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Thread: Ratm... Who Else Is Psyched

  1. #31
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by _liam_ View Post
    jam out with yer clam out

    thrash out with yer gash out

    hang out with yer wang out... hehehe, and so on...

    ah venom's corny but its a guilty pleasure, like Manowar or cradle of filth.

    sorry to hear about your eyesight man that sucks.

    just wondering, how do you manage to read text & stuff on the internet?
    manowar makes your dong biiger when you listen to it.

    I make the text bigger with firefox. It has a handy enlarge text button. Sometimes I just cant read it at all. I have various magnifyer utilities. Happily some things the dr do have been working and this week I can actually kinda see, which rocks.
    Everytime people say (America shouldnt have socialized medicine..commie blah blah) I want to literally punch them in the face because without it I would be totally blind. Only reason I got it at all was my untreated disease made me destitute enough to be able to qualify. A thourougly humiliating and infuriating experience here. Its a subject important to me and I perceive anti care propaganda to be a direct threat.
    and firefox has a new spellcheck,, allowing me to fix my mangled posts (I usually cant see the keyboard and am light sensitive so I chill in the dark. No Im not goth)
    But not now because I can see pretty good, for me. Hopefully it lasts because sometimes its very temporary.
    When People give me crap I get really aggro on the street to cut off the BS before it starts

    reason to Hate people part 3546
    Last week at the eye dr. I am in a room with a nurse. I asked her name (Been there tons but dont know her). She said its on her name tag (cause saying your name is so hard). I said I cant read it. She says"Yes you can ". (said with a chickenhead* move, all snotty) I was flabberghasted. I said "why do you think Im in an eye clinic. For FUN!?!" She just did the eye chart test, so she knew I could only read the big E and the line under it with my "good' eye.. This is in a clinic specializing in Blindness, Christ was a c**t. When I go back next week Im going to try to get he introuble cause shes an idiot.

    Mostly how you manage life is you just do. Though, regardless of what inspirational types say, it really puts a damper on you life. I carry a big ass magnifying glass and it kinda works. You couldnt tell any of this by looking at me. My eyes look normal.

    Excuse the blathering. I cant help myself. Im a real motormouth sometimes

    Venoms real cheesy but I really though they were evil dudes when I was 14 and enjoyed scaring the dorks just by wearing a friggin shirt.
    "Bu-bu-but there satonic (misspelling intentional)"

    *A chicken head move is that "oh, no you didnt" hand on the hip, wave a finger around stuff.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
    -The Butthole Surfers

  2. #32
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    coma - i think the reason people bitch & complain about rap/rock and rap-metal (whatever you want to call it) is because it's just.. well.. to me it's "two great tastes that don't belong together"

    I dunno, it didn't seem like a natural progression to me. Well, it WAS until there were too many bands doing it, know what I mean? I think it just hit the over-saturation point after RATM came around. Once they hit the scene, a million clones popped up and just oversaturated the market with the same type of music (although none were as good at it as RATM - besides, like I said, I still have never heard a singer as pissed off as Zack and I loooove me some angry music).

    Ahhh, the "Big Four" - i've seen Sabbath, Metallica and Megadeth, but was never into slayer enough to go see them live. (I know, I know, "blasphemy!" ). Although I have to admit, the only one of the 'big four' I can listen to and enjoy nowadays is Megadeth - although I miss Marty Friedman like a mofo. That guy RIPPED on guitar. One of my favorites.

    Since we're talking old school metal and all, anyone here ever get into Billy Milano's SOD or MOD?

  3. #33
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    coma - i think the reason people bitch & complain about rap/rock and rap-metal (whatever you want to call it) is because it's just.. well.. to me it's "two great tastes that don't belong together"

    I dunno, it didn't seem like a natural progression to me. Well, it WAS until there were too many bands doing it, know what I mean? I think it just hit the over-saturation point after RATM came around. Once they hit the scene, a million clones popped up and just oversaturated the market with the same type of music (although none were as good at it as RATM - besides, like I said, I still have never heard a singer as pissed off as Zack and I loooove me some angry music).

