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Thread: Horrible Experiences

  1. #1
    Banned zombiegirl's Avatar
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    Horrible Experiences

    I have to say that this was the weekend from hell indeed. I had tickets to the Fox Theatre in St. Louis which is about 3 hours from my home. (I live in what most people around here call BFE.) I have never been there before and had no idea what kind of neighborhood it was in nor did I have a clue that my car would break down right in the middle of it. 8 city blocks from the theatre in the middle of skid row I walked with my husband in heels and formal wear to see the show I had paid $140.00 for all the while hoping the car would cool off and run better later. Lets just say I have never seen garbage line a street like that or an entire neighboorhood reek of booze without a bar in sight. Most of the buildings were falling in and I'm pretty sure the women I passed walking down the street were crack whores. Literally!
    The show was amazing I must say and recieved a standing ovation. The theatre was the most beautiful building I have ever seen in my life. Everything was so intricate and elegant. Truely an experience of a lifetime.

    The walk back was rather eventless except for the staggering bum who warned us to be out of the neighborhood before dark. He did give good directions though. The car started and got us about 4 miles before the car let out a loud boom and stoped dead in it's tracks. Unfortunately we were still in skid row. After many calls, to differrent tow agencys who were no longer answering their phone, on our cell with a dwindling battery ( 1 bar left ) we finally had to call family to come get us. My sister in law was an hour away however she was not answering. The rest of the family was 4 hours away. Thank god they answered.
    Three police cars, two of which we waved our arms at and jumped up and down, and one fire truck completely ignored us. None of these officers were in what seemed a hurry nor was the fire truck. I was completely shocked that they were unwilling to help us in any way. In fact NO ONE offered any help what so ever.
    When family did arrive it was just in time as it was about to get dark and the heat was really taking it's toll on us by that time. Anyway to end the story this little adventure wound up setting us back about 1g with gas, hotel, change of clothes and toiletries, tow, and car repair.
    Of coarse there was even more to the story but I won't go on forever.
    Any of you have weekend horror stories from some time or another?

  2. #2
    Just been bitten MapMan's Avatar

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    I got married.

    The End.

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    You sound just like Al Bundy ... "and then I met your mother ... the end"

    A collegue of mine is a quite bitter divorcee (twice now), so the other night when we were out and he was p*ssed up on red wine he was quick to warn me against marriage, or at least get a pre-nup, *chuckles*...

  4. #4
    Dying Graebel's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie
    A collegue of mine is a quite bitter divorcee (twice now)
    Hey, guys don't have sole province over that kind of ****. Its pretty bad when you can shock the marriage counselor speechless with the crap that my husband said to me.

    Horrible experience? I went out with a girlfriend for drinks after work one night. Was running late to meet my boyfriend at the time. It was raining, I was speeding, and tailgating the guy in front of me and three cop cars pull me over. Then, I get the bullhorn. "Get out of the car with your hands up. No sudden moves. And three cops jump on me.

    I'd bought my dad's truck from him but didn't change the plates or registration at first. He has a concealed weapons permit. That, plus the speeding, gave them just cause to treat me like an escaped convict (with all of those fringe benefits) when all I needed was a ticket.

    Needless to say, the f%$kers didn't even apologize.

  5. #5
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zombiegirl
    I have to say that this was the weekend from hell indeed. I had tickets to the Fox Theatre in St. Louis which is about 3 hours from my home. (I live in what most people around here call BFE.) I have never been there before and had no idea what kind of neighborhood it was in nor did I have a clue that my car would break down right in the middle of it. 8 city blocks from the theatre in the middle of skid row I walked with my husband in heels and formal wear to see the show I had paid $140.00 for all the while hoping the car would cool off and run better later. Lets just say I have never seen garbage line a street like that or an entire neighboorhood reek of booze without a bar in sight. Most of the buildings were falling in and I'm pretty sure the women I passed walking down the street were crack whores. Literally!
    The show was amazing I must say and recieved a standing ovation. The theatre was the most beautiful building I have ever seen in my life. Everything was so intricate and elegant. Truely an experience of a lifetime.

    The walk back was rather eventless except for the staggering bum who warned us to be out of the neighborhood before dark. He did give good directions though. The car started and got us about 4 miles before the car let out a loud boom and stoped dead in it's tracks. Unfortunately we were still in skid row. After many calls, to differrent tow agencys who were no longer answering their phone, on our cell with a dwindling battery ( 1 bar left ) we finally had to call family to come get us. My sister in law was an hour away however she was not answering. The rest of the family was 4 hours away. Thank god they answered.
    Three police cars, two of which we waved our arms at and jumped up and down, and one fire truck completely ignored us. None of these officers were in what seemed a hurry nor was the fire truck. I was completely shocked that they were unwilling to help us in any way. In fact NO ONE offered any help what so ever.
    When family did arrive it was just in time as it was about to get dark and the heat was really taking it's toll on us by that time. Anyway to end the story this little adventure wound up setting us back about 1g with gas, hotel, change of clothes and toiletries, tow, and car repair.
    Of coarse there was even more to the story but I won't go on forever.
    Any of you have weekend horror stories from some time or another?
    My wedding in 1995 was horrible. The worst weekend of my life. LMAO!. My now ex husband wrecked his car on a Thursday, he blew the engine in mine on the Friday. Saturday Feb 18, 1995 of our wedding the minister forgot he was marrying us and the church was locked up so we had to find the minister and the church lady and give them hell. And my ex hubby's guests showed but the people i invited did not show up except for my step mom from hell and dad. My bridesmaids fought and wanted to walk out on the whole thing. I did not see my husband the whole weekend for he was rebuilding my engine which he f*cked up and had to hire a professional to do anyway. And less than a week from shelling out a fortune to fix my car i was stranded on the highway due to a bad alternator and the car was stolen from the side of the highway.

