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Thread: Paranormal Activity 2

  1. #1
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Paranormal Activity 2

    Ok, I saw this turd last night. Since I don't have a vagina, I didn't like the first one. But, for my kids, I saw the second one. It was mainly home security camera footage mixed in with their personal camera footage. I'm still perplexed on how people can be scared of doors moving and such, but at least there was a little more going on than the last one.
    At the end of it all, I felt like I wasted however long a time it took to view this. The only good thing about this was that I was completely baked. There was nothing good about the shaky camera footage, it kind of made me ill at times. Also, being surrounded by 12 year old girls yelping at every turn helped little.
    Overall, I give it a 3/10. It just did very little for me. Maybe if I were into those ghost shows, maybe...
    Anybody else see this piece of shit?

  2. #2
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Not seen the second one, but I thought the first one was reasonably good considering the budget etc...
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  3. #3
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    You couldn't pay me to watch this sequel. The first was beyond horrible. There were times I was starting to think it was a comedy...
    Last edited by bassman; 23-Oct-2010 at 09:59 PM. Reason: whats that noise?

  4. #4
    Banned User

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    Ditto, bass, ditto... gosh, I can't wait for Halloween...

  5. #5
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Meh...I MILDLY liked the first one. Didn't find is SCARY, maybe VERY MILDLY creepy in one or two spots. Really more of a drama than a horror movie per se. I did like how they hewed pretty closely to the type of phenomenon associated with "real" hauntings and such, which kept it believable , and also how Mica violated pretty much EVERY rule of what you're NOT supposed to do when dealing with these entities. (I saw the original version that was being shown around at film festivals before it got picked up for wide distribution, They should've kept that ending. It was much more believable & "real". The theatrical version was way to Hollywood for my tastes.)

    As for the sequel? Meh, not gonna rush right out & see it, but wouldn't be opposed to giving it a rent.

  6. #6

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    No thanks,
    The first one was dull as dishwater, and I can't imagine this one being any better. I don't much like shows like Ghost Hunters/Ghost Lab etc. But I DO like the "bad paranormal things bothering real families" shows, like Paranormal State and A Haunting. That said, I just can't get into the shaky-camera less-is-more Blair Witch style B.S these movies attempt to trade on. Someone needs to put the Boot of God to this genre before it can grow to swell the ranks of Bullshit That Is Keeping Good Movies From Being Made.

    Yes, it has a mildly interesting premise, but the execution of the first one made me cringe.

  7. #7
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    And plus, y'know, like, Poltergeist is just so much better...

  8. #8
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    And plus, y'know, like, Poltergeist is just so much better...
    See, that was one of the things I LIKED about the first one. Even though Poltergeist IS a great movie, which I DO like, it goes BIG, BIG. BIG. I liked the fact in PA it was very quiet, restrained, & understated. Helped sell the premise & make it a little more belivable y'know? Made it seem "realistic".

  9. #9
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Not seen the second one, but I thought the first one was reasonably good considering the budget etc...
    2 people, 4extras, 1 camera, a normal house, basic effects anyone can do, $15,000 still think it's worth the budget? Honestly any of us could have made it for a few hundred or for free.

  10. #10
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    I'm not really certain what a lot of you people are expecting in a mockumentary-eseque film such as this really...

    Jigsaw to show up and kill people in non-realistic ways? Tons of buckets of blood? Bad actors and actresses that look like supermodels attempting to play regular every day people? The conventional shit that Hollywood gives us nowadays? I just don't get it.

    Personally, I think just about the only decent horror flicks (with rare exceptions) that are created today are these "recently found footage" horror flicks. "REC", "Cloverfield", Paranormal Activity", "The Last Exorcism", "The Blair Witch Project", etc. They are intended to be somewhat semi-realistic as opposed to the silliness of conventional horror films. As such, you're going to have a shaky cam and blur/etc. I hate when people whine about: "Oh the camera shakes too much, I'm going to vomit!" -- don't go to see a film like this as it should be expected before seeing it. In real life, when people are scared shitless they aren't going to hold a camera still and attempt to be "professional" in their filming.

