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Thread: Spoiler Image from Preview of TWD

  1. #1

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    Spoiler Image from Preview of TWD

    **Warning, Spoiler (albeit a vague one) ahead**

    Was just watching something on AMC and saw a new variant of the Pray/Prey for the Dead TWD commercial. There were several brief images I most definitely hadn't seen before, but the one that I felt was quite notable was
    Carol on the ground on her stomach, her head raised (essentially to look out in front of her) with a bloody mouth, and (this next part I'm not 110% sure on) what seemed to be significant streaks/streams of blood from the corners of her mouth, rapidly and steadily streaming down on either side of her chin.

    Take it for what you will. I don't know what to make of it, beyond a POSSIBLE connection to another visual/audio preview fragment, this one
    Herschel, saying "We were attacked, from OUTSIDE the Prison." (Herschel's emphasis on the word "Outside", for whatever reason) with a brief image of him looking down at a female figure prone on some part of the prison's floor, right up against some bars but not in a cell or in front of one, wearing what looked in that brief instant like a long white nightgown, or maybe robe. Dunno. There didn't seem to be any blood on the prone/unmoving female body other than MAYBE a flash at the end of the image of some facial-streaking, (I'm less than 60% sure on that visual detail). So, no idea what that means that wouldn't be pure 110% unsupported speculation.

    Then there was
    The obligatory shots of Walkers inside the Prison. Deliberately shot to obfuscate knowledge of future plot-elements, due to the rapid-fire image changes and in varying between images of things that have already happened (A shot of the Patrick-Walker first opening its bloody eyes, the female Walker Herschel struggled with getting up and snarling.) Then images of things that we've yet to see. Michonne behind the wheel of "Rick's" car, angling towards the inner breach where Rick and Carl gunned down the Walker-mob, as if to run down the four to six Walkers almost to that breach...or maybe she's planning on using the car as a temporary plug in the fence breach, who knows?
    There were a couple more image-flashes, but I didn't glean any meaning from them they were gone too quickly.

    Still, I thought the new preview/advertisement was unusually heavy with images from future episodes you could (maybe, and who knows if it'd be correctly) glean actual information from, rather than simply being the absolutely no-context shots usually the order of the day when it comes to fragments of scenes from future episodes. Make of it what you will, for instance
    The shot of Carol on the ground SEEMS to be at the Prison, but I couldn't pick out a definitive piece of background visual to confirm that. It could just as easily be something like Rick having a guilt-induced imagining of how Carol might've already ended up. Or a brief "And over here, this is what's happening with Carol" kind of thing. Similar to how the plot would pop in on Andrea/Michonne while they were holed up in that building due to Andrea's illness. No way of knowing. All it definitively reveals is something common sense has already informed us of. Ie: The high degree of probability that we'd see Carol again, in one fashion or another. Would be kind of bizarre if she'd hooked up with Martinez's group, being ignorant of the fact he was the Gov's #2 guy...and then the Gov literally drops in to said group. But it'd be no more improbable than the very man Martinez and the other guy bailed on suddenly showing up. Or Rick stumbling across the very group that included his wife, son and now-late ex-best friend. (Was about to also mention Rich/Michonne/Carl running into Morgan, but then I remembered they did actually return to the area that had been part of the Grimes family's old life.)

    Just thought this stuff bore mention for those like myself, who try to divine clues as to future plot developments when and where possible. Realize it's not very substantial in any respect, but that's by design on their part.


  2. #2
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    I didn't read much of what you had to say, Wyld, just to avoid more spoilers, but, I did notice something strange about that Pray/Prey for the dead promo that I don't really wanna find more about.

    I also hear that there is a New Zealand trailer out there with HUGE spoilers in it. So beware if you come across it. DON'T CLICK!
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2010
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    There IS a 3rd marauding group out there that Carol could've found. The one that took out the camping group in tonights episode.

    They make these promos and trailers deliberately vague so any spoilers they seem to give can just as easily wind up being misleading. They never REALLY spoil anything anymore than the overall predictability of the show already does. For some reason, there's just certain types that avoid like the plague anything that gives any information away. Which is a little odd. Because it's not like the show is so unconventional that there's no way of knowing what happens next. It's pretty predictable in reality. So you'd have to force yourself to not think about what might happen next if you wanted to prevent spoilers. Maybe they do that too? Not sure, I'm not a spoiler nazi.
    So I'm gonna go find those promos and the new zealand trailer.


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