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Thread: This is it - last weekend of principal photograhpy for Deadlands!

  1. #1
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    This is it - last weekend of principal photograhpy for Deadlands!

    We (Dj and myself) are happy to announce this weekend is the FINAL weekend of principal photography for Deadlands: The Rising.


    What a long haul it has been, too.

    I know many of you have been watching the progress of this project closely, and I wanted to let every one of you the project is still on track and moving along very nicely. After this weekend, the film moves completely into post-production and then the real fun begins.

    Things such as movie poster concept art, dvd case artwork, etc. are all also being reviewed during the post-production process, so we're all still multi-tasking the hell out of ourselves, especially Dj. How that SOB has kept his sanity between the ups and downs of this project is completely beyond my comprehension, but he has managed to pull everyone together and make what I believe will be a really good, entertaining - and most importantly, scary film.

    This weekend, we are heading back up to the city of Gaithersburg, MD to do more filming on the street. Yeah, once again Dj has somehow convinced the people in Gaithersburg to allow us to close down the same road we used last year for yet more filming. I have no idea who he's blowing to get this accomplished, but they must enjoy it. (sorry man, I couldn't resist )

    As some of you know, the "Official" release date of the film has been slated for December 19, 2006. However.... there is a possibility that date could be moved up to as early as Halloween. It all depends on how smoothly post-production goes onces the filming this weekend is complete. We will keep everyone posted.

    I can say this: I have seen some of the edited footage, and I think everyone is in for quite a surprise. What the movie started out to be, and what it has morphed into are two totally different animals, and I'm pleased to say the animal it's turned into is a much better one than the original concept.

    Wish us luck - I'll report back in early next week after I recover from this weekends festivities.. it's gonna be a loooong weekend.

    Deadlands: The Rising -- Official Website

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Washington, DC
    Good job, can't wait to see it!

  3. #3
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Dudes, I've been looking forward to this......bring that b*tch on!!!!!

  4. #4
    Just been bitten Pistolero Films's Avatar

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    Cool! And congrats!

    I'd say the Dec 19th release date is good. Typically, movies don't do well around Halloween (even horrors).

    Just dont rush the post production...from what I saw it looks great, keep up the good work and we'll be here when it is complete!

  5. #5
    Just been bitten Fulcifan91's Avatar

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    Just thought I'd say hey. New on the forums here, but I am a peice of a makeup company (Spaghetti Industries) that is working on DJ's film 'Deadlands' I'd been meaning to join for a while, so, finally, here I am.

    I've been told it looks like i type with boxing gloves on...
    Just a forwarning.

  6. #6
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    Harsh avatar dude, really.

    The FX in deadlands look good. I applaud the efforts of you and your team.

  7. #7
    Just been bitten Fulcifan91's Avatar

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    Haha, yeah, i guess being and FX artist and all, my emotions are kind of turned off.

    But im glad you like the FX.

    We're only responsable for half of the stuff in the film though, we came in a year after shooting started, but weve worked every weekend for almost 2 months!

  8. #8
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Well everyone... Principal Photography has wrapped. I of course will assume that once I get the film pieced together I will need pick-up shots, but all in all the major part of filming is done.

    A big thanks goes out to all Make-Up personnel...

    Stephanie Petagno - make-Up FX supervisor (Coleptera Productions)
    Christian Quantrillo & Scott Simpson from Spaghetti Industries Inc.
    Chris Suda - Make- Up tech
    Crystal Maria - Make-Up tech
    Shane Vannest - Make-Up tech

    Without you guys there would be no scare and no gore in DEADLANDS. Of course my extras who have been with me through thick & thin, You guys have stuck by me 100%.

    My Crew - Especially my DP Thomas Fant. You truly are the mutherf*cking man.

    My Production team - It has been a long ride... Now let's get it together and get it out there for the people.

    To everyone following the flick... thanks for your support. The wait is almost over.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  9. #9
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Yes, our makeup crew deserves some HUGE props for their work on this project. You guys really do a fantastic job!

    Well, the last weekend of principal photography is complete. I have some pictures to share from this past weekend, which I will post a bit later tonight or tomorrow when I have a few minutes to myself (dammit, life keeps getting in the way). What I thought was going to be a grueling weekend of filming actually turned out a lot better than I thought it was going to be. We got some great footage and even filmed one of the most spine-chilling scenes of the movie.