    Ahhh, the "Big Four" - i've seen Sabbath, Metallica and Megadeth, but was never into slayer enough to go see them live. (I know, I know, "blasphemy!" ). Although I have to admit, the only one of the 'big four' I can listen to and enjoy nowadays is Megadeth - although I miss Marty Friedman like a mofo. That guy RIPPED on guitar. One of my favorites.

    Since we're talking old school metal and all, anyone here ever get into Billy Milano's SOD or MOD?
    I have heard RATM clones and they are plentiful. But I have heard local stuff over the years that meshed hiphop and hard rock and it was really good. Often the wackest stuff gets airplay. I like Limp Bizkit EXCEPT for the raps. Durst cant rap for s**t. I think the grooves and GTR and real good though.
    Slayer has always been more of a cult band because they are so abrasive. They are the only one of those never really ever having any videos played.

    I mentioned SOD earlier, you missed it. I also really like MOD, but SOD is one of my all time favorite metal bands. I saw them early on them at Lamours in Queens in like 86. I also saw them at their last show at the Ritz in 92. I was a bartender there. Saw a lot of great shows and met a lot of big time people. Scott Ian is really cool. Billy Milano, though seems like a dick on stage, is a cool dude and a regular guy, very much like the guys I hung with when I was a kid.

    I also worked the last PIL shows around that time. I bartender right on stage right at a portable bar. People were stage diving right into the bar top. I mean like 60 times!
    Later (I did all 3 nights) I worked the VIP bar and met Johnny Lydon who
    Drinks an inhuman amount of beer (He chose Bud cans!)
    Is a fanrastic tipper
    Is an extremely potlie and congenial guy! Can you believe that?

    I also did Eric B and Rakims last show. It ended when someone got shot in the ass. The there was a riot. People stormed coatcheck and stole all the coats. People were grabbing the booze bottles from behind the bar, trying to get cash, too. A huge black girl tried to hid from the shots behind ME. She jumped behind the bar. I told her to get the f**k away from me and got my bud Buttons, the Hells Angel bouncer, to "remove" her.
    Before all that it was a really tough show to work. There were some customers that asked my name, were hugely polite and flowed mad bucks at me. They were Hustler/Pimped out types. But many were thugged out tards.
    "GImme a Cuvosier Now, Mofugga!"
    "I said coke soda(?) not a coke!"
    Funny. like 10 percent tipped good and were at least polite. The other 90% just strait up abused me prison style. That was some night.

    Kiss fans are cool.
    Hanson were really nice guys
    If you bartend a metal show, the guys with really neat haircuts are usually a holes
    a tip fot getting water at clubs. They try to charge you a buck becasue at shows with kids you pour thousands of waters and they never tip, so you work your butt off and make nothing. If you frown and turn away (cause your brokem usually) you will get it for nothing. At least form people like me.
    Last edited by coma; 21-Feb-2007 at 05:54 PM.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
    -The Butthole Surfers

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by coma View Post
    I also worked the last PIL shows around that time. I bartender right on stage right at a portable bar. People were stage diving right into the bar top. I mean like 60 times!
    Later (I did all 3 nights) I worked the VIP bar and met Johnny Lydon who
    Drinks an inhuman amount of beer (He chose Bud cans!)
    Is a fanrastic tipper
    Is an extremely potlie and congenial guy! Can you believe that?
    Totally, he's got a caustic media persona but is incredibly down to earth in real life. At the first Pistols reformation concert, I actually saw him hugging fans after the show.

  5. #35
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    these stories about johnny rotten warm the cockles of my heart. i always knew he was a decent fella...

    "the milkybars are on me!"
    "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country.
    it works the same in every country."

    -Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall, at the Nuremberg trials.


  6. #36
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    Totally, he's got a caustic media persona but is incredibly down to earth in real life. At the first Pistols reformation concert, I actually saw him hugging fans after the show.
    His book is really good. If you havent read it, you should. He says he tries to give working class yobs like me respect and he does. Yeah, hes great. He says , ratther than trying to score ladies, he would always chat up people. Its nice wnen you meet someone you respect and they turn out to be not a ahole and actually really cool. Ithnik he's caustic in the media becasue he dislikes the media. Btw, on you tube, theres a full length video of him on a US courtroom show called Judge Judy. Its a small claims case reality thing with him vs a short lived band mate he refers to as "a wanker".. Its really funny. Judy doesnt even know who he is, but she toerates him pretty good and shes a beyotch

