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Thread: So another shooting... How long until someone does it 'methodically'....

  1. #1
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    So another shooting... How long until someone does it 'methodically'....

    Most of these mentalists just plough in without really thinking so luckily the casualty figures are low...

    But we're going to get someone who takes it seriously and locks a door and just goes through everyone in the room one at a time or something... It's bound to happen while these mentalists continue to get guns...

    Alternatively, every student is armed to prevent this sort of thing from happening, but you'll just end up with more random shootings from arguments gone too far (etc)...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  2. #2
    Chasing Prey

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    they're looking for the wrong people IMHO

    i went to my old high school the year after i graduated to see an old teacher and to get my senior year book and they followed me around like i was bin laden

  3. #3
    Twitching Cykotic's Avatar

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    and Columbine wasn't methodical?

  4. #4
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    charles whitman went about it pretty methodically at the univ of texas. he ended up killing 14 people and wounding 31, using a high powered rifle from the observation deck of the 32 story univ admin bldg.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  5. #5
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post

    Most of these mentalists just plough in without really thinking so luckily the casualty figures are low...

    But we're going to get someone who takes it seriously and locks a door and just goes through everyone in the room one at a time or something... It's bound to happen while these mentalists continue to get guns...

    Alternatively, every student is armed to prevent this sort of thing from happening, but you'll just end up with more random shootings from arguments gone too far (etc)...
    Guns are banned on college campuses though. This couldn't have happened.

  6. #6
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    The thing is, they found 48 shells on the ground
    and 2 shot gun cases.

    He had time to shoot, reload, and shoot some more
    because all anyone else could do
    was run or try to hide

    if there was armed security on the campus
    or professors allowed to carry guns this would
    have ended a lot sooner.

    college/school shootings are now, sorry to say
    a reality.
    making these kids wait until the police finally arrive
    to help them while they are picked off at will
    just plain makes no sense.

    There needs to be armed security on campus.

    he shot 48 rounds at people who had no way of
    defending themselves.
    that should not be allowed to happen.
    somebody should have been able to stop him.

    support gun control-while you bury your kids.

  7. #7
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    The thing is, they found 48 shells on the ground
    and 2 shot gun cases.

    He had time to shoot, reload, and shoot some more
    because all anyone else could do
    was run or try to hide

    if there was armed security on the campus
    or professors allowed to carry guns this would
    have ended a lot sooner.

    college/school shootings are now, sorry to say
    a reality.
    making these kids wait until the police finally arrive
    to help them while they are picked off at will
    just plain makes no sense.

    There needs to be armed security on campus.

    he shot 48 rounds at people who had no way of
    defending themselves.
    that should not be allowed to happen.
    somebody should have been able to stop him.

    support gun control-while you bury your kids.

    Great post.
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  8. #8
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    Great post.

  9. #9
    Twitching MaximusIncredulous's Avatar

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    Hmmm, go to a college filled with gun-toting kids. One half wanna kill the other kids because they go off their meds or can't get a date with them and the other half have itchy trigger-fingers because they're worried about the other half that want to kill them.

    I was never into it but now I'm beginning to see the merits of attending uni over the internet.

  10. #10
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    No Max
    Dont talk silly

    No one is saying arm any kid who goes to school.

    However there is a law in most colleges
    that dont allow even the security guards to carry guns,
    or even professors who have gun permits.

    Are you saying trained security guards
    suffer from the problems you described?

    Are you saying kids at schools are not in danger
    and should be protected, or should they be
    killed like target practise or traumatised forever?

    If it was your kid who was blown away
    by some crazy I would bet you would
    have wished there was armed security there
    to save their life.

    As long as it is happening to someone else.....

  11. #11
    Just been bitten Staredge's Avatar

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    This is the mistaken argument that everyone makes. "Arm everyone." No.....arm those who are willing to go through the process of obtaining a CCW permit. Let the professors who choose to do so, and are legally allowed to, carry. If there are students who go through the process....why not? It's ok for them to do so ANYWHERE else in a state that allows CCW. What makes you think that if they don't open fire anywhere else that they will at school?

