If I were an executive at a big studio (which I will be in a matter of months) I would write, “great potential, casting crucial!” on anything that crossed my desk regarding The Greatest American Hero adaptation that is forthcoming. We’ve got a great set-up for some really good physical comedy, some good subtle gags, and a nice cheeseball moral. Please for the love of G-d, big studio, do not make this a vehicle for Steve Carell, Will Ferrell, or that Hot Rod SNL kid. I know your financial success depends on such a casting decision and that they would pretty much seal the deal in b.o. dominance, but there’s so much potential here. Don’t sell it short by selling it to the lowest common denominator.

The flic is set to be directed by Stephen Herek who gave us the charming and enjoyable gems Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Critters, and The Mighty Ducks. But let us not forget that he also subjected us to Holy Man, the live-action 101 Dalmations, Three Musketeers, Mr. Holland’s Opus, and Man of the House. Let’s hope he’s got enough Bill and Ted left in him to deliver the goods on GrAmHero.

I remember seeing the show when i was about 6. I recall it being light hearted. I hope they don't make it too silly. Any thoughts?
