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Thread: My DEAD SAGA theories "in nuce" - GAR Universe and the morphogenetic fields

  1. #1
    Dying The Alive Man's Avatar

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    My DEAD SAGA theories "in nuce" - GAR Universe and the morphogenetic fields

    According to my multi-dimensional convergence scenario, the Dead saga is set in some fictional mid-eighties years (1985-1988 A.C.), where society and pop culture incorporate many elements "resembling" our decades counterparts (1968; 1978; 1985; 2005 A.C.). I call this alternative dimension 'THE STRETCH', because "trendy" elements last in a period of time longer than how they manage to do in "our" line.
    So basically many details, controversial each to other from "our" perspective, co-exist in the set of years depicted by the Dead saga.
    This parallel version of society just progressed as such with no specified reasons whatsoever (however we can suppose: different taste, politics, history).

    For example, even if Ben and Barbara wear 1968 clothes, both are PLACED in the fictional 1985 A.C. belonging to GAR's alternative dimension. Clothes like those co-exist with 1978-styled clothes, and so on... you can apply the same concept to EVERYTHING you see in each Romero Dead movie, from machinery to televisions, from vehicles to houses.

    Samely, a Florida (where DAY takes place) resembling "our" 1985 Florida co-exists with a 1968-like Pittsburgh (where NIGHT takes place) and a 1978-like mall (where DAWN takes place).

    In GAR's universe, 1985 A.C. (or A.D. as you prefer) looks like a miscellanea of styles and integrated details; a cauldron of cultures.
    NIGHT, DAY and DAWN are set in this fictional 1985 A.C. (the only canonical year we got from the saga), while LAND is, of course, slapped on 1988 A.C. -------> three years later, as stated above.

    In my view, this sci-fi attempt to bring the Dead saga chapters into a whole works a lot.

    Same timeline, same dimension (The Stretch), different stadiums of the Outbreak.


    The 'morphogenetic fields' theory elaborated by scientist Rupert Sheldrake.

    If the (Living) DEAD represent a totally new "race" in terms of biology, then read this:

    "There is mounting evidence that as more and more people learn or do something it becomes easier for others to learn or do it. In one experiment, British biologist Rupert Sheldrake took three short, similar Japanese rhymes -- one a meaningless jumble of disconnected Japanese words, the second a newly-composed verse and the third a traditional rhyme known by millions of Japanese. Neither Sheldrake nor the English schoolchildren he got to memorize these verses knew which was which, nor did they know any Japanese. The most easily-learned rhyme turned out to be the one well-known to Japanese. This and other experiments led Sheldrake to postulate that there is a field of habitual patterns that links all people, which influences and is influenced by the habits of all people. This field contains (among other things) the pattern of that Japanese rhyme. The more people have a habit pattern -- whether of knowledge, perception or behavior -- the stronger it is in the field, and the more easily it replicates in a new person. In fact, it seems such fields exist for other entities too -- for birds, plants, even crystals. Sheldrake named these phenomena morphogenetic fields -- fields which influence the pattern or form of things."


    "Sheldrake's brilliant contribution was to take what have been fairly loose ideas about morphogenetic fields and formulate them into a testable theory. Briefly, the theory goes as follows: Morphogenetic fields carry information only (no energy) and are available throughout time and space without any loss of intensity after they have been created. They are created by the patterns of physical forms (including such things as crystals as well as biological systems). They help guide the formation of later similar systems. And finally, a newly forming system "tunes into" a previous system by having within it a "seed" that resonates with a similar seed in the earlier form.

    Thus, from this perspective, the DNA in the genes of a living system (like an oak tree) does not carry all the information needed to shape that system, but it can act as a "tuning seed" that tunes in the morphogenetic fields of previous systems of the same type. Morphogenetic fields are thus the repository of what might be described as genetic habits."

    So basically, WHATEVER was "re-animating" corpses (virus?) has even made them "sensitive" to some sort of "Morphogenetic Field" which interconnets all the DEAD, as a net.
    They are unconsciously LINKED each to other from the beginning. Thus, DEAD D.N.A. can tap "cultural" infos into this brand-new morphic field.

    Bottom line: ZOMBIES can almost "evolve".
    Last edited by The Alive Man; 24-Nov-2006 at 07:51 PM.
    "I'm not one of those things, baby. I like to consider myself as a milestone. If you can, well, just see me, hear me, kiss me or even fu*k me... and you'll know what it means to be living."

