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Thread: Xbox 360 and Playstation 3....GRIPES!

  1. #1
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Xbox 360 and Playstation 3....GRIPES!

    I started this post as a response to hellsing….but then I realized it pretty much merits itself on its own.

    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    it kinda reminds me of quake and i might get it but the perfect dark zero style crouching and shooting just aint my cup o tea so i think im gonna get a wii with my cash and wait for some peoples reviews on it.

    Thats kindof like what my gripe is with both PS$ and Xbox 369....

    The gaming experiance is essentially going to be identical to what we have already seen as far back to Fifth generation (PS1, Saturn, N64)...Its like Fifth generation started the whole 3D graphic experience and a ton of games came from it that utilized the technology...

    Sixth generation(Sega Dreamcast, Nintendo GameCube, Sony PlayStation 2, and the Microsoft Xbox) essentially ran with what the Fifth generation started.... They expanded the games and made them more graphically crisp... The environments became more interactive the characters more detailed everything to make the game more realistic... Gameplay from fifth generation to sixth didnt change much as this transition from the fifth to the sixth was more about graphics and realism....

    But now the seventh generation is here with the Xbox 360 with the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii soon to follow.
    What is the Xbox 360 offering? Very pretty games that capitalize on the graphics and processing power. Are these games really any different than games we played on the Fifth and Sixth generation...
    GoldenEye led to Halo ...Halo led to Gears of War...The only thing that really is new is a greater implementation of online play...

    So for the costs of the Xbox 360 I can play all the good games that I already played but in a fancier outfit..?
    I imagine the PS3 will sport even prettier old games *sigh*....

    How will the Wii be different?

    Well another thing you can notice in the generations of video game consoles is the controller. The controller more than anything else reflects game play…..It is our entry point into the world of the given game…

    First there was the Joystick/dial(First and Second Generation) all the games interacted the same way.
    Side to side action with a button for other applications

    Then the D-Pad was implemented (Third Generation though there was really only one system during this whole generation…..Nintendo Entertainment System)
    This controller allowed for increased control between up down left right. Another button was included for extra applications. And we saw tons of new games and gameplay.
    The D-pad stuck with us into the Fourth Generation (Sega Gen and SNES)…They added some more buttons and worked on the ergonomics of the controller games stayed essentially the same.

    Analogue control began in the Fifth Generation as a form of greater control. And we suddenly saw new gameplay in 3D environments!..It continued in the Sixth Generation.

    Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 planned on analogue use as the primary method of controlling the environment in their Seventh Generation system. Nintendo Wii though has made the change.

    Nintendo Wii or rather the Wiimote is the future of video game control. It keeps the analogue control as our best method for movement in a 3 dimensional state. but the Wiimote also allows for our other arm to be “in” the game.

    Don’t you guys see the trend. A control scheme lasts for Two generations of video game systems. It happens like this…A Control scheme develops in one generation and then continues into a second generation where everything is polished. Games stay essentially the same inbetween.
    That’s the way it has been since video game consoles first appeared.

    Both Microsoft and Sony have Wiimote style controllers in design but they are a bit of a scam to draw attention away from the Wiimote because they lack most of the features that make the Wiimote so superior.

    Essentially what both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 have done is made a Sixth generation B console Xbox V2.0 and Playstation 2.5.….Yeah they’ll both be pretty but if you have a poor TV or poor eyesight you’ll think you are playing on an Xbox or a Playstation 2...

    So How will the Wii be different? Well it will be pretty like the other seventh gen systems. But it will have the revolutionary controller that future systems will be sporting...

    It just really irks me of how many people are falling for the pretty pictures....

    Ive probally forgotten some points ....but Im sure theyll turn up as people respond
    Last edited by Terran; 07-Nov-2006 at 09:58 AM.
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

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  2. #2
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    damn this is like the 3rd time ive drove someone to start a thread in the games section *sniff* im so proud.

    and yes i really dont get how people (FAN BOYS) bitch that the p$3 is gonna win the console wars becuase of that bloody cell thing.

    can anyone give me one good reason why games need to look more realistic than dead rising, condemned or oblivion in the future?.

    cus i really think nintendos right on the money i even think microsoft could have made the 360 more graphically capabal but who cares, have you seen the trailer for halo 3 guys? it doesnt need to improve, hell if you improve it more any realistic survival horror could really make young kids violent or at least scar em for life.

    yeah then that clinton bitch would have something to say, some games look basic and thats part of there charm, like final fantasy 7, warcraft 3 or ocarina of time, its part of the charm and thats why there remembered as some of the greatest ever games but ones were they put all the effort into graphics and not gameplay (cough-needforspeed-cough) are doomed to mediocirty, i only want games that play great but the sad thing is fun games that look simple like skys of arcadia are usually put at the back of the shelf for games that look flash but suck