    Him, Robert Smith and Clapton (yup) are the nicest guys I met. Kirk Hammet is kinda dickish. Jason Newsted is a guy you can totally approach, I guess cause he sees himself as a fan first. I talked with him about 10 minutes before my boss screamed at me. He said "aw, dude, thats f**ked up"
    Last edited by coma; 21-Feb-2007 at 07:04 PM.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
    -The Butthole Surfers

  7. #37
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    johnny rotten's book is great stuff, agreed.

    kirk hammett is dickish? wow, i always imagined him to be the nicest of the bunch! he has such a wimpy voice...

    i guess newsted could feel your pain on the whole being given sh*t by his employers business
    "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country.
    it works the same in every country."

    -Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall, at the Nuremberg trials.


  8. #38
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by _liam_ View Post
    johnny rotten's book is great stuff, agreed.

    kirk hammett is dickish? wow, i always imagined him to be the nicest of the bunch! he has such a wimpy voice...

    i guess newsted could feel your pain on the whole being given sh*t by his employers business
    On hammet I have to be fair. He was talking to a girl and didnt look happy (with her). Maybe he was getting dissed. I rolled up all fanboy. I tried to yap with him but got no play. I forgot about that part, of him and the girl. So maybe it was an exceoption. He does usually seem mild mannered. Which is why I said Dickish and not a total dick, like the Stones. they are dicks.

    I saw that Metallica Doc and realized it wasnt Lars whos a schuck, its Hetfield all the way. He is a huge turd. I pretty much hate him after seeing that film. Jason wasnt having that Life Coach stuff and he should be proud of that. He wouldve had the most to say, though, if he did. They were never fair ro him at all maybe becasue hes the one with Intergrity and the rest are spoiled rock stars

    First time I heard the Pistols was a wierd experience for me. My brother came homw from LA and he was into the early punk scene. He gave me Sex Pistols Bullocks and Black Flag Damaged. I thought Preist was hard, but not like those 2 record. I thought "man, this sounds like sh*t". But I played them over and over even though I thought it was too ugly. By the end of that day I probably played them each 5 or 6 times all the was through. I tried to turn friends on to them but they were like "I Hate this punk crap. They cant play, and whats with the yelling". Sheesh. They were missing out.
    Last edited by coma; 21-Feb-2007 at 07:06 PM.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
    -The Butthole Surfers

  9. #39
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    dammit, how did I miss the mention of SOD?! Damn the short-term memory loss!

    Yeah, I liked MOD, but SOD was the sh*t. A little Chromatic Death anyone? Besides, it was 1/2 Anthrax (Charlie & Scott) and I REALLY dug Anthrax "back in the day" - not to mention, how could you not laugh at songs like "Hey Gordie!" and "The Ballad of Jimi Hendrix"

    (cue Purple Haze riff) "You're dead."

    BTW, about Metallica - as far as I'm concerned, Jason is the only one that was in that band that had any integrity (that's still living - Cliff would be rolling over in his grave if he heard the sh*t they were putting out now). He made the BEST move of his career by jumping off that sinking ship.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 21-Feb-2007 at 07:17 PM.

  10. #40
    I enjoyed Lydon's book immensely. I loved the revenge he 'cooked up' when he found out his wife was cheating on him.

  11. #41
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Alright some metal talk! You guys know I'm always down for a good metal conversation... the shiv's my life! I don't know where to start. I guess I'll just cover some of the stuff you guys have talked about.

    Let's see... I saw SOD live back in 1999. I think I was the youngest person there, by far. I like when I'm sitting around listening to them with people I can say "You know SOD have only played 14 live shows? Yeah, I was at one of them." Got Dan Lilkers pick that night. Excellent.

    I was at the Anthrax reunion show 2 years ago. Was right up front the entire time. One of the best shows I've ever seen in my life. I'm all over the DVD they released for it. Got to shake hands with the band (except Charlie, he avoided me for some reason) when they were done playing and they were all real nice and actually responded to the things I was saying to them... unlike some bands who just shake your hand and walk away. Scott Ian also gave me his guitar pick. It's sad that the reunion is already over.

