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Thread: Pure grossness

  1. #1

    Pure grossness

    This is where you tell other members about the grossest things that have happened to you.

    I'll start. My mum has trouble with mice a lot as she lives at the country end of Bromley, and one night I was making a sandwich there. The bread had a strange meaty taste but it was just normal bread. I ate it anyway and forgot about it. The following morning, I told mum about the weird tasting bread and she said, "yeah, I know, I threw it away this morning. Should've of done it yesterday because I saw it moving."

    Well, I put 2+2 together and nearly threw up. Thanks for the head's up, mum.

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Seeing my incision for the first time after surgery last year was pretty darn gross. In fact the whole below the belt region was in a right old state after surgery, as I lay there in bed under the heaviest goddamn blanket ever (which wasn't helping my agonised man zone any), my head swaying with the general anaesthetic.


    The time in High School when everyone got their BCG jab was pretty gross too, as everyone got those really big, pussy, scabby bits around the jab point, and morons thought it was funny to punch people there, so there were many shirts with yellow and red splotches on them.


    One time at a service station somewhere between Oxford and Norwich I saw the biggest turd. It was thick in girth too, and was poking out over the rim of the bog, and snaked - without any breaks - all the way down and up the u-bend out of sight.


    Finally, when I was about six years old, I saw a toilet in a Pizza Hut (think it was them, or possibly their similarly named rivals) men's room which was clogged with a nasty load of shit, my dad flushed the bog and it just filled right up to the top and had floaters swirling around and everything - I've never forgotten that.

  3. #3
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    The time in High School when everyone got their BCG jab was pretty gross too, as everyone got those really big pussy...

  4. #4
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I once had a massive polinidal cyst removed which then had to be packed with gauze every few hours because it healed from the inside out. I guess it's more gross for my mom because she was the one packing, but damn it was nasty and hurt...

    FYI - Polinidal cysts are caused by ingrown hair infection at the top of the buttocks. Basically....they're scooped out with an ice cream scoop. And some can get massive. As did mine.
    Last edited by bassman; 12-Feb-2010 at 11:41 AM.

  5. #5
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    not to bad, just recent, i was cleaning out the fridge and found a full glass of out of date pure orange juice with a carpet of mold growing on TOP of the fluid, never seen that before.

    ---------- Post added at 12:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    The time in High School when everyone got their BCG jab was pretty gross too, as everyone got those really big, pussy, scabby bits around the jab point, and morons thought it was funny to punch people there, so there were many shirts with yellow and red splotches on them.
    I was VERY lucky in high school and was immune to most of the things we needed jabs for naturally, i went in first for the meningitus one, got the 6 needle test jab and instantly got these 6 big red dots on my arm just above my wrist and the lady goes "oh, well looks like you immune already kid, no jab for you"

    So naturally i leave and head through the waiting room holding my upper arm pretending im in incredible pain.

    -but yeah, almost every person bar me was smacking each other on there pussy-scabs, so 5 or 6 years on they all have this mark on there arm like a cigar was put out on there arm.

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krakenslayer View Post
    I can't believe I missed the puss/pussy thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    FYI - Polinidal cysts are caused by ingrown hair infection at the top of the buttocks. Basically....they're scooped out with an ice cream scoop. And some can get massive. As did mine.


    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    not to bad, just recent, i was cleaning out the fridge and found a full glass of out of date pure orange juice with a carpet of mold growing on TOP of the fluid, never seen that before.
    A few weeks back I microwaved a double-bag of naan breads and took it out and thought "hmmm ... that plastic pouch is a funny colour" ... I cut it open and discovered the air tight seal had some time ago ruptured, and what was inside was a naan bread so mouldy and rank (and just microwaved) that it literally looked like Invasion of the Body Snatchers in there ... dark greens, webs of decomposing bread that was all sticky ... good lord it was mank.

  7. #7
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    Guys, stop it, you're killing me here. The word for something pertaining to pus is "pirulent". "Pussy" is, of course, a medical term for the vulva

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    "Pirulent" eh?


