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Thread: "What happened to all the nice guys?"

  1. #46
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    i think thats a sticking point with me & ladies,i wont be changed!im not an arse about it,but im my own bloke & always will be!
    I know what you mean, good sir.

    Although I freely admit there are things about me and my personality that still need changing - however, I've already changed a bunch of things in my 'programme of MZ finessing', hehe.

    But there's some things I'll never change.

  2. #47
    Chasing Prey

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    bah, the guy who wrote this post seems lost in a world of his own self involvement.

    I don't think it goes as deep as that - for instance I got into a convo with a very pretty girl at work which resulted in me asking if she thought I'd had a lot of girlfriends - not considering myself a "looker" by any means, her answer was very sweet: "actually I bet you have because you're completely down to earth"...and the truth, I have had a fair few girlfriends and sexual experiences, some of which many men would only dream about achieving - and do I put it down to my looks? Fuck no.

    It's about not bullshitting, not taking bullshit, and not playing up to a girl that I fancy just because she's good looking. I won't do her any special favours, or run around after her like a lap dog...and as a result I get a lot of female attention - it seems a lot of ladies don't like to be fussed over or have a slave running around after them, they as well as me, want to get as much as we give and nothing more - nothing less - at the end of the day all I deal with is the truth on every level - and I think that level of honesty resonates with a lot of ladies - for instance I'm not scared of criticising myself, or making a joke about's too short to be caught up in issues like that...and I think that level of self respect sticks in a lady's mind and makes her come back....
    Innocent victims of merciless crimes, fall prey to some madman's impulsive designs.

    Step after step we try controlling our fate. When we finally start living, it's become too late.

  3. #48
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    Yeah thats true,im not interested in all that settling down into domestic drudgery,i still want to travel the world,live the party lifestyle like i have the past 10 years & keep on doing my action sports like paintball,surfing etc.I see people the same age as me who settled down early & they've missed out on so many of the things ive done & am still doing,and even though they claim to be happy they dont look it!
    That said i'd like a steady girlfriend,but she'd have to be able to keep up/put up with me & my free spirit ways (and the fact i dont want kids,bit of a biggie that one)
    Oh, by "settling down" I just meant having a steady partner.

    And not all girls want kids, believe me

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Although I freely admit there are things about me and my personality that still need changing - however, I've already changed a bunch of things in my 'programme of MZ finessing', hehe.

    But there's some things I'll never change.
    I'm intrigued!!
    La freak, c'est chic!


  4. #49
    Dead Purge's Avatar

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    [QUOTE=Chic Freak;181033]And not all girls want kids, believe me [QUOTE]

    I'm hoping to run into one of them soon.
    Last edited by Purge; 08-Mar-2009 at 06:42 PM.

  5. #50
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm intrigued!!
    hehe - well, I used to have a bit of a selfish streak - so I ditched that a few years ago, for one.

    For two, I used to wear my heart on my sleeve way too much - so I've reigned that in a lot, but I'm still honest and open.

    For three, while certainly nowhere near one of those eye-poppers on those obesity docs on Channel 4 and 5 (nowhere near), I over-indulged at university - so thanks to those wicked-awesome labels on food these days, I've dropped over a stone in weight, and am well on my way for a second jeans-size drop - all achieved by callorie counting and push ups, nothing more ... so it fits in with my bachelor-style complete lack of effort.

    I've also gotten over my fear of doctors and hospitals by having to go to one (I got a "chronic" allergic reaction that plodded on for 18 months, thanks to some cheap jeans, probably from China, that used literally a boatload of dye that ravaged my skin) - thankfully I seem to have halted the reaction now after courses of pills, and cutting out - weirdly enough - all oats from my diet. So seemingly I'm now kind of allergic to oats, how random.

    Plus a bunch of smaller issues that needed removing or changing in my personality, so basically, I think I'm a better person now than I was a few years ago - not that I was a bastard or anything, there was just things that I realised needed changing.

    Sometimes I look back over the years at things I've said or done, and if I could go back in time I'd give myself such a slap ... I guess it's all part of growing up eh? *cue inspirational trailer music*

    I think a lot of this hooks back to 2005 when my Gran died (I wasn't there when she died, but saw her on her death bed hours before - a sight that was quite shocking to me at that moment), and I attended the funeral (first and only funeral I've been to) ... so that kinda put stuff into perspective, and signalled up to me that I need to be a better person (even though my faults weren't connected to my Gran's death - I guess it just made me look into myself, you know?), plus it helped put things into perspective and helped me figure out how to deal with problems better than I could beforehand.

