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Thread: QUESTION - What have you seen enough of in the zombie genre?

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Question QUESTION - What have you seen enough of in the zombie genre?

    I was pondering this last night and thought I'd see what my fellow HPOTD'ers thought.

    So - what have you seen too much of in the zombie genre (film, tv, books, games), and also, what have you not seen enough of?
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 16-Dec-2012 at 04:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Just been bitten Staredge's Avatar

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    Enough of: Sprinters.

    Not enough of: well written, well filmed stories that are (barring the whole dead people reanimating bit) realistic.
    Last edited by Staredge; 16-Dec-2012 at 06:45 PM. Reason: just 'cause

  3. #3
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Apart form the obvious make up issues for zombies, I won't bore everyone with the details again, I'm really sick of the "Oh Billy's been bit by one o those crazy fuckas. Let's dress the wound and hope he's going to be ok."

    BAM! Billy zombie.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  4. #4
    Dead Rancid Carcass's Avatar

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    Apart from the usual suspects that others have mentioned (runners!), I'm getting a fed up of all these virus/infectious disease type explanations as a root cause of zombification. It's become almost like a medical condition that can be treated with vaccine – a spin off of this that also bugs me is that zombies these days tend to, (or at least seem to be) living people that have caught this virus or disease and have gone berserk. Which leads me to...

    ...what I'd like to see, is more dead people coming back to life – it sounds stupid but outside of Romero I can't think of any recent zombie film where people just die and come back – it's a creepy as hell concept that I can't understand why it isn't exploited more. It's genuinely more disturbing than some medical biohazard hoo-haa, death and dying are very interesting/terrifying subjects. On a similar note, I'd like to see zombie films become proper creepy again – watch the car drive to the cemetery at the start of Night 68... it gets under the skin and plays on the mind, it's not out and out scary but it delivers a sense of dread that no modern zombie film can match, it's just awesome. Lets get back this!

  5. #5
    Just been bitten zombieparanoia's Avatar

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    Not enough good strategy by survivors. Even walking dead still has the group and individual characters making significantly, obviously dumb moves. If a group or person has survived more than a month post fall, I find it hard to believe they don't check corners or sleep on roofs.

    When it takes forever to "figure out" headshots. In any situation where killer anythings are attacking you, aim for the head, why is that so hard to get?

    I don't like that I have never seen use of a spear type weapon.

  6. #6
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    A small group of people shut inside a single building argueing. it was done best half a century ago and now its just a vehicle for so many hacks bad writing because they have no budget to do anything else. I think if anyone writes that and thinks its a good idea at this point i gotta wonder why they are making a film and not a radio drama.

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Some fascinating comments here folks, keep 'em coming.

    Some really good points being raised here too, I have to say it does quite annoy me when people shoot a zombie in the gut a load of times and just keep doing it - they don't even try for a headshot - either a case of idiotic characters, or poor staging (e.g. not a good enough reason for gut shots, or not well staged enough so that that is all that gets squeezed off by the victim).

    One thing I've seen enough of is the beginning of an outbreak - well, in certain ways anyway - we've seen enough single location initial outbreak situations (lots of people trying to figure out what's happening via radio/TV), and then the group invariably gets over-run and dies by the end of the film, and that's your lot. It gets a bit repetitive in many cases, unless it's well written and has a real reason for being, or the production itself is interesting/inspiring/inspired-in-itself.

    We rarely get a really wide look at the effect such an outbreak has upon the landscape either. You get it sometimes, but most often it's in non-zombie films like 28 Days/Weeks Later (both ruddy good infection movies, but they're categorically NOT zombie films - an absolute fact confirmed by Boyle and Garland ... /rant), but yeah, you get so few glimpses at how the world is going to shit.

    Anyway - keep the complaints/wants coming, folks.

  8. #8
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    No more half-baked zomedies. Some of them have been great, but just plastering 'zomedy' or some variant of the term on your sh*tty, low budget movie doesn't mean all your bad writing, conceptualization and acting can be forgiven.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  9. #9
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    I've had it with all the 'Zomedies' as well. That and characters played for laughs and/or larger than life zombie killers be it with or without katana.

