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Thread: So I let my son watch the original Nightmare on Elm Street

  1. #121
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Good line, but it doesn't beat CJ's... "Fucking Figures" when he gets trapped in the shuttle bus surrounded by zombies.
    CJ's line is awesome, but that expression on Palmer's face when he delivers that line... just perfect.

  2. #122
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    CJ's line is awesome, but that expression on Palmer's face when he delivers that line... just perfect.
    It's one of those great "exactly what the audience is thinking or even saying" lines ... because when you see that fucking spider-head thing going on, you are saying "you've got to be fucking kidding!"

    Plus I'm arachnophobic, so it's even creepier to me.

  3. #123
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    "You've got to be f*cking kidding!" is funny, but I've always prefered Russell's "Yeah, f*ck you too!" at the end. Just when they could have dropped an Arnold-style cheese ball, they come out with something believable yet still funny...

  4. #124
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    "You've got to be f*cking kidding!" is funny, but I've always prefered Russell's "Yeah, f*ck you too!" at the end. Just when they could have dropped an Arnold-style cheese ball, they come out with something believable yet still funny...
    Yeah, that is classic too. That whole movie is just filled with too much awesomeness in one package.

  5. #125
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    "You've got to be f*cking kidding!" is funny, but I've always prefered Russell's "Yeah, f*ck you too!" at the end. Just when they could have dropped an Arnold-style cheese ball, they come out with something believable yet still funny...
    Good point, Sir. I love that line - it's brilliantly blunt.

  6. #126
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Well, it looks like Predator is gonna be next unless someone has another suggestion (be quiet Dj, no Takashi Miike suggestions you goof ). I enjoyed the hell out of it when I saw it, so you watch, he'll probably have an expression of "WTF?!" after he sees it.

    Oh, btw: I have treated him to Alien and Aliens. He loved both, liked the latter even better than the original.

  7. #127
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Well, it looks like Predator is gonna be next
    FYI....there's a re-re-mastered Blu Ray being released next month to coincide with Predators. No reviews yet, but the picture is supposed to get the attention it deserves this time around. The last BR left much to be desired...

    Anyway....Predator is a great film to show a boy. I remember being amazed by that film when I was younger. It's got everything a kid could want. Gore, Horror, Action, Humor, etc. Awesome film.
    Last edited by bassman; 28-May-2010 at 12:44 PM.

  8. #128
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Anyway....Predator is a great film to show a boy. I remember being amazed by that film when I was younger. It's got everything a kid could want. Gore, Horror, Action, Humor, etc. Awesome film.
    Cool, I'll have to check in on the new BR release. If they did a good job on the remastering, I will definitely have to add it to my collection.

    And I agree - Predator was a KICK ASS movie for me when I was younger (I was 16 in '87). Plus, it had Ah-Nold in it, and I remember when I saw Carl Weathers it seemed like a long while since I saw him on screen and all I could think was, damn! this dude has been shootin' 'roids or something, 'cause last time I saw him he wasn't THAT goddamn big!

  9. #129
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    last time I saw him he wasn't THAT goddamn big!
    Apollo Creed in Rocky - Rocky 4?

    Weather's greatest performance will always be Chubbs in Happy Gilmore.

    "They wouldn't let me play on the Pro Tour anymore..."

    "Ah...I'm sorry. Is it because you're black?"

    "Hell no!! Damn alligator BIT my hand off!!!"

  10. #130
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Apollo Creed in Rocky - Rocky 4?
    Well, yes, he was big in that, but for some reason, in Predator he looked like he was TWICE the size he was then. I doubt he was, but it just 'seemed' that way to me. Hey, I was an unobservant douche of a teen, cut me some slack.

  11. #131
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Well, it looks like Predator is gonna be next unless someone has another suggestion (be quiet Dj, no Takashi Miike suggestions you goof ). I enjoyed the hell out of it when I saw it, so you watch, he'll probably have an expression of "WTF?!" after he sees it.

