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Thread: Bin Laden dead

  1. #46
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    I have an actual serious question for everyone.
    All I have been getting are emails and posts from
    ppl who are saying that this is a govt conspiracy
    and Osama wasnt killed, it is all a hoax for this
    reason or that.
    What is the gen consensus here?
    Do ppl beleive Osama was killed in this raid
    or the theories such as, he wasnt killed its all a lie,
    he been dead for years his body has been frozen,
    and so many more are the ruling thought?
    This site has a wide group of ppl from different
    countries and different political backgrounds and
    yes while i may not agree with some of them I
    do respect the right to have whatever views u hold
    no matter how it may appear otherwise.

    So what is the gen consensus?
    Real or Fake?

  2. #47
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I think they probably killed him. Of course with every piece of important history there are always conspiracy theories, but in this case I'm thinking they actually got him. People want to look for more than the truth in any situation involving the government. Could they have known his whereabouts before now? Sure. But I doubt they were just waiting for the correct time to strike based on some hermit's half-baked idea that they're using it to cover up or lead into something else. As for it helping Obama's campaign? I doubt that. In half a year people won't even care about this issue....

    Maybe if they release that picture later today it will shut up the conspiracy theorists. On second it won't.

  3. #48
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    I think they got him, but I think it's pretty much a distraction for something else - a sort of "don't look over here" moment. Not sure what yet, but am keeping a sharp eye on the news (no, not network or tv news either-you'll find nothing of value there anyway). A lot of the "details" don't make sense yet, so I'm kind of waiting for the dust to settle to see what's really going on.

  4. #49
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    They killed him, more than likely, and, either way, he is almost certainly dead--no president wants to risk getting that sort of egg on his face.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  5. #50
    Dead Rancid Carcass's Avatar

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    Considering the damage that Bin Laden has had on the American psyche over the last ten years faking something of this magnitude would be certain political suicide for any US president, and would render his political party pretty much unelectable for next hundred years or so if it ever got out.
    As for the conspiracy theorists - They want a photo as proof, if you give them a photo they'll tell you it's fake. If they see the video footage they'll tell you it's a Hollywood backlot. They only want this stuff so they can further develop their theories by pointing out any apparent inconsistancies they can find, just look at how they pour over the photos of the moon landings - every little grain or spec in the image is definitive proof of a studio mock-up. Lets face it, they don't want to be proven wrong and they'll never agree with whatever proof you can offer up, and even if you took them along and they where actually there at the time I'm sure they'd claim it was some drug induced hallucination to make them think it was real. Let 'em stew I say!

  6. #51
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I think they probably killed him. Of course with every piece of important history there are always conspiracy theories, but in this case I'm thinking they actually got him. People want to look for more than the truth in any situation involving the government. Could they have known his whereabouts before now? Sure. But I doubt they were just waiting for the correct time to strike based on some hermit's half-baked idea that they're using it to cover up or lead into something else. As for it helping Obama's campaign? I doubt that. In half a year people won't even care about this issue....

    Maybe if they release that picture later today it will shut up the conspiracy theorists. On second it won't.
    ...and this.

    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    They killed him, more than likely, and, either way, he is almost certainly dead--no president wants to risk getting that sort of egg on his face.

    And also this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rancid Carcass View Post
    Considering the damage that Bin Laden has had on the American psyche over the last ten years faking something of this magnitude would be certain political suicide for any US president, and would render his political party pretty much unelectable for next hundred years or so if it ever got out.
    As for the conspiracy theorists - They want a photo as proof, if you give them a photo they'll tell you it's fake. If they see the video footage they'll tell you it's a Hollywood backlot. They only want this stuff so they can further develop their theories by pointing out any apparent inconsistancies they can find, just look at how they pour over the photos of the moon landings - every little grain or spec in the image is definitive proof of a studio mock-up. Lets face it, they don't want to be proven wrong and they'll never agree with whatever proof you can offer up, and even if you took them along and they where actually there at the time I'm sure they'd claim it was some drug induced hallucination to make them think it was real. Let 'em stew I say!

    I've been thinking of this one a lot in conjunction with all this:

    "For the believer no proof is needed for the skeptic no proof is possible."
    Last edited by MoonSylver; 04-May-2011 at 03:47 PM. Reason: Hurm.

  7. #52
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    I have an actual serious question for everyone.
    All I have been getting are emails and posts from
    ppl who are saying that this is a govt conspiracy
    and Osama wasnt killed, it is all a hoax for this
    reason or that.
    What is the gen consensus here?
    Do ppl beleive Osama was killed in this raid
    or the theories such as, he wasnt killed its all a lie,
    he been dead for years his body has been frozen,
    and so many more are the ruling thought?
    This site has a wide group of ppl from different
    countries and different political backgrounds and
    yes while i may not agree with some of them I
    do respect the right to have whatever views u hold
    no matter how it may appear otherwise.

    So what is the gen consensus?
    Real or Fake?
    Personally speaking, Bin Laden is dead. WHEN and HOW he died is still very much open to debate, as far as I'm concerned. Also, the unbelievably convenient timing of this (upcoming 9/11 nausea and Obama's admin in trouble) forces me to at least raise an eyebrow, if not outright smell a rat of some sort. Not to mention the intentional hiding of any real evidence. Instantaneous DNA test? Then flying a 1000Km's to dumb the body into the sea? And the excuse for that one is simply laughable. Upsetting Muslim principles? WTF. You know what "upset(s) Muslims", bombing their women and children and interfering in their countries affairs.

    In addition, the fact that there's been so much bullshit about the raid already has my alarm bells going. First he was armed, then he was using he wife as a "human shield" ,then she was killed too, then she wasn't and he wasn't armed etc, etc.