    Khardis...that was EXACTLY what I said when I heard. mmm mmmm. Couldn't have happened.


  12. #12
    Just been bitten bd2999's Avatar

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    Not sure if anyone being armed would have helped. Its not like you see this sort of thing coming long in advance to defend yourself much except trying to dive away from what I gather.

    The police showed up at most of these things pretty fast but by the time they do the damage is usually done. Its not like campus security can be everywhere, and to be honest most of them are incompatent anyway. I would never allow students to carry guns on campus, I could see things like that getting out of hand. All you would need is some dude to get pissed that one of his buddies made out with his girl and instead of a scuffle you get a gun shot. Bad mojo right there.

    The methodical thing just makes you glad that most of these people just go in. Not that anyone dieing is a good thing, but there is always the worst case scenerio. Not sure what that is for everyone, but a couple kids dying is bad enough. Hate to see what would happen if he chained the doors or something like that. I am just wondering what is bringing so much of this on all at once. Not that it never happened before but it seems to be coming fast and furious now. Are kids really that pissed off about stuff? I mean I can honestly say I have never seriously thought about shooting anyone and I did not do perfect in all my classes. I just dont see the need for going this far. Are these the "daddy never hugged me" kids or something? Crazy.

  13. #13
    Twitching Arcades057's Avatar

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    Whenever you get something like this happening, nutters on both sides of the argument come out. They seem to think it's all or nothing, when the solution is actually quite easy.

    We've seen as a nation that we cannot stop a lone suicidal person from walking into a school and trying to take as many people with him as he can; whether it's the parents, friends, guidance counselors, or police, none of them can be everywhere at once, nor can every little flippant comment or angry utterance be a cry for help.

    Schools, as Khardis mentioned, are gun free zones--they are also drug-free zones, so there should be no guns or drugs in school... Yet there are plenty of drugs, and incidents such as this tragedy show us that guns can just as easily be brought into the school by a broken person who no longer cares enough for their own well-being and that of others.

    The solution is a good one, as it would serve to provide numerous jobs: Increase security. It's such a simple, idiot-proof idea that the fact that it has NOT been implemented is asinine. When a store is robbed, you hire security; when a bank is a sweet target, you hire security; when a concert crowd is very boisterous and it looks like violence could potentially occur, you hire more security.

    For some reason with children dying all the time in school due to maniacs with guns, we decrease the security presence. We make our softest targets even softer, a practice which flies in the face of common sense and preservation.

    This event will likely not change anything, unfortunately, unless one of the students is the son/daughter of a politician or a cop or something--regular kids apparently aren't worth enough to change something over. This event will likely not change the minds of many people, but if you think long and hard about this event on your way to work or school and imagine you or your child being in that situation, defenseless as a maniac has time to reload their firearm multiple times, would you want you or your child to die because they had to wait for the perfect window of opportunity for the police--who are not legally bound to protect your life or well-being--to respond?

    Events like this do not anger me; they make me feel bad that another slew of young people have died because well-meaning older people can't pull their heads out of their asses and realize that it is NOT all or nothing.

    It's just that your kids are at least as important as your money in a bank.
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  14. #14
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cykotic View Post
    and Columbine wasn't methodical?
    Not really... Imagine a busy canteen with two of them, plenty of ammo and pipe bombs...

    It always seems in the heat of the moment they just go into a bit of a frenzy...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  15. #15
    Just been bitten Staredge's Avatar

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    How much security can you put in a school? Can't have someone in every classroom.....tuition is too high as it is. Besides, if the shooter knows security is there, they'll take them out first. (ever wonder why these guys go after schools? They no noone is armed and security is ineffectual. Don't hear about people shooting up police stations very often, do you?)

    As for arming the students: I don't necessarily buy the "more guns=more shootings" arguments, but for the sake of the discussion lets take the students out. Why can't teachers carry if they so choose? The argument that students might take the gun away from teachers is idiotic. The whole point of CCW is CONCEALED. You don't go around telling everyone. That negates the point.



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