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Thread: New Robocop film...

  1. #1
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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  2. #2
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    yuck. what is next "children of the corn: LV."

    not intending to jump ship from robocop but this caught my eye:

    the one interesting part of that article is the bit about "the outer limits" i am a huge fan of both incarnations of the outer limits. i wonder if this is going to be a feature length story or (better yet) an anthology flick. i am serious devotee of anthologies - both film and tv.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  3. #3
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    So I'm not clear on this. Is it a remake or a sequel?

    I like the first film, but the two sequels weren't very good, imo. If they do a remake, hopefully it will be put in the hands of someone that will treat it with care. But we all know that doesn't happen often with remakes these days.

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ah geez. It better not be a remake. If it has to happen, just be a Batman Begins knock off.

    It's unlikely to be good, as they say, Robocop - the original - carries a set of chuddies the size of boulders.

    If it's a remake - SUPER-MEGA-LAME - plus, it's merely 21 years old. It's younger than ME for christ's sake!

    Robocop was awesome, IS awesome...and that clip they included on the page - awesome. I remember that used to be cut short here in the UK. At the very least, all the shooting of the body lying on the table was chopped out.

    I love those big, splooshy, gloopy squibs...there should be more of those in movies!

  5. #5
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Ah geez. It better not be a remake. If it has to happen, just be a Batman Begins knock off.
    Batman Begins isn't a remake or a sequel. It's an entirely different series.

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    Batman Begins isn't a remake or a sequel. It's an entirely different series.

    So it doesn't really impact that much upon the other movies...that was what I was trying to say anyway.

  7. #7
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post

    So it doesn't really impact that much upon the other movies...that was what I was trying to say anyway.
    My mistake. I thought you were trying to say that Batman Begins is a remake...

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    My mistake. I thought you were trying to say that Batman Begins is a remake...
    No way dude, BB is a whole different Batman 'thing' ... and by 'thing' I don't mean his bat-doodle.

    I've been reading Tales From The Clerks, so I've got superheroes and nob gags stuck in my head right now.

  9. #9
    Ipsissimus Kaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    I'd buy that for a dollar.

  10. #10
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    No way dude, BB is a whole different Batman 'thing' ... and by 'thing' I don't mean his bat-doodle.

    I've been reading Tales From The Clerks, so I've got superheroes and nob gags stuck in my head right now.
    What is Tales From the Clerks?

    But yeah, BB was a nice and different take on the material. Looks like The Dark Knight will be a bit different, as well. Judging from the trailer and that kick ass prologue, that is.

    Back on topic - You know that Murphy/Robocop is going to be some bullsh*t actor like Ashton Kutcher or some other MTV "hip" guy.

  11. #11
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    What I am most amazed by is both films in this post
    are really dealing with the works of Frank Miller

    There would be no Batman dark knight if he didnt
    do the comic books in such a bleak manner

    and robocop2 was totally a worthless sequel because

    "Miller's original script, deemed "unfilmable" by producers, was later turned into a nine-part comic book series called Frank Miller's RoboCop."

    If they are not going to get a writer who isnt
    afraid to push things then dont bother.

    they are even talking about a death wish movie?

    without Charles Bronson?

    No more robocop, no more death wish
    and keep batman as the hero/vigilante/just barely sane
    charecter we know.
    Thats what separates superman from batman
    batman says stop, and if you dont he just snaps your arm.
    superman would handle you much less violently.
    THATS the Dark Knight, not the color of his uniform.

  12. #12
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Nolan's films are only partially based on Miller's novels. And it's a very small portion of it. Batman Begins used small little details from Miller's novels as I'm sure The Dark Knight will, but Nolan's main influence on the films is "The Long Halloween".

    Hence the "I Believe in Harvey Dent" that I have as my signature as well as the whole "escalation" theme of the films. Great graphic novel, btw....I highly recommend it.

    As for Miller's Robocop - I need to look into that.

  13. #13
    Dead Craig's Avatar

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    I remember I tried watching Robocop once when I was a lot younger, but I really didn't like the scene when the guy that I'm assuming gets turned into Robocop, is killed.

    Now I've watched the video on that page, I'm gonna buy it straight away and see what I missed.

    While I've haven't seen the movie yet, I know it's a classic and a remake/modern sequel probably won't be great, like with Terminator 3... Speaking of Terminator I should buy the second one on DVD as well! Ahh how good it is to have saved Christmas and birthday money.
    Last edited by Craig; 14-Mar-2008 at 09:37 PM.

  14. #14
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    I am not saying that Nolan is basing his movies
    completely on Miller, but that
    Miller was the driving force
    behind the Batman Dark Knight .

    Its is accepted that Nolan is basing
    his themes for his films
    on Batman Year One (1987 Frank Miller),
    Batman: Man Who Falls (O'Neil and Giordnano 1989),
    and 3 Batman Halloween specials ,
    Batman Choices, Batman Ghosts, Batman Madness
    as well as the 13 part story
    Batman Last Halloween by Loeb and Sale, (1995-97).

    The movies are not adaptaions of these books.
    They are merely what he is using
    as his guide to the charecters.

    Man Who Falls by Giordano and the entire
    Loeb/Sale Halloween stories are
    all strongly based on Millers work.
    Carmine Falcone first appeared in Year one
    and was used by Loeb in Long Halloween.

    I truly recommend all these books to any Batman fan.

    The trade paperback of Long halloween
    has extra pages that
    couldnt fit in the comics
    and are in the Absolute Version.

    Sorry owned a few comic stores at one time
    and still have over 50 boxes of comics with 300-400
    in each box.

  15. #15
    "Come quietly or there will be...


    "Aw, f**k you!"

    Oh, and this is a bad, bad, idea, btw.


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