    ...and then theres game that look AND play bad, just like killzone

  3. #3
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    damn this is like the 3rd time ive drove someone to start a thread in the games section *sniff* im so proud.

    and yes i really dont get how people (FAN BOYS) bitch that the p$3 is gonna win the console wars becuase of that bloody cell thing.

    can anyone give me one good reason why games need to look more realistic than dead rising, condemned or oblivion in the future?. started looking about as good as they "needed" too during the Gamecube, PS2, and Xbox...all they really needed was processing power

    The point they are reaching now visually is making it almost impossible for most developers to really even implement the graphics. It costs more to make a game look realistic than it does to make a game play realistic... So PS3 may have the capability to make superior graphics but few developers will have the cash to make games that utilize them...

    Likewise the Xbox can make astonishingly pretty graphics...and the processing power seems enough to put lots of detailed moving stuff on screen (dead rising)....

    The Nintendo Wii will also be capable of making slick graphics and processing abilities. But unlike its competitors it offers a new way to interact with games allowing for old forumlas of games to take on new realizations....And even *gasp* ...New Games!....

    The point is for all the seventh gen systems (Wii included) most games will not fully utilize the systems graphical abilities...The super graphic games are just too expensive to develope. Imagine the costs of making Final Fantasy the Spirits Within (the movie)...Now imagine those visuals in gameplay... imagine making that controllable...Bug testing ...graphical glitches....All those costs for essentially what is just visual flare...It doesnt effect the gameplay at all...

    Most games for all the systems will rely on how they play and we all play games using the controller.

    I think that for Xbox and Playstation to succeed they will have to create some sort of controller similiar to the wiimote...but probelms I think can arise for them in reworking their console strategies for control.

    Playing Halo 3 on a Wiimote style controller would be pretty amazing!!

    So Ill consider buying a Xbox 360 if either they implement an effective Wiimote clone or if Nintendo just totally drops the ball on their system...

    PS3 is just totally out of the question for me...I can imagine a senario where I would get one....Sony has burned me plenty of times...I dont need a Bluray disk player....660$ for a system a controller and a game!...BlEH

    Nintendo Wii is a definite purchase at this time
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

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  4. #4
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I used to be a console boy up until i could actually afford my own beefed up PC a few years back,& now im seeing that the Xbox360 games are only on the same graphical level as PC games were a year ago so theres nothing new or flashy there!& PC games always have infinitely more depth than a console could hope for.Il probably get a PS3 at some point in the future,but im not expecting it to blow me away anymore than things ive already been playing for 6 months on the PC.

  5. #5
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    I used to be a console boy up until i could actually afford my own beefed up PC a few years back,& now im seeing that the Xbox360 games are only on the same graphical level as PC games were a year ago so theres nothing new or flashy there!& PC games always have infinitely more depth than a console could hope for.
    My sentiments exactly. I won't be getting into the whole 'next gen console' stuff only 'cause there isn't a thing they can do on a console that my computer can't do 10x better.

    That being said, I still would lean more 'twards the Xbox360 as opposed to the PS3. I just don't like sony's tactics, I think their business plan is going to fail, and I don't think their machine is really all that much better than the X360. The Wii, however, I just don't get. I don't like the controller, and I think Nintendo is way too far behind in the console race to ever come back out on top. That is unless you like all your games to include Mario.

    I could be wrong though.. ya never know.

  6. #6
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    i reckon you are for once, ive been looking up stuff today on gamespot adn such and i dont think ninty might beat the 360 but im damn sure there gonna beat the p$3, all those fat nerds on gamepost went mental over a testers p$3 they were all like "oh letme touch it", so much so i think one had to reach for the tissue's, and when i saw it in play it graphically wasnt any better than the 360 and as such i really dont see the big deal.

    i think they shoud focus less on graphics and more on processing becuase that means the gen efter this new one could have a dead rising game were you explore the whole city with games like alan wake coming out for the 360 imagine the size of a gta game for the 360's sucessor...

  7. #7
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I don't see the Wiimote being as amazing as everyone thinks it's going to be.

    I have a feeling it's not going to matter how you position your arm or how hard/soft you swing it... the guy on screen with the bat/sword/racket/whatever will still only have a set amount of animations he'll do that will alternate every time you swing that part of the controller.

  8. #8
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    I don't see the Wiimote being as amazing as everyone thinks it's going to be.
    There seems to be some confusion to how different the Wiimote is and its actual applications.
    I cut n paste this cause I didn’t have the energy to reiterate it in my own writing.

