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Thread: Would you rather have to join in a zombie apocalypse?

  1. #1
    Fresh Meat

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    Would you rather have to join in a zombie apocalypse?

    The bikers from Dawn or Rhodes and his boys?

  2. #2

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    The bikers. The soldiers from Day are not only a smaller group, but they can barely even stand each other, and Rhodes is a major a-hole who will use his own men as cannon-fodder for the zombies if it suits him. The bikers were a bit disorganized and enjoyed chaos & mayhem, but they had more camaraderie and worked better with each other (some exceptions, like the wacko who keeps doing such crazy shit as taking his blood-pressure in the middle of a war zone crawling with zombies & bullets flying all over the place)

  3. #3
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Ummm... There were women in the biker gang
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Ummm... There were women in the biker gang
    Heheheh, yet another reason.

  5. #5
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    I dunno man...I wouldn't trust the bikers either. They didn't have an issue with leaving some of their number behind to become zombie chow. I'm sure those guys getting their innards ripped out after their buddies left them had regrets about their choice in friends.

    Rhodes ran out on his men and left them to their own devices, but it was a stressful time (admittedly, much of THAT was because of him) and seeing those zombies coming down on the lift WAS a scary sight! I think his action was brought on by fear, plain and simple. That said, I wouldn't want to be with them either.

    Gun to my head, I guess I might go with the Rhodes crew, if only because they were living someplace safe and could sleep comfortably at night. I guess that's something...

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by sandrock74 View Post
    I dunno man...I wouldn't trust the bikers either. They didn't have an issue with leaving some of their number behind to become zombie chow. I'm sure those guys getting their innards ripped out after their buddies left them had regrets about their choice in friends.

    Rhodes ran out on his men and left them to their own devices, but it was a stressful time (admittedly, much of THAT was because of him) and seeing those zombies coming down on the lift WAS a scary sight! I think his action was brought on by fear, plain and simple. That said, I wouldn't want to be with them either.

    Gun to my head, I guess I might go with the Rhodes crew, if only because they were living someplace safe and could sleep comfortably at night. I guess that's something...
    The bikers that got killed was mostly because Peter shooting them down or wounding them. Only a couple or so of the bikers were too careless and did not flee the increasingly zombie-filled mall in time and got caught & killed by them. The other bikers couldn't do anything about it at this point, they had to evacuate the mall themselves or they would get swarmed by the zombies too. There's a scene where we see Sledge going to deal with a couple of approaching zombies who are intending to eat one of the shot-down bikers. Evidently he wanted to check if he was dead and not let him get eaten alive by the zombies. So, when possible, these guys did help each other out.

    How little the soldiers of Day care for each other can be seen not only by Rhodes using them as zombie decoys, but the fact that when "the shit hits the fan" it's "every man for himself" with these guys: you would think that Steel, Torrez and Rickles would stick with each other and try to either make it to the armory room or escape from the bunker together, yet what they actually do is each go his own separate way.

  7. #7
    Fresh Meat

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    How little the soldiers of Day care for each other can be seen not only by Rhodes using them as zombie decoys, but the fact that when "the shit hits the fan" it's "every man for himself" with these guys: you would think that Steel, Torrez and Rickles would stick with each other and try to either make it to the armory room or escape from the bunker together, yet what they actually do is each go his own separate way.[/QUOTE]

    Yeah I always found it weird how Torrez didn't try to stick with Rickles or Steel considering he was unarmed and they where.

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by CaldoTheKid View Post
    How little the soldiers of Day care for each other can be seen not only by Rhodes using them as zombie decoys, but the fact that when "the shit hits the fan" it's "every man for himself" with these guys: you would think that Steel, Torrez and Rickles would stick with each other and try to either make it to the armory room or escape from the bunker together, yet what they actually do is each go his own separate way.

    Yeah I always found it weird how Torrez didn't try to stick with Rickles or Steel considering he was unarmed and they where.
    Very puzzling.

