh, it was probably the HPotD i've been on.. no wonder my mind was cloudy and i couldn't select the right options.

    ok, so that heavy assult dude is the one with the extra ammo? that would be perfect. That just means it's up to 5 players now. Does that mean you're gonna volunteer soldier?!

    Hmm I'll have to see if I can get to switch positions in the tanks again. For some reason (and probably the same reason I couldn't get a singleplayer game goin') I couldn't force the computer AI dude out of the drivers seat of the tank and put me in there.. in BF1942 it was simple.. apparently they switched that in BF2.

    And speaking of there being no ammo & health boxes, I think that is the single biggest drawback to BF2 for me. I cannot stand having to rely on AI to drop ammo for me when I'm out. I'd almost rather commit suicide and respawn fully loaded with ammo & health.

  12. #42
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Im up for some games yeah!i tend to try playing it as a military tactical game when online,playing the soldier,rather than running around trying to knife everyone for points.Its suprising how employing tactics works,even when playing against cheating "l337" geeks who have racked up like 1000 hours on the game
    They are the ones who complain the most if you take them out with tactics,always setting off kick votes cos they cant take been fragged by a well placed claymore or grenade

  13. #43
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Once my folks finally get a new damn family desktop then hells yeah I'd be up for joining a HPOTD L337 army ... for now I'll just have to imagine the awesomeness alone though...

    Yeah, relying on AI ammo drops is a pain in the ass, especially when not one single person has chosen to be the support guy ... as for medics, they're always never in the right place at the right time. Sometimes they get there and you're under a pile of bodies and they're trying to revive dead ones instead of you...other times when you're dying, and are out of ammo, they decide to come and help you! Ack!

    One of these days though ... I'll be up for BF2 HPOTD

  14. #44
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Tricky - yeah, your'e right. A well placed claymore can REALLY piss off some people, can't it? I usually don't mess with them, but when I do there have been times i've really ticked people off because I'll put them where they least expect it..

    Oh, and that friend I was talking about that played the Quake4 ladder tournaments? Well, when him and I used to play Quake or BF online, it NEVER failed at around 1/2 way through the 2nd or so map, someone would want to vote him off the map 'cause they thought he was "cheating" - he wasn't, he just stomped ass and took names.

    MZ - yeah man, you better push the parental units to get a new PC. We can't do this alone y'know..

    ...and I think this is a good idea - we could create the "HPotD 'leet Squad" then REALLY show these people how to play these FPS games. I only see one problem: You two and myself are the only ones on here that play FPS games! There's 3 pages of replies in this thread, and they're all MZ, Tricky or myself! Damn console kiddies - get a real machine to play on!! (just kiddin' )

    I know once the Deadlands media push is over, Dj would probably be game to play BF too. I know he has BF1942 and I believe he has a BF2 also in his posession.. if we could just get him to stop playing the press whore and get him in some fatigues, we'd be good to go.

    Two more players to round out the sqaud and we could break some skulls!

  15. #45
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Just thought of something, my copy of BF2 is "off the back of a digital lorry" so-to-speak, so I duno how that would work out with online capabilities ... although by the time the 'rents eventually get around to getting a new PC BF2 should be at a decent price (although it was sat at £30 for freakin' ages ... £15 now, not too bad)...

    lol, yeah, it's always the way, as soon as you stomp ass and lend out some pwnage () then people think you're cheating. One of my housemates from uni spent an extraordinary amount of time playing Delta Force 2 online (he never played the single played game for some reason) and he was just absolutely nuts at it, he was so good, and he'd often come on MSN complaining about being voted out for being too good! ha!

    I remember playing DF2 online with him and when we were on the same team it was great, but when he was against me it sucked cos I just kept dying...but then again, I wasn't the greatest ... the sh*t graphics didn't help much, ha!


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