  2. #2
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Please do not use extra large text, it is annoying!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Harvester Of Sorrow Deadman_Deluxe's Avatar

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    These movies were NEVER meant to be connected via a direct timeline, once you realise that fact and come to terms with it, then the easier it will all be to understand without having to over-analyse any particular aspect.

    While these movies do all take place within the same storytelling "universe" they are based upon seperate outbreaks, and unfold "in the present" so to speak. Furthermore, they do not match up with any continuation timeline through design.

    I have read your first theory, yet i really have no idea at all HOW or WHY you would reach the conclusion that the first three movies are all trapped within the confines of a "fictional 1985". I hate to be a stick in the mud, but that really is one of the daftest idea's i have heard in long time

    Your second theory sounds more promising, sounds similar to the "collective unconsciousness" theory aplicable to all living human beings, the only difference being that this "collective unconsciousness" has been built upon over many millenia and was almost certainly not immediately introduced as the result of any "virus".

    I personally am of the belief that it is this which connects GAR's flesheaters. A damaged version of this "collective unconsciousness" or, if you like, a "Pure Motorized Instinct"

  4. #4
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadman_Deluxe View Post
    These movies were NEVER meant to be connected via a direct timeline, once you realise that fact and come to terms with it, then the easier it will all be to understand without having to over-analyse any particular aspect.
    Whew.....I was beginning to worry that I was the only one around here that knew this.

  5. #5
    Just been bitten OddDNA's Avatar

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    The two theories...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Alive Man View Post
    According to my multi-dimensional convergence scenario, the Dead saga is set in some fictional mid-eighties years (1985-1988 A.C.),

    Bottom line: ZOMBIES can almost "evolve".
    Timeline...I don't know how you would put this idea together but I dont think it makes any sense. All the movies have different styles and machines not because of any alternate universe but because they were filmed in different decades. I think you are trying to make it alot more difficult. If GAR filmed all 4 movies at the same time ala LOTR all the styles and machines would be the same.

    The important part of the timeline is not when these things take place as much as GAR wanted to give the movies a feel that this is happening "now" for the movie goer. So if you went to see NOTLD when it is created you feel that it could be happening "now"...same for Dawn, Day and Land.

    as a side note I think they all happen in the same universe since we do see blades in two different movies.

    Part 2

    What ever scientist who is doing that psudoscience is a quack. Infomation cannot pass freely thoughout the universe without costing energy, and if it costs energy that would create a huge energy sink to spread all that info.
    Everything an organism needs as far as infomation goes is in the DNA, simple as that.

    Zombies wouldn't evolve because...indiviuals do not evolve only species do over time due to genetic variation in offspring. Since zombies dont reproduce in a traditional sense they have no effect on later generations of zombies. Why did it seem like zombies got smarter as the movies progressed? Because GAR wanted them to, he thought it would make a better story.


    This is not more complex than the man GAR made it to be...he didnt worry about a solid timeline...he didnt worry about how/why zombies where, he just wrote the stories.

    If someone creates something it can be no more complex or hold more meaning than they intended. If I type the sentence. "I hate milk but love cheese" you could look into it over the next 40 years and get all kinds of theories and speculation on what it means on different levels....but in the end it is really no more complex than what I typed...

    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  6. #6
    Harvester Of Sorrow Deadman_Deluxe's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    Whew.....I was beginning to worry that I was the only one around here that knew this.
    I fear we are the few.

    So far as i am aware, this was proved to be conclusive over twenty years ago ... god knows why it is still even up for debate.

  7. #7
    Just been bitten OddDNA's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    Whew.....I was beginning to worry that I was the only one around here that knew this.

    Well I dont know what you mean by direct timeline, but Night obv happens first. Dawn happens second. Land and Day it really doenst matter they both happen after dawn.

    And Blades is in Dawn and Land so that timeline is directly connected.

    If you read my last post you will see where I stand.

  8. #8
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadman_Deluxe View Post
    I fear we are the few.

    So far as i am aware, this was proved to be conclusive over twenty years ago ... god knows why it is still even up for debate.

    dotn worry im with you too and till i see a bizaaro wolrd big daddy i dont know how he comes up with this multidimensional stuff

  9. #9
    Dying The Alive Man's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by OddDNA View Post
    Timeline...I don't know how you would put this idea together but I dont think it makes any sense. All the movies have different styles and machines not because of any alternate universe but because they were filmed in different decades. I think you are trying to make it alot more difficult.
    I'm making it more fun, that's all. I know that the technical reason is that (different years; different times to shoot and release each Dead movie), but within the narrative boundaries we can "stitch" any theory we want as far as it doesn't involve demons and trolls and magic and Bill Clinton and... it IS not far away from what we see ON SCREEN...

