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Thread: TWD 4x08 "Too Far Gone" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #106
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Yeh, I'd like to have seen the gov go down screaming like a bitch, while his innards were being torn out of his stomach.

    That would have been nice.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  2. #107
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    Couple things from my post that got lost that I remember (more to come?).

    Looked a lot like the zombie who stomped the eye patch chess piece when .gov was headshot by his woman was the one with the head in a bag out in the woods that Wick Whines didn't head shot.

    Darryl is dirty he's mean he is mighty and unclean.Holy schnikes did his gun have the right SFX when SHTF or what?

    Boolits do not make sparks when they hit grey primered buses (or anything) can the entertainment industry stop doing this NOW?

    Sasha was mostly ambulatory when she was thanking Bob after the bleeding sickness,the one scene Glenn had he looked like he had spent the previous week tied up nude in a gay bathouse getting butt bleeped.Kill him now!

    Writers: who cares about Maggie flying?The dialog is really urine poor and mostly worthless and uninteresting.I just cant see people talking about dumb stuff like that in any PA universe YMMV.

    Last edited by Darkest Hour; 09-Dec-2013 at 12:53 PM. Reason: point about Glenn

  3. #108
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    Re: toilet's always front face over hang. We're not savages.

  4. #109
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by sandrock74 View Post
    Re: toilet's always front face over hang. We're not savages.
    Whew, that's solved. Now if someone could just tell me which way to lay a baby when it's sleepytime. Is it on the back, on the stomach, or hanging upside down like a bat/pinata?

    P.S. Sooooooooooo bummed we have to wait until mid February to find out what up, and if Judith ended up as an hor d'oeuvre for zeds.

  5. #110
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkest Hour View Post
    Boolits do not make sparks when they hit grey primered buses (or anything) can the entertainment industry stop doing this NOW?

    Writers: who cares about Maggie flying?The dialog is really urine poor and mostly worthless and uninteresting.I just cant see people talking about dumb stuff like that in any PA universe YMMV.

    1) Because then the viewer wouldn't see the bullet hits coming. You'd have a much better idea of where they were coming from and hitting if you were right there in the actual gunfight for real, but sitting on your sofa staring at a television you need a little more help and a little more razzle dazzle to make bullet hits read correctly for the audience.

    2) Even in the post apocalypse you've got to allow time for nostalgia and dreams.

    Quote Originally Posted by sandrock74 View Post
    Re: toilet's always front face over hang. We're not savages.
    Damn straight!

  6. #111
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    P.S. Sooooooooooo bummed we have to wait until mid February to find out what up, and if Judith ended up as an hor d'oeuvre for zeds.
    Tell me about it!

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  7. #112
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post

    P.S. Sooooooooooo bummed we have to wait until mid February to find out what up, and if Judith ended up as an hor d'oeuvre for zeds.
    I am interested to see the result of that, but it's not bothering me as much as seeing everyone's reaction to Sophia walking out of the barn before the season two break. That was also the first time the show had the mid season break and this season I basically know what happens next due to the comics and previews, though.

    While I think Judith SHOULD be dead, I also see some evidence that someone got her out of there in time. I honestly wouldn't care if she was alive or not, but I do know the basic plot for what happens after the fall of the prison and it seems to be a bit of a stretch to allow them to keep a living baby with them...

  8. #113

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    As someone who doesn't follow the comics,
    I think it's to the show's advantage to continue leaving the comics behind, with only an occasional nod here and there to the "initiated." It's less limiting, and there's less chance of the staff ending up feeling inhibited/burned out while going through the motions to simply translate comic to screen if they shake it up and continue getting more and more original. I realize that this approaches blasphemy for some of the comic fans, but c'mon now, said comic fans are outnumbered in the same proportions as Walkers to Humans in the show, by those of us who've never even flipped through a TWD comic.

    Not saying the show shouldn't draw inspiration where appropriate and feasible from comic-based events, just that in no wise should the comic content ever become a CONSTRAINT IMO.

