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Thread: Indoctrinating children

  1. #1
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    Indoctrinating children

    This video makes me want to puke.

  2. #2
    Banned User

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    There is so much wrong with that... whatever, everybody knows how weird the public education system can get... at least it's not the cotton-eyed joe.

  3. #3
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    looking at the lyrics on the side, creepy though it is, its nice to hear a kid use the word equality nowadays, and hell wasnt there something like this a few years back for bush, only instead of "everybody's the same" its was some "patriot" good ole' boys crap about distrusting people?, but the whole things odd, i assume someone wants an american "god save the queen" when they do this but when its a voted in figure it seems kind of moot, though of course someone in the "royalty" isnt better than anyone else or deserving praise but it seems stuff like this si easier to swallow for someone who got there title because of there dad than someone who worked for it and was voted in.

    *picks nose* royals man.... they creep me out.

  4. #4
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    I don't know which is worse--the video itself or the more than 7,500 insane comments which were left in an hour.

  5. #5
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    What sort of man is this? He is the One. He is the Chosen One. What sort of man is He? Even the little children sing His praises.


  6. #6
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    "Okay, children. Now pass around the kool aid.....The mothership will be here soon."

  7. #7
    Had to stop watching 10 seconds into the kids chanting...

  8. #8
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    Both of those videos show exactly what is
    wrong with the extreme left and right.

    The first one shows kids being made to
    sing songs of praise to Obama like hes
    some sort of super human.
    Wrong for exploiting children.

    The second one actually shows Obamas
    face on the body of Jesus and using a story
    from the Bible to make fun of him.
    Wrong for defiling some peoples religion.

    This is what happens when partianiship rears
    its ugly head. You get morons teaching kids
    to sing creepy songs and peoples sacred values
    mocked to make a politician look bad.

    I think time would be better served if instead
    people got together and worked on issues like
    the wars, health care, the deficit, unemployment,
    getting away from dependence on oil, and many
    many items of far greater importance.

    People wonder why I am independent.
    Cuz I look at the behavior of the far left
    and the right and they both make me wanna
    puke on my shoes.

    I dont think we should give up to the extremists tho.
    Its possible if we get off our asses we can solve things.

  9. #9
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Capn - me too, it grossed me out.

    No political side should have any person pledging themselves to serve them like a bunch of slaves, whether they be left or right, I find the idea disgusting.

    The gubment - they're the ones who are supposed to be serving the PEOPLE - that's the way around it's supposed to be!

    If I was in America, I couldn't vote for anyone. The Republicans are far too right wing for me, and the Democrats are far too left wing for me ... plus all I ever see them do is fight with each other like it's primary school, and it's frankly pathetic.

    The tub-thumping out-right popular hatred of Bush was pathetic, and the tub-thumping out-right popular sucking-off of Obama is pathetic. Equally, the slavish devotion to Bush by some was disturbing, and the slavish devotion to Obama is likewise disturbing.

    And, this whole "celebrity politician" thing that's happening at the moment, most typified by Obama of late, really sickens me.

    Get on with the fuckin' job and fixing shit!

    Finally - leave the kids out of it too. It's why I also don't like kids being swallowed up by religion before they can make their own decisions.

    I was left to my own devices in that department, and I chose not to be religious as I didn't find it to my liking ... instead, I'm of the mind of "do good things and good things happen" as well as respecting people.

    They should show My Name Is Earl to kids instead ... I'm only half-joking, I guess.

  10. #10
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Bluerggghhh does Obama himself sanction & approve of this shit, or is it just the kind of thing his foaming at the mouth supporters have thought up? During the campaign he seemed a little bit bemused by it all so I kinda doubt its of his making!
    We have some similar songs over here for our knight in shining armour Gordon Brown..

    And I have to add this one

  11. #11
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    The second one actually shows Obamas
    face on the body of Jesus and using a story
    from the Bible to make fun of him.
    Wrong for defiling some peoples religion.
    Defiling? How so? I'm spiritual and took no offense. If anyone's faith has been defiled by this video then they don't have much faith at all. You seem to want to dump all Xtians into one cross-shaped box and then dictate to us how we should feel about this.

    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    peoples sacred values
    mocked to make a politician look bad.
    How does the Obamessiah video mock "sacred" values. If anything if mocks Mr. Soetoro (himself a mockery of "sacred" values). This wasn't a religious text. It was a movie (and not all that accurate probably due to budgetary constraints and lack of realistic special effects).

    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    I think time would be better served if instead
    people got together and worked on issues like
    the wars, health care, the deficit, unemployment,
    getting away from dependence on oil, and many
    many items of far greater importance.
    The differences of opinion on these issues make it impossible for people to "get together".