    Quote Originally Posted by OddDNA View Post
    The important part of the timeline is not when these things take place as much as GAR wanted to give the movies a feel that this is happening "now" for the movie goer. So if you went to see NOTLD when it is created you feel that it could be happening "now"...same for Dawn, Day and Land.

    as a side note I think they all happen in the same universe since we do see blades in two different movies.
    In all regards, you're contradicting yourself. This abstract 'NOW' you're vehemently talking about implies that we're actually dealing with 4 different 'NOW's, thus 4 different timelines !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (again).
    BLADES, if something, proves that my theory could make sense if you want to embrace it, because if LAND is set in a multi-cultural 1988 A.C. and DAY is set in the multi-cultural 1985 A.C. placed prior the multi-cultural 1988 A.C., then it seems plausible to me that BLADES is present in BOTH the movies, since there's just a mere "divergence" of three years.

    Quote Originally Posted by OddDNA View Post

    This is not more complex than the man GAR made it to be...he didnt worry about a solid timeline...he didnt worry about how/why zombies where, he just wrote the stories.

    If someone creates something it can be no more complex or hold more meaning than they intended. If I type the sentence. "I hate milk but love cheese" you could look into it over the next 40 years and get all kinds of theories and speculation on what it means on different levels....but in the end it is really no more complex than what I typed...

    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
    No, a cigar is not only a penis-like object, it could also be a great source of enjoyment for some people out of there.

    GAR didn't worry about a solid timeline, be he CARED about Zombies enough to make their "evolution" a plausible thing. Since we don't really know WHY they are Zombies in the first place...
    Last edited by The Alive Man; 26-Nov-2006 at 12:57 AM.
    "I'm not one of those things, baby. I like to consider myself as a milestone. If you can, well, just see me, hear me, kiss me or even fu*k me... and you'll know what it means to be living."

  10. #10
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OddDNA View Post
    Well I dont know what you mean by direct timeline, but Night obv happens first. Dawn happens second. Land and Day it really doenst matter they both happen after dawn.

    And Blades is in Dawn and Land so that timeline is directly connected.

    If you read my last post you will see where I stand.
    Night may be first...but the films are not direct sequels and were not intended to be.

    Blades is in Land so that makes it connected to Dawn? Is this a serious statement? Ever heard of a nod....or a tip of the hat.....or just Romero and Nicotero asking an old friend to be in a film with them?

    I guess if you think in those kind of terms....."Shaun" of the Dead is directly connected to Dawn as well because it uses some of the same music.

  11. #11
    Just been bitten OddDNA's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    Night may be first...but the films are not direct sequels and were not intended to be.

    Blades is in Land so that makes it connected to Dawn? Is this a serious statement? Ever heard of a nod....or a tip of the hat.....or just Romero and Nicotero asking an old friend to be in a film with them?

    I guess if you think in those kind of terms....."Shaun" of the Dead is directly connected to Dawn as well because it uses some of the same music.

  12. #12
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Blades in Land also acted very non-zombiesh. Almost as if he was still alive. That's breaking with canon, and should seriously not be considered anything else than a reference and inside joke to those that have seen Dawn.

    As for The Stretch, it's a nice theory if you believe in it. But to me it sounds like the least plausible theory I've ever heard. :/ Sorry, but there's noway in hell you can say Dawn and Land take place within three or four years within each other!

  13. #13
    Dying radiokill's Avatar

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    I don't subscribe to the "Stretch" but if that is what makes it fun for you, rock on!
    I Corinthians 1:18-31 18For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 19For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. 20Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 21For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. 22For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: 23But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; 24But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. 25Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 26For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: 27But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 28And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: 29That no flesh should glory in his presence. 30But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: 31That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.

  14. #14
    Dying The Alive Man's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Blades in Land also acted very non-zombiesh. Almost as if he was still alive. That's breaking with canon
    The *CANON* is that the Living Dead are now smart-asses.
    "I'm not one of those things, baby. I like to consider myself as a milestone. If you can, well, just see me, hear me, kiss me or even fu*k me... and you'll know what it means to be living."

  15. #15
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Alive Man View Post
    The *CANON* is that the Living Dead are now smart-asses.
    Yeah. I know.


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