    I'm sure we'll have a small amount of pickup shots here and there after Dj is done editing the footage he has, but these will be very small/minor scenes. They aren't major scenes, they'll be more for continuing continuity and adding some things that need a bit more embellishment, but for the most part, filming is pretty much complete.

    Oh, what a looooong strange trip it's been, eh Dj?


  10. #10
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Long and strange...

    I just found the original July 20th 2005 shooting draft... (Where the rolling on the floor laughing Yahoo smiley when you need him)

    Anyway, I took a break from doing the end credits... yes it is a long list. I think we broke the record for extras in all seriousness. Anyway, I was digging through the waiver folders and I found the script and I think we filmed about 60% of what was in that script, the rest we modified or revised as we went along.

    I have the films running time upto 64 minutes with credits. I think with the filler shots we need to do and some minor pick-ups we could easily knock this out and bring up the running time to 67 minutes.

    I can't extend the credits much more, with all the extras listed and other credits the running time on those alone reaches 8 minutes and change. I however still need to add the music we used in the film to the end credits which will probably extend them another minute.

    Post production has been great.... aside from VEGAS just deciding to dump all the foley from track #4. I re-inserted 80% of it back in and am building the ending scenes up a little bit.

    Also, those of you whom are quick to turn off a film at the start of the credits... won't want to do that as I slightly continue the story after the end credits for about 1 minute.

    I will put in more detailed reports in the next few weeks.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  11. #11
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG
    Also, those of you whom are quick to turn off a film at the start of the credits... won't want to do that as I slightly continue the story after the end credits for about 1 minute.

    I wasn't sure if you were going to pull that rabbit out of your hat or not. Apparently so. Good call!


  12. #12
    Just been bitten Fulcifan91's Avatar

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    Also, DJ, on the work print, the scene with the shot of baltimore (trying not to givve anythign away) the time is cut off by the edge of the screen, so only the minutes of the time are visable, nto the hours, just thought i'd let you know incase you didnt.

    Also, the feast scene has the " DEADLANDS: THe rising, Carea: THomas fant, Director: Gary Ugarek etc.." in it, you may already know that also, but i figured its better to be safe than sorry.

  13. #13
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    yeah, I put those on the work prints...

    To help distinguish that from the A Print.

    I am rendering the very first full rough cut since filming wrapped Sunday morning. As soon as it is done rendering I am going to pop this sucker intot he DVD player and give the film a watch...

    To the cast & crew you copies will be coming soon. Cast & crew will get a rough cut as the crew copy which may or maynot contains scenes in the final version.
    Last edited by DjfunkmasterG; 20-Jun-2006 at 09:42 PM.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  14. #14
    Just been bitten Fulcifan91's Avatar

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    Jun 2006
    I saw the "Attack on the Jam" scene yesterday, kudos on that, it looks great!

  15. #15
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Howdy kids... Uncle Dj here with another report from the battle lines of DEADLANDS. I have completed a rough edit which is not color corrected, not completely scored, contains no visual FX and needs a few pick-up shots here and there... otherwise the film is done.

    I have asked axlish to be the first person to review the film and I am about to send him a copy today for him to critique over the weekend. He is aware the score isn't completely intact, and the above mentioned items aren't complete yet.

    So once axlish gets the film all he has to do is pop it in and then let the community know his thoughts. I chose axlish because he will critique everything in the film yet being fair with certain flaws based on budget. The copy I am sending him runs 58 minutes and is what I will consider to be the UNRATED edition. I also have a version I am working on that the MPAA will take a look at. I am hoping to squeeze an R out of them, but I did mention in the paperwork I would settle for an NC-17.

    It won't be much longer kids... I have someone doing the preliminary art for the DVD case and I am in the middle of making a BTS feature for the DVD. LouCIpherr is also doing a BTS feature for the film. He is taking photos he took on the set and aseembling them into a picture show which he and I will narrate.

    Oh... as I promised a clip will be ready for viewing this weekend. I will put it online Saturday morning and chime in with the address.

    ta ta

    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*


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