    Either way, as I said before, Bin Laden was small potatoes and probably always has been (even when he was America's friend). I've never been fully convinced he was the "mastermind" behind Sept. 11, or that he was the leader of "Al Queda" (because Al Queda doesn't exist in that fashion). Perhaps he was a high at one stage, but I'd say he had long since ceased to have had any umph. But, am I just simply going to believe US governments when they tell me things? Am I fuck.

    In any case and get this straight, governments (like all large organisations) DO conspire. It's an essential part of running things. They conspire all the time. NOTHING is out in the open and NOTHING is as it first seems. Whether it's rigging election results, gathering dirt on the opposition or a false flag operations as a pretext to war. These thing DO and HAVE happened. Even on the most minimal scale of, say, towing the party line at the expense of your own real opinions on a given matter. THAT right there is a conspiracy. It doesn't always have to be of the magnitude of something like the Gleiwitz incident of 1939.

    Of course "automatic conspiracy" is nonsense, but there's only one thing worse than someone who shouts "conspiracy" at every drop of that hat and that's someone dismissing the idea completely and engaging in "automatic belief".

    Anyway, the US will probably release something to "prove" something and a lot of people will be happy (as they are already simply because they were told) and perhaps there will be some who aren't entirely convinced. However, there's footage of the ENTIRE operation available. If they are worried about not convincing people (which they aren't) they could show the important parts in that.

    Lastly, I couldn't give a toss about Bin Laden or his assassination. He's "news" from the beginning of the decade and his demise won't change my world one iota.

    It'll, no doubt, go some way to helping Barrack though
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  8. #53
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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  9. #54
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CoinReturn View Post

    What kind of rock does someone have to hide under to be that damn sheltered?

  10. #55
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    I know, right? Crazy... Well, anyway, conspiracy or no... *falls asleep*

  11. #56
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    What kind of rock does someone have to hide under to be that damn sheltered?
    The rock of pure ignorance I think.

    It's a bit worrying that people really are so bloody dense is it not?
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  12. #57
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I know when the towers came down most of the people on that (twitter?) feed were probably about 10, but surely they cant be so dense as to not know who Osama was? I mean his face has been prominent in the news ever since & surely raw recent history like 9/11 cant be forgotten that quickly! I bet nobody in the 1950's was saying "who was Adolf Hitler & why should I care?"

  13. #58

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    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    I have an actual serious question for everyone.
    All I have been getting are emails and posts from
    ppl who are saying that this is a govt conspiracy
    and Osama wasnt killed, it is all a hoax for this
    reason or that.
    What is the gen consensus here?
    Do ppl beleive Osama was killed in this raid
    or the theories such as, he wasnt killed its all a lie,
    he been dead for years his body has been frozen,
    and so many more are the ruling thought?
    This site has a wide group of ppl from different
    countries and different political backgrounds and
    yes while i may not agree with some of them I
    do respect the right to have whatever views u hold
    no matter how it may appear otherwise.

    So what is the gen consensus?
    Real or Fake?
    I'm no fan of Obama, but yeah, I believe Bin Laden was killed in this raid and you've pretty much gotta be wearing a tin foil hat to think otherwise. Obviously a raid occurred when and where the administration says it did. Bin Laden's daughter acknowledges that he was killed, but alleges that he was captured first and then shot. I wouldn't be shocked if that were true. But still alive? Killed way earlier and kept on ice? Just not plausible.

    The administration's real problem is that Obama was too eager to take credit for accomplishing what Bush didn't, get in front of the TV cameras and do his little touchdown dance in the end zone. They should have kept a lid on the news until all the facts were in so they wouldn't have to put out sketchy info and backtrack later. Frankly, they should have waited several days for the more important reason of exploiting intel seized from the compound before Bin Laden's associates knew what happened.
    Last edited by Publius; 05-May-2011 at 09:22 AM. Reason: elaboration
    "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." - Queen Victoria

  14. #59
    Dead wayzim's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    or it might be an excuse for the guy whos taken his place to rile them up into doing something big for their new martyr.
    This is a spontaneous parody of a parody, lifted from a massive tome called The Boomer Bible(1991, R.F.Laird )

    It will likely offend.

    Hint; the original text references 'Pearl Harbor.' and 'The Nips. '
    so approach with a sense of humor.

    Even God is supposed, by some, to have one.

    You've been warned.

    Chapt ?

    The Yanks were mad about 9/11, of course
    2 But maybe not quite as mad as they were surprised,
    3 and offended,
    4 Because how did The Mesos ever get the idea that a
    sneak attack on the US was a good idea?
    5 After all, it hadn't been a good idea to make the Yanks
    6 Like with The Alamo,
    7 And The Maine,
    8 And the Lusitania,
    9 And Pearl Harbor,
    10 Which should have tipped off The Mesos
    that if they did something bad to The Yanks,
    11 Something unspeakable like 9/11, for example,
    12 The Yanks would remember it,
    13 Forever,
    14 And find a way to get even,
    15 No matter how much it cost,
    16 Which was a bundle,

    Wayne Z
    Last edited by wayzim; 05-May-2011 at 02:41 PM. Reason: just adding a few new lines.

  15. #60
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Al Queda confirmed Bin Laden's death today. And of course vowed revenge to the US. They say that his body should be turned over to his family, and if it isn't then the revenge will be even worse. Apparently they didn't know about his watery grave. Ru-row Shaggy....

    Also, the white house is saying that Bin Laden was working up a plan to attack us on this years 9/11 anniversary. Something about derailing a train. Being that 9/11 was so massive in scale, derailing a train sounds a bit weak for those guys.
    Last edited by bassman; 06-May-2011 at 02:24 PM. Reason: .


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