    Also: how did he get himself right smack in the middle of that bunch of zombies??? The other two are plainly fleeing from the zombies, who are on their tails, but this guy is walking on piles of pallets right in the middle of a crowd of them, LOL!
    Last edited by JDP; 23-Jun-2024 at 04:22 AM. Reason: ;

  9. #9
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    The Bikers all day! They seemed much more trustworthy if you can believe that. And of course, like stated above, they have women! Haha
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  10. #10
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    I thought it was obvious that the army guys were running in a panic and operating in fear, nothing more. Steele was the only one who seemed to keep it together enough to make his way into the locked part (living quarters) of the bunker. Rickles and Torrez were just running blindly. Hence, all their bad choices.

    To be fair, with the zombies coming out of the opened pen behind them, and the zombies coming in from the lift in front of them, they were doomed no matter what they did.

  11. #11
    Fresh Meat

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    Very puzzling.

    Also: how did he get himself right smack in the middle of that bunch of zombies??? The other two are plainly fleeing from the zombies, who are on their tails, but this guy is walking on piles of pallets right in the middle of a crowd of them, LOL!

    Yeah I've put that down to poor editing choice. I think we're to believe those zombies came from the corral as seen when Rhodes is driving he runs into some and Rickles sees some feeding on Fisher, but how come Sarah, Bill and later John never came across those zombies.

  12. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by sandrock74 View Post
    I thought it was obvious that the army guys were running in a panic and operating in fear, nothing more. Steele was the only one who seemed to keep it together enough to make his way into the locked part (living quarters) of the bunker. Rickles and Torrez were just running blindly. Hence, all their bad choices.

    To be fair, with the zombies coming out of the opened pen behind them, and the zombies coming in from the lift in front of them, they were doomed no matter what they did.
    They had some time to come up with a better plan than each going his separate way, the zombies walk at snail pace. Plus at this point none of them know that the zombies from the corral area are also pouring in into the base (but Torrez SHOULD know of that potential danger, as he and Rhodes bizarrely just "casually" forgot to close down the corral gate!), so there is no reason to become too hasty. As far as they know, there is only one group of zombies making it into the base: through the elevator area. The rest of the base should be "zombie free" (as far as they know.) The most obvious thing at first would be to do the exact same thing Rhodes did: head for the armory. You are going to need some more firepower to fight back such a large number of zombies. But only Steel does that. Rickles heads for the corral area, which is the next best choice: there is a possible exit from the bunker through the caves & via the missile silo. Since he is armed, he can try to fight his way through the caves, just like John did. Torrez... nobody knows what the hell was this guy thinking or doing, because whatever it is, it landed him right in the thick of the zombie army itself, LOL!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by CaldoTheKid View Post
    Yeah I've put that down to poor editing choice. I think we're to believe those zombies came from the corral as seen when Rhodes is driving he runs into some and Rickles sees some feeding on Fisher, but how come Sarah, Bill and later John never came across those zombies.
    Yes, and Torrez is the one among the three who SHOULD have suspected that the zombies from the corral area could also be entering the base, since he and Rhodes "mysteriously" neglected to close down the corral gate. Yet he manages to put himself squarely in the thick of them.

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Hmmm ... it's a bit like the South Park choice of a douche or a turd sandwich, haha.

    The Day soldiers ... well ... there's little to like there. Rickles would probably be a half-decent goofball to hang around with, and Johnson (Nicotero's character) seems fairly chill ... but the rest? Well ... Steele strikes me as the sort of guy who'd you'd have to fall in-line with, perhaps a bit of a school bully type. If you're on-side you're cool, but as soon as you're not you're done - and he probably has little in the way of loyalty, but then again, he could also be a sort of blue collar union type of character. Miguel ... well, we don't really know what he was like before he got a major case of the Mondays, but I guess there must've been something there for Sarah to get with him on a fairly serious basis.

    Rhodes, though - no way I'd want to be taking orders from that sort of a guy. Plus, with their terrible predicament, lack of supplies, poor leadership etc ... yeah, not a prospect I'd want anything to do with.

    So - the bikers it'd have to be, gun-to-the-head like (I'd prefer to be with neither group). Their situation is better, but chaotic. You'd at least have some degree of safety in numbers, and if you're one of the smarter ones you might actually gain some status within the group and be valued more (perhaps by bringing some better organisation to their outfit, resource management, tactics and so on).

    At the very least you could have some fun and just say 'fuck it' and let the world burn while you wait for a bullet or a bite to take you out. *shrugs*


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