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Thread: What if someone "Zombie Pranked" you?

  1. #1
    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

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    What if someone "Zombie Pranked" you?

    I have often found myself sitting around thinking "My family and friends know me and my zombie fixation really well,they could pull off one hell of a gag by staging a zombie attack".

    Now it would have to be a really well done effort, I am not gullible at all but to be honest given the right situation, frame of mind, and circumstances I could see myself getting caught up in it.

    I wonder how I would react. naturally I like to think I could handle it, but I mean would I go offensive... defensive? Would I attack one of these fake zombies?

    This is probably why it is a bad idea because I mean I would hate to be on a hidden camera show and drive a claw hammer through some extras skull.

    If I did kill one of the actors would I go to jail?

    After it was over would I ever talk to my friends/family again?

    Honestly I don't think I would. taking an event that clearly occupies so much of my thoughts and is tied to such raw emotion and turning it into a joke I am not sure i could forgive them.

    What about you?

  2. #2
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Interesting question. I am not sure that I could be easily fooled, if at all, by a zombie prank. Now it is possible that with someone jumping out from behind a hidden area unexpectedly I may react, but in a normal situation I would not have any type of weapon on me, so I doubt the issue of accidently killing someone in the middle of the gag would happen. I tend to look carefully at things in life. So a lot of this would depend on how the gag was set up. If it was a simple "jump out unexpectedly" gag, then maybe I would be surprised for a second, but after that initial reaction, unless there was a major league FX effort put into it, I am sure I would spot a mask, makeup, latex, etc, quickly upon examination. Plus my first thought would be that it was a prank, not an actual zombie thing happening.

    For one, if there was an initial event during a real zombie uprising ( as opposed to it starting to happen everywhere on earth simultaneously) the odds of it starting right where I happened to be would be very small. So if it happened elsewhere, I would think news of it would reach me faster than the average person, as I pay attention to the news, and come to HPOTD all the time, and surely it would be posted here about any kind of attacks, etc.

    If the prank was elaborately set up, with well made-up zombies shambling in the distance, and someone I know and trust, say my mom for example, someone who I wouldnt think in a million years wuld be in on any gag, nevermind one as complex as this, and my mom was crying, saying her friend was attacked and killed by what looked like zombies, and here comes figures shambling towards me in the dark, perhaps I could be drawn into the gag. I would like to think that I would act cool and level headed in that situation, with my first instinct to get myslef and my mom to safety. If somehow the pranksters let it get to the point where I actually did drive a claw hammer into someones head, that would be on them, not me. I dont think someone would be convicted of anything in that event, except maybe the prankster organizer themselves.

    I dont think that I would hold it against anyone for setting up the prank. If by some miracle they actually got me to fall for it, I think I would marvel at that more than be pissed off. Here is a somewhat relevent video....

  3. #3
    Being Attacked ItsJustaScratch's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
    I have often found myself sitting around thinking "My family and friends know me and my zombie fixation really well,they could pull off one hell of a gag by staging a zombie attack".

    Now it would have to be a really well done effort, I am not gullible at all but to be honest given the right situation, frame of mind, and circumstances I could see myself getting caught up in it.

    I wonder how I would react. naturally I like to think I could handle it, but I mean would I go offensive... defensive? Would I attack one of these fake zombies?

    This is probably why it is a bad idea because I mean I would hate to be on a hidden camera show and drive a claw hammer through some extras skull.

    If I did kill one of the actors would I go to jail?

    After it was over would I ever talk to my friends/family again?

    Honestly I don't think I would. taking an event that clearly occupies so much of my thoughts and is tied to such raw emotion and turning it into a joke I am not sure i could forgive them.

    What about you?
    I work in Wembley where the epilogue of 28 Weeks Later was filmed, and live not too far from the (Farnborough) forest scenes of 28 Days Later.

    If it involves running zombies, you could simply pretend you were going shopping, run for the hills and explain that you left your wallet at work when the prank is uncovered - although if it involves slow zombies, you're looking at least a 7 year stretch, cos without further adoo, my umbrella would be securely lodged in the actor's frontal lobe for safe measure.
    Last edited by ItsJustaScratch; 30-Jan-2009 at 08:46 PM.
    Once Bitten, Forever Smitten.

  4. #4
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    The gag wouldn't last long. As soon as you punched one of the "zombies" (or even worse, clubbed one with something), it would become clear that you just hit a live person. Zombies don't feel pain or make noise when assaulted.

  5. #5
    Dead Mr.G's Avatar

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    LOL! That video is great Philly Swat!

  6. #6
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    I hope that if someone zombie pranked me that they did so when I was away from firearms or any other sort of weapon, because there is a good chance that someone would get injured.

    Pranks in this way have always seemed to be very risky. In my younger, more reactionary days, I once was sitting at a coffee shop with a girl when I suddenly saw her react to something behind me and at the same time I sensed that someone was coming up on me from behind. As I reacted to this visual cue, an arm suddenly came down over my head, as it to put me in a chokehold, but because I was already reacting to the visual cue, I twisted sideways and grabbed my unseen attacker's arm, then using what little Judo I know, I pulled my attacker off balance and flipped him over the back of the booth and slammed him down against the table and pinned him against the side of the booth, simultaneously grabbing the back of his neck - pinning his face foward against the table while putting him into an arm-hold with my other hand. Bear in mind, this all happened within the span of maybe two seconds, so it was very quick, and I reacted out of instinct. It was only then that I realized that it was one of my stupid reckless friends, who was now panicked, yelping "Hey it's, cool, man,it's cool man!!!" Apparently, he thought that it would be funny to grab me from behind as a kind of joke. Luckily he was not injured, though he was humiliated and scared. But I think he learned his lesson and would never play a prank like that again.
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  7. #7
    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

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    I agree it would have to be very elaborate to fool the people on this site, you see those types of set ups all the time though. I posted a while back a link to a video where security guard at a construction site is "zombie pranked".