    "Pussy-scabs" ... ... bloody nora!

  9. #9
    I suppose I got a couple more in me.

    One that occurred in Nov 08 was when I was blind drunk and fell down the stairs. I was mostly unharmed except that a nail (that I was meaning to remove that day) got snagged under my big toenail and had dislodged it. Hurt like hell. A couple of weeks later it went yellow, crumbly, and absolutely stank of mature cheddar, before falling off.

    I had a smoothie toe for a few months and actually it was nice to touch. It kinda reminded me of when my son was a baby and we couldn't keep our hands off him cos his skin was so soft. The amazing thing is that it took until last month to fully grow back!

  10. #10
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    "Pussy-scabs" ... ... bloody nora!

    you know theres a shitty punk cover band out there with that name, hoping to be the next anal cunt.

  11. #11
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Seeing my incision for the first time after surgery last year was pretty darn gross. In fact the whole below the belt region was in a right old state after surgery, as I lay there in bed under the heaviest goddamn blanket ever (which wasn't helping my agonised man zone any), my head swaying with the general anaesthetic.

    Ah man Im feeling that! And to think I had two of those bad boys! My memories of coming round from anaesthetic are pretty hazy, apparently I kept waking & talking gibberish but cant remember that! My first clear memory is waking up 2 or 3 hours after the surgery with my mum sat next to me, & the surgeon peeling my dressings off to change them,and I felt grim seeing those raised, red blood stained 5inch cuts with black stitches sticking out of them & couldnt really believe it was my body I was looking at!

  12. #12
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    florida after hurricane andrew. we were searching structures for dead folks (thankfully didn't find any) but we came across a subway where all the lunch meat had gone over (that's an understatement) and it was the most horrific thing i've ever smelled. i threw up several times before we cleared out of that area.

    i have a weak stomach for smells. i can smell something nasty and the next thing, i'm running to chunder it all up.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  13. #13
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by krakenslayer View Post
    Guys, stop it, you're killing me here. The word for something pertaining to pus is "pirulent". "Pussy" is, of course, a medical term for the vulva
    My eyes were immediately drawn to really big pussy right off the bat. Not sure what that says about me but there you go!

    One of my grossest things was when I was looking at a piece of a chicken's viscera at work. It had a giant, extremely infected looking, baseball sized growth in its intestines. I went to peel it off the rest of the mess and it burst at me and on me. I was wearing a smock, but it quickly soaked through to my street clothes. I smelled like that nasty shit for the rest of the day, and spent alot of it dry heaving...

  14. #14
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    Ah man Im feeling that! And to think I had two of those bad boys! My memories of coming round from anaesthetic are pretty hazy, apparently I kept waking & talking gibberish but cant remember that! My first clear memory is waking up 2 or 3 hours after the surgery with my mum sat next to me, & the surgeon peeling my dressings off to change them,and I felt grim seeing those raised, red blood stained 5inch cuts with black stitches sticking out of them & couldnt really believe it was my body I was looking at!
    hehe, yep, it's gross alright.

    Seeing the pad that they get you to sit on (to soak up all the excess blood and yellow cleaning stuff) as I was delicately putting on my gear wigged me out a bit. It looked proper rank ... ... then when I got home I was like "why the fuck is half my right thigh shaved?!" ... no idea why it was to this day.

    Fortunately my man zone is back to normal, and only looks as gross as any other chap's might ... because, let's be honest, a dick and balls isn't an attractive sight ... how you ladies stand it is beyond me.

  15. #15
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    then when I got home I was like "why the fuck is half my right thigh shaved?!" ... no idea why it was to this day.
    Night porter #1: "Hey Joe, I dare you to shave that guy's entire body for shits and giggles."
    Night porter #2: "Watch me!"
    Night porter #1: "Shit, he's waking up!"
    Night porter #2: "Run!"
    Last edited by krakenslayer; 12-Feb-2010 at 06:04 PM.


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