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Thread: Open letter to rogue cops.

  1. #1
    Dead Purge's Avatar

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    Exclamation Open letter to rogue cops.

    Jim Kirwan

    "Your numbers may be growing among the millions of people wearing some kind of badge in the United States, but your days are numbered. Not because of any direct threat from people like me; no what I'm talking about here is the threat that you are creating all by yourselves. If you had been paying attention you would have seen this coming on your own.

    What the military and the mercenaries are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan each of you is now doing here, in your own tiny little world so full of arrogance and basic brutality. Every time you beat a man senseless, or shame a woman to tears in front of her loved ones, or randomly kill someone either by accident or by design it happens just because you can - so you make more than enemies - you plant the seeds of your own violent end.

    Have you ever seen children tear a well-trained combat soldier to pieces, I have. It happened in a relatively good neighborhood in LA, and the dead man was one of the most decorated marines we had. It happened a block and a half from my apartment. It was a very long time ago, but I never got over the shock of seeing what looked like The Lord of the Flies coming to life.

    Before the Decider, police forces were relatively small in comparison to the size of the populations they were charged with "Protecting and Serving." But after it became clear that the entire upper echelon of government had become nothing more than glorified street bandits: the gloves came off all the way down the food chain. So when the demonstrations against the wars began, your departments began to behave as if US citizens were the real Enemies of the State.

    Way back in 1992 the behavior patterns for you were in play in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew. And you did oh such a job then of disposing of all those bodies-the Owners loved it, but that had to remain a secret because of "national security." (1)

    Then came Katrina and the mercenaries helped you out with your own campaign of terror against the survivors of New Orleans that had the temerity not to die. But from that point forward your ranks began to swell, as officers began to catch the drift of what would lead to their next promotion in the newly criminal world of 'law-enforcement.'(2)

    This was followed by Blackwater that was armed with new and secret contracts to retrain the sheriffs, the marshals, and the police of all stripes to convert them into the heavily armored combat troops that would very soon begin to patrol the streets and byways of America. Since then you have become brazenly bold and unflinching in your treatment of the people that you were supposed to protect-the same people that actually pay your inflated salaries. Contrary to what you might believe you are not a law unto yourselves-you're supposed to be peace officers. (3)

    That's what can be tracked about the current situation, and that's what most of you see as your current job: the brutalizing, the Tasering and or the killing of US citizens that fail in some small way to obey your every command-no matter how unreasonable. It seems no one knows exactly how many you have killed, as your departments fail to keep such records-but when one is too many - then a hundred or more amounts to a mutiny against the very people you are sworn to serve. Here's a rough history of your recent activities, in part. (4)

    What you don't seem to realize is that when you take off the Kevlar, and unstrap both your weapons, you need a shower, possibly a shave if you're male, and you'll need to grab something to eat. If you live in the Burbs which most cops do, you probably have "friends" and maybe you might want to go to a game or just get together with "friends." In brief you do what other people do unless you're a robot living in a barrack somewhere dark and semi-distant. If you have a family they have their lives to live as well, grocery shopping, school etc. just like other people-except that you are not like other people! You have become a secret enforcer, the muscle and bullets of the fascist state incarnate. And that makes you and yours into targets for those that you have wronged.

    What used to protect you was the good will of the people you served, but with that out-of-the-way now, because you've put yourself beyond the law and above the people that once cared whether you lived or died-your world has changed almost as much as ours: Only you still have no clue about the consequences that are coming!

    When you do what you do to ordinary people your actions affect the lives of a great many people beyond the targets of your brutality-and those people whether adults or children will not forget. Meanwhile you have forgotten that you are not Supermen or Superwomen, you're just flesh and blood like all the rest of us: and with every day that passes the numbers of your enemies continue to increase by the hundreds, until that figure reaches into the thousands, and you are beginning to close in on that magic number now.

    When my old man was murdered I lived with rage for a very long time-but it was a very different era then and reason won out-his killer had to live with perpetual uncertainty, but he got to live. This is a very different world today. But the laws of consequence and responsibility are still in tact in this jungle that passes for life-in-Occupied-America today.

    Just thought you'd like to know that while the public has not yet decided to act, that day will not remain at bay forever. How long will it be before you need to look over your shoulder, or check you squad car before getting in, not once in awhile, but each and every time. How well do you know your 'friends' and how's your life these days, maybe a little more tension, a lot less patience because at some level you have to know we're watching. This is so because you have become unnatural, and with each passing day you grow more distant from the people that you brutalize so easily!

    By the way this Open Letter is also meant for those thugs that serve the god of TSA. They might not get your perks but too many of them are all too eager to attack the innocent instead of simply asking civil questions. Events like this are growing in their frequency, every hour of every day. (5)

    I came up the hard way and I carried a gun for a few years-so I'm not blind to what you're trying to do. Early on I lived in Paint Hotels among the drifters and the night-moths, but even then there were too many of your kind. I've had my share of pistol-whippings in the back of a patrol car, I survived the petty interrogations and the insults then-but I fought back with lawyers and with real cops to make it right.

    Today everything is different and the Bad Guys wear the uniform and are praised for what they do to us. You might want to think about it boys and girls, because no one leaves this life alive. One of the first things that basic training taught to every military draftee, back in the fifties, was that there is always someone bigger, someone stronger, someone meaner than you might think you really are. That was a major life-lesson, too bad you guys missed out on that.

