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Thread: Matt Dillon Arrested for going 106mph in a 65 zone in Vermont

  1. #1
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Matt Dillon Arrested for going 106mph in a 65 zone in Vermont

    Nice way to spend New years. What a Dunsky.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  2. #2

    "A sheriff's convention no less! Why couldn't it have been a Tupperware convention?"

  3. #3
    Chasing Prey

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    have to admit, I do speed often myself...but only on motorways when they're empty, at night etc...nothing like doing 100+mph on an empty road...gotta curb it though, it's at very least dangerous to myself...
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  4. #4
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I always boot my car,but i know when to slow down in built up areas & for corners,and my sat nav tells me when im near a camera so im hardly reckless.
    As for Dillon, obviously i dont know the guy, but he looks like the kind who is a bit of a penis

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I stick to the speed limits thank you very much.

    I can't be doing with c*nts who go 40 through a 60, and then continue at 40 through the subsequent 30 zone either. Absolute bell-ended c*nt rags.

    Just hearing stories, like that stupid rich kid wanker who was pushing a ton in a 30 zone and smashed into a car (or was it people walking on a pavement? I forget...) anyway, this poor little girl was the only victim of the accident, and she's now on some sort of life support for the rest of her life, brain damaged beyond repair ... and all because some stupid c*nt who should never have been given the priviledge of driving couldn't control his right foot, the rich-kid twat.

    So I absolutely don't abide speeders flailing around recklessly ... nor people who slam their breaks on at every slight curve in the road, nor people who can't decide whether to go at one speed or another - which, on motorways, always requires you to do around 80 to overtake them to get beyond their bemused indecision and lack of consistent control over their right foot.

    I also can't be doing with stupid bastards who sit on your arse, or that absolute F*CKING C*NT FACED TWAT SH*T who almost rear-ended the absolute crap out of my car when I turned onto a road from a junction - I could see a good, long distance down the road as I approached it from the slip-road, in second gear I kept on going as all was clear - so was doing about 15 or 20mph and accelerated swiftly, by the time I'd straightened on the road - this absolute moronic piece of sh*t was right up behind me from literally out of nowhere, doing at least 80mph (on a 60 road) and HE - THAT C*NT - was flashing his lights and blaring his horn AT ME!!!

    Absolute piece of sh*t, I had hoped he'd crash within minutes so I could pull over and mock him, but he didn't, but he tried to overtake on two blind corners when he quickly got up behind traffic not far up ahead, so I was flashing my lights constantly at him, making liberal use of the middle finger and the wanker motion, so furious I forgot where my horn was - I always do that.

    Admittedly my driving history hasn't been unblighted, I've occasionally made the odd stupid move, or barged it a bit, but I always stuck to the 20s, 30s and 40 zones - I mean who could live with themselves if they hit some kid and killed them or seriously f*cked them up for life? Why be so stupid to ruin many peoples lives, just to try and get somewhere 5 minutes earlier?! It's f*cking disgusting.


    As for motorways, I think the limit should be upped to 80mph. The cops don't even bother with anything between 70 and 80 anyway (especially pointless if the "10 percent rule" applies - you can do 10 percent over the limit without getting shafted apparently) ... and then well, speedometers aren't always accurate. Mine says its doing 5mph when it's switched off in the garage.

    80 is plenty on the motorway I think.

    Speed doesn't kill, stupid c*nts who should never have gotten a license, and not paying attention kills. Also, going too fast into a corner/breaking through a corner makes numpties skew off into the other lane - if only they'd just watch some Top Gear, they'd know from The Stig and that episode where James May was taught by Jackie Stewart, that you break before the corner and then accelerate through it - you stick to the road and do the correct, workable speed. A driving tip I've used ever since learning it from Top Gear.


    And to think the facist Nazis called 'our government' (they're not my government though, they can shove themselves up their own arse), are thinking about introducing GPS speed limiters for cars ... ... an idea that's beyond sick, twisted and utterly sh*tty.


  6. #6
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Dillon had the need....


  7. #7
    Crikey, Minion was on a right old c**tfest then innit?

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Just hearing stories, like that stupid rich kid wanker who was pushing a ton in a 30 zone and smashed into a car (or was it people walking on a pavement? I forget...) anyway, this poor little girl was the only victim of the accident, and she's now on some sort of life support for the rest of her life, brain damaged beyond repair ... and all because some stupid c*nt who should never have been given the priviledge of driving couldn't control his right foot, the rich-kid twat.
    Yeah, I remember that on the news. I think it was a kid in her buggy or summat, twat ploughed into her dead on. Makes you sick.

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Crikey, Minion was on a right old c**tfest then innit?

    Aye Sir, that's just how pissed off I was ... and how pissed off I continually am at some of the pathetic driving on our roads. It's shocking really ... ... especially that absolute c*nt who nearly smashed right up in the back of me like I was talking about - TOTAL C*NT.

    If only he'd veered off the road and landed in a ditch, I could have hopped out, taken a picture, mocked him mercilessly, then possibly called 999 ... but the rozzers first ... to say "arrest this c*nt will ya?!"

  9. #9

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    If he was gonna get caught for that, he shoulda done it in something cooler than an Impala. Like a Ferrari.
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  10. #10
    Dead Marie's Avatar

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    I think it's some kind of rule that if you're a celebrity and your name hasn't hit the press in awhile then you have to do something s__t brained to get it there again. This was his effort.

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