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Thread: So what would you realistically do if the dead walked?

  1. #46
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    not unless khardis beats you there first. remember, he is the baddest, toughest dude on the planet.
    Honestly kind of miss that dude Khardis.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    People, specifically trustworthy individuals equally aware of the fact that the worst dangers will always come from the Khardis's of the world in the absence of deterrents like law enforcement. Zombies are dangerous, but at the end of the day still just rotting meatbag bundles of instinct. Humans can track you across half a continent, watch and wait, and strike in an organized manner when you either least expect it, or are in the worst position for it.

    The only real counter to that are intelligent and trustworthy allies, and a modus operandi that includes creating as many worthwhile alliances of various sorts with other survivors you come across in various situations.

    Gives you the best chance of being included in someone's workable master plan to reach safety, valuable resources, etc.
    I agree - it would be far better to team up and combine resources with folks who think along the same lines. I would be glad to back up wyld and his crew in a crisis if given the opportunity.
    Last edited by Yojimbo; 17-Sep-2009 at 02:27 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  2. #47
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by strayrider View Post
    Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    strayrider and moonsylver can back me up on the wasteland that southern ohio and northern ky are. that is a very, very sparsely populated area and once you get a bit away from the river in either direction, there is literally nothing for huge stretches.
    Mostly vacant, yes, but watch out for pockets of hillbillies. Don't make Ned Beatty's mistake.
    Oh yeah...southern Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, there are vast areas one could vanish into & good luck to the zed's trying to navigate the terrain &/or find you.

    Now the locals? Hope they're friendly. I grew up with plenty of good ol' boys who I wouldn't want to fuck with...

  3. #48
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    I grew up with plenty of good ol' boys who I wouldn't want to fuck with...
    I knew a good ol boy named Jonny from New Carlisle, Ohio. He was a man of his word. If he told you he was about to kick your a$$ that is EXACTLY what he meant. There was no BS involved.

    Jonny was "ballbat" material: meaning that if you wanted to take him on, you'd better be armed with a ballbat -- and even then you had no guarantee of winning.

    I stayed on Jonny's good side.


  4. #49

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    Ok fair enough,
    All the living people besides my allied crew are now dead, and it's us Vs. the uncountable hordes of zombies. Glad that I made recruiting allies a major platform for my course of action, because instead of being a lone ninja-ganker like Khardis who will die when the need for sleep finally overtakes him, I have the manpower required for individuals to keep watch, sleep in shifts, divide necessary tasks, and fight jointly (when necessary).

    Does it guarantee survival? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Doesn't even make it likely. What it DOES do is make what would otherwise be a 100% hopeless situation if I was on my own into one that offers at least very slim odds that at least SOME of us will make it to a low-risk/high-resource area.

    No other possible plan offers even a .1% chance of survival. We live in a universe where incredibly unlikely events happen all the time, sometimes even in strings of ever-more-unlikely/improbable conjunctions of events. So long as something isn't flat out impossible, it's worth it to keep fighting for just one more minute, one more hour, one more day etc.

    If all of the people currently alive that faced "certain" death had given up and died, we'd need to portion off a patch of ground the size of Connecticut just to bury them all.

    Admittedly, escaping a global zombie rising to a long-term safe haven is a VERY tall order, but I wouldn't call it IMPOSSIBLE. Call it 97.5% in favor of the zombies eating us all, 99.25% of the zombies eating some of us, and only .75% of us all making it out alive.

    Faced with the alternatives, I'll take the .75% chance, and keep my chosen method of swift suicide close at hand in case the odds catch up with me.

    Of course, can't the same be said about any risky venture in life?
    Last edited by Wyldwraith; 17-Sep-2009 at 04:25 PM.