  6. #6
    Dying Graebel's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by HLS
    My wedding in 1995 was horrible. The worst weekend of my life. LMAO!. My now ex husband wrecked his car on a Thursday, he blew the engine in mine on the Friday. Saturday Feb 18, 1995 of our wedding the minister forgot he was marrying us and the church was locked up so we had to find the minister and the church lady and give them hell. And my ex hubby's guests showed but the people i invited did not show up except for my step mom from hell and dad. My bridesmaids fought and wanted to walk out on the whole thing. I did not see my husband the whole weekend for he was rebuilding my engine which he f*cked up and had to hire a professional to do anyway. And less than a week from shelling out a fortune to fix my car i was stranded on the highway due to a bad alternator and the car was stolen from the side of the highway.
    Eek. You win.

  7. #7
    Just been bitten Zombie-A-GoGo's Avatar

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    I arrived in Pa from CA to help my mother around the house for a week as my father had been sick with cancer for about 9 months at that point and she'd been taking care of him 24-7. I flew in on a Friday evening, spending most of the 7 hour plane ride going over things that I needed to say to him because I expected this to be the last time I saw him. I arrived and planned on seeing him in the hospital the following morning. He died that night, I never saw him again, I missed him by just a handful of hours, and everything went unsaid. That was the worst weekend of my life. Any other bad weekend I can think of that come close are too personal (yes, more personal than this, frankly) for me to discuss here, but are pretty ****ing horrible as well.

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  8. #8
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    Heading to Gainesville to see the Rolling Stones in November of 94. My alternator belt broke, but luckily I was rolling down a hill and rolled just enough to get off the next interstate exit. It was a dead exit with a closed gas station. I had no change to use the phone, only dollar bills. I tried everything within my sight to make a usuable enough belt to get me to the next exit, nothing worked. I got a tow truck out there about 4 hours later, I missed the concert, and had to just drive home once my car was finished, about midnight.

  9. #9
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Any of you have weekend horror stories from some time or another?
    Well, I think that the real horror story with what you experienced is that in our country of our wealth and resources, we still have people who are left out and live in what you describe as "skid row". Did you see the irony of being decked out to the nines, going to a $140 show, while having to travel through an area of crack whores and skid row inmates to get there? And only 8 blocks away? Just like in Romero's "Land of the Dead", we as a society tend to just ignore problems. Zombies taking control of the world, right outside our gates? Hmmm...well pass me a cigar and some wine while I count my money. People in desparate need of help, with no resources an no opportunites? Hope I can walk thru them without incident in order to get to my $140 show....

  10. #10
    Banned zombiegirl's Avatar
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    Well Philly before we start pointing fingers as to who is ignoring the problem what exactly have you done to help? I have been an active volunteer for the local domestic violence shelter, I have also given numerous hours to the homeless shelter. I donate what ever I can spare to the tragedy in Darfur and I have taken people into my home who have no place to live many times. I make exactly $22,000.00 a year and that show was my summer vacation so remember that staying in your $200.00 dollar a night hotel in PA. Also the car that broke down was a 93 concorde which is exactly all I can afford. By American standards I live at poverty level and worked extremely hard to earn the money for that show and is probably something I'll never be able to again. Don't burn me if you don't know me or the circumstances.

  11. #11
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Don't burn me if you don't know me or the circumstances.
    I wasnt "burning you", what I said was
    we as a society tend to just ignore problems.
    The "we as a society" I thought was a general statement about all of us, myself included, and not intended as a direct comment about you. I just said that it was ironic, thats all. Sorry if you took offense.

  12. #12
    Banned Venomous's Avatar
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    That really is unfortunate.

  13. #13
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Getting stuck with your car in s**ts ville is a nightmare. I'm sure you felt like a target, cause you were. I had a fan belt snap just before the third ave/willis Ave bridge in The South Bronx in 1991. world reknown hardcore spot. My friend from Conneticut wasn't nervous, but I knew the deal. I ended up blowing over the bridge overheating to get the hell out of there, screw the radiator. I ended up rigging it up.
    Where I grew up, in a suburb, I saw crack whores all the time. As in tuesday morning at 9, walking the stroll all skanked out. later I lived in an apt on ground floor and I could hear the crack whores arguing with their gorilla pimps all night. gunshots, the whole 9.
    I rather just get stuck and be "shocked" then see it everyday and not be. I see a 'real" crack ho and literally think... nothing! "there's a pigeon, theres a newspaper box, there's a crack ho"

    And Cops are worthless. They want to be treated with 'respect" because they are "heros", but 9 times out of ten they don't care, are nasty and treat victims like criminals. If you get mugged the first question is "gave you ever been arrested". Being that 2 million Americans are in Prison I would guess that many people have, then your a criminal and ignored. Even if not, they don't care.
    A friend of mine in college got gay bashed and when he approached a cop, the cop ssaid f*** you faggot and drove away.

    I was on the way to a show and my friends motor blew. lots of Smoke etc. Cop pulls up fast on the side of the highway, almost hits me and my friend. 1st thing he says is
    "any marijuna, Angel Dust, PCP, Crack, Cocaine?"
    Redundancies aside, how about what happened, what do you need, are you okay ?etc.


  14. #14
    Banned zombiegirl's Avatar
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    I am very sorry for what I said above Philly. I misunderstood what you were saying and shot off my mouth. For this I apologize to you for my actions.

  15. #15
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    One time I tripped and skinned my knee.


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