    So aye - it's all a gradual programme of change.

  6. #51
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    Can't believe I didn't reply to this! Sorry dude. Go you! Congrats on everything
    La freak, c'est chic!


  7. #52
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    This kills me...well, not literally, but here's how it ultimately happens.

    Take any 100 single men.

    Women want a guy who is good looking (or at least confident).

    That rules out 50 of them.

    Women want a guy who is intelligent.

    That rules out 25 of the remaining 50.

    Women want a guy who is is wealthy (or at least self-sufficient).

    That rules out 15 out of the remaining 25.

    Women want a guy who has a "great" sense of humor (and what the hell do they mean by this? What exactly is a "great sense of humor"?)

    And that rules out 5 out of the remaining 10.

    Then they want a guy who is "sensitive to their needs":

    And they are left with one guy who doesn't "swing that way" anyway if you get my drift.

    C'mon ladies... the man of your dreams is exactly that, a man of your dreams. And most men are just as bad in what we want out of women. It's a double-edged sword (like a bat'leth).

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  8. #53
    Dead Purge's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    This kills me...well, not literally, but here's how it ultimately happens.

    Take any 100 single men.

    Women want a guy who is good looking (or at least confident).

    That rules out 50 of them.

    Women want a guy who is intelligent.

    That rules out 25 of the remaining 50.

    Women want a guy who is is wealthy (or at least self-sufficient).

    That rules out 15 out of the remaining 25.

    Women want a guy who has a "great" sense of humor (and what the hell do they mean by this? What exactly is a "great sense of humor"?)

    And that rules out 5 out of the remaining 10.

    Then they want a guy who is "sensitive to their needs":

    And they are left with one guy who doesn't "swing that way" anyway if you get my drift.

    C'mon ladies... the man of your dreams is exactly that, a man of your dreams. And most men are just as bad in what we want out of women. It's a double-edged sword (like a bat'leth).

    Finally--someone gets it.

  9. #54
    Dying DawnGirl27's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    This kills me...well, not literally, but here's how it ultimately happens.

    Take any 100 single men.

    Women want a guy who is good looking (or at least confident).

    That rules out 50 of them.

    Women want a guy who is intelligent.

    That rules out 25 of the remaining 50.

    Women want a guy who is is wealthy (or at least self-sufficient).

    That rules out 15 out of the remaining 25.

    Women want a guy who has a "great" sense of humor (and what the hell do they mean by this? What exactly is a "great sense of humor"?)

    And that rules out 5 out of the remaining 10.

    Then they want a guy who is "sensitive to their needs":

    And they are left with one guy who doesn't "swing that way" anyway if you get my drift.

    C'mon ladies... the man of your dreams is exactly that, a man of your dreams. And most men are just as bad in what we want out of women. It's a double-edged sword (like a bat'leth).

    You touch on this at the end of your post....
    Doesn't a man also want a woman who is intelligent, cares about their needs, makes them laugh, has a job (doesn't have to be an attorney, but brings home a paycheck, at least), is smart (maybe not a rocket scientist, but...),
    and is good-looking (in their opinion), as well? This goes both ways - always has, always will.

    Just don't go lumping all women together as superficial, money-hungry, and overly needy, because we aren't, just like all men aren't all horndogs.

    Men have their "dream" girls, just as women have their "dream" guys. Some men and women only want extremely good-looking partners who make lots of money - fine. But some dreams include good hearts, the ability to make you laugh, dependability, compassion, unconditional acceptance and love. If you're lucky enough to find these in a person, now that's a dream.

  10. #55
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DawnGirl27 View Post
    You touch on this at the end of your post....
    Doesn't a man also want a woman who is intelligent, cares about their needs, makes them laugh, has a job (doesn't have to be an attorney, but brings home a paycheck, at least), is smart (maybe not a rocket scientist, but...),
    and is good-looking (in their opinion), as well? This goes both ways - always has, always will.

    Just don't go lumping all women together as superficial, money-hungry, and overly needy, because we aren't, just like all men aren't all horndogs.

    Men have their "dream" girls, just as women have their "dream" guys. Some men and women only want extremely good-looking partners who make lots of money - fine. But some dreams include good hearts, the ability to make you laugh, dependability, compassion, unconditional acceptance and love. If you're lucky enough to find these in a person, now that's a dream.

    Wise words.
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."


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