    The Wii Remote is able to sense movement and orientation. Sensors in the Wii Remote allow it to sense linear motion along three axes, as well as tilt. The controller features an optical sensor, allowing it to determine where it is pointing. The Wii Remote contains a one-megapixel image sensor which is used to locate the sensor bar's eight points of light in the Wii Remote's field of view. The known real-world dimensions of the spacing between the LEDs on the bar allows the Wii Remote to calculate its position and orientation in space relative to the bar. This information is in addition to, and supplemented by, the 3-axis acceleration and tilt sensors in the Wii Remote.
    The position and motion tracking of the Wii Remote allows the player to mimic actual game actions, such as swinging a sword or using a flashlight, instead of simply pushing buttons. An early marketing video showed actors miming actions such as fishing, cooking, drumming, conducting a string quartet, shooting a gun, sword fighting, and performing dental surgery.
    The Wii Remote also provides basic audio and force feedback functionality. The Wii Remote can rumble one side at a time, or both sides. At the 2006 E3 press conference, it was revealed that the Wii Remote has its own independent speaker on the face of the unit. This was demonstrated by a developer as he strung and shot a bow in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The sound from both the Wii Remote and television was altered as the bow shot to give the impression of the arrow traveling away from the player.

    Like the Wii Remote, the Nunchuk controller also provides three-axis motion-sensing

    According to Satoru Iwata, it would be meant for playing "the existing games, Virtual Console games, and multi-platform games".

    This is just the orginal Wiimote and nunchuck atachement in a plastic shell. but imagine playing a shooter with that would use two hands one thumb on the analogue moving you around....the other hand supporting the gun upwards to show where your looking. It would be intense

    I have a feeling it's not going to matter how you position your arm or how hard/soft you swing it... the guy on screen with the bat/sword/racket/whatever will still only have a set amount of animations he'll do that will alternate every time you swing that part of the controller.

    This is where your wrong …It will matter how you position your arm because the sensors in the Wiimote allow position of your arm/arms to be recorded based upon how the wiimote is oriented and there are speed actuators in the wiimote as well so speed will be a factor. With this sort of data the thing on the screen could actually be programmed to mimic the actions of your swing. The Wiimote controller is more than a simple force feedback controller like Sony‘s planned clone.
    Nunchuck attachment costs $20 the Wiimote costs 30$ so The Wiimote (with the Nunchuck) is $60
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

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  9. #9
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Ah, so that's how Nintendo is going to get ya. By getting you to buy a bunch of add-on controllers? Interesting.. PS3 and Xbox are just nailing you up-front for the cost, Wii gets it on the back end with accessories.

    Well, at least you don't have to buy them - so you have a choice, unlike the others.

    Who knows. I just don't see the Wii catching on like X360 & PS3. Nintendo has been out of the console race for quite a while. It would take something amazing to put them back in the race, but I don't think the Wii is it.

    Personally, it really doesn't matter to me since I'll be sticking with my PC, but still, it's an interesting battle to watch, and it'll be interesting to see how it plays out.

    i reckon you are for once, ive been looking up stuff today on gamespot adn such and i dont think ninty might beat the 360 but im damn sure there gonna beat the p$3
    That's exactly what I said. I see the 360 as being the leader in all of this. I don't think PS3 will be able to compete, and I know for almost a fact that there's no way in hell the Wii will sell more units than the X360. I'll gladly eat my words in front of all of the HPotD members if i'm wrong about the Wii. We'll see.....
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 07-Nov-2006 at 04:59 PM.

  10. #10
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    and yes i really dont get how people (FAN BOYS) bitch that the p$3 is gonna win the console wars becuase of that bloody cell thing.
    i really dont get how you miss the irony. you are one of the biggest XBOX fanboys ive ever seen. every single one of your posts in the gaming forum is either bigging the 360 up or putting the PS3 down..

    dont get me wrong, your not the only one guilty of this but the whole routine does grow tiresome. seriously.

  11. #11
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Welcome to the world of console fans. This has been going on since the pong/atari 2600/colecovision days.

  12. #12
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Ah, so that's how Nintendo is going to get ya. By getting you to buy a bunch of add-on controllers? Interesting.. PS3 and Xbox are just nailing you up-front for the cost, Wii gets it on the back end with accessories.

    Well, at least you don't have to buy them - so you have a choice, unlike the others.
    Lol yeah but you gotta buy remotes for other systems too...

    Well the gun thing is just an accessory (its just a plastic shell that the nunchuck and wiimote clip into) and wouldnt necessarily be needed to play a given game...I just included that beacuse it seemed so cool ....I shouldve probally put the Nintendo DS as a potential controller cause some games will be able to use the DS as a controller....And the system comes with one Wii Remote and one Nunchuk controller...and the game Wii Sports...(Also you can go buy some gamecube remotes from Funco or something cause they work in the system as well)so yeah sixty bucks is a bit steep for a full controller but not much difference in paying 40$ for a PS3 controller or an Xbox controller....And considering how much more intricate a Wiimote is it is understandable....