    I don't need no other outbreak/ early days of the zombie apocalypse scenarios either and I sure as hell don't need no explanation as to how the epidemic started. Just stories set within that universe will do.

    And i would also like more dread in the genre. Despair, horror, fear, suspense are too often replaced by boring action fests full of CGI and (sigh) sprinters.
    Looking forward to The Dead 2 ! those guys 'get it' in my opinion.

  10. #10
    Just been bitten zombieparanoia's Avatar

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    A few more things:

    People in cars being over run by half a dozen zombies. An example would be Maggie in the end of season 2 when the herd hits the farm, theres a scene where shes all "i can't get through them all!" it pans back and theres literally like, 8-10 zombies in front of the car. WTF?? Gas pedal!

    Shotguns. Look, I get it, they're "badass" but nobody is going to stick with a shotgun as a primary weapon for more than a day or 2. Again, TWD, Rick grabs a bag of rifles and shotguns and all they seem to use is shotguns.

    Shut the front door! The number of times I've seen people enter a room or building on the run from zombies or scrounging supplies and they just leave the door open behind them is really frustrating. Its no wonder these people get snuck up on so much.

    Not spending money on whatever you'd call a weapon handling consultant, the way I see people using/firing or carrying firearms especially those playing military extras reminds me of keystone kops a lot of the time. Its just awkward when I have no military experience and I'm thinking "WTF are those guys doing?"

    "Its spread through bites and scratches, even a minor wound is fatal" Yet in every other scene people are getting sprayed in the open mouthed face with zombie guts and juices and nobody even gets a snuffly nose.

    Raiders grabbing jewelry and valuables. In a post apocalyptic world the new currencies would be junk food, ammunition and toilet paper. And maybe clean underwear.

  11. #11
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    -ah, a good one. streets are jsut streets, no debrit, no smashed up cars, no bodies laying around half eaten. not even the odd zombie that just doesnt notice the actors and walks past in the background.

    the old "turn and suddenly 200 snuck up on you" trope is supreme bullshit at this point.

  12. #12
    Fresh Meat

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    I think what i have seen enough in zombie games is every zombie game you’re fighting has the same enemy… zombies. and individually they are very weak
    Also every game has powerfully enhanced zombies..

  13. #13

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    Agree that I've seen enough Runners, enough poorly done siege-movies, enough "Everyone dies, even if it's at the very last moment, or buried in the credits halfway through (More of these than you'd think)."

    Would like to see more: Well-made characters. Don't have to be Mr. Badass I Killed a 1,000 Zombies on Zero Day, just someone or a few someones "real" enough I give a shit whether or not they live, or die horribly. More unusual perspectives on the Zombie Apocalypse. Both RE: Extinction and the end of Land of the Dead hinted at premises I would like to see as fully-fleshed films. Ie: Either an armed convoy of Survivors making their way in the world, using vigilance and mobility as their primary means of defense, or even a group in an improbably souped-up death-wagon. (After all, SOMEWHERE in the world a few mechanics and welders got trapped in a building with several vehicles and the tools of their trade. Surely it's not too much of a reach for SOMEONE to have "done right" the armored shuttle-buses the Dawn remake made a mess of.) Heck, something like a snow plow would need little more than some basic superstructure reinforcement and maybe (If I had a competent welder + equipment handy) some upgrades to the plow itself to render it more durable/longer-lasting under sustained use. Long after every gas station in the world is bone-dry of gasoline, there will be diesel fuel.

