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Thread: Real version of Umbrella Corporation ?

  1. #1
    Fresh Meat Core's Avatar

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    Question Real version of Umbrella Corporation ?

    Hi there guys,

    Me and my friend had a discussion yesterday so i will ask the same question to you too.
    I am sure as a zombie and horror fun , you may have good opinions.
    Which company can be the nearest real version of Umbrella Corporation in worldwide ?

  2. #2
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Core View Post
    Which company can be the nearest real version of Umbrella Corporation in worldwide ?
    There was a company a few years back working on life-extension and suspended animation etc. that was actually experimenting with dogs. If that's not the real Umbrella or a front operation for them, I don't what else would be.

    Found info on them:

    In June 2005 scientists at the University of Pittsburgh's Safar Center for Resuscitation Research announced they had managed to place dogs in suspended animation and bring them back to life, most of them without brain damage, by draining the blood out of the dogs' bodies and injecting a low temperature solution into their circulatory systems, which in turn keeps the bodies alive in stasis. After three hours of being clinically dead, the dogs' blood was returned to their circulatory systems, and the animals were revived by delivering an electric shock to their hearts. The heart started pumping the blood around the frozen body, and the dogs were brought back to life.

    On 20 January 2006, doctors from the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston announced they had placed pigs in suspended animation with a similar technique. The pigs were anaesthetised and major blood loss was induced, along with simulated - via scalpel - severe injuries (eg. a punctured aorta as might happen in a car accident or shooting). After the pigs lost about half their blood the remaining blood was replaced with a chilled saline solution. As the body temperature reached 10 °C (50 °F) the damaged blood vessel was repaired and the blood was returned. The method was tested 200 times with a 90% success rate.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  3. #3
    Fresh Meat Core's Avatar

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    Mar 2012
    Thank you for your interesting article.Never heard that before.

    Alright so..

    #They sucked the blood from the dogs and put some kind of low temprature solution.
    #The dogs' body were still alive while in that condition but they were in coma.
    #Then after the final blood transfer and such.They made them normal again.

    But what will they use it for ? I mean our subject is *Returning the DEAD living thing to life*
    In this experiment they didnt kill the dogs and returned them to life.
    They just made them to be in coma and then returned them to normal.I know it may be big step for our subject.

    Is that all the examples i can get from the horror funs ?
    Come on guys , i dont know the companies in worldwide much but
    i am sure there are some more interesting examples for this subject.

    I will make my question more accurate

    * Which companies may do some experiments about chemical warfare or somekind of odd medicines which provides long life and such ? *


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