Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
First, what the characters knew. Ben thought they could get in if there were enough of them. I believe that makes sense from their perspective. Remember what they knew about zombies. Barbra saw one break a car window with a rock. Ben saw them turn over a car as a group. Both those behaviors are smarter than flopping against a board over and over. From their perspective what’s to say the zombies won’t find a prybar and start unhinging boards? Or set fire to the house and drive them out?
This is an excellent point!
Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
Second, what we know from the other movies. In Day Sarah doesn’t want them visible to the zombies during the day because it gets them riled up. She’s afraid that they’ll get through the fence if they’re incited enough. Consider that the zombies didn’t breach the house until after the attempt to get the truck. Look at the zombies after the truck explosion and the retreat of Ben back into the house. They’re riled up. They’ve had a taste of human. The group of them is excitable. I don’t see it as unrealistic for them to break through at that point. It’s possible that the truck attempt riled up the zombies enough to breach the house and they wouldn’t have if the group had just stayed put.
This is ALSO an excellent point!
Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say with the rest of your post. My main point is that the group responded to the situation at hand. When there were fewer zombies they chose to defend the house. More zombies and they chose to get in the truck and move on. I think their judgment was sound in both cases even if the decisions weren’t the best in retrospect.
Whether or not their judgment was sound or not is debatable, however, you state your opinion very well!
Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
I also think we need to reflect on human behavior. How many people have watched a stock price fall and fall and fall while not selling their stock? In retrospect it’s insane. Why didn’t they sell at the first sign of trouble? Yet it happens all the time. Why? Because the basic human mindset is “The worst is probably over.” The lower the price gets the worse your position is if you sell. So you think, "I can ride this out just a little longer."
Absolutely astute assessment of human behavior.
Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
I can see the Night crew thought process being the same with the zombies as more and more show up. More zombies outside means a riskier venture to leave. So they stay put. And more show up. Which makes the need to leave stronger, but it’s also even riskier. They kick themselves for not leaving earlier even as they continue to not leave. And all the while they never realize that it's going to get worse and worse and worse.
In case in wasnt clear up til now, I think this whole post was excellent!