    As for origin of the Zombie Outbreak, I actually like the Infectious Disease Model, but like others want to see less gore-covered yet healthy protagonists. Vaccine plotlines are ridiculous, because by the time you could make a vaccine (believably/realistically) for a new disease, AND make enough of it to be of much use, 95% of the people who were going to end up Infected already have. There's a line from a cheesy vaccination-oriented zombie flick I watched awhile back. The group finds the doctor who's made this vaccine they heard about, he vaccinates them, and then looks at them and says "Ok, now what geniuses. We may not turn into zombies, but no vaccine is going to stop a bunch of reanimated corpses with an eating disorder from tearing us all apart. Thus why you found me barricaded in a small room and dwindling every other survivor on Earth.

    If you're going to go the medical route you have to take the "Resident Evil Path"...Ie: Anti-Virus/Anti-whatever Cure, or don't bother.

    What I'd REALLY, REALLY like to see though is an impossible dream. A big budget, well-made film that takes us quickly through the Outbreak and collapse of civilization, and focuses mainly on what remains of humanity fighting back in an organized fashion to retake and create say, Safe Zones, which are then used as the jumping-off-point for the next Safe Zone to be cleared from. The movie doesn't have to show the entire process. Just focus on humanity getting its shit together and taking back a specific chunk of real-estate for believable reasons, make a nail-biter of a struggle out of it like a classic war movie, and end with them victorious yet somberly conscious of the toll paid by those who didn't make it so that there'd be a future for the species.

    Basically think a better-done Starship Troopers-scale movie, only with Zombies. Properly done, it could even pick up well after the Outbreak has gone global. You wouldn't need Runners, or Resident Evil-esque mutants...just use something like the writing for the Battle of Yonkers (from the BOOK) as the disastrous first attempt by the survivors. World War Z, as the book was written, chronicles what I think a lot of us would like to see instead of watch snippets of characters watching snippets on their TVs in the movie. A real Human Survivors Vs. The Shambling Hordes War.

  14. #14
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    This is a great topic. Sad I'm late to jump on board. I like alot of Zombieparanoia points.

    Seen enough of:

    Land of the Dead. Very few things in that film I enjoyed. The Romero style of political satire doesnt work anymore. Dawn was genius and I got it. But sympathizing with zombies and the line uttered by Riley "theyre just looking for a place to go", I had to fight to urge vomit in my mouth at the theater. I could go on but dont have the energy to devote to that crap fest.

    The glorification of shotguns. Look they can be useful. For example clearing the prison halls. Gimme Shanes 7+1 shotgun and some 00 buck, level the barrel at throat/head level and those rounds will count. Low capacity, reloading one shell at a time, and space consuming ammo is not a good thing in Zpaw. I carry a 12ga and AR15 in my trunk and when stuff hits the fan I can tell you Im not grabbing the 12. Throw in revolvers and crossbows. Both are glorified because they are "cool" but have limited advantages.

    Sprinters. Enough. Dont mind some quicker than others. TWD has the right mix.

    I am very tired of seeing incompetant, corrupt and even evil depiction of military. Just once I would like to see an elite group that doesnt get surprised by 'around the corner zombie bites' or ambushed by rag tag militia. And I like to see them be good guys. I realize this story couldnt be told for an extended time but I still want to see a glimpse.

    The zombie genre has become so popular that the market has been flooded with crap. I guess its to be accepted with success. Still embarassed when I see some titles like "zombie prom massacre" etc. And as others have mentioned zombedies need to end.

    What I'd like to see more of is longer episodes of TWD At least the premier and mid/season finale. I like to see the group scavaging for supplies. The prison is understandably a nice place to rest and be secure but it can stagnate. So keep branching out. I want to see new scenery often

  15. #15

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    Pretty much anything that focuses on zombies as a cash-cow, as opposed to respecting them as the stars of the most psychologically draining and disturbing sub-genre of horror.

    - Human vs human plots that feel contrived.
    - Stuck in one location.
    - Sprinters.
    - Half-baked remakes of past movies.
    - "Hey, let's skip over the initial outbreak entirely!"
    - 'Zomcoms' Even the fucking term annoys me. 'RomZomCom' is even worse. Really rustles my jimmies.
    - That douchebag zombie from Warm Bodies with the lipstick and eyeliner. Most punchable face in recent history.


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