  5. #50
    Fresh Meat Russ7187's Avatar

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    Easy for me. I live in Pittsburgh in Etna, two towns over is Millvale who has a marina with tons of boats. Also one up in Aspinewall up the street the other way. Just get some guns, food, and water and head for those. One the way get what family and friends I have. Well I have some friends who I would go for at all cost, since they are the types you'd need in the world of the dead, or after the end of the world period. Live on a few boats for a while, rig up weapons to defend em, and raid the three rivers for more food or water for a few months. Maybe find bank kinda hidden and use it as a base. After a few months when the chaos dies down, start to look for somewhere to settle down and fortify by the rivers since A) The water would start to get clean, just boil it to drink, so no problem there and B) My dad is REALLY into fishing so we'd have food. Try to find some crotch rockets and harleys and scout the area out, try to find more people and make some sort of community. Also try to find bigger and better weapons since I'm sure some people will be worse than the dead. I might add more later.

  6. #51
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    Find an island, eh? Not a bad plan...

  7. #52
    Chasing Prey

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    got it kinda figured out. at my house, the windows are pretty damned high. recently added security bars, and theres a barred gate door on the front along with a steel front and back door. in door porch on the front, so that much harer to get in my house.

    the windows are high to the point its very difficult to get in. and the others are so small that a small child would have issues getting through. theres 5 sources of food and water and other things within half a block, but still im in a neighborhood full of houses and a lil bit safer than living by a main street.

    fenced in yard as well, u could easily see someone coming if there was a threat.

    and since i've gotten to pittsburgh this week on vacation and looked around, i've realized this area would be fucked in a zombie attack. no place to hide.

  8. #53

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    What would I realistically do if the dead walked? I'd download my consciousness into a cybernetic construct to defeat the undead. See? My research facility is just as believable as the dead walking, so that is what I would do. Then I'd kick Khardis in the ass.
    Colonel "Bat" Guano: Okay. I'm gonna get your money for ya. But if you don't get the President of the United States on that phone, you know what's gonna happen to you?
    Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: What?
    Colonel "Bat" Guano: You're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company.

  9. #54
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    I would most likely go crazy at the thought of my entire family being eaten or killed in other horrific ways. I give myself a week tops, and that is being generous.

  10. #55
    Just been bitten Cartma7546's Avatar

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    Kill Phillip, head home and wait for it all to blow over
    "Are you asking me if I think you're pretty or if I'll f*** you? Cause you don't have to be pretty for me to f*** you"

  11. #56
    Twitching deadpunk's Avatar

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    I would shit my pants.

    Following that unhappy incident, I would batten down the hatches, load the deer rifles and just try and survive the first night. Trying to plan anything beyond that is an exercise in futility, imho.

  12. #57
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    i would start believing in god, cuz i pray every day that zombies will wipe out our moronic, celebrity/technology obsessed society...and he's still not answering.

  13. #58
    Twitching deadpunk's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    i would start believing in god, cuz i pray every day that zombies will wipe out our moronic, celebrity/technology obsessed society...and he's still not answering.
    That 'technology' bit caught my eye. In an ironic twist of fate, I would likely be logged onto this very site when it happened.

  14. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    i would start believing in god, cuz i pray every day that zombies will wipe out our moronic, celebrity/technology obsessed society...and he's still not answering.
    Wouldn't it be nice to drive a bunch of nails through a plank of wood, leave the house, go up to the nearest walker and just batter the fucker to bits knowing you wont be arrested and you just helped society a little bit more?

  15. #60
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by deadpunk View Post
    That 'technology' bit caught my eye. In an ironic twist of fate, I would likely be logged onto this very site when it happened.
    i'll concede the fact that technology is pretty nifty at times, allowing me to bond with fellow dead fans, (and get to know some rather irritating ones as well) but it's getting out of hand. people feel that they've gotta be plugged in, texting, on the net, breaking news, instant-messaging, tweeting...

    and don't get me started on the celeb/fame-junkie aspect of society.

    as long as the net was up and running long enough to make some contacts with a few people from here who i'd like to ride out the storm with, it'd be okay, i suppose.


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