    If it were a television show, with a high budget that went all out I could see myself being fooled perhaps. Depending on the situation and your leanings towards fight or flight bad things could happen though I do hope they would have "security" on hand for the safety of the actors.

    At the end of the day though I am not sure I could forgive loved ones who were involved in pulling off the prank it is far too personal of an issue and mentally that jump to a zombie crisis is one that certainly is very "personal".

    Does that make sense?

  8. #8
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    I would react instinctively, and charge directly into the horde approaching me, using what ever was in my hands to paint the streets in their blood and entrails. I would scream a guttural roar as I carved a path through the zombiefied remnants of my friends and family, using my bear hands to tear them limb from limb. My adrenaline would flow as I stab and kick and punch and tear and bite and scream, thrashing around like a madman. I would grab onto what was once my best friend, and separate his skull and spine (predator style) from the rest of his body. I would use it as a war club to smash in the skulls of the remaining horde, while screaming out the verses to Celine Dions "my heart will go on."

    A single tear will fall from my eye.

    Then I would probably slip on some intestines and assorted entrails, hit my head on the ground, and then for some reason believe I am not in a zombie apocalypse. wtf huh?

  9. #9
    Being Attacked sammylou's Avatar

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    I'm afraid I'd probably fall for it...

    I'm a fairly jumpy person (my friends still tease me about this time at the mall when someone dropped a tray in the food court, resulting in a loud noise that sounded very much like a gunshot, and I jumped behind a pillar for cover) and it wouldn't be hard to trick me. That said, I don't like to hurt people, and wouldn't smack someone in the head unless I was really sure.

  10. #10
    Banned User

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    I fall for everything, so this probably wouldn't be too different. Russel reacted the same way once on one of our "zombie killing" nights. Don't know why, he had his scythe... - 2D
    It popped up and freaked me out, a lot like that video. Also it was just too close in for the blade. That junk's long, man. - Russel
    Definitely one of the meanest pranks to pull, especially if the victim is someone used to zombie attacks, who would most likely kill an innocent human. This makes me sad... - Noodle
    Aww, like who, love? If I might remind you, zombie don't exist! Just like Pikachu, and... erm... good-tasting Top Ramen. - Murdoc
    Why do you always have to be so mean? - 2D
    Why do you always have to be so dense? - Murdoc

  11. #11
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yojimbo View Post
    I hope that if someone zombie pranked me that they did so when I was away from firearms or any other sort of weapon, because there is a good chance that someone would get injured.

    Pranks in this way have always seemed to be very risky. In my younger, more reactionary days, I once was sitting at a coffee shop with a girl when I suddenly saw her react to something behind me and at the same time I sensed that someone was coming up on me from behind. As I reacted to this visual cue, an arm suddenly came down over my head, as it to put me in a chokehold, but because I was already reacting to the visual cue, I twisted sideways and grabbed my unseen attacker's arm, then using what little Judo I know, I pulled my attacker off balance and flipped him over the back of the booth and slammed him down against the table and pinned him against the side of the booth, simultaneously grabbing the back of his neck - pinning his face foward against the table while putting him into an arm-hold with my other hand. Bear in mind, this all happened within the span of maybe two seconds, so it was very quick, and I reacted out of instinct. It was only then that I realized that it was one of my stupid reckless friends, who was now panicked, yelping "Hey it's, cool, man,it's cool man!!!" Apparently, he thought that it would be funny to grab me from behind as a kind of joke. Luckily he was not injured, though he was humiliated and scared. But I think he learned his lesson and would never play a prank like that again.
    Remind me to never sneak up on you Jimbo. that's some Bruce Lee shit right there. I'll bet you got laid for that one.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  12. #12
    Dying DawnGirl27's Avatar

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    Like yojimbo said, I would hope all firearms would be gone, having grown up using them. First instinct would be to grab one and start shooting, and I'm thinkin' that wouldn't be too good if it were just a prank.
    Anyone who knows me well enough wouldn't set me up to be zombie pranked - they know all too well what would happen, and I couldn't be held responsible.
    Last edited by DawnGirl27; 03-Feb-2009 at 08:15 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  13. #13
    Dead Marie's Avatar

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    Zombie prank? Bad idea, especially if I've just visited the range and am armed,

    "I would like to take you seriously, but to do so would affront your intelligence." William F. Buckley, Jr.

  14. #14
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    Well....someone would have to scrape brains off my driveway as the cops are hauling me away. I would plead innocent of course.

  15. #15
    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

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    Exactly I think so many of us would just launch into... "Oh my god it is really happening... " mode and then go on instinct.

    Others would execute carefully orchestrated plans.

    In my case when it was over, I am not sure how I would feel about those around me and that is the biggest thing or how I would ramp myself down again afterwords. I mean think about it. If it were elaborate enough of a prank carried out with precision and with enough money and planning... and it actually got you believing it. Wouldn't it be hard for you to just turn it off? I mean the mind is a fragile thing.

    No matter though like I said I think I would disown anyone responsible for pulling off the hoax, I certainly do not think I would be easily forgiving.


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