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Thread: 1 weapon to use In zombie apocolypse

  1. #46
    Chasing Prey

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    concussion grenades

  2. #47
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Go-Go-Gadget weaponry >>>>>>> all.

  3. #48
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    Go-Go-Gadget weaponry >>>>>>> all.
    it'd be funny. i'd be in the main bedroom of a farm house upstairs and yell "BITCH!" as i tossed a concussion grenade to the ground below

  4. #49
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post

    You'd have to, if you were cut off from your source. You don't have an infinite supply of lighter fluid in your pocket (and you can't exactly keep risking your life by hoping your lighter flames on the first flick all the time anyway), so you must be relying on re-using a torch that you can instantly light from some central bonfire (since you're stuck in one place; whether flame "scares" them or not, it still attracts them. You'll have a horde that never goes away camped around where you used your fire, preventing you from leaving that spot). If they get between you and that fire source, you won't have much choice.
    Man, that sure is a lot of rules and conditions you've got there. Since we're stuck in one place with a horde that never goes away and is alternately repelled and attracted to fire, then I suppose no weapon will help and they'll probably get you no matter what.

  5. #50
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Well, yes, they would get you no matter what; that's what I've always said.

    But I didn't make those rules; we see them in every movie. Zombies don't try to get away from fire, regardless of how they "fear" it. Fran was waving a flare in front of her ghoul, but it just shielded its eyes and kept coming. And a bright flame is going to attract ghouls like a moth to a lightbulb, just like the burning truck did in Night. If you had, say, a wall of fire between you and them, they might not cross the wall, but they sure would start lining up on the other side of it.

  6. #51
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    But I didn't make those rules; we see them in every movie. Zombies don't try to get away from fire, regardless of how they "fear" it. Fran was waving a flare in front of her ghoul, but it just shielded its eyes and kept coming.
    You're talking about failure on the part of the human, not the effectiveness of the weapon. While it was blinded, Fran could have stabbed it with the flare and let it catch fire. In the same movie, Flyboy held off dozens of zombie with a lousy blowtorch.

    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    And a bright flame is going to attract ghouls like a moth to a lightbulb, just like the burning truck did in Night.
    So you don't see how that attraction could be utilized as an effective weapon? Build a big bonfire out of junk, attract all the living dead in the area and then ambush them with a couple of torches. You don't have to be a good shot. You don't have to conserve ammo. The more zombies there are, the more combustible material there is.

    You can still think, plot and cheat; the living dead can't.

    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    If you had, say, a wall of fire between you and them, they might not cross the wall, but they sure would start lining up on the other side of it.
    Why does it have to be outside? You can have a fire inside a fortified shelter.
    A gun is only as good as long as there are bullets to shoot, but you can burn any number of things lying about the house.

  7. #52

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    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    You're talking about failure on the part of the human, not the effectiveness of the weapon. While it was blinded, Fran could have stabbed it with the flare and let it catch fire.
    Decomposing flesh really isn't that inflammable. At least not until the corpse is completely dried out, at which point it wouldn't be moving anyways (it'd be too stiff).
    "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." - Queen Victoria

  8. #53

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    If I had to go with 1 weapon and accessibility wasn't an issue,

    The HK-417. Fires all variants of the time-tested 7.62x51mm NATO round, and that's just the first thing I like about it. The fact that the implemented design allows for switching to either 12, 16, or 20 inch barrels greatly increases the weapon's versatility. The 20 round magazine can be swapped out for a 50-round drum. In spite of its relatively modest carrying capacity magazine-wise I feel it's still the best all-around choice. Next generation polymers mean the weapon is incredibly light, yet still very durable.

    The barrel switch-outs mean in one weapon you can have everything from a sniper rifle to a close combat weapons.

    I could go on at length about how marvelous I think this weapon is, but instead I'll just throw down a link and let others be the judge.

  9. #54
    Being Attacked

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    I would go for a ruger 10/22 with a whole slew of thirty round hot lips mags.