    These films are effective for me because they do look semi-realistic. I can see similar events happening to my neighbor across the street. That's why these films really stand out to me as opposed to typical Hollywood garbage. It attempts to capture a degree of realism that regular films just don't manage with tons of silly CGI and T&A from those model-like-actors and tons of gore and blood that just become tedious and boring.

    I really enjoyed the first "Paranormal Activity" because it was semi-realistic in its approach. In real life, we don't have "Poltergeist" film moments -- but there are alot of people (whether they are delusional or there's a scientific explanation, etc, or not) who do experience similar things to "Paranormal Activity". This new one I saw last night -- I didn't think it was nearly as good as the first, but it was still chalk full of entertaining moments to me like cabinets randomly slamming open and doors/etc. opening and closing whether a "Scientific explanation" gives credence to it or not. It's the semi-realism in these films that I appreciate.

    Ron says: "I'm still perplexed on how people can be scared of doors moving and such..." -- as opposed to what? Films like "Hostel" and "Saw" which are nothing but torture-porn and completely fake looking? It's scary because it's semi-realistic -- it could potentially happen to anyone and has happened to many people out there who have gone through unexplained/weird circumstances.

    Of course, I don't think any of them really compare to the great "Blair Witch Project" which is one of my 10 most favorite horror flicks made. It has the perfect blend of horror, drama, and overwhelming fear in the situational circumstances that the filmmakers find themselves in as people.

    Anyway, just my .02.

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  11. #11
    Dead Purge's Avatar

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    Saw it this past weekend. Had a few good jumps but it felt familiar. I like they way they showed what Katie did after the first one ended. 5/10.

  12. #12
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Hurm .. . . .I enjoyed the first one a lot. . . .I am looking foward to seeing this one as well. Like JD. . I really go for those Cinema Verite style horror films. I have seen SOOO many "regular" horror movies that it is hard for me to suspend disbelief enough to really enjoy them. These "found footage" movies put you in the action of the film and add a layer of believability.
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  13. #13
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    Hurm .. . . .I enjoyed the first one a lot. . . .I am looking foward to seeing this one as well. Like JD. . I really go for those Cinema Verite style horror films. I have seen SOOO many "regular" horror movies that it is hard for me to suspend disbelief enough to really enjoy them. These "found footage" movies put you in the action of the film and add a layer of believability.
    I don't really have anything to add to what I said before, except that I'd much rather be rewatching the movie in your avatar than this piece of crap. I will admit it was better than the Blair Witch movie, but only because that is the single worst movie ever made other than its sequel...
    We need a Bubba Hotep 2, not this.

  14. #14
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    I don't really have anything to add to what I said before, except that I'd much rather be rewatching the movie in your avatar than this piece of crap. I will admit it was better than the Blair Witch movie, but only because that is the single worst movie ever made other than its sequel...
    We need a Bubba Hotep 2, not this.
    Shrugs here. I guess different strokes for different folks.

    I do agree that "Blair Witch 2" was fairly sucky. That's what you get when you apply the Hollywood approach to a fairly original and brilliant film (subtracting the "Cannibal Holocaust" subtle undertones) such as the original "Blair Witch Project".

    I also agree on us needing a "Bubba Ho-Tep" sequal. The first one is great. Bruce Campbell is pure over-the-top cheese at its best (up there with the Almighty Bill Shatner in my opinion) so it's good to see his work.

    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

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  15. #15
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    All right, then... semi-realism, eh? But we have Ghost Facers... and the like... need we really more movies like this? Really? Honestly, I'm sick and tired of this trend, and can't wait for it to end. I did very much enjoy BW, but... yeah, now, it's too much. I'm not saying the Saw movies are any better... I'm just saying I prefer a style of filmmaking that involves a deliberate camera, and a good story. If I wanted to see a movie that looked like it was filmed by some drunk guy at a party, I'd... hire a drunk guy... and make it myself. If I'm in the theater, I expect theater-quality cameras. Don't know why, but I do. Area 51 was good... but yeah, this movie... unnecessary. Don't need it. Cannibal Holocaust was great, yeah. A whole movie like this... just seems like it should be a tv show instead, to me... would've been cooler ten years ago... I don't know, I still like Poltergeist... Need to watch the sequels to that again, actually...


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