    On a separate note: I realize some people have been aching to see the Prison go bye-bye....but surely given that the show has become much more insular with regards to locations where episodes are shot, its easily recognized that out-of-story limitations will prevent any long-term nomadic storylines....and in all likelihood we will simply get a repeat of Season 3's beginnings. Ie: The divided group trying to meet up, followed by their casting about for another at least semi-secure location. After all, a goodly portion of bus-riders are individuals just getting over a life-threatening illness. That, and this time there are WAY MORE mouths to feed, with arguably much less means of defending themselves/securing new sites from Walkers (even in the very short-term, such as while foraging).

    When you couple that with the repeatedly reiterated visual commentary on the convergence of mega-herds throughout the immediate region, one could just as easily make a case that continual movement on the roads is just as likely, if not more likely, to result in mass-casualties than finding an area that, geographically-speaking, is as isolated as they can reach while still maintaining access to things like a fresh water source and materials conducive to being used for shelter-making and staying put similar to the Season 1 camp.

    Of course there are other alternatives, but until I can see evidence to the contrary, I'll remain inclined to believe that the show's now deeply-entrenched tendency not to vary complex locations with regards to what appears onscreen is likely to continue.

    The neighborhood where Rick sent Carol on her way is a perfect example of what I'm talking about: They essentially got the area temporarily donated to them for shooting purposes. All I'm saying is I would not be too terribly surprised if the remainder of the season takes place in impromptu camp settings surrounded by their vehicles. I expect movement/travel scenes to involve a lot of generally woods-bordered roads without many unusual features. In other words, I think they've pretty much shot their wad already...and the season wrap up will narrow its focus to heavy character interaction so as to distract from setting limitations.

    Not necessarily a bad thing mind you. I've enjoyed this season a great deal. Probably one of my favorites in fact. I just don't see the interim period between loss of the Prison and wherever they stop next for a protracted period being easy on the show, logistically speaking.

  9. #114
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    I agree with Wylde regarding logistics. The prison made life a tad easier for the writers/crew. Being on the move will be much more difficult. I hope they rise to the occasion and give us a wider view of the apocalypse.

  10. #115
    Just been bitten zombieparanoia's Avatar

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    I don't understand why they don't just shoot the show in Detroit. All they'd have to do is fix up the area they're shooting in so it only looks post apocalyptic.

  11. #116
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Regarding the following of the comic story in the series, i think they have got the mix just right at the moment where they loosely follow the comic but change certain events around, losing some of the admitedly darker stories and adding in some new ones.

    Its close enough to appease longterm fans but loose enough to keep us guessing whats coming next, i mean to us comic readers now we know where their going next but the when and how are a whole other thing.

  12. #117
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I think over season 4A they've got the comics/show mix just right. There's enough stuff in there to remain faithful on relatively on-a-path, but there's plenty of new stuff to keep things fresh (either certain plot points happening at different times to different people, or the whole super flu storyline which wasn't part of the comics). It's not constrained by the comics, but it's hitting certain landmark moments that define The Walking Dead.

    Season 3 got too far away from the comics, but it was kind of inevitable that that would happen, and in a strange way, it kind of needed to happen so they could readjust and find the correct balance for season 4A - hopefully it continues in season 4B (the Talking Dead preview certainly hints at Volume 9, which is one of my favourite trade paperbacks in TWD).

  13. #118
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Season 4 hit the nail on the head as far as mixing in the comics and original content. I don't believe they should leave the comics behind at all. It just wouldn't feel right. I love the comic refrences but I also adore all the twist and turns that keep me on the edge of my seat and guessing. "Too Far Gone" is probably the best episode to date and that was highly inspired by the book; then again, "Clear" was amazing and completely original so once again, a great balance.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  14. #119
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Jesus, whatever they do, they shouldn't abandon the general comic storyline. That would be a disaster.
    Last edited by shootemindehead; 12-Dec-2013 at 10:39 AM. Reason: .
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  15. #120
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    Writing and characterization has really shit the bed.
    I know the .gov was not going to make a deal on sharing the prison.
    It took Rick all day with that same dumb look on his face and he only spoke like 20 words to plead his case.
    Not very effective.
    Carl should have popped .gov when he had him in his sights IMHO since he is getting so good with those firearms.
    Whole shebang assault would have crumbled.



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