    At relatively close ranges, under 50 yards, a .22 from a rifle can make pretty reliable knock down head shots. I've done it enough times with coyotes and problem strays.

    With multiple mags and Romero type zombies, this would give the shooter the capability of taking out fairly large groups. In the words of the tough chick from NOTLD 95 "Look at how slow they are.".

    Anyone advocating a high capacity .308 probably has not shot one that much.

  10. #55
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Publius View Post
    Decomposing flesh really isn't that inflammable.
    But the clothing they're wearing is. You would only need to ignite one sleeve or pant leg for a ghoul to forget all about pursuing you. They lack the intelligence to stop, drop and roll, and would eventually be consumed by the flame. In Night, Ben held off every ghoul surrounding the farmhouse with a single burning table leg, while his rifle proved useless in that situation.

  11. #56
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    But the clothing they're wearing is. You would only need to ignite one sleeve or pant leg for a ghoul to forget all about pursuing you. They lack the intelligence to stop, drop and roll, and would eventually be consumed by the flame. In Night, Ben held off every ghoul surrounding the farmhouse with a single burning table leg, while his rifle proved useless in that situation.
    he just said it isnt that INFLAMMABLE. meaning yes it can catch on fire...

  12. #57
    Just been bitten Staredge's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by brer View Post

    At relatively close ranges, under 50 yards, a .22 from a rifle can make pretty reliable knock down head shots. I've done it enough times with coyotes and problem strays.

    I'm keeping my Remington 572 pump .22, but that's primarily because I'm really comfortable with it and a really good shot with it. Nice thing about .22 is......they're EVERYWHERE. Couple that with light weights for a lot of ammunition and you're set.

    Hit the hobby shop for some brass tubing for speedloaders and away you go.
    Last edited by Staredge; 17-Aug-2008 at 03:08 AM.

  13. #58
    Being Attacked

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    Everyone to their own tastes. I'm pretty big on the 10/22's. I've put more than a few thousand rounds through mine and am also very comfortable with it.

    I can assume that the remmie is a tube loader?

    Nothing against tubeloaders, but I can get a lot more capacity with a magazine, and quite likely faster reload times.

    But then again, a pump has the advantage of being able to clear a jam far faster. Something to think about if you are scavenging ammo of unknown quality.

    No matter what, you are going to have to adjust tactics to the weapon you carry.

  14. #59
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    How about this=

    when surrounded by a hoard of zombies, you realize how silly the situation is. You realize that the dead coming alive and eating the living is unfeasible, and that it is all a metaphor saying that mankind should stop fighting amongst itself, otherwise a small and relatively harmless scenario will utterly screw us all.

    Then with a loud snap, the undead all disappear, and all of a sudden, a searing pain enters your head and your vision clouds over. You black out and collapse where you were standing.

    You wake up in a warm, comfortable hospital bed, surrounded by family and friends. The regular scents of a hospital greet your nostrils, a cool, autumn wind carries the smell of leaves and pine needles into the room. Nothing is as it was before, and you ask whats going on. Your wife/girlfriend/best friend explain that you were in a coma for 3 months, and came close to death several times while you were comatose. It was all a dream- a frightening, realistic scenario that had played itself over in your head over the course of the 3 months. You lie back down, and welcome the sudden sense of relief and joy that overcomes you. You gaze into the faces of those around you, and grasp your kids/wife/girlfriends hand with all of your strength, thankful that they are alive and alright.

    You stare up into the ceiling with a renewed sense of purpose and life, and for the first time in 3 months, close your eyes and fall into a deep, comfortable sleep.


    zombies aren't real and you dreamed it up.

  15. #60
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    How about this=

    zombies aren't real and you dreamed it up.
    Cool. so in your dream, which weapon would you use if you could only pick one?

    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    he just said it isnt that INFLAMMABLE. meaning yes it can catch on fire...
    I understood and replied that clothing is more inflammable than skin. Your only problem in this case might be a bald, nude ghoul. I'll let you know if I see any.
    Last edited by DubiousComforts; 17-Aug-2008 at 05:59 PM.


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