    Personally, it really doesn't matter to me since I'll be sticking with my PC, but still, it's an interesting battle to watch, and it'll be interesting to see how it plays out.
    The PC will be a superior "console" for a long time...mines pretty nifty ...but there is a difference from PC games to most console games but Xbox and PS seem to want to go in that PC direction more and more....

    Who knows. I just don't see the Wii catching on like X360 & PS3. Nintendo has been out of the console race for quite a while. It would take something amazing to put them back in the race, but I don't think the Wii is it.

    That's exactly what I said. I see the 360 as being the leader in all of this. I don't think PS3 will be able to compete, and I know for almost a fact that there's no way in hell the Wii will sell more units than the X360. I'll gladly eat my words in front of all of the HPotD members if i'm wrong about the Wii. We'll see....
    Well I can invision a senario where Wii sells more units than Xbox....its just soo cheap people can buy an Xbox 360 and a Nintendo Wii for the price of a PS3 and a PS3 game....
    so I think there could be a several groups of people....Those who own both a Wii and an Xbox 360... A group that owns both a PS3 and a Wii....and a group that just owns a Wii...then the smaller group that own all three...

    So if this senario occurs Wii could sell a huge amount of consoles...

    This all being said I dont really consider myself being a Nintendo Fanboy....When I first looked at pictures of the Wiimote I thought WTF nintendos DOOMED!...So I did not really become interested in the Wii till I actually saw the remote in action it works so much better than I anticipated so I got excited and have been following the systems progress since....

    I will likely purchase an Xbox 360...that is once I play some more games...I was a bit unimpressed by the games I have played so far I dunno...

    I think PS3 may be doomed to failure....that is unless there are a lot of people interested in getting a "cheap" Bluray disk player....I dunno Sony appears to have dropped the ball in this console race....

    Wii is a definite purchase for me at this time...I just hopes it lives up to at least 1/8th of its potential...

    Is it just me or has video game consoles become region specific here in the states....?.... Like certain counties/neighborhoods will embrace a certain console and anything else is uncool or unsupported....
    Like my neighborhood was a Sega Genesis one owned a SNES except this one family in the entire neighborhood...Next it was a Nintendo 64 area everyone had it...Then it was a Dreamcast area everyone had it till it died out then it went to PS2...and now the area seems to be going Xbox 360...... But like if I went to another county they may have had an entirely different SNES, PS, Xbox...Is it like this everywhere?
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

    There is no target consumer! Only targets. Targets that will tremble as their new master hands down edicts in my glorious booming voice!

  13. #13
    Dying Bunker65's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    i really dont get how you miss the irony. you are one of the biggest XBOX fanboys ive ever seen. every single one of your posts in the gaming forum is either bigging the 360 up or putting the PS3 down..

    dont get me wrong, your not the only one guilty of this but the whole routine does grow tiresome. seriously.
    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post

    Welcome to the world of console fans. This has been going on since the pong/atari 2600/colecovision days.
    Not that hellsing needs anyone to defend him, but you guys are fanboys of a type yourselves . You are PC gaming fanboys. It's evident in your posts. You are always posting how much better PC gaming is & so on.

    That's your preference & more power to you for it . But to call hellsing on it when you do it to a degree yourselves is, in my opinion, a bit hypocritical.

    No one is right or wrong in what they prefer. It's just that, a preference. I have stated in the past that I prefer console gaming since I can sit in my recliner & play my games on my widescreen HDTV with my surround sound system. That's my preference. It doesn't make me right or wrong or a "console fanboy" .

    Now I guess I could be called a fanboy in the choice of consoles I choose. Just look at my posts & you'll know I was never a fan of the Playstation brand & have always gone in the other direction with my console purchases. Since the "console wars" have really heated up I've gone with the Dreamcast, Xbox & Xbox 360. If you want to call me a fanboy for that, feel free . It doesn't make a bit of a difference to me .

  14. #14
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Whoa, wait a sec Bunker, I was defending hellsing. I just told Andy 'welcome to the world of console fans' - meaning, that's what should be expected. People like what they like, and they can feel free to bash everything else. Doens't make 'em right, but I was defending hellsing in that post - sorry if it came off any different.

    that being said, I'm ABSOLUTELY a PC fanboy. Consoles will never compare to a pc, but they're trying to get close.

    About the Wii - I didn't consider the price, so you may very well be right about that.

    The war continues to be fought, and I continue to sit with my keyboard in hand grinning from ear to ear.


  15. #15
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Okay, Terran, I didn't know all of that information.

    I now have faith.


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