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Thread: day question

  1. #61
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    Pointless arguments are your friend. Finally I have a believable reason for your position!!
    Well, it may be a believable reason, but not an accurate one. If one of us (or two others in such discussions) is finally able to persuade the other, then it was not pointless. I am saddened when I have been unable to shine the light of reason on a fellow GAR fan, leaving them to wallow in the mire of their own mistaken opinions. Plus it is fun to exercise the brain in something other than "serious" considerations, such as sales projections, etc.

  2. #62
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    I am saddened when I have been unable to shine the light of reason on a fellow GAR fan, leaving them to wallow in the mire of their own mistaken opinions.
    Your comment makes no sense. If anything, it supports what I was saying.

    I would be happy to shine my light up into your darkness some more.
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  3. #63
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    I would be happy to shine my light up into your darkness some more.
    In that case, answer this question for me. Over what time period do you think that the events we see in Day of the Dead take place in? In other words, from the first non-dream we see of them flying over Ft Myers, to the time they are on the beach at the end, how many days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, etc. do you think have passed?

  4. #64
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    In that case, answer this question for me. Over what time period do you think that the events we see in Day of the Dead take place in? In other words, from the first non-dream we see of them flying over Ft Myers, to the time they are on the beach at the end, how many days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, etc. do you think have passed?
    5 days.

    why else show 31 oct on the calendar in the dream and then make a point of showing 4 nov on the calendar during the last scene of the movie? any other conclusion makes very little sense.
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  5. #65
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    5 days.

    why else show 31 oct on the calendar in the dream and then make a point of showing 4 nov on the calendar during the last scene of the movie? any other conclusion makes very little sense.
    I tend to agree. The reason I ask was to see if Trin agrees with that, and if so, how he thinks that fits in with his training Bub to be docile theories.

  6. #66
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    Yes, I tend to agree with that timetable.

    I tend to believe that the training of Bub had an epiphany moment when Logan started feeding him. He may have been working with Bub for a week, a few weeks, or a couple months. But the progress he alludes to was a breakthrough event directly following the first - or first couple - feedings.

    I also tend to believe (though this is conjecture) that Logan's training likely only convinced Bub to be docile towards him and not towards anyone. By that I mean Bub would allow Logan's hand near his face, but I'm not sure he would do so for others. He seemed more fearful of other humans. Almost like an animal backed into a corner. He knows he's powerless while on that chain but get close enough to him and he might bite your face off. That behavior is evident when Logan gave him a gun and he pointed it at Rhodes. He didn't point it at Logan, and by all accounts he'd never interacted with Rhodes before.
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  7. #67
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    Yes, I tend to agree with that timetable.

    I tend to believe that the training of Bub had an epiphany moment when Logan started feeding him. He may have been working with Bub for a week, a few weeks, or a couple months. But the progress he alludes to was a breakthrough event directly following the first - or first couple - feedings.
    So you believe that Logan was working with Bub possibly for a "couple of months" without Sarah or anyone else knowing about it?

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    So you believe that Logan was working with Bub possibly for a "couple of months" without Sarah or anyone else knowing about it?
    We don't know how long he works with each specimen before he destroys it. We don't know how much longer Bub was allowed to live since he was doing well.

    Without Sarah or anyone else knowing about - no. Without Sarah or anyone else seeing the startling results or knowing he'd been feeding him, yes. He could've been working with Bub for a week, a couple week, or longer without showing any results of any significance. Then within the past 5 days he starts feeding him and voila - results.
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  9. #69
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    Exactly! By george, I think you've got it! Bravo!

  10. #70
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    We don't know how long he works with each specimen before he destroys it. We don't know how much longer Bub was allowed to live since he was doing well.

    Without Sarah or anyone else knowing about - no. Without Sarah or anyone else seeing the startling results or knowing he'd been feeding him, yes. He could've been working with Bub for a week, a couple week, or longer without showing any results of any significance. Then within the past 5 days he starts feeding him and voila - results.
    But in the scene where we the audience see Bub for the first time, Sarah acts as if she has never seen him before. She seemed unaware that Logan would have ANY zed chained up there, let alone Bub, or else she wouldnt have casually stood there, only to be shocked by Bub's movements. So somehow I dont see how that supports Logan having Bub for "weeks".

  11. #71
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    I think Sarah was just caught off-guard and skittish at the time due to Rhodes' grilling immediately beforehand. Or maybe... they just didn't put as much thought into it as we are now...

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    But in the scene where we the audience see Bub for the first time, Sarah acts as if she has never seen him before.
    And how does Sarah act that indicates she's never seen Bub before? Being startled by his presence isn't indicative she's never seen him before.

    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    She seemed unaware that Logan would have ANY zed chained up there, let alone Bub, or else she wouldnt have casually stood there, only to be shocked by Bub's movements.
    That's an interesting observation. It seems odd to me she'd be surprised by a zombie being chained there. It's unrealistic to think he never keeps zombies there, or that she wouldn't know it. Regardless as to the zombie being Bub that's just weird. The best I can contend is that it proves how shaken she was, as blind2d points out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    So somehow I dont see how that supports Logan having Bub for "weeks".
    I don't think it refutes it either.
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  13. #73
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    And how does Sarah act that indicates she's never seen Bub before? Being startled by his presence isn't indicative she's never seen him before.
    True, althought as mentioned below, if Logan was actually "keeping" zeds, and zeds, in the lab, instead of immediately getting them strapped to tables with the help of whoever is bringing them in there, then Sarah shouldnt have been surprised that Bub, or any zed, was there.
    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    That's an interesting observation. It seems odd to me she'd be surprised by a zombie being chained there. It's unrealistic to think he never keeps zombies there, or that she wouldn't know it. Regardless as to the zombie being Bub that's just weird. The best I can contend is that it proves how shaken she was, as blind2d points out.
    Did Sarah strike you as the type who was easily shaken by Rhodes verbal assaults? She seems to be more of the angry type, not the shaken-lose-control/memory type. As you leaves she says "Yes Sir. Fuck you sir". Then later in the day (the next scene after Bub I believe) is the whole 'sit down or I'll have you shot' scene. Even then, Sarah doesnt seem shaken. When she finally DOES sit down, she is pissed off, slamming her clipboard down. I dont think she was "skittish" as blind suggests.
    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    I don't think it refutes it either.
    No, it doesnt refute it, but I didnt claim it did, just pointed out that I dont think it supports your assertions.

  14. #74
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    Did Sarah strike you as the type who was easily shaken by Rhodes verbal assaults? She seems to be more of the angry type, not the shaken-lose-control/memory type. As you leaves she says "Yes Sir. Fuck you sir".
    I think Sarah *was* shaken by the verbal assault, whether she displayed it in the room or not. IMO she was displayed as someone who could handle herself in the crisis but then it all caught up with her after the crisis was over. She was stressed, popping some unknown pills, having nightmares, having fights with her man, started drinking, etc. It's hard to believe she was operating as well as she was at the time.

    Why was she startled by Bub being there? I don't know that there is a definitive answer that will make everyone go "Ah, yeah, that's it." Maybe Logan really never kept any zombies chained there before. Maybe Bub being unusually docile (either through his nature, his training, or having been around poeple more) was less noticeable than another zombie might've been. Maybe Sarah was still distracted by the events with Rhodes and wasn't paying enough attention.
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