    I just saw Venom a few months ago. I didn't have any money and it was a $25 show so I sat in the back alleyway all day long asking bands if I could load in equipment for them (in order to get in the show). About six hours went by and one of the dudes in Early Man realized I was genuinly broke so he put me on the VIP list and I got to see Venom for free. They were great! Cronos doesn't act/look like he's nearly 50 at all.

    Metallica played their only free show they've EVER done here in Philadelphia. It was back in 1997. I remember I was in 7th grade and it was on a Tuesday or something. So me and five friends cut class and ran out of the school... where my Mom was waiting with her car (my parents were/are metalheads).

    My band just opened up for thrash legends Destruction two weeks ago. That was a great show. I highly recommend seeing them if you get the chance. You miss out and I'd go as far as calling you a fool for it. The place only had like 600 people in it but they still played as if they were in front of 6,000.

    I'd also like to say that one of the times I saw Judas Priest I got Glenn Tipton's guitar pick! The edge of it is all shredded from him doing solos, too. Swoon.

    I could keep going for ages but I don't you guys are even going to read this much.

  12. #42
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Mike - the Philly free metallica show - that was done on the corestate parking lot wasn't it? I have a bootleg vid on VHS of that show (some hot lookin' chicks on their boyfriends shoulders did some makin' out on that vid too - enough to distract the cameraman from the show for a minute or two! ) Interesting, but I had lost most interest in Metallica by that point, unfortunately. It's cool they did a free show though. I did, however, get a chance to see them and Queensryche on tour (during the Mindcrime/Justice tours) and talk about a KICKASS show. Back when Metallica was still 'metal'.

    I wish I would've caught one of the Anthrax reunion shows. I'm pissed now that I didn't. I would have, but I figured this would last longer than a tour - at least a new record and tour afterwards is what I was expecting, but... I STILL can't believe Charlie, Scott and Joey screwed this up again. I wanted a new CD with belladonna, even though I dig John Bush too. Oh well, I didn't think it would last, but I was hopeful.

    So you saw SOD live, eh? that's awesome. I have a bootleg of them on vhs too, and I distinctly remember Billy Milano performing a lot of the show in just his underwear (god help us all...). Talk about going blind!.


  13. #43
    Dying Minerva_Zombi's Avatar

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    Why do people like to **** on Mtallica? Because they aren't reproducing "Master of Puppets" over and over again. I really like St. Anger. Its a really good album if you really listen to it. Its my 2nd Fav. Metallica record behind Puppets. Jason Newsted really did the right thing by leaving... What is he doing now? Robert Trujillo is 20 times a better Bassist. Metallica does what they feel like doing. And they can do that. Why? Because they're ****ing metallica and they've sold 100 million records world-wide.

    About RATM, Audioslave had an okay song here and there, but they can not compare to RATM. I'm excited. All the old bands are coming back to try and save music. The Smashing Pumpkins have a new record coming out. But, yeah Im excited.

  14. #44
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    People shiv on Metallica not because they aren't rehashing MOP over and over but because they just plain farking suck now.

    Any self-respecting metal head realizes that The Black Album was it for Metallica. Some like it; most don't. I do not. It's obvious that they decided it was time to "cash in".

    Load? Pure crap.

    Reload? Pure crap.

    St Anger? A steaming pile of bullshiv.

    It's not just the fact that these albums aren't metal... they just aren't even GOOD. The song writing/structure is so bland. James' vocal chords must have bit the dust because he can't do anything with them any more. Where the hell are all of Kirks wailing solos?!?!?! Nice fills, Lars. Great lyrics, too, guys. "It Aint My Bitch" .... WTF?!

    I'm not flaming but I assume that you also like the Risk, The World Needs A Hero, and Cryptic Writings albums by Megadeth.

    PS - Jason Newsted is now in Voivod.

  15. #45
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    hey hold on, "the world needs a hero" has "dread and the fugitive mind", which is one of the deth's greatest thrashers... rest of it sucked though.

    "if you shake my hand, better count your fingers..."

    you opened for destruction? dang... they rule! your band must be on the up and up, tell us when you come to the UK
    "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country.
    it works the same in every country."

    -Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall, at the Nuremberg trials.



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