    Your behavior towards the public is teaching them that "selling out is futile" and that anyone alone is always easy prey; maybe that's why you roam in packs? Soon the public may begin to emulate your tactics, and then where will you be when you find yourself outnumbered by an angry mob that no longer fears your uniform, but instead is energized because of what you do NOT stand for!

    You might want to think about these things, because they are not secret anymore: and millions of people have begun to watch your every move-so why not begin to do the right thing, while you can."

  2. #2
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    man i long for the day when we can hang each and everyone of these scumbags from trees and leave them for ravens to pick apart.

    cops suck. the only thing they are good for is hassling minorites and kids.

    they cannot protect you from crime - period. they can only react to it and in the vast majority of cases that reacction comes way too late - unless you want to put cctv cameras everywhere and the day that happens in the US is the day that we all need to start getting hip deep in the blood of all servile govt. muppets.

    somebody that takes a notion to try and hurt you isn't goiing to be detered or stopped by the police.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  3. #3
    Chasing Prey

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    rogue cops get commended for being "class acts" here. guy here was an undercover....but he was dirty and got greased by a 15 year old and everyone was like "he got what was coming to him" except the city who reached out to the family like he was the president. kids get full ride college scholarships. wife has a job for life with the police and they got his pension,a settlement with the city, his life insurance policy and about 2 million dollars in money raised in "fish fries"

  4. #4
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    rogue cops get commended for being "class acts" here. guy here was an undercover....but he was dirty and got greased by a 15 year old and everyone was like "he got what was coming to him" except the city who reached out to the family like he was the president. kids get full ride college scholarships. wife has a job for life with the police and they got his pension,a settlement with the city, his life insurance policy and about 2 million dollars in money raised in "fish fries"
    same and even worse in cincinnati - one the most racist cities on planet earth as far as cops go.

    i refer you back to the post i made a few months back about the behavior of the cops in cincy and how they love to kill black men who are already in custody or shoot them as they are running away.

    i would like to burn all the cops in cincinnati at the stake and that would probably be too good for them...
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  5. #5
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by scipio70 View Post
    same and even worse in cincinnati - one the most racist cities on planet earth as far as cops go.

    i refer you back to the post i made a few months back about the behavior of the cops in cincy and how they love to kill black men who are already in custody or shoot them as they are running away.

    i would like to burn all the cops in cincinnati at the stake and that would probably be too good for them...

    its crazy how cops get like that. my grandparents were cops in L.A. for 32 years and never once went crooked. i guess this means im not goin to cincy anytime soon

  6. #6
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scipio70 View Post
    man i long for the day when we can hang each and everyone of these scumbags from trees and leave them for ravens to pick apart.

    cops suck. the only thing they are good for is hassling minorites and kids.

    they cannot protect you from crime - period. they can only react to it and in the vast majority of cases that reacction comes way too late - unless you want to put cctv cameras everywhere and the day that happens in the US is the day that we all need to start getting hip deep in the blood of all servile govt. muppets.

    somebody that takes a notion to try and hurt you isn't goiing to be detered or stopped by the police.
    Just waiting for the flame war to start...

    I agree, though. I know from much experience.

  7. #7
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Just waiting for the flame war to start...

    I agree, though. I know from much experience.
    won't be any flaming from yours truely- hopefully. being a cop is indefensible as far as i am concerned.

    let the govt. muppets wail if they want to.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  8. #8
    Twitching Arcades057's Avatar

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    I've had more than my fair share of run-ins with the cops this guy's talking about. Now that I'm older I seem to meet "good" cops, officers or deputies to whom I truly am innocent until proven guilty. A very good change from the past.

    Also, here's a scary thing. I once asked 6 random Palm Beach County sheriffs deputies the same gun-related question--what is considered "safely secured" by Florida law when dealing with transporting a loaded firearm in a vehicle. 5 answered incorrectly. So I would've been arrested by 5 of the officers for being well within the law.
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  9. #9
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcades057 View Post
    I've had more than my fair share of run-ins with the cops this guy's talking about. Now that I'm older I seem to meet "good" cops, officers or deputies to whom I truly am innocent until proven guilty. A very good change from the past.

    Also, here's a scary thing. I once asked 6 random Palm Beach County sheriffs deputies the same gun-related question--what is considered "safely secured" by Florida law when dealing with transporting a loaded firearm in a vehicle. 5 answered incorrectly. So I would've been arrested by 5 of the officers for being well within the law.

    i've almost been arrested for arguing a ticket. i didnt know scanner could pick up speed three lanes over in bumper to bumper traffic. he was one of those bastards who thinks its the 50's if u get my drift.

  10. #10
    Chasing Prey

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    I can honestly say that as far as Uk police goes, I don't have a problem! But I've seen enough examples of US law enforcement to get the picture here, and its very very disturbing....

  11. #11
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Any of you folks ever been cops?

    I suggest you walk a few miles in their shoes before you judge them...ever considered they go bad because they encounter the same scumbag every few months, even when said scumbag should be in prison etc?

    I have no problem with the police, for every asshole I've encountered, I've met a dozen good ones.

    If you treat these people like they are your enemies, don't be so ****in' shocked when they treat you with the same contempt, suspicion and hostility.
    Last edited by Legion2213; 19-Feb-2008 at 10:25 PM.
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  12. #12
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    ^what he said, though i do know a few people from my high school who were bullied and then became cops ,and ive been told as such by them, so they can "give the ****ers payback"

  13. #13
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    It's a double edged sword. There's good and bad, just like any other thing in the world. To throw them all into one category is failing to open your eyes to a bigger picture.


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