Ok, two most promising new shows and I thought I share some thoughts"

Heroes: I've only seen the premier but wow, that was really good. I know a lot of people dig on Adrian Pasdar but me? I haven't dug anything he's done since Near Dark. Desparate Housewives, Judging Amy, Mysterious Ways....who is advising this young man on his selection of scripts and projects?

But Heroes is good. The script pops and the story isn't ridiculous. I love comic books, but really, in the movies how ridiculous is it when someone gets superstrong and suddenly an overly-colored cackling bad guy shows up immediately to get his arse kicked? That's my problem with most superhero movies. They create a situation and immediately have to counter balance it with another (more ridiculous) opposition.

In Heroes, you have a girl who is suicidally curious (she tries suicide, but she immediately heals ala Wolverine). It was fascinating in that she deliberately stuck her hand in a running garbage disposal just to watch it heal, while chatting with her mother from whom she was hiding her wound. The thing that sealed the deal for me with her was how she swatted the dog away who was licking up the blood.

You also have a boy convinced he can fly, a girl who's mirror reflection is harboring dangerous, deadly secrets, a japanese fanboy who has realized that he can alter time and teleport. And then there's the artist who, using heroin, paints extraordinary paintings of the near future.

Wow...just amazing. When Hiro (the japanese boy whose friend, in japanese, calls him "Super Hiro") finds out he's in NY after imagining going there from Tokyo....the joy on his face was one of the most exuberant things I've seen on TV in a long time. Excellent show!

Now the previews for the show look amazing. It showed Hiro seeing himself drawn in a comic book, his expressions just the same, his actions recorded in four-color glory. What would you say? Excelsior?

Can't wait to see where Heroes is going, but I'm pretty sure just on basis of premiere that I'm going to dig the ride.

Jericho: Now, Jericho is looking pretty good. The first two episodes were intriguing enough but it seems to have 24itis or Prison-Breakitis. It seems like they have to create a crisis before every commercial. To me, the intrigue is that these people live in a remote location. How much would a nuclear bomb affect them? Clearly, it would, but I'm not convinced there would be all the excitement that is being shown.

In 2 episodes, you introduce bad guys and then get rid of them almost immediately. You have a car crash (2 people dead on the side of the road and our hero hasn't even told anyone about them), bus crash (bad enough that it killed the bus driver, created the need for our hero to use sippy straws for a tracheotomy) and a deliberate blowing up of a mine entrance to seal people inside (only on tv is dynamite a cure for radioactive fallout...why didn't they get some plastic and seal the entrance with tape??)

I do like the African American guy...the one who actually seems to know about whats happening. To me, he's the interesting part of the story, but now, stuck out there in the desert, and now without power, Jericho seems like its run out of drama. We'll see. I'm only convinced enough to keep watching.