    Oh, btw: I have treated him to Alien and Aliens. He loved both, liked the latter even better than the original.
    Hey... Lou got the title right. He didn't call it Alien 2
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  12. #132
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Hey... Lou got the title right. He didn't call it Alien 2
    You knew this was coming....

  13. #133

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    My all-time favorite movie of that time period. Remember being like eight and my mom taking me to see it at the Drive-In with a couple of cousins. Was blow-my-mind-awesomeness at the time, and looking back, is no doubt responsible for my macabre compassion-free interest in human suffering and the many, MANY ways the human body can be brutalized.

    Good times, good times. I hope you showed him the uncut version with the intact scene with the two automated gun drones wiping out Xenoforms by the dozens-per-second, as Ripley and the Marines nervously watch the ammo counter for the two drones rocket downwards, one going empty, and the Xenoforms withdrawing with like 12 rounds left in the remaining gun-drone.

    To my mind, it's one of the VERY best scenes in the movie, but its CUT from damned near every version you see on cable. Sad. A whole generation has an incomplete perception of the answer to the question "Why didn't the space-marines just find a defensible hallway and mow down the aliens by the hundred before they lost all their gear?"

    That scene explained in ways no movie since has just how relentless and implacable the prowling enemy is. It gave the Xenoforms an even more insect-like character to their aggression as you watched them rush headlong into gory obliteration by the hundred without pause or hesitation of any sort. At the end, you're clearly left with the impression the only reason they stopped was because the Queen decided there was a more effective way to pry the Potential Hosts out of their "den".

    It gives context and character to the scene where the Aliens come at them through the overlooked roof-tunnel above the medical bay. Demonstrating that this attack was different than the last. That the Xenoforms had "learned" from their previous failure and adapted their strategy accordingly.

    The most perfect element was they didn't ruin the gun-drone scene when it would've been so easy to. Many movies would've had the drones run dry, followed immediately by alien vs marine conflict. Instead they perfectly preserved the sense that powerful as they are, the Xenoform Hive is not infallible.

    It's the one time and ONLY one time in the movie where we see a major failure on the part of the Xenoforms in their conflict with the space-marines. Without that scene the Aliens seem far more all-knowing and even too-perfect. Without that scene you lose the feel that no matter how deadly they may be to humans, the Xenoforms are simply highly intelligent animals, as opposed to the malevolent hive-mind that seems intellectually on par with human levels of strategic forethought and problem solving.

    Ultimately, that's exactly WHAT makes the Xenoforms so terrifying. That for all our centuries of progress, and all our advanced technology, the Xenoforms that massacre us every time humans and Xenoforms cross paths are "only" bugs.

    That's it. Just bugs. H.R Geiger once said about them that he imagined in the environment the Xenoforms involved, they occupied the same approximate niche as ANTS.

    Terrifying to consider, especially for an overly thoughtful child who COULD imagine a world where exponentially more powerful/dangerous lifeforms probably ignored Xenoforms in much the same way we ignore Ants unless they coincidentally happen to make a nuisance of themselves, then we/these more frightening life-forms simply crush them.

    Several times over the years I've tried to write a science fiction or Sci-Fi/Survival Horror story that vividly captures the kind of environment where something like the Xenoform would be the bottom rung of the food chain. I've always failed miserably, because nothing I cook up ever seems to measure up to the World of Living Nightmares I envisioned as a child raptly watching Aliens on the big screen.

    Sorry for geeking out on you all. Didn't think I'd ever have another opportunity to express my thoughts about this movie to individuals who could "get it".

  14. #134
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Have you tried letting him watch "Apocalypse Now" yet? (just the original cut mind, I cant imagine any kid having the patience to sit through redux or even longer cuts, that comes when you get older)
    My dad let me watch it when I was probably around 10/11 years old & I really liked it, although there was a fair bit of the dialogue that I didnt understand at that age, I just loved the chopper scene
    Every kid should see "The Lost Boys" as well

  15. #135
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    What the fuck is a Xenoform?


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