    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    People wonder why I am independent.
    Cuz I look at the behavior of the far left
    and the right and they both make me wanna
    puke on my shoes.
    I do not wonder why you are an Independent because I am too, both politically and spiritually. In comparing the videos I see inappropriate behavior by public employees versus parody.

    Those "teachers" should be given their walking papers and the folks over at Nose on Your Face should keep on making funny political satire IMHO.

    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    I dont think we should give up to the extremists tho.
    Its possible if we get off our asses we can solve things.
    John Lennon was a dreamer too, Kortick, and a very nice fellow to boot.


    You betcha'!

  12. #12
    Dead Purge's Avatar

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    "All are equal in his sight"?! I recall reading that someplace:

    Galatians 3:28- " There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
    Colossians 3:11- "Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all."

    Did I mention I'm never having kids?

  13. #13
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    The Buddy Christ > All.

  14. #14
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    de⋅file–verb- to sully, as a person's reputation

    des-e-crate- verb- to divest of sacred or hallowed character

    It is definitely defilement to say that replacing
    Christs head with Obama and making fun of the

    I dont know how anyone can say that using the gospel
    where Jesus preaches 'Let he who hath no sin
    cast the first stone' being used in a tacky you
    tube video isnt a desecration.

    Whether it offends every christian or it doesnt
    does not change its insult, and how those who made
    it did so to be sensational and controversial at the
    expense of the faith of others.

    Just as that vid of those kids singing is disgusting.

    To me it shows how both sides are willing to sink
    as low as possible for thier own ends, which in the
    end benefit no one.

    And I agree they will never get together to fix things, and that
    John Lennon was the man who said:
    "you may say I'm a dreamer, but Im not the only one
    I hope some day you join us, and the world will live as one"

    He also said "All you need is Love",
    however Love didnt stop those bullets on
    December 8, 1980.

    So I guess the kids will keep singing and Jesus
    will be a black president on you tube.
    Last edited by kortick; 26-Sep-2009 at 04:44 AM.

  15. #15
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    This could go on for days ...

    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    It is definitely defilement to say that replacing
    Christs head with Obama and making fun of the
    First off, Christ's head wasn't replaced. That was the head of an actor pretending to be Christ (that is the basis of acting -- pretending to be someone else).

    As far as I know, Christ hasn't starred in any movies. And that is what this was -- a movie -- not a sacred person, object, or place and, as far as I'm concerned, it must be one of these in order for defilement to occur.

    Heck, if you wanna go there, think of the original movie itself as a form of blasphemy, as in an actor is pretending that he is God for the sake of entertainment -- kinda like a puppet show for snake handlers and poison drinkers. If the movie itself is blasphemous it cannot be defiled or desecrated.

    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    I dont know how anyone can say that using the gospel
    where Jesus preaches 'Let he who hath no sin
    cast the first stone' being used in a tacky you
    tube video isnt a desecration.
    Had Yeshua Ben Yosef (Joshua son of Joseph) Himself starred in the film and His head was replaced with Barry Soetoro's, then I'd say that desecration had taken place.

    However, in order for desecration to occur it must be against a sacred person, object, or place -- not against an actor, or a movie. This is a movie based on the Gospels, it is not the Gospels.

    Consider the film The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson. It is also based on the Gospels, but I've never seen a more unscriptural piece of garbage in my life. I can't believe how a film made about such a powerful being (Christ), turned Him into such a victim of mankind. Yet, uneducated Xtians flocked to this film in droves. If these are the people who will be offended by the Nose on Your Face video, let them be offended.

    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    Whether it offends every christian or it doesnt
    does not change its insult, and how those who made
    it did so to be sensational and controversial at the
    expense of the faith of others.
    If it rattled the faith of someone, their faith is obviously weak and in need of rattling.

    But, hey! Maybe this will get the "Moral Majority" all in an uproar to join forces with the extreme Left to demand internet censorship of material that offends based on religious, social, or political grounds. Is that what you mean by coming together?

    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    John Lennon was the man who said:
    "you may say I'm a dreamer, but Im not the only one
    I hope some day you join us, and the world will live as one"

    He also said "All you need is Love",
    however Love didnt stop those bullets on
    November 9, 1980.
    Those bullets didn't kill love. It still exists in abundance.


    It is not that I don't believe in Jesus, Kortick, but the following video pretty much sums up my view of organized "religion".

    I have seen the Pumpkinhead and he is us.
    Last edited by strayrider; 26-Sep-2009 at 05:56 AM.


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