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Thread: Found a stray cat...

  1. #1
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Found a stray cat...

    Accually the stray found us and our cats are not happy at all about it.

    The thing is SUPER skinny(probably near death) but very loving. The wife seen it on the porch and was going to shoo it away but when she opened up the door it ran into the house and was rubbing all over her legs and she didn't have the heart to just leave it outside. When I got home from work, we put it back outside but it won't leave so now inside in a huge dog kennel with a food bowl and mini litter box.

    I've been around cats all my life and even tamed several wild ones. I can't help but think it's had to of been in human contact before being not the least bit shy. Most wild cats I've been around where at least a little skiddish and wouldn't let anyone touch them but gained trust with food over a few days.

    I guess the plan is to fatten her up, make sure she's healthy and (A) try to find a good home for her or (B) find her owner if she has one. I don't want to take her to a shelter because they normally only give them 3 days and put them down.

    Anyone took in a lost/stray animal and had a happy outcome?

  2. #2
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    only one i ever took in was as a kitten. We saw her wandering around the woods in the garden as we went to the city in the morning in the car, she was still there when we came back. took her in and she instantly ripped up a curtain and sat perched on the rail hissing and spitting for a few hours. we brought her down with food. Still to this day though her hobbies include jumping a vertical 2 feet in the air if something makes her jump and she fucking loves to bite and scratch you, my right arm is covered in scars from the little bugger. She never really settled, she was wild by nature- had that weird round face chubby build english wild cats have. like normal house breeds are sort of built like tiny leopards but shes a wild one and built more like a tiny, firecracker of a lion.- she never really settled down, she just over a few weeks got used to the other cat and dogs and eventually just realised they werent competition for food or threats to her and ,well, she tolerated them ill say that.

    The huskies still got a scar on he nose from when she tried to steal megs food.

    and the other one sabrina who we bought days after she was born and raised her as a house cat from day 1. both from kittens, but either the month or two in the wild or just her breed meant megs nature was really different no matter how much we domesticated her compared to the lazy housecat who spent her days blunted on catnip.

  3. #3
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    My parents, in their dotage, took it upon themselves to feed a stray mother and her two kittens. Got them through this last fall and winter, all while keeping them out of the house. Hopefully they will not end up with 50 cats roaming around their property next year.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  5. #5
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    I feed a few strays... Boots and patches is what I named them... Boots will come in the house once in a blue moon, but Spaz, the house cat, she growls and hisses at him... he runs over and snuggles to her and then she shuts up... Can't figure it out but hey... as long as they're getting along he is welcome in anytime.
    Last edited by DjfunkmasterG; 02-Jun-2011 at 05:01 PM. Reason: .
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  6. #6
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Noooo, Mr Clean, separate the stray from the rest of your cast immediately. Stray cats can have feline leukemia, which is highly contagious to other cats through scratching, grooming, using same litter box, eating out of same dishes, or even sometimes just by a non-infected cat smelling an infected cat. Feline leukemia is virtually untreatable and is the number one cat killer, worldwide. Keep the stray separated from the others until you can get it checked out by a vet.

    Sorry to be a downer, but I'd hate for you to lose your other cats because of a random stray. Better safe than sorry.

  7. #7
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Noooo, Mr Clean, separate the stray from the rest of your cast immediately. Stray cats can have feline leukemia, which is highly contagious to other cats through scratching, grooming, using same litter box, eating out of same dishes, or even sometimes just by a non-infected cat smelling an infected cat. Feline leukemia is virtually untreatable and is the number one cat killer, worldwide. Keep the stray separated from the others until you can get it checked out by a vet.

    Sorry to be a downer, but I'd hate for you to lose your other cats because of a random stray. Better safe than sorry.
    Yeah, we haven't let them be around each other all that much. The sniffing thing a little but our cats mainly just stay away from her. Seperate dishes and litter box already in place inside the dog crate. Thank you for expressing your concern and caring for the well being of my cats.
    Last edited by Mr. Clean; 02-Jun-2011 at 07:57 PM. Reason: ....

  8. #8
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Mr. Clean, I salute you for caring enough about another living being that you would take the effort to make sure that this stray was ok. I really mean it when I say that folks like you and DJ give me hope for humanity!
    Last edited by Yojimbo; 07-Jun-2011 at 08:29 AM. Reason: None of your business!
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  9. #9
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post

  10. #10
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    Accually the stray found us and our cats are not happy at all about it.

    The thing is SUPER skinny(probably near death) but very loving. The wife seen it on the porch and was going to shoo it away but when she opened up the door it ran into the house and was rubbing all over her legs and she didn't have the heart to just leave it outside. When I got home from work, we put it back outside but it won't leave so now inside in a huge dog kennel with a food bowl and mini litter box.

    I've been around cats all my life and even tamed several wild ones. I can't help but think it's had to of been in human contact before being not the least bit shy. Most wild cats I've been around where at least a little skiddish and wouldn't let anyone touch them but gained trust with food over a few days.

    I guess the plan is to fatten her up, make sure she's healthy and (A) try to find a good home for her or (B) find her owner if she has one. I don't want to take her to a shelter because they normally only give them 3 days and put them down.

    Anyone took in a lost/stray animal and had a happy outcome?
    Remember to de-flea and de-worm it.

    And you are a top person for taking it in. Good on ya!
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon


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