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Thread: Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD? The new Betamax/VHS War?

  1. #1
    Dying Dawg's Avatar

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    Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD? The new Betamax/VHS War?

    And let us not forget not that long ago, the DVD vs. Divx war.

    Personally, I won't buy either one. Why should I when I can buy a new release on dvd for $15 compared to one on the other two formats for $30?

    Yes, it looks pretty if you have a HD-TV and it has all the bells and whistles, but do you really need that to spend twice as much for the same movie? (When they first came out, they released old movies! WTF?!!)

    Now if the new formats were maybe $5 more, maybe, but twice as much?! And the players are like $1000. (I know, every new format starts out high, but sweet Jesus!)

    I would rather both fail and dvd lives on. Remember, Betamax was far more superior compared to VHS, but VHS took off for many reasons and I heard one was because adult films went to VHS and made it where everyone wanted one.

    And the whole lawyer rental Divx mess was just retarded to begin with. I knew one poor sap who thought it was the greatest thing ever when he got one and some movies only to have them stop working after Divx went belly-up. HA!

    But if I were to choose from one of the new formats, I would go with HD-DVD since they are more compatible and more recognizable to regular DVD in both name or format. I am turned off from Blu-Ray because of Sony and their damn expensive PS3 which they are trying to push as a cheap alternative to an actual set-top Blu-Ray player. Wow! Only $600 instead of $1000, when you really shouldn't play dvds of any kind of a game machine to begin with since it shortens its life. (Of course, look at me using my XBox in my living room as a dvd player, DOH!)


    Original Member Since 1998. [10 YEARS AND COUNTING!]

  2. #2
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    i wont buy either, but i heartily endorse this new format changeover/war.

    because soon enough, i will be able to get all the movies i want on near as dammit pin sharp dvd for about £2 a piece when the inevitable dvd price crash occurs, then i can rip them all to my PC second hand dvds go for about £5 in uk games exchanges, they'll be peanuts by the time these new formats take off...hyuk hyuk hyuk...

    but seriously, who cares about ANOTHER markup in picture clarity? i only really like old movies, and i feel too much picture clarity exposes faults and robs them of character... and just cause they can fit a whole series of whatever on one disc as opposed to 6 wont stop them chargin £60 for it.

  3. #3
    I'll let the two formats slog it out and whoever emerges as the victor, that's the format I'll go with. For now, I'm totally happy with regular dvd and I can't see myself upgrading anytime soon.

    I'm actually pretty concerned with the multi layers involved with Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. It's bad enough when regular dvd's pause and skip the odd couple of seconds when trying to read dual layered discs so I'm guessing this is going to be a big problem for both formats initially. Especially with such a large disc capacity.

    If I had to go with a hunch though, I think this is another war Sony will lose. I just feel sorry for all the kids that shelled out for a PS3.

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Aye I think Blu-Ray is gonna bite the Betamax pill when the war kicks off, and damn straight, I ain't touching the winner until the bugs are worked out, I'll start gobbling up cheap DVDs like a junkie chugs the cock. ... ewww...

  5. #5
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    LMFBO MZ your one funny kid ya i was all sullen with this news of dvd's getting canned (lord knows they work fine and they look perdy) and then boom

    I'll start gobbling up cheap DVDs like a junkie chugs the cock
    i especially love how THE is before Cock...makes it seem like cock is a new thing lol

    anyway, I shall be getting neither. I love my DVD player, and lord knows how much left the little turd has left in it?

  6. #6
    Banned User

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    Nov 2006
    Blu-Ray will probably lose. This isn't the first time that Sony introduced a new media format that went bust. Look at UMDs and Beta. I'm pulling for Blu